Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/226

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‘ § 1149 1*12*1,E 10.- c·:mm‘utati<m to beht tho rata bf $1.08 pér ratihn. (Juné %, . 71902, c. 1300, 32 Stat. 4u9; May 28,;.1908, 0. 214, 35 Snat. 430; 1 June 30, 19*21.4;-, 33. § 1, 4:318mt. 77.) ‘ Q ’ l L 1149. Credit to new qadets for cloghizig and equipment · §ssue.~·—— :1<ew__cuéIe·t shall, upon admissilm to the United : Smws Military A<:au1vzriy, be credited with the ‘sun1-of $250 to · ¢·m—·4,·r tliv éosl; of his initial clothing and equipment: issue,'t0 be ; <le¥*§m·i<·<l §lll>S(‘<}llC‘l1Yl}' from his pay. (June HU, 1921, c. 33, §. 1, g ° 42 Stat. $25,) l · _ , l ` 1150. Pay after graduation and bcfcrc qualificatiim under 1.:

c0mmimi0¤.~»l·}x‘¢zr3* cadet who has grmlimted ·0r may graduate ·

at thé West Point Military- Academy, 8·lI(l’\Vl”l0 has been. or may 1 bv L‘U1lllillSSl;i)l1Cd a sccenxgl liexximgant in the Army of the United i Sta1tq»=,'u11dcr1.lse laws agipuinting s4uch· graduu»tes to the Army, shaxllhe allowvd full payns second ll€‘ll(€ll8;!l.lC fmmvtkge date df . his graduation tu the date of his acceptaqce of and qualifiixation ] nmdor his commission and during his _ gradugtion leave, in · ucmrdeme;·e with flac- uniform practice which has .pr<;vai1ed since the establislnn~ent of the .Mili¤u·y Academy. ( Dec. »20,` ; 1886, c. 2, 24 Stal. 351;) —` P ‘ 1 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIQISS . j 1161; Military Academy bmah-—Tl1e‘Liilitar;*_Ac·ademy band é" shall hereafter cmisist of one teaclxegiiof mu5ic, who shall be I` `tlxe Icadcr'uf_tl1c band. one cnlistéd band sergeant and assistant ` laadbr; dull of fifty enlisted uxtxsivciahs. (Jtmc 27, 1913; c. 108, 1162. Government publications fu1;nishcd ‘ to library.———”Ifl;c· 'llbI7l&i‘jf()f the United Statés Military`Acade~my is constituted A .a desigi1§1ted_ rlcggsitory of. Government publications. and the ~ Superintendent Of Docpnzemfs. shall mipply one copy of said A lpublicatioxis, in the sauna form as' supplied to other <.l0p0si· {cries; to said Iibmry. (Jan. 12, 1895Q ‘c. 23, § 08, %_ Stat. 624.) ‘ i133,~Haziug.————The. ‘Su·puri11tc11¢l+e11`i. of the { ·Uuite>d States l;,MiU_La.1:y_lA¤ad£m¥,,}?%1U5i&¥ci»~-tn ._ the approval of the Se(·re·tm*y_ of · War, éihall make appropriate regulations for putting a `stop to I the practiccfof hazing, such régulaticns to prescribe dislnxiésalg E suspension, 'm·` other ‘ll(l0<]ll$1t¢3»f)llDlSl1ID€I1tS for i'ufraction$-of ‘ the same, and to embody a clear' cleiinitimi of hazing. ‘ ‘ ° _· · Any .cade_t .vg·lw slim}- be 'clmrgedw with offenses under such .4 re;;ulatio11s ivllich would involve his; dismissal f;•0m· the vacad- 1 muy éhall be `g1·:ult1Sd, upZm_mS‘ w_ritten.—réq11estQ` a trial by 11 * generzxl ,cou_rt-martial, and—m1y·c&dét Ddismissed fr0m the ac_a_d- 1 `omy {or hazing $1mll mit therea_ftvr·be X`€‘3lJl10lllt€d` td UIQ CQFDS *1 " of Cadets nor e*ligible·—for a‘pp0i11t1u¢utjz1¤; aJ_c0mmissimié#d`_ ufiliécrl in the Army, or Navy or Marine Corps uutil·— two ycz;r>;i 1 ufteri lll€_§,'I‘§l‘1l\l‘{ltl`¢T»ll pi tl1c¤g;lms$ of whf¤;·h llcwvas 'a nxembcr. ' (Apr. 19, 1910, 0. 174, 36 StHt.·323.) 3 ·cnmp¢e¤· za.-·-srcmircgnc SCHOOLS, POST scuoons, Am) . MILITARY INSTRUCTION IN EDUCATIONAL lNS'l‘ITU·-— I

rrm1~;s.  “ = ¤ 1 " `:

Sécil ,— A _· . . ` ,1171, CnvalrymSclm0l at »Fm·t· IZ_Hey._ _. V A . ·, . 117:3. Pos': and garvisqu schools {9;* vnlistecl m¢·nL · _ A __ , 4 _ 1173. Second. ll(‘l1lZCl13.Z}lS asslgnéd to Field Artillery School at Fort Sill ’ I fl¥l'·l_i1S{,I'\l(‘l'lq¤,l nl - l ._ _ _ _ ‘ —‘ 11741 Srhoql eletaglatnexnts of enlisted gnen__gt gervice gch(m13_ 4 117f»..Tmuslnt0r` for Army sers·ico.'sc·hn0lsQ - . [4 1171:. Im<ts·u£·timn nf soldieys iu'mm_itiun ta military tmming. , ,11127; Vmssatinnzxlltrulniuzg. ‘ l ‘ ‘ _ . - I ‘ 1178. Appllcrzxtiun_by__rrth·ei1 uriiénr for dvtgil as professor in °cc1lqg<·. ' 1179. Sale nf Army s.t0¤jc»g to 0déu¢·ationul instituting;. · 4 11SQj Mlfitary e~imip1r{_or1t»t0;··é¢rtui¤ sclgcsols and cclleged. ‘ h 1 1181] hemil of_‘or1i(·z·m, warrant oiticera, and enlisted men to certain ·· _ schools {llK(l’(‘•lllf‘i;'€$; . ; _ · ’ · gcction 1171. Cavalry School ai Fart Riley}-··Thé Seem- ye tary of War is hé.~rg~hy :1uth}»_rlze.·d aml dii·ectéd· to. est&bliSh` i UPU!}·lll(}‘ll'llll.l2ll‘}‘\ l‘P¤‘(“l;\'2lll0lll1ll Fort Riley Kpermanént school 2 of ixxstrlnviicm for drill and ·pra<:tl<ee..(0r the Cavalry dt the I

mnzcuy $2.112 Army of the United Stngcszf and which shall be the <}<·;¤,; to whigb an `recruits for mich ncrvicc shall be sent. (Jam. Lip, 1887, c. 72, § 1, 24 Stat. 372.) ; 1172. Past and garrison schnols for enlisted men,.-——~S<%»~·»%·» shall be cstablixshetl at lull posts, gnrrisnns, &nd.;>0pnnm·zi: camps at which troops are stationed, in which the ezakintvii um; may be instructed in the gmnzmnzy English branclnen of ;·<!m·¤- fion, and wpecially in the history of the United States; uml mg. Secretary of War may detaill such 0tii<:ers and eneiismi mm an may be necessary xo curry out this prbvisinnx. It nimu bn rm. duty of the post or gzxrrinon mnnnandevr to set apart a stairztm, rcgom or building for school and meiigimns purymzss. (R. g 1231.) . _- t » 11-73. Sémnd licutenants assigned to Field Artillery Selma! at Fart Sill for instructicn.—l>iHc€rs in tine·grnde of sewsni lieutenant in the Field Artillery may be assigned, for the {writ}.; uf (mee year, t0_‘b:1m;ries statimuzd at the School of Firn wr 1·‘iem Arri1l.ery at Fort Sill, Oklahénun, for the purpose of pmsuing; courses of practical instxjuctiou in Field Artillery. {Mtuy 12, 1917, c; 12, 40_ Stat; 41.) n· _ _ 1174. Schocl dctaclgments of enlisted at aerviqe s¢ho<»is.·-—— Emm the enlisted force of the Army provided by law the 1’x·g>;i- dent may aixthdrizc the organization of school detaczhuwnts ut each oftlxe Service schools, and may authorize the uppointnwnt therein of éinch n<mcu1nu1ir.ssi0¤1ged q@ccrs, in¢<:banics, arti»iiu>¤·s, farriers, lmrneshuers, {md cooks asmixy necessary fur ah.- ixdmiuistrnticn of suéb sqh00l:fPruvided,_ That »notb`ing_‘ln¤—r¤·i’nz shall becmnstrucd astn authorize an increase inbthe total numl ber of enlisted men of `nthe Army Wuutlxorizcd 'by law, (Mar`. 3, 1909, c. 252, 35 Stat. 733.) `W _ . ` » b n 1175.t Translator for Atmy_ sernicc sch<§6ls.—-—·Nut exceeding $100.pcr mouth may be néedt for the payment of one nauglastur, to be appointed by the cnnxmandamt of the Army service scbodls with the 3[l[Il’0\’81,`()f the _Se¢1fetu_ry·0f \\’&r. (May 12. 1917,0..12;40·Stat.41.).-` `-.` _. ‘  » t· ’ ` 1176. lnstmcticn- of soldiérs. gddition to militnry uniniI{K.·······I11 addition tu mititury t trxiining, soldiers while `in the active service shall herenftci· be given the cfaportxinity tty study and receive instruction `upuneducational lineé of suéh clmractor as tqincrcase théir military eefiiqiency and enable tbcmtq retmm " E0 civil life équippéd for indmistrial, Nctvntmercinhi and general'. business ~.mupu¤;·»uS,_ Civilian .téa<;het:s` may be cm- ` [»l0yed' tgi taidthe Army oéicexjs. in giving mich jnstmctiun, and ‘i part of this instruction may_`c0x{sist of .vocatkmal education —_ ¤=itb¢~¤1·- ut agriculturgur the mechnnic nttsg I*1*1»¤_Seeretarytu§·- Wang with U19_&i){}l"0V8l of the President, shal1`presci·ibe`rul<*¤_ and regulations for conducting the instructinn lwrcin _·prm·id·Q:;1 t fur, and the Secretary of· \Veu? shgll -b_Ave the power stall timue to suspend, incrégseyor degcmnnc the amount of Sl}Cb_i{lS{fHCli•:I|` uffcted asf may in his judgu}é1it ·bc cqxmistexit with this r¢qrri§s~· !1l(?XltSL`0f ‘m·ilitary, in.s:truction·£1nd service of tlnebsuldicrs. * _(·T.u¤¤> " 3,101c, Q. 134, 521,30sm. 186.) T ‘ " 5 ‘ ` Q l177;__V0catimgl t¤‘aihing.·————·THe Secpetuiy nt WA; rnaiy, in IHS cliS¢i·rét»i01`1, ili'0_.l'dOl' to cnrty out t1I€‘[}tf()\'iSi()l1_0f~}S(}Cti0§Y 1176 ;" nf this title authorizing $’QC&CiOll_&l*€(l\)C&t·iQ!\ tot énlisted men . ieonsisting in either agriculture or the tnechnnic arts, `select 9_n¢‘ nr n10m_z1nd‘_npt_excécdir1;§ three regiments of Infmntry, Czu·· airy, or I%`fb1d Artillery to be `nmtiqxnnd -at a ··mgimenta1 Dwi within tlxgéontinncxitnl limits of the United States on; or \#»c»_t4m· Ju§y 1,1917; and mz!`y;tmnst’gr from eéuch wggiment tai 0t1z··r_ -_ nrgauinntinns an y`ehliSted mam nr mein whcrdo nét dcsimcducint tional or vcithticnal training nmi tnstrnctiun such ns is·_c<mtt+m·· platéd by snidtsaction nnd may transfer ~tberet_0* from otbgn. bx·ganizationé_uQ number 0£`en1istg2d_men tnbe selected under such tales and- 1T€g’\1~[&`ti&lB$`8S he may préscribe who elotdegirtne _ .. auch. instruction hand training cnniay receive; recruits theretv sutiicient to bring the enlisted strength 'ct the regiment up tn that authorized by lnwl- During such part ot the year; bcgine