Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2239

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2225 e. #’ , “Fm pepo§itions—(Z6ntinuetl _ _ ‘ __ T ` · Y Bankruptcy `procceding. p. 247, § 44 ’ _ ·(Yo¤snln.r féesfor tuking depositions, p, 643,. 5.93 ‘ `Debeneesscc ‘ . '· ,` . Mode of tnki11g,‘p. 928, § 6510, _ ' Trunmaissiouxto court, p. 928, —§ 641 Wlnennnd where. taken, p`._ 928, § 639 6_ · . _ ·`])Pfiii¥lll$7 potestatem ’ ·_ Z »_ ·· ‘ ‘ How taken, p. 929, § 646 — pt. _ , ‘ _ _ Pre-veutingif:iil11re_0r deluy of jtwticéi D. 928. §` 644 ` D`i»§tric·t of Columbia}, examiixzxtion of witnesseg in, p. 929, I _I·`edéml fl‘mde Commimiun, proceedings before., p. 359, § .49 . twpergietuaum rei niemoriam " f "' A _ “Avithérizntiong p. 928,‘§ 6~14_· . . _ _ _ _ ·<= t · , -Iyimretlou-_of_ court. to admit, an evidence. pl 929, § 645 'Iute`r·state.c·ommerce commission? depositions of vsiitnesses. F p. 1659, § 12 (4-7) ` H — ].(‘l2i(*I"5¢ roggatnryjw 6 _ 1 _ · L ‘ (mnpeliing éttendaiure. of witness in foreign (J0illlIi"}'. ._p§_2035, § 711 .. ~- " " _ *" - ·Pl't)(‘(—;‘dlll‘9,_’]}. 929, § 63% ’ ` nutiieers 2lllull)l`i?P(l toftake depositions, ln.928, § 642 .l’atent Office, p; 1169, § . _ N . _ _ _ F ~ _‘ - . _1’ri·.·ute_ eluinis pentlinig lvefnre 'Cl'Il]gli€'gS, °retui·n of depbsi- ~ ti•n1<.'1»..990» $.230 1 n "· `° ‘ U ‘ Suite laws taken in :u·eordu1u·e with; Vauthorizeil, p. 928. §|iy13 . . . ‘ l yn I ‘Sul»;¤mm duces tecum to eompel "witiness 8|lZ0ll(l;1l1l and pro- •lm·e` (i0Cllli1(°lli$,'··f\. 929. _§ 647- - ‘ 'lfesziximny for use in foreigiimonnantries _ T .; » vmntempt b§ witness, puni§lum:utl p.·93.3;. § 703 Fees and mileage of ,wifnes§>=,__p. 933, $#704 " _1’riviIe<,:e of witness, p. 933, §;702 -- , Taking testln1ony,‘.p.· 932, _§ 701 ·· _ _ \\'it11e5_<:—s•’·>4, qmiipelliug altenulnm-·e, p. 9;:9, §§ 647, 648 » 1•t·¤···1i4·ts .- . “ " " .*:4ee 2ti:§(I_Sll“l1’.l’1NG , , _ , _ l}e_¤ti•uction or renwvsal by (Mist Guutd, p. 343, § 63 = llieseesit and I}iStt’Ih\t¢i0II ti A I " ` _ See' DEflQI)l·§$'1`S° l•}m·A·rm » !9<·~¢·•·t§ Lands . - ' Sec P1*u1.]<;’I.,sNns . L-, Design %tent6 . _‘ .' J _. { Sec PA’1‘·!1N'1’S ‘ _ l>et.•·rtiv€·s , , · _ ` · ·l·Z1m·lo;maeut of detective zn;;e·1nc5*¤01u|;l¢_»5·ee·s= in Gogetnniient ~ "g·<erx·ci<·e or by ‘oHii·ex· of District' of Columbian prolnibitetl. ·· · p. 31, §· 53 8 ’ P `{ Dies K - ` See Maxtrs Aiwxi Aséyr, Ul·`l·`l{l·ZS·’ if lbikegw ’ · ` ef 7 See »‘N .\ViG.\QBI.E‘ \\'xrmts ~ _ 2 Inplonmtic and (fonsnléb Omeers 0(',lj‘m·ei};n Go\•¢·rnments [ _See Fom:1`¢:N.*I)1r1.0>.1.a·i~u{ Attn t%u:~:st‘L`.m_ Orvicms ° Diplomatic and (Hausnilgy Oltlcers _0f Yulted States

 See I·‘o1~u·:u;x Smvics: é

I lim rnmmeast · _ __ . lute·r1mti•m:el :lg¤·eenm·ut¤ for (‘ii:4:|l'lIlillll(•lli fznvored, p. 661. , 3 2*ii I · i l>i¤¢·lnimea··‘ See Pm 1·;·<;a·4‘ i l>isem·:t·l¤umu·e;· _ ~“ ·- I ` Immigxmtlnrxa low, p1·<$<·ee_diug.s uu_élei·,, p. 141, §_16& ]li~¤<‘0:mts_ . _ _ w ‘ ’ V` • ‘ i . U See 1·‘r·;m·;n.u,’ ltxcésrciws-: Bmcxa _ 862T(l°——2l$¥———;140 ~ · ‘

··`·A { · \ Q. -\ _ * . { ‘ .` DEX __ t _ X _‘Discrimina¢ion` _ _ . ` _ _ Price, dis<·rim‘i1mti•m,. prolribitioni by. zmfiftjust flaws, p.- fL32, . - , . §]ag· of _ _ . . ; . `kaoial discx·imiuotio11—l»y agticnaltnzral and inQ<·cl¤mie·:•l vol; leges proliilnitod, p.·11Z%. @323 z ' Worehousemen,. p. -108, S ·2I'»4 "lbisoases , _ -9 `_ l-_ _, °‘ ` — See also I’L'I}LI(?/HE.\I.TH S1·:m*x<hz~: ' r Au_imz_1l`rlise:;ses¢. St‘€·AN'IL{AI.S . · · Epideuiié at wut oflgovernnnonit as grouml f•»r`romovza.l of public ojiiceé. p. 25. 5 8 * " " · l ` ` Distilled Spirits sind \‘l’ines - ·_ A<lditiom_•l· mx on 1‘<·¢·tilje·<l§ purified. o1··ro5u•·el spirits or · ‘_ win"e§,;p. 746. § 254 "

 Alcohol mndt other liigli-proof épirits — _

.Se·0 also I)énz1t;1rvgl_zalcohol. infm; industrial oleroiml, _ ·'in1f1·;iA .» . _ _ - » _ Ethyl :•lé··`»lnol.. €‘Xf*Dl}`l'ti(»lk of elistillor fr<»:in_<re·z·t:ii¤i pm-_ ‘ i- ‘?'“l><ioi1s‘••f nlm}, p. ,735. § 322 \ " · —` ° _ Filling purkoge;:.from' ro<+oiv··ing`c·iste·r¤1¤ uml puynwnt:

 · of tax; witlumr <·£m·y;iu`t,o lmmlod` w:u7e·lum><o. in. 739. _

_’ §·36.'l W . M . ‘_ ` - _ `)[{ll‘lllfil(!l'lll°(‘~(•f :il:?ol1E.»l free ol"t:1x for de·u:•_tm·:eti•m.· p. f ° I 772,_§ 457} pj 773.\§ 488 . * _ . ·' . · Pipiu¥,i°znlc·ollol from re·i·<·ivim: cisciorns to storzsgo `fzmkss

 l . Z inllomloel w;iroln<m¤e.,_p. 759..§ 369 · y

· Ite<·owi·y of .:•lcoh0l vvupomteél fronr un:umf:i<*tm·c·el·

 _:•rti<·l<>s, p. 772. 5 4%* . _ (M .   ..

» [nlam¥ul·u»e <;E·_:•le·olnol, witlulmxml for ile-oax‘ox·_;lti•·1n, ’ p.!772.§483* =__ .' — · — _Wiflnlrzm·ol ·frev of tux for paso of l'niz<~d $¤t:u<·s._";g._ _” 759. § 36,7 ‘ ·` _. k " . · . · o Withdrawal of olcolxol for scientiiic pux·;•<».~=os . p. _’2'tit$, ‘ _· - 55 421, 4E, . · _ , `

 i Aloolnolic oompomiils froxn`I*orto Rico, taxi p. 747. S 254% __ .

Aiwtioxi sales, oxcmptioit from c`<~rmin l’\‘S(l‘i€Ei*UI\$. p. 757; _s3:s1' :-· .f-_ ‘ Boy rum from Porto Rim. tux. p. 747. 256.

  • Bumled \v{•re·lnousés· . " . . _

. ~ Seo also Iristillory \‘y'}!I`bh(\llS€>4. infm_ _ ° 1}tFl\3Cl.ll‘t‘(l` gclgohol. central bomirwl v¤·:•re·l{ou»o.< for store » age, p. 772. $485: _ _! ‘ `— ·. ‘A I ]>i>=c·¢mfl1imu1c·e `oi_ spiwizal l»oxi•l¤·d‘ wzu·•.·lomso~=, p. 7•.iZ§,. _- ., T 388 l ~ ‘ . l Q · _ _ l ]_|islill1.~1‘°:s bond flew tzzxos on szpirits ('t‘]M.•$~i(§'tl is:. :~p4·· ’

`·`k·iul·l»omlod wazmhouse, p. 760, § 372 "  

‘ 1·}s¤tul»lisl1n11o¤t..)». 764, 5 303 _ `° , }·}(;port:•tlou of, Spirits l\’"l.lL]_!`it\\'|l fron; worol¤·m>4·. gy.? ' 761;§§37fi.137¤·rjl»c·d,Q p. ·7•i§`i.2

 .§·{0l.·‘;. · _ _,_ \' Z `·

_ lmlustriul almlnol. proJm·li•m for st•»m;:;¤.· anilemwizlol-` M i elruwral, {1.861, J§ 73_ot seq; ._ _ _ _ ·_ . _ Mmuifucturég for oxport in homlyel wanroliomvs, p. $42. " ° il 1168*:‘p, 843. 1l6£l E ..‘ _ i Q ltvmoval of ;¤pirlt>:_·to _§l1l0(h`t*l°.\\'2lift‘h¢)ll$£‘ for c·on'•·i·:r,- .- tration. p. 708, ~§·»~}20: D. ]?€i6..$"—¥2l} _ . ’ . _ Ilomoruvl of esplrityz to w&u*elwuso>=, p. 764, $ 394 g Ilmnnorinl of spfriis without c·ompl'ium·e with low. pm- 2 _ anlty. p. 7ti5;§ 401 " _ { ‘~` U , · 5 slmmi \w1r¤—·h•.•u¤4vs for fruit b1’2l1Eillt*S, p. 763%, § 2:~··l2 ° p. "7£i.'l. § 332 ct Seeq. " “ $·{t\\l\[•il12 spirits intended for eloposizf, p. 764. § SHS _· "° ‘· Tux loo spirits mnlawfolly ren1u»i.·orl frank; ili·>.:xill•£ry 7- __ vcguwlxoxnso to general homlml_warol¤;»m¢e; 'p._765.-§ MM J _ -'1‘ran~;sport£1tioxi bond on Rvitlxdrowal of ;5pirits for or- L ·; ‘ port, p. 761. il 376 _ » ” . ?\*vRll"t*}lf•\!$lll§,' l•oml;¢. p. .764, N {*-96. 2597; p. 763, § ·.&(¢f:`