Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2089

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2075 TITLE 38.-——PENSIONs,- gow; be made available for the ummm set forth in this Act; ‘° am

 gvverumeutal agencies are hereby authorized to tumie!

t su&°facil{ties, imluding personnel, equipment, medigal, surgi cal, and hcspitul servicm and isupplm. ae the director ma; deem ueeesury and advisable in mryiug out the provisions oz tmé Act? In addition tcrséh gevernmental ·fuci1ities`ag mw hewbj made available. V I r _ _ , , °- · wueé, vin the cpiutcu `pf the director, the fueilities and serv ieee utilized for the hoepitalizaticu, medical care, and treat megs; fer bene8c1;ries under this Act " are uixsattsfaeuqry, 'th< director. shui! make ar euts for the further liospitaliza tion; cu re, aud wmmeut of such beqedcimjies by other means Provided, 'Hmt the director isi hereby authofized to h0spitalizawemeu éeterauskentitled to hcspitalizatiou under thelbrovtsioht ‘ et this Act ‘° taht} 8Hl€!1dm*1{8 theretd; Ln; _ other them Govern nieui :mpi£A1e.— . . ( t j . V . u . . In the eveut thet there ureendt suM<éieut _.and' satistactqxt Government hespjtel and out-patient dispeusery facilities to the proper medical? are and trmtmeut of pqpgncaaneg dude this 'Act *‘ `nnd the director deemsZ it necessary and advisabl te ixupmye existing. facilities or to secure ‘8dditi0I131- _"G9verm . ment facilities, he muy, within.-theilimits ofappropriatious mad ter mrryiug out the provkisiens of this paragraph, alter, imprové er extend existiiig gmyemmeutal facilities, ori ucquire additidua facilities by purchase or ottaerwisez Provided, In-owevw, That n alteration, improvement,. or extension Match? will muteriell; i.ncr&se` the zbed capacity for patients of may hospitel or ixisti tutiou shall be made, ner bball any new tncitities be acquire without the approval of Sthe President. Sucli new propert; and strucmres ub muy be improred, extended; `or acquire -stmll-ioeeeme part ot the permanent equipment . of - the Unite States Vetenmf Bureau er. of some que ct the now existtn; agencies of the Govwumeut, including the War`Departmeii1 Navy Dqmrtmeut, Interior Depnrtmeut,_‘_Treasury Departmem the National Home ter Disabled Volunteer ;_Sold1er$, in suc] wei as will eerve thepreéent emergency, taking `into com sidemtieu the future Services to be rendered the veterans ot th Worm War, including the = e ue under this Act.”·_ ilu. the event Goverummt hmitpl facilities are insumcien er imdequste the director may contract with‘St¤te, immicipal cr, in exceptiqual mm, with private hespimle tor; such medi » ml,`.@ice1, and hospital servim‘a¤d·mpplies ae muy. tu required, and meh cdutracm may be made fdr n_ periqd or no exceeding yeura and may be ter the use cth ward 0 other Lmspitaruuit or on such other basis as may be ir; thbwt·i¤termt_ot-the heuedeiaries under thts;Act.?'. ._ ‘° · ` ,_ Tigere are herer permanently transferred t0_ the Veterans Burma all hospitag `uew or formerly L under the jurisdictiqx et the Public Hmjth Serviée or M the Treusiiry Department the cperedeu, management; _0r, central of which have hereto tore hem trnnsterred by thekresident tc satd bureau pursman to the authority éoutniued, in seetieu 9 of the Act entitled VA; Act te estabdim s Vetemdw Bureau and to improve the ·-facili ¢*@ Amd Bervtce of ·mch' burma and furthertq fameud atm vwdify the .Wnr Act," epproved August 1 1921} .-(.Jum;7; 1924, c, 3%, G 10, 43 Stat. 610; Jai? 2, 192f c.T23;§d,4•i8tgL790.) . 1 ·- ‘ Sasha, 434 ng '!‘·i§• {S1 nneidnde-—The Statutory prkivision const ·¥¤¤¤8 { ,434 of Title 38 of the Cade hu been amended by Acre Jul! -2,1923. c. 7%; I 1, 44 Stat. 790, to rend ps above. _ ·

 PQIBQB he mheri, nmtal tnecspetentg, or person

“&°¥ eY··-·——(1) ·Wl1ei·c any peymeet.under_thi ‘ A¤t° is to bc¤ade te 5 miner, dtherthan a person in the mili tary or .nava1»for ‘ at the United ‘Bt¤t$, or te ·a person mem au! il1¢*b¤ , or other lm! dimbility edjudged b; " “Act".¤1muld be translated “.chhpter.” _ ‘ "A-¤ 颢 (42 Stair- 14f!)_¤%p11ced brthis chapter.

USES, AND l~’ETERANS’ RELIEF §451 l a court of competent jurisdiction, auchpayment may be made to 1_ the person who is constituted guardian, curator, or conservator, — ·by the layvs ot the State of residence of claimant, or is other- V ~ wise legally vested with the care of theclaimaat or his estate: E _ Provided, That aato cases. ariaiagyiu the District of Columbia, e where in the opinion of the director any guardian, curator, coaacrvator, or other person is acting asnduciary in auch a number ‘·Z of casesga to make it impractlcable to conserve properly the L- eetates `or to supervise the persons of the wardé, the director is Q, hereby authorized to refuse to make future payments in each »- number-.013 cases as he may deem proper: Provided fmih-er, } That prior to receipt of notice by the bureau that any such! 8 Dvrsou is under such other legal disability adjudged by acme S court of 4 competent jurisdiction, payment may he inode to auch l- person (Ill‘€:CtZ'-P2‘0‘l?l;dt¥d fag-rtker, That for the purpose of pay- ments of benefits under Title _ II hereof} where no guardian, S curator, or conservator of the person under a legal disability r h8S·b€€Hi&[l}l0iHtBd°·l1Dd€? the lavvs of the State of residence of r t the claimant, Tthe director shall 'determine the pereon whois e_` otherwise legally vested with the care of the claimant or his` l-_" _- ‘ · · n- · ’ - , , e {2)* Whenever lt appears that any guardian. curator, coaz,` sérvator, or other person cis not in the -op~lnio¤~of the director rl properly executing the duties of his trust or has eollected or is Q. iatteuypting ‘t0 collect fees,. commissions, or allowances that are Y , inequitable or 81‘B._iIl excess of those allowed by law, for the I- duges performed. or eapenses; incurred, or has failed to make ll su h payments as may be necessary for the benellt of the, ward Y' . or the dependents eiathe ward, then and in that creat the direcrl for is hereby empowered by his duly’ authorized attorney to apd lpear in the court which has appointed auch aduciary and make g a· proper-‘ presentation of such tmattera to the covert: Prwidcd, t, That the director in his discretion may‘s11.spead`payjments_ to E, any such guardian, curator, conservator, or other who ll ahall neglect or` refuse, after reasonable notice, to reader an n- account to the director from `tixne to time showinglthe applica-·‘ ep tiouof such payments for the benedt of-each minor or l@pe~ tent ·beue1iciary.· ~ _ ·· `_ ‘ _ - Q lt Authority is hereby granted for the payment ot. any court l,, or' other expenses , incident to any investigation or court proi- `ceeding`fo1··the appointment or areaioval of any guardian, oprae tor, conservator, ar other person legally vested with the eareot lt the claimant or his estate, or iaconneetion vvltlgiithe administrar tion ot snch estates .by such nduciariea, when auch payment is. e authorlaed by the director. (June 7, 1924, E. -320, i 21, 43 stat. 613; July 2,—·19$6§ c, 723, 5 2, 44,Stat. 791.} . _ _ ` ¥° Section CM of Tltk 38 nn@¤d.-Thae statutory provision coaati; ¤_ _ tutlng § of Title 38 of the Code hea been aaxeaded hy the Act N of July 2, 192d, c. 723, Q 2, ·14.Stat..c-701._ I · »- 451, Payments to representatives [mi eaot titled to decedenfs property in ease of inteuaey; éaeheat to n United Statea].———·Thé amount of the monthly installments ot l-‘ compensation, yearly renewable tern: insurance, or accrued d `xnainteuance and- support allowance which has become-payable l, under the provisions o£.'1‘ltles II, III, or IV hereof} but which 3, l1ae·uot_“heen paid prior to the death of the Pinson entitled to receive the same, may bef payable to the personal representa- 1-. tives of such peraon,_or in the absence of a daly appointed vf legal representative where the combined amounts payable, are . $1,000 or less, thedirector shall allovv and pay such emu to

 auch person or persons as `would under the laws of the' State

n, of residence of the decedent be entitled to his personal propl-` erty ln mae oflnteatacy: Provided, That. in ca&a where the •·‘;estat°e of the decedent would escheat under the laws of the-

B, " "f1‘lt|e ll hereoff’ should be *H;l\llSli\l`€il “Part ll of this chapter" ""Title¤, II, III,. or IV. hcreot" should be translated “Parts ll, Ill, or IV of this chapter? l