Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/238

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§ 1420 é TlTL* the so-mllvd congrossiomzl medal of honor by or through War Department, with at view to asceftai;1 what medzils honor, if any, have been awarded or issued for any cause Qti spain distinguished, conduct by an officer or enlisted mah action iI1VO1Y'1I1g'§Ct1l8l conflict with an enemy by such ofii or enlisted maxi .0r by troops with which he was·_serving the time of such actioh shall have found. andmeported t] sézid modal was issued for any cause other than that here before specified, the n2imc..0f the recipient of the medal issued shall be stricken ‘permanently from the ofiicial met of honor list. It shall be a misdcmeanpr for him to wear W publicly display said medal, and, if he shall still bein. the Arr he shall be required. to return suid`méd;11`t0 the War Depa mont for cancellation,. (June 3, 1916, c. 134, § 122, 39 Stat. 21 1420. Certifieates of merit disc0nt_inued.55Aft,er July 9,.19 the z1ward of the certiiieate of merit fof udistinguished sem shall cease. (July 9, 1918, c. B13, 40 Stat, S70.) , _ ' 1421. Certiiicdtes of honorable .serv=iccs for military telq raphers in Civil Wai.--The Secretary of,War is authori: and directed to prepare a roll of all personsfwho served 1 1é>¤S*¢1m¤ ninety days in the operation of military telegrz lines during the l&te Civil War, and to issue to each, upon , _p1fc:1tion, unless it appears thént his service was nbt creditat performed. or to the representatives of those who are dead,,s1 ajble certi.iic2ites_0f honorable service in the military telegra mrps of the¤Arn1y_·0f‘thé.United States, stating the serv j r<·mle;ere;d. the Iength.0f_suc·h service, and the vtdates, as néaii, between which such service was performed: 'Provid That thig section. shall n0t,be construed t0‘ entitle the perse herein mentioned to any pay, pension, bounty, 01* rights 1 herein specifically provided for, *(Jsm'. 26, 1897, c. 92, 29 St 497.) 4 — j " i 1 1 1422. Foreign decorations received before enter', militz service _-of United ·St8t€S.·j—AI1]t§l;i(‘t”11l citizens vvllggixate ·¢-eived. since August 1,1914, decorations Gr medals for 6 tiuguished service in the“arn1ies”0r~}11 connection with the fi, _e service of thqse nations engaged liu »wa17,against_the Impcr German Government, shall, on entering the military service » the l'nited‘ Statcé, be [)Q1°l'l1i{’t0(]·tt}` wear such medals or deco tions. (July~9, 1918,0. 143, 40 Stat. 8'Z2. »_ ' , , 1423. Foreign decorations awarded to officers or men wh serving in United States Army.--—Any officer orexzlistcd mam the military forces of the United States is hereby. authoriz tqaccept and wear any medal or decoration herctafbre bestcm _ before, July 9, 1918,by the _GOV0l‘lll11€l"|t ‘0f any of the natic concurrently engaged with- the United States in the World W 1 ( July 9.1918, é. 143, 40 Stat. 872.) See sections 114 and 1 of Title _ · · · _ . é .. ’ ° .1424. Expenditure authorized medals, crosses, etc.-———fI Secretary of War is uuthbrized to expebd from the appropr tions for c0x1ti11gent·· expenses bf _ his - department, from ti; to time so much usmany be necessary to defraytthe cost the medals of-honor, diS{1l1g'\1iSh€d;S€fViC€·C1’0SS9S, distinguish. e` s<·rvicc§_ medals,_bz1rs, rosettes, mad other dqvitees-nhereiubeft -pz·0vidé·d 'for. · (July 9,-1918, c. 143, 40 Stat. 871.) 1425. Unlawful wearing, manufacture, or sale! of meds etc.—-'1`hv wezirirng, mmxmxfaxcture, urvsule bf the cougressiui medal of ehouor, d1StiIl{;‘lI*iSl1Ed·S€fV1(‘€ cross, distfngpislu survive medal, or any of the s0rvice,s nmlqls on badges award t,—·» ny the War Department, or the ribbon, button, or rosette there of the form as 1:;.0}* may heregxftef be ;Qfresé;·ibe<r by the Sec tary of War, or of any colomblc imitntiim the1je0f,.is pr0l1ihit¤ except when 0\ln1(.b1’1Zt§d lxjmler such regn112ati6,ns ns the Séc tary of War m:ofpx·esm·ibe. · Y _ · ‘ b Any ]`¥(‘I`SU'Il who ()“.(’1]'(]S_ against thdprovisicrns of thié s· - tim shall, cm c<.»m·ic=ti0;1`, be puhishéd by a fine not exceeding $2 on- by impx·i¤oru_neut not ext-eeding six mcmths, or by both su mae and i1upris4;1111wnt.' (Feb. 24, 1923,; c. 110, 42 Stat. 128i

El 10.-—»~AR1HY ,},4 L., . the 1426. Army coyps badges for Civil Wu 5e;·v;c€_____M Im__ _( ; Q of who 11:1ve.serve¢.l as 0HlcerS; Honcommissicned Ogxaw,- her vates, or other enlisted men, iri··the Reguleu Army x,?Uj¥i._¥ Qin or militia forces of the United States, during thetyvur ` ger Rebelliop, and haveiébeen h'OD0£&b1y~diSQh&PgQd fx·mn1_1m at or s_til1_rcm:1ix1 in the samé,_sha1l_ be entitled :0 “·,»m- WB QT llat easions of cgercmony, the; distinctive Army badge m·qm`.{; {H; rm- or •adoptcd by the_Army corps annd divisiem, r4;$pQU;;y,,ht_ in so whxch they served. (R. S. § 1227.) » ` dal. ;1427. Riglnt to wear badges of military gccleties.~L*m,l M; _01` jgmctive b&dg€S··l1d0DYQd by military societies of men whh ,.-.w»,,l HY,. -11; the Armies and NnvieS of the United States iu. um \—;.\; lfli- of the Rewfoliltion, the War of 18l2, the Mexican Wm-, gu. \y.,L 4.) of the Rebellion, the Spa¤iSh·Ame1fi<3&H War, an, the im·5;z§.,,Q ng, insurrection in-the Philippines, the·Chiuese relic '¢;Xp{;·(mg€,,! Hg ice 1.90Q, and the Regular Army and Navy Union, res;¤>(A-fiw; ` may be woxjn-up0n.a1l occasions oi ceremO§y·by. otliueré mill. Bg_ enlisted men of the Army {mil Navy ot the.U1;itc¢l $m;·g md. twl;0 are) members of said organizations iutheir ow;] ;·1;m_ not · (Sept. 25; _1890, N0. -50,_ 26 Stat. 681; _May 11, 1894, NU, 3;;, {ph 28 ,Stat,__5S3; Feb. 2, 19(l1, c. 192, § 41, 31 Stat. 758; Jun, xg, ‘ ap_ @903, Nq. 2, 32 Stat. 1229; Mm'. 2, IQO7, N0.‘lS, 34 sm] my 1423.) " ‘ l

 _Chaptér 34.-nmsmnmrou;

_' _’ Sec. _ . ‘ , ice 1431. Compensation for z;rr0stii1g_ descrtcrs. ·-BS 1432.; Fotfeiture of right to pb¤€0n. . _ . _ _ _ Bd-, 1433. Effect. ot QDlttl!1g’.COII!!D2lI1d at termination of Civil Wm-. - ms 1434. Removal .ot recdrd.0f charge `agalnst soldiers in World wm-_ not 1435. Rempv:11_-of rgcordl ot "chargc agfalnst soldiers iu*Civil \\’;r¤; ’ _ 1436. Charge based o¤ sepoud enllstmentlpy ,s0l<llcr l¤_ Civil wu- re. af. _° _ fore explr1i_tion·0f cr discharge from first enlistment, V ' 1437. Rctum'to duty `by soldier lu Civil War afterdesertllm as rt;. _ lr - storing right t0.pcnsl0¤. _ -. - " » y 1438. Removal of record 0t‘€l1&lfg€ against soldiers in Mexican \Y¤l.{ rc' 1439. Right to pay, allowances and bounty after removal pt t·im;;»~. lis- 1440. Calscs excepted fxjom provlsléms for removail ot charge; ` Qld 144.1. Restoration of status by removal _0i_ chgrge; dal 1442: Applications tan removal of charge. ‘ ‘ . .0f Seétiou 14,31. Coninpengation for `nrgcstipg- descrtersr l‘¤· greater sum tl'l!1I1"`_;$50·fo1‘ each deserter or escapvd military ‘ Drisonerslmll, inftlne discretion of the Secretary of ·War.~l>c- aile'_ paitl to any clvllf nillcer or citizen for services in the apw‘<*— Qf `hellslqn, scéurlng and delivering of clésgrters, and the e§p¢·u:<+·s sed incident to their pinrsult.- (Feb; 12, 1925, c. 225, '1`illcl, 43 red ·Staj;. 900.) » '. — · l ‘ >¤S` 1432. Forfeitqrg of right eq pensian.-——Ar_;y soldier wlw ·2··— m`- Sérts Shall, besides incurring the penalties attaching tu tlw U5 crime of desexjljoh under secti011_1530_h¢re0f, forfeit 8ll’Fi;hE to pension whiclrhc might otherwise have acquired. (_l»1¤¤y ll, lhe 1908, c. 163g`35 Stat. 1Ql0.) _" · l _ 4 V ·iu· 1433,-Efféct of quitting commamlat termination- of Cm! me W¤l'.v··-·N0'$0ldle1• shall be taken 01-` held to be q desértcr i¤‘•·¤l vt the Army ·-who faithfully `éarvgq·g¢4;0rdi¤g_;g his"enlislmvr=l1‘ 96* until the 19th day of April, 1865, and who, withqut p1‘¢•{>vF.=·*lj yrs? tli0x·lty·0r_ leave first obtained, quit his command or refqsewl 1.»· `S0l‘V€ lifter that tlxlfég but»nutl;iug_ herein contained shall 0IN‘¥`¢*U»`. lla, asp r<·miSSitm‘0f uny`.fm·feitur·e incurred byany- such s0l¢l¤~·1' U? ml hiS pension; btit tbls section shall be construed solely as =1 ¥`¤‘·. gd- milval `cf any glisubllity such milzlier may have incurrv<l· W led UIQ 1088 of his citizenship in congequguee of his ¢l0s0l‘ll•·*•¤· mf `(R. $,5 4749.)-— · _° » _ _·‘ " ' xjcg- 1434. Removal- of rec0idl0fclp¤.rge agsinst mldiers in Wmikl Bd, War.-—-——ln all cases where lt; shall be mgqetq appgur to the wl rc· faction* offtlxé Prclsldcmt that ·&‘CQlIlII1iSSl(ll)€!d 0i·‘wm=mnt •·»ll1j A · cer Ol; an enlisted man with-the charge ot aeseruqan S£&lll`lllu;:,; ec- ngnlnxt him on March 4, 1925; uu the gjolls and regsqrcls nl t-El., F50 Army, Navy) or Marine `Corps has since Such qhllfflfi h“`*"‘* ch clxtcrecl sgcryed lmuombly in the`Wor1d War,;0ith<*r_1`l1 UN? T.) pznllltapy or naval tprcgs ct; the Allies oxrin the Arnly, »N¢*V5‘·