Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/209

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]_95. A TITLE 10.-

0 };;,'_`pQuorters and`.subsistence-allowances for held clerks, _ 1 pil; my and allowances ot Indian scouts, ‘ 7,; pay gud. nllowancesfof contract ‘-surgeons. . ‘ A _ A v·0FFICERS’.MOUNT§ Z sui. Authorized .nun1ber_.ot'n;ounts. _ l - __ . . 1 no; Mounts furnished to oEcérs below grade ot major. j ` gum, Money allowance to’o@cers owning mounts. x . ‘{ not Allowance of foliage, beddlng,.etc. _ _ [ » `· 2 L g.l:,·;"sop;1rnflon offodlcer from mounts ns alfectlng allowance otJIor·° Q .8;;*6, etc. ’ ·P » 1 - A I O I

.l»l;_· Comrnutn·tion’ot*!ornge. 'etc. . A _1..4_ — ‘

Q7; Tmnsportation of mounts ln excess.`ot,·number authorized; reg` lmbursement ot‘Governrnent. ‘ . _ " sos, ’l‘rensportation_ from point of purchase to stlstion of omcer; · goo, ]a{0lllltS·"O£ oEcers° ord.ercd_ for duty to Alaska. oroverseas ;` trans- l . portntion to rernount Qdepot. ‘ I . A _ · t not Tmnsportationeot mounts ot deceased otllcers. .» _ T nil, Purclxnse by Qunrtermuster Corpsvln lieu of transportation. A TRANSPORTATION- .0Ef _BAGGA.GE AND EFFECTS t ‘ - 82.1, Ilelnnlmrsoment of_~'Govemment (or excess baggage cnrried. 5:,13. Baggage of deceased. civilian employees. · A . 4 . l " A sg:}. ll:1ggnge· o! enlisted men discharged tordlsability inline ot duty. ——


·e:-:1.‘l>otermluQation Ins to_qunntlt·y_ and vklndwot clothing to be_ issued, _ , sx:. Vommutntion in lieu ot uniforms. ‘ ‘ . · _ _ -. _ { l ·s:a::. Settlesrnent‘ot c_lofhlng accounts; l _ · O - ' scc:. Replacement of infected clothing destroyed byporder of medical ' OmCEl°B.z _ · » 1 . .· - _ * lc:3. Payment ot clothing balance on discharge. otenllsted man; y A ABSENCE. FROM IjU'1`Y·AS AFFECTING RIGHT TO PAY $4l. Psy ot omcers during abseg.1ce_troin· dutyfgenerelly. _ M;. Leave of alrsencewltb pay allowableto omcets. A mg;. Leave ot absence allowable to instructors it servlceschools. . y. y _ >.u..Trnvel time added to lure; owcers servlngln Territorial posses- . _ sions returning to United State; ‘ · ‘ p ‘ `_ F sm. Travel time nddpd to leave; serving in Philippine Islander o not returning to United States. . ’ d ’ _· · _ { · nuclei. Pay during mptivltyr - ‘ W g ‘ ll-:7. lfoy dnrling sickness due to misconduct. *· , . » ,

  1. 4*+. Pay ofodlcers detailed tefservlee in Bureau of Budget. .

__ Mil. Omcers dropped tron: rolls ; tortelture ot psy. y I .» - t l 1#>.’·u. tesveappor absence nllovvable to lnexnbers ot None Corps; sick. ` leave. · “ . ‘ ‘ . _ . _· _ . { sfsli. Volunteer service counted ln` Qcomputlng leave ot absence ln . MRegularArmy. ’ - O ‘ . - , '._ K 63;:. Accumulated laura to elvmnneemnmyges. _ _ _ . Z ' PAYMENT OF AND"`DEDUC‘i‘l0NS FROM PAY OR ALLOW-

 ‘·  _ANCES¤¢-  

""FM. Odlcera to,be paid monthly. l ° ·‘ . . M32. Promptnesn requlrediln payment of troops. ° _ T · _ .' boil. Looe. or omclel paper; showlngsmounts due enlisted. men. . Mil! Advance paynlent to (troops .embnrklng· for Pblllpplne Islands. ‘ _ M25. Computetion of pay for month-or“·1réctlo~n offmonth. p tm. Arreerfot paybountyl. etc., for service ln wer with spain. ` e MIT; Arreers ot pay, bounty, etc.; lor Qlvll Wnrfeervlee. · _ e ·` MSR. Payment ot nnmunt ‘dneAeceased owner or enlisted man. · * ‘ Mill. lhnyrnent to lndbornees ot cmcers? pay alccountn. · c +*70. Puynzent and settlement ot’mlleage.- sccounts. . y » ? -` >~_71. Deductions tordimage to arms, eq'ulpment,_ or -lxnpleanent•.—

  1. +72. Deductions tor. deficiency of or lnjury to military supplies.

t~T3._·Dednction.• for laundry work und other necessarles for ·rcrults.~ 1¤T`~l.’Deductions for excess of clothing allowance. ‘ A ‘ ·· . ` M5, Deduétiorne for nrtlcles purchased by enlisted men from Army Q . ntoreeroncredlt. U · i l — Q . . A * ‘ . y A $76. Suspended sentence otfdlshonornble discharge; effect us to accrual O. olpny; ·.- `* - V ' g 577, Withholding. pay of o$cexfi. A . _- .. _ 878. Final payment toomcer on discharge:'certlilcates of nonlndebted ` nenslto United States. . . I . . A { . _ ._ ASSlGNMEN_'1‘ OF PAY; ALl..O'l`MEN'I‘S Sul. Aeslgnmentslby eolnmlsnloned owcersr > _>»:l2. A~sslgun1e;ate‘.by contract eurgeons. ‘ . . M33. Asnignxnentn by nonconnrxllusionled olllccrs und prlvutes. ’ . $94.. Allotments nutqhorlzed. _" ._ ’ t , N · . . 90:2. Pny and nllownncea otomcer dii•churged.snd reconxmlsailoned ln ‘ lower grade. ·· I - I + ’ - ‘ A

~A1c A11’ ’ § 534;


903. Ailowgncem death ofaofficcf or enlisted man to widow or pe}rs0n ` deaigzaied. * · . ‘ ‘ ·‘ A · 90;. Uniforms, achcoutermenta; and equipmczjnt for officerg atvcost. ” 905./Right of Armgymuéicians ’to~ fuiwiish; music in ccmpctiticsn with civilian musicians., ’ * " ’ 906.CDeppsit of SO]di€lf8*`B&ViDgS.. M 907. Iutcyést on debosits, A 008. 'Rggula’tiqJnq_ gcvcguingf deposits. 909. -Dep<;nd;:n_ts demied. » _ QM). Reduction 01§·p;1y; ;$r¢vision aguiipst. _ »» · j 911, ,A[}’DH(‘Hti0Il` ot. title to { C€l‘t&li!1 p-;2TSl}IlS HQFYVEII-g with Al’l;}’\y, but not as bomiiussioxigd omcers. · ‘ · ' 912. i‘articu1a.;·. provisions in fgrce. _ . , 913. Frei: tuition fog·"s01d—iei·s in schools in District of folumiha. 914. Free. tuition in schq0_1s'for childrenof oiiqcgrs and pwrr. 915.~.A1l0wa11ce to Iiidizm sc0u_ts for_`h0rs¢s.` _ Q _· W J __ — r .` SCRCSS ‘REFERE.N €i§S -A1!owui1césV0f Ieédergf Army band; séc sécflon 11 of this title; » Enlisted mm of Philippine Scouts; see sections 333 and 334 of this ' Enliptmenp;¤}lowa¤cés°;;see pecfipp 633 of this titIa;_` ‘ Q .

-  Military` Academy; pay-and allowances-ot cmcem, pmfemc·rs, and

cadeib; s» section 1131‘et' seq..o1’ thistitle, _ 4 K _] ¤ 1·`§ying_cadets; vséwsections 3031 and 304 of this title] _ ` " Military Academy, piy of graduates duriugfraduation 1•=·av5>; —sce section 1150 at tmptitle. (_ “ , . ,‘ _ _ V Reserve; oméers; section 361 ct‘seq. of gms title. . V · Retired pay puapay {dr active da·tyKaftér retirement-; see secmm 971 et seq. of this tmc; · . _ . . ~ BASE: PAY 1

 Base pkg or Uying chdets, see sek:tioxg·303 of tbisititlé. _

Pay `qt Philippine S¢0¤ts,‘¢eé secfian 334 of t§1iS_t§t}§." _ " Séétion 671. Genelral ssolicers.-—¥-See Title 37, PAR Amo Amfowi nzcms, 8Q£§i0§lI_].2.` f __· ‘ ~ { ‘ » 6’I22. Commissioned `0$¢¢rs bélow grade of brigadiér genes eral; psy-r‘peri0ds and gates of pay.—·-·See· *Ti_tle 37, Rexx QAM: ALLOWANCES,S¢Ct}QDl, . , — _ 678. Wpyrant ~0B¢:cl’S Iklld enlisted Title 37, PAY .41v`¤ Au.0w,4Nq¤s; seg:ti01:i_13. ” » ’ ’

  ‘LONGEv1:rY PAY  

_ ckcss REFERMQQE _ E Increase aftexz retlxjsmént; me gestion 974 ot this title. , · _ 4681, Cbmmissi0hed°0Qccrs; Jbeiiodigal ki11é1"€I§¢hgS§ limit nf imemnt.-—$ee Tiple 87, PAY Qmn Ax.1.ow.mcxs, scégtion ‘1. 682.,- Wnrrint 0Bcjéts "md gmlistgd men; pe1‘i<>dic¢l.i1ncrements: limit of amount;-——See Tit!c 3‘F, lim Ann A1.1.0xvANc¤:s, · secti0¤13, , A A y._ * ,. ‘ 683., Service crgditqgenerafly in ‘cgmputing longevity pay pf o$cers,——-For ofiicers appointed on u ud aftezjiuly 1, 1922, my service shall bel counted {cj purpoges otpay except `active com- missi0_ned”sc:ri*i<;eAu;1der_§g Fcdgrzil appgintmeizbaml commissioned_$ervicé in the National Guard when c;gl1cd` out. by order of thé__Pr0s§dem:,' ‘ bE¢r ¤tIiccrs in th•2 service on Jpme 30, 1922; tiheré shall bé included in the computation all active. duty per- i _formed“ w‘h ile_;1udez· uppoixxtmentj or enkstmexaf from t1m_Uuite<l _ States _Govei*nm e¤t, w_L1e2th<>r in thé Itagixlagy grovisimml or·u~zm— » porucy fc>rce,s, and servgxvas a mntruet ·§¤;·g;·q¤_ ggyving ful] time; sind also 75pcr cegnum of all other periods of time gIuringwhich they hqve hgld cognmissioqs as officers of the Orgzmizgéd Militia between Jupuanrg 21;-1903, andiuly 1, 1916, pr of the Nntimm1Gunrd, the Naval Militia, oxrtlie Natiomgl §uv‘ul v0]U!l· tectfé since Julie 3, 1916; and service as aA cxmtmcg- surgeon; serving full time, Shall be included in the cungputgtigm. (June ~i·. 1920,15; 227, subc1mptérVI,»§ 51, 41 Stzgtk 785;, Jux1c _10,_19:!$, , c._ 212,-_§ 1, 42 St;1t;.F625.) f I- _ ‘ _ _ ‘ 684.. Time ierved as cadet at Military or Naval Acadcm;y.—-———»- In computing the·1¢n.z§h ct, survige of gray omccr, 01* the Army»