Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2076

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§750q TITLE al. o (q) Contracts for airorafls, etc., constructed according to designs already reduced to practice.-~In the procurement of aircraft eonstruoted according to designs presented by any individual, Erm, or corporation prior to the passage of this- Act, which designs have been reduced to practice and found. to be suitable for the purpose `vllltélldéd or according to such designs . with minor modifications thereof, the Secretary ot War or the Secret y of the Navy, when in his opinion the interests, of the Uztgsed States will be bestlserved thereby, may contract with said individual, iirm, or corporation, sit reasonable prices for such quantities of paid aircraft, aircraft parts, or aeronautical accessories as he may deem `necessary; Provided, That the action of the Secretary of War or the Secretary [of] the Navy, in each such case shall be final and conclusive. A ‘(r) Patents ond` design board-,.establish;no1z¢; composition; A oubmclssion of deoigii to; purchase of right to use dcs·ig<n.s.—--A board to bé known as the patents a,nd_desig11 board is hereby created, the three members of which shall be au Assistant Secretary of Wfar, an Assistant Secretziry of the Katy, ond an Assistnm; Secretary of ‘ Commerce. To" this board any individual,. §rm, or corporation may submit a for aircrnft, aircraft parte; or aeronautical. accessories, and whether patented or u_11- patentoble, the said board upon the ·l'QCOIllIIl€D(l&ti0lr of , the- National Advisory Committee for Aeronaintiés shall determine whether the use of Such designs by the Government is desirable or necossary,‘o.nd evaluate the- designs so submitted and tix the worth to the United States of said design, not toexceed $75,000. 'Ihesoid designer, `individual, Erm, or corporation, may then obo offered the sum Hxed by the board fortheownership- or a non-, exclusive right ot the United States,. to the use of the- design `in aircraft, . aircraft mrts, or aeronautical accessories and upon the acceptance thereof shall execute complete r ossignmeut or nonexcluslve license to the United States: Provided, That no sum in excess of $75,000 shall be paid for any onfdeslgn. - _ · (s)’ ”" Wismei·" m· “w¥mwrs" demzed.-·-—The_· terms " winner ’! or " wi1:merg". as used in this section shall be constrixed to include not more than three competitors having the highest Hgures ot merit in any one eompetition. ~ , · I _ ·. . - (t) Award of con-traot for atreralt, etc., to lowest responsible bidder; miolity of dwioéobs.-;—Herenfter whenever the Secretary 1 of War,_or the Secretary of the Navy, shall enter into n contract tor or on behalf ot the United States, for alreratt, aircraft l ports, or aeronautical Accessories, said Secretary ie hereby au- thorlzed to award oooh contract to tlxejbidder that said Socre- V tnrynhall Md to Be _ 1¤omf¤e¤~=p¤¤s1b1e» bidder wat can eotis£octorily.perforn1 the work. or the service- to the

 best advantage of the Government: and the decieion of the Socretqry of the ·depu·tmont concerned as to the award of such A

eonthtct, the interpretation of the provisions of the- contract, and the application and ndminlstration of the contract shell not be reviewable, otherwise than as mqy `be therein provided for, E by any ofllcer or trlbnnnl of the United States except the Presldont and "the Federal courts. (July 2, 1926, cz. 721, § 10, 44· Stat. 784.) . ‘ ,` e ' _ New section. The text is Q 10 of an Act relating to Air defense. .The Brat nine sections relate entirely to the Air Corps ·ot.tl1e Army. and appear in Title 16, c. 1% in the appendix. _, o Chapter 16.--BAE, EMOLUMENTS, AND ALLOWANCES . 'OF PERSONNEL OF NAVY AND MARINE CORRS ' GENERAL_ PRQVIASIONS AS TO OFFICERS AND ENEISUGD MEN Sec. 6, _ U `· ‘ 873. Pny ond nllowanceo of acting chaplain. · , 879n. Computation ln, case o£_ delayed appointment. . [Now.] 882. Pey as ndectod by obsence ot duty on acoount of Elckness 1;esulting from mlsconduet. . , 882a. Fortetture ot pny during absence rosultini from useof liquor or » drugs. {New.] _ _ · ‘ 882b. Forfeiture of pay dm-lng nlwonce on account of veneresl dis-. ere. [New.] T W %

··1·N’AVY ” 882c. Determination ot period and cause oi absence. ‘ [New.] 88241. Allowance for personal expcmee; [New.] · 885. Pay and allowances oi sto! ofllcers. [New.] Z “ 886. Pay and allowances of uicn detailed to assist foreign governments. [New.] I. _ — MILEAGE AND·TRA\'EL-A[1LOW.ANCE ,897; 'liravel ou Goverximent·ow¤cd vessel: [New.] · 1 1 RETIBEAD PAY 991:1, Equalization of pay of otilcere retired -prlor‘·to July 1, 1922. _ ‘ [New.) I ’ · _ h GENERAL PROVISIONS q AS TO .OF1·‘ICl·}RS AND . ENLISTED MEN o 7 873. Pay and allowances of acting chaplain. _ — _ Sectionnsfvz -6t Title 84 •¤ec¤d.—4-See § 348: ot this title in the appe¤dix_ for legislation? poseibly effecting this section. . . 879a. Computation in case of delayed •ppoi¤t¤cnt.——All officers—0f' the regular»Navy_ appointed subsequent to June .30, 1922, in ·acc_0rdance with the provisions-of the Act of Congress approved June 4, 1920 (1·`0rt3*-first Statutes et Large, pages , 834 and 835),** who were examined and found qualihed in all respects for such appointment prior to June 30,"19‘..’2,_`but whose appointments were delayed subsequent to that date through no foultot their own, shall be entitled- to count, from and after: 'date_of,app>'ir1tme’nt, io the computation of their pay, all service . t which would, have been credited to them had they been iso appointed on or before lone 30, 1922. (May 19, 1926, c. 332, . 44 smc. 504.) ‘ e ` New section. . . ;" _ l , 882. Payne afected by `ahscnce from duty on acceuntof Qsicknessoresulting frcm.misco¤dhct.` _ _ _ _ ,5 L 852 of Title 84 !¢D¢|}»¢‘··—’RhE_8t3tDYOf}‘ `provielop consti- ` tuting "§`882 of Title 34 of the Code, hg: been repealed by Act

 ot April 17, 1926, c. 302, Q 5, 44_ Stat. 558. Sec sections 8824,

_ ‘ 882b, 882c, and 882d otthis tltlelh appéndix for leglalhtion ,' replgciug it. . _ ‘ · ._ . · ` 8§2Q Forfciturc of psy during absence resulting fron uc of liquor or dI'¤gB.+H€1‘£‘8ft€l‘ no person in active service in the military or naval service who shell" be absent 1'rom_ his ymulu duties for more thim onedaj et any one time on account io! the o .—eEects mj ·a disease, do dleti¤gtilshed_ from injury, which is d_irectly,attrlbt1table` to and immediately follows his owh intemperate me of alcoholic liquor or hahit·i'ormlog drugs,.&a.l1, except as hereinafter provided, be entitled to gay pay, as, distinguished from ellowancm, for the. period of such absence. (May 17, 1928, c. 302, of 1{44 Slot. 557.) ~ Mr =~·=2=¥¤¤· . 0 » r . — 882b.. Forfcitare of- pay during -•b•eme~ m account of ienerenl dise;se.—:—liereatter_ go person in_ active service in the military or navalpervlce who phall be absent from his rqular duties for more thai: one day at any one time on account of the direct cdects ot a vencreal'due to his owl: mlseooduct, shall, except as hereafter provltled, be entitled to any pay, es distinguished from allowances, for the period of such absence: Provided, That such absence ts: within. a period of one year ' following the appearance ot the lnltialjsymptoms of such venerezrl disease and regumllezse of whether- theappeamnee ot the , initial symptoms occurs prior or subsequent to the date ot entry into thelservlce. (May" 17, 1926, c. 302,.5 2, 44 Stat. 557.) Newiection. ° o l " ° _ · fi}; . · 8826:. Determination of period. and cause of abunoc.—g¥For _ allpurposw within the scopeof this Act,“ the period ot absence ¤’ Provisions relating to the Naval Reserve Force, practically all of wmcln were repealee by Act Felt? 28, 1925, c. 374, 43, Stat. 1080, which Act now appears lh ch¤pte¢·15 of this, title, the only portions thereof now·.in_torce being found ln sections 432 ind 879 of this title. 1*"·'I‘his Act" should. be translated “ sections 882:1, 882b, 882c, and $82d ot this title ct the appe¤d_l;." -