Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2103

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" 2089 _ ‘ M TITLE, #9.-PUBLIUi.,Bl7LLDI

 .   ,; edge-PUBLIC BUILDI

(liapter ’ 1.e——PIJBLIC BUILDINGS _A GROUNDSQ PARKS , ANQ WHARVES IN OE COLUMBIA; · Sec`1,,1>ng_ne mudinp nemner•j;' powers 'anuuuuea, , 35. Rentals for gas governors. I ‘= . » E6. Inmectioa of §s‘a¤d_elcctrlc‘ meters. - _ . ’ rj, `ragg s;v¤t¤¤;1Natlo¤al capital Pm apo mm I 115.. ·m@o:ina of ot_•iue' cf, men. ‘ · 111. for mel yard and ”8¤’9~8¢$ use of. { _ 12da. Use and anpervlsion of nzotor and norm-drama vehicles ;. purchaz J . Not exchgagg · - . _ I- , , 1. Pubk §IdII[8 Commission; ntembersi powers an duties. ‘.. _ [_ ‘ ‘ · ‘” ·_ - ‘ ‘ See Q 346 of this tltle ln the appendix for legislation atectll 25. Rentals forgas governors, ._ -' r H ,. ·c _ s•ctl••·a5 •1'l‘lt|e4•$•tavl.+Theatat¤tory provlsion cons tutlng I 25 ot Title 40 of the- Code wasreponted in the Tru ury,—;_etc.,·Approprlatloa Act collar. 2, 1926, e. 43, { 1, · ·s¤:@ · _Q —· ,26. Inspection of eleetrlcfmeters; y _ , ·s•¤s• as A ms •• ragga:.-cram eummy .p¤·6vm¤¤ was ‘ ·tntln; Q M ot Tit1•·49 ot repeated in the Leglslatl Appropriation Act at lay 18,`1Q2§, c. 294, { 1, A4 Stat. 546.-·_ _ - 7l.·`Park ¤d‘nlaygr~omd.•y¢ean; National Capital Pa: and Comal&n.-s·(a) To develops comprehensiw éonnstat; and coordimted plan for the National, Capital =_a1 its environs ln.t11e‘Btatc| otdlaryland and Virginia, to. px serve the dow ot water in Bock Crwk, to prevent pollution ” Rock·Ci·oek and the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, toprmer torgta and natural in and about Washington, and provide for the comprehensive, systematic, and continuous .é relopment ot 1 park, parkway, and playground of t National Capital and its environs there is hereby conatitnt Q a comrnlnalon to be known as ‘ the National Capital Fark an Plannlg of the‘Chle; ofEngineers the Army, the Ewlneer ot the District of Colul bia, the Director of the National Park Service; the Chiet ot·t Forwt Service, the of Public Bhildinm and Bubi Parks of the'·National Cardtal, the chairmen ot Conimittc on the District. ot Columbia - ot the Senate and `Z House of Re wcsentatlves, and four eminent! cithena well rquallhed a experienced ln, clq planning one oi whom shall be a bona B resident ot. the District of Colmhla, to be appointed for t term of six years by the President ot the United States.: P1 cided, Tut the nrst mmbersappointed under this Act sh · continnefln oEce` for terms of three, tour, nvegand aix yea respectively, from the date ot the ot this Act, .t term of each to he designated by the President: but thsuccenora shall be appointed for of six years, except tl . any person chem to dll a vacancy shall be, appointed only 1 the nneipired term ot the member whom he ahall succeed, -4 members at the said commlsatonjshall vserre without compcno tion therefor, but each shall be paid actual expenmée of subai ence not ln of $10 per day and ottravel when attendi meeting ot said! commission or engaged in lnvwtlgationa ‘-p taining to lts activities.; ,—At the elm oi cad! Congress 1 Dfwxling o¤oer ot the Benateand the Spmker of the Hol of Rwresentatlves shall appoint., respectively, ai_ Senator. and `Repmentatlve elect to the succeeding Congress to, serve members of this commission until the chairmen of the coma xtees of thesucceelllng Co11£1‘%¤ shall he chosen. _ The Direc 'ot Public Buildings and Puhllc Parks of the National Capt ual! be executire and dishursing omce: of said commission.

NGS; PROPERTY;-AND WORKS §]15 l U NGS, PROPERTY, AND WORKS 1 gp · (0), DW28; cmploymcnf of service: qui cscjats.-Q-? " the commission i.s,hereby·¢;harged with the duty of ' " P*'?P@i'i¤8· d€V¢¥6Pi¤g, nik} mamtainingl n 1comp1~ebe¤siye, con- . gistent, and cocrdiuaiedfplan {br the Nationdl Gpitul and its I environs, vghich plan shall include recbmmmdadens to the; n, D1‘0D¢I executive authorities as to ¤•a¤c sind transportation; . plats·.and subdivfsioiaé; highways, parks, and psriways; school} and librgry playgrounds;. dnjainage, seweégge, and water ” Bc supply ·;" housing, jbuilding, and ,z0·11iug rcgulatlohs; public and private; .-buildings; ,brid,gcs. and fronts; cbmmerée and ld  ;· and other proper elements; eff city and regional plau- ·ninz. It is thepqrpose otthismzttopbtuin tbemaiimum, 5 ( nmcumzwt cpopentiouh and cbrmlagticn of e¤<>rt_ between the ` g G¤P¤l’¤¤¥euts, 'b¤l'®§1B, and éommiméns ot. the Federal and ' " G0vemxpe11ts._‘°'1‘0 this end plans and records, or copies _ 4~ inherent, shall be mde, available to the Nmoml Capital Park_ ¤‘ j lnd P1arm1x1g Commission, when l xéqumed, The commission Z ml}, as to the environs of the-Dist:ict Columbia, ngrt in can-· juncdqm had » coogemtlou with s1ich‘rc;iresé¤ta`t1ves ”ot_ the State! ot. Maxjyland a11d‘Vi1jg1n1a_¤s may he designated by such States for this purpose. saidl !ssjio¤ is hereby au-_ 1; tb` employ the ¤ ¤ry personal services, incmding - `_.· the services of a director of planning had cther expert- , pity plgnners, as architects, - and landscape L rk architects., Such t%bD1@I—'BX])B‘1‘{8 may be employed ate per r°· diem rates pot in excess of those paid. for `services else- °d° where and as may be had by the qid ccimmission without ie'. regard to the provisions, of thé Act of Congress entitled “A11· Fm .Act for the/clhssiiication bt- civilian positions -within_`the Dis- Y°» jzrikrt _0£ Cblumbin. and in the Held S8l;Yi¢€S,”` approved Maréh 4, to -1923,* and} amendments thereto, orény rule or rgulation made - l°‘ fin pursuance-:·‘t,he;e0f.‘ · ‘ _ ‘ . I M (c) 1§£9Mwy Oémmiqmnuaboushcdg powers- and duties °g N ‘f‘¢I|&8f6‘|"I’6d.-y-—¥-'][I1&;_ commission established by section 2 of, the ml Act `entitledl *‘A.u Act to provide 3 permanem: system of high- °¥: ways ihthat part of the District ofCo1umbia!‘lying outside of m" citjéq " (Twe11tyyse1{enth;Stat1ifes at Large, pages 532 ang] 533), hea .kn0€vn as the Highway Commission, iis jxereby abélishedg and uc All the functions, ;$0€vers, and duties (!5I1f91’1'€d and imposed

    • 8 upon said Highway Commissioxi by law are»hereby·'traneferrrd

·”’p' to ind. gcmférred- and imposed upon the National Capitél Park nd lind Planning,. Commission hcrebf ccmstituted, and- alle records

  • 1* ,0f said Highway Commission are*h9reby tmnsferrgzd to said

he National Capital Park ‘a¤d Planning, Commission. _ . ” m' Gl) Autlioritfes M8 deities of Nétional Capital Paék Com-

  • 11 tr¢5•gfen·0d.—·-··All authority, powers, and duties cm-.
  • 8+ fQ1‘l‘8d_ and imposed by·1aw»_<m the National _Capita1_Park Comme mission shall hereafter be held, exercised, audi- Aperformed by

Eh" the `·Nati0x1a,l Capital Park and Planning Ccmmiésibn hereby Wt cqhstitutéd. _A11 appropriatioxis ligremfore made for expcndiy rm? ture by thé Nzitional Cipital Park Commission hre hereby mdde MY Nnvailable for the usb of `the éommiséion hereby mustituted. Ba" (June 6. 1924, `c. 270, § 1, 43·Stu1. 463; April_30, 1926, 0. 198, ist- 44 sm. 374.) _ ‘ - g · mg Sectiop 71 •! Title 40 of CHQ •m¢¤ded.?·—;-The Act of June 6, _1t>24, er- , e. 270, § 1, -1:1 Star. M13, emnscnruuns; 5 71 0t"1‘itle 40 nt mp erode, me was uxiwbded by Act or Ap1·._t;0, ,19:20, cited to the- wx:. vu. Iwo as me pPt·0ut abové. .· ~ f - · · ` 1 a 115. —Disp0sitioh of proéeeds of saic bf fuel. _ as _ sauna us •fT1tl• 40 repentqlq-—Tbe..stsQt11t0ry p1*ov1s•,o¤ count-A

i(,.. tutixig §» 115 of Title 40 ¤f"(he· (Jade w
1s_ re-pieéxtvd in the Sum,

tori efc., Appmzin-inuo¤" Act or Apr.; 29, 19126, c,_<195, *1*1:1:: III,/44 tal ____ bm.t_;_@‘__;_____F,____,__,______.__,?__.  :-1.,

 *’For Actlof Mar. 4, 1923, sec c. 13 01 Title 5 of the Code. 0