Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2068

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§348i" _ l _ TITLE s sigimd as ihis new ruaning mate thé senior line omcer recommended fog selection by me immediately -preéeding Linea seieci F tion bmrd aS`.a}>p1·0vé&»by the President; j(_Juae~19, 1926, c. 5%,`§9,44StaL72é.‘) _ · { Naw section. ’ see-meé to § 348 of tlxisltitla of the appenélx. _ 3485. New) zmming mate cm pmmatimi af a¥d.·—··If tlie running mate of a stat oEcer{be lprcmated to a hlghcf- rank and `such y swf a§ber ba considered by. a saléctiou . bwrd for s11cll'r¤izkbut fail to be selgcted for advancement tliaretpg by tha -i'§D01'C of such baardias ·app1·9ved‘ by the Pfesident, such Staff 0&cer N Shall have assigaea as his new mmxiug mate. the line cmcer mt pmmpted who was next seinict to his former running .maté( in tha rank in which theastaq (SQCBIQ remains; lf there remain in that jank no Ill1B_·GmlL‘€1' who was seniqt thérein to sud:} fo1`!.!1»8I'~1'\lIl!§l.Bg’ mate, such stat cmcef ghall ubt have assigned a new running mate but shall rgtaju his former running hiate who thas, been ;pr<mmted; `Prévidcd,-[That °if subsequently, f sclegcttadi gmk. staf amber? when advanced `shall have assigned as a new running mate th€_S€Hi0.1"Hl}é omtzer izvtlné tank td which advax1céd_wh0 was p1·0;u0tec1.`t0 2 that tank upon recom-' §19§d8H¤0i1_ of the line selection -b0arcl`im1uediateIy succeeding the last StaE selection board which.c0n§idc1*éd such staK officet but did, not recommend him far advancement i1I`”it_s repoxjt as appmvéd biz the President; Provided- Vf—ua·thér, That the faregciug prcviisicns ofthisr sécti0u"éhal1`n0t"aDDly t0·0Hicérs Of the Ystat (.*01138-Of A the rank, of captain who, when eligible fof pro? motiaar to the raxik of.rear admiral; are not passed ovef; such smears shall re=taizi‘ their FUDl1i!lg·‘m&t€S,. and if subsequently promated t0·_tha.1*auk of if£}&!'. admiral shall `contiuue to retain the running mates they had yvhile. ln the rank bf captain, (Jake 10, 1926, c;52Q,`T§‘10, 44 Stat. 720.) · __'_ ” _ " ` New ’se¢tio:$.‘ Séc note, to { 348 ot this title ot tlxé appeadixa -· ” 348i. New running mite for qEcer losing immbers.—-It ax sbaE OQCBI shall lose numbers for any lcausa hé shall have as{ signed as his néw running mate the llnepwccr wlgo ‘is'thé

running maté of the junior of .th0§e .0Ecéra_ in his curp’s who

becomes 01; will become senior to him as the result of such_ loss wut numbers. (Juué`1©, 1926, c. 529, Sl 11, 44 Stat,721.) I Ne? aé<·ti¤u.` ism mote to { 348 ot thla tltlc at the appendix; _- N “348k. Nenf nmning §= ste where old is advanced- for herpism ci dimiaguished conduct.-—~If the running — a mai 0m(t€l°, shall be advanced in accordance with secti0x1»_1506im· section` 1508; ci tile Revised Statutes} such staE omcat shall l1ave‘_assigned as his haw running mate the line emcer not advanced who was m;t_—aeni¤~1··t0 his forman running mat; in the rank in which the stat! ·0&cer-1‘amai1;a," or if there remain in that tank nc line 0B$x:+ér who was senior to such farmer. rumiiiyg mate ia rank concerned, such ata¤ omcer shall. than havé assigned as his mw rjunaing mate the agmor line omcer l1En_ the rank ia whicla such atad omar rcmainsj (June 10, 1926; c. 529, ,§12,44Stat.721.) ~ [ V » ` Nawaection, See note ta I 348 of tlala title of the {appendix. I 3481. New `mmniug mate fo? ¤§ccr advanced far heroism or distinguished c0¤@uct;————>I£ a smtf , odlcer .sl1all_ be aclvanced in accordance with section 15%- of the Revised Smtutcaf he shall have aaaiguaa as his new ruauing 'mata. the line qmcm: who is. the m;miug`mata‘0t·*the OEQEY in hiacbrpa immediately ·se11l0r· to such staff omcer in the positian to_ which he is ~sb—advanéed.. ` . New} aectiaa. Sm mm ta § 348 ot this titla al the nppergdl;. 348m:; Eligibility af sta! `éa&mi· fog masidcratiaa by acléé-` tim beard.-·-Hereatt'éi:· a stag. agicer shall become éllgible for ccuaideratién l' by `Ia _ salacticm board for mcgmmmxdation for

 # * "'Sectimxs 1506 ai- section" 1508 af tha Bgeviaed matutes " should

be tmaalated *‘ mtmm 341 and 345 or this tlt1e." . " “Section .1506 of the Revised Statutes " should bq trauslatéd `;‘ neé-` thm ,841 of this titla.” _‘ · · ;

.¢;T—.2vAvY ‘ iv 2054 advancement the next higher rank whea the President: ap. proves the report of a line selection hoard in which the running mate oftsuch ated omeer or a line omcer junior to- auch raimiag mate is recommended for promotion to the aekt higher raak above that held by such sta& omeer: Pro~a—i»dai, That ou the date of this Act? a stat! o&eer shall iuuuediately heeome eligible for c0x1Sideration_by‘.a_s@leCtié¤ board fer regfomigaeadatiou for advancement to the/next higher rank it his ruaaiagnmate or a line omcer junior to auch running mate has heretofore been Iiermaneatly promoted to a°’raak above that m> held by sueh `stai omeer _0r`.it his rumiiug mate or a lipe e&eer junior te Ysueh running mate has men·ree0mme11cled for auch permanent purouiotiotr by the report of a selection board which has .hereto» tore been approved by the President. (June 10; 1926,, e. 529. 9 151, 44 Stat. 721.) , e _ Z i g K ‘H b New seetion. See pete to { 348 of this title of-the appendix. _ ` 34811. Advancement of sta5 0€§cers to rank of rear admiral, captain, aadeommander.-#—As_ soon aa practicable after the date —.of this Aetfjboards for the selection of st-aff oweers fer. advaijieel ment to the ranks of rear, admiral, captain; arid commander Shall be appgluted by the Secretary of the Navy ia accordance with section 2. of this A<·t.‘ . .· °· — Each such board appeizifed to récommeud afaft é&eers fer advancement to the rank _` of rear- admiral shall recommend, fer advancement t0_·S\lt3h· rank lu the-corps for which it wasappointed; from euchistaff pmcera of the next lower rank ia said corps vrhq are eliglb1e` for eouelderatioar by, aueh in ae -°cordauce with thia Abt} su<:h_ o@cers, `uet. to exce& the number turnisliéil it, by the Secretary ot the Navy, as acee·rd¥ag· to ite judgment; its‘·`0ath, and the terms of the certidaata herein required should be advanced, ·t0* the ~ next higher J rank. like . number so computed aadjuralshed such board by tm Secretary of the Navy shall be that number of o&cers which ifadvaared to the rank of rmr admiral 'in the eorm concerned will make the total number ot°`§tat! omeers oavthe actlvgeflistt of wldeorpa in°B1e rank of ·rar admiral, eiclualre of additional numbers in » said rank; 61_per eentum of the total number et e$cera ea the

 active list of eaid ‘corpa*» of the ranks ot _ rear admiral- and

captaini-~excln1slve of additioual.;_“aumhers· ln. said ranks, whose · running mates or ,1iue omeera junior to meh ruuuiag mates have,been promoted to the rauk of rear; admiral or have recommended for such promotion hy the _ report of a selection · ard -whieh has .heretofore_ been approved by the President: ~ Provided, That the number to be furnished auch hoard by ~ the Secretary of the Navy shall uobexeeed that number et omers wlxieh it advanced to. the rank et réar_.adxai_ral in thrieorps concerned would make the total number of emeers on the active li_st*ln than rankfaud corpa more than the maxiraum member prescribed ior said rank and corps Qby»aectioa~ro£ this Act} _ °Each‘_sueh board appoiated to recemmeud °· staE aware fer advaaeement-‘"t0`· the mak of mptaiu shall reeom ead fer ad`- vaucemehth to such ram; la the corps for which, it was appq~iute&l,· efrom `eueh staff omcers of the next lower raak la. said who are eligible for coaaideratiea la accordance with section h 14 of this Act} auch omcéra not to exceed the auruber furnished _it_° by the Secretary of the Navy, as aieeerdiag to its judgaeatg its oath, uudothe terma of the eertlhcate herein required; ahould ' be advanced to the rgxt higher rank; `Th€_»H@bQl‘·-S0 computed and furnished auch board by the Secretary ot the Navy ‘ahall*be~that uumher of omeera which, if advanced to the rank ~ *"'1‘hln< Aé€" should he translated ·*¤eet1en¤ aweaésu erthteijtitle of the appendix? V · · . °’ " a · E ' “Seettou 2 of this Act " _‘ should be- translated •‘ section §48a of Jthis title at the_sppe¤d1x." » . · · · "‘ Bectioa 1 e£_this Act;" should he traaelatedmaeetien. 248 of thia , title of the ap—peudtx." · t _ { . V *"_Sectloa 14 of this Aet " should be translated ‘feeetion 34Sm of this title ot the appeadixf ‘ · . " °