Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/26

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§ 156 N TITLE 2.-mai income of any trust fund held by lt, shall be estimated for in the annual eximates of the librarian for the maintenance of, the Library of Congress. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 4%, { 1, 43 Stat. ` 1107.) _ 0 l i _ 155. Same; gifts, etc., te.-The board is hereby authorized to accept, receive, hold, aud administer suehtgitts or beqmts of persasal property fer the of, or in eormectiou t with, the Library, its eellegctleus, or its service, as may be approvw by thebeard and by the Joint Committee on the .Libnry. (Har. 3, 1025, 423, §o 1, 43,Stat; 1107.) o _ l » · 157. Same; trust funds. mihasemernt .of.—>The moneys or securities eomwslngi t..l:Le/grst funds glreu or bequeathed to ~· the board shall be remipted for by; the Secretary of- the Treasury, who shall invest, reinvest, or retain investments- as the beard may from time to time determine. T11 `iucomeis aad when collected shall be deposited wibhthe‘Treasurer of the United States, whoshall enter it in a special. account, to the credit et the Library of Congress and subject to disbursement by the librarian for the purposes in each case specified ;»»-and the Treasurer of the United States is hereby authorized to i hsuer the requisitions of the librarian made ini-such manner i and lu aecordauce__i_with such regulations as the T1&surer U may from time to time prescribe: Prmsded, hozsever, That the » board `is not autherized t,o`ie¤gagei11 any business uor to exer- el else any voting privilege which may belneldental to securities L iu its hands, nor shall the board make any investments that ., eeuld not lawfully, be niadeby a trust company in the District · ot Columbia, except that it may make any investments directly t authorized by the irxstrumeut of gift, and may retain any ; investments accepted by it. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 1, 43 _- Sint. 1107.) · 0 , _ 158. Same; deposits with Treasurer of Unite;} States.-- , Should any gift or bequest so provide, the boardiuiay deposit 1 the principal sum, in cash, with the Treasurer of the United ·, States as at permanent loan to the·U11ited States Treasury, I and the Treasurer shall thereafter credit such deposit with , interest at the-rate of 4`perceratum per annum, payable semi- I annually, such luterest,·as·- lneome, being subject to disburse- 1 meat by the ,Librarlau of,`C·0Dg'll9SS· for the. purposes. specified: ,

 ho1oevcr,i’Zl`hat the. total. of such principal sums at ·]

any time so held by- the Treasurer under this authorization ·, shall not exceedtthe sum ot. $5,000,000. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, · 51,43 Stat._.1107.) l 0 0 " e Y1 - 0- { - < 1 ,159. Same; perpetual succmsion; suits hy or agai¤st.·—-The Q board $11:22) have perpetual succession, with all the usual powergss _' and ob tions of a trustee, except as herelu limited, in 're-.· ., spect ot_’Fal1_ property, moneys, or securities which shall be "| conveyed, transferred,. assigned, bQQtl1-l‘&u10d, delivered, or paid { over toit fer the"purposw° above Sbecitlod. The board may? be sued fa the Supremes Court of the District iof Co1umbia,.wlhlch,0 t is hereby given jurisdiction of such suits, for the purpose. of I, euforclag the provlsiouslot any trust accepted by it. (Mar. { 3, 10233,0. 423, { 3, 43 Stat. .1108.) all , . " " < , N S 169, Same; gifts, et¢.,;te Library hot aEected.——·eNothlng in it soetiohs,154 to 1G3·_of this title shall be-»co"ustrued as prohibit- if lug or restrletlug, the Librarian of Congress;. from accepting t in the VIIBIBR of the United States gifts or bequests ot money . fortimmed1ate,disbursemeut in the interest of the Library, its I collections,. or its service; S.uch" gifts or bequests, after accepts t ance by the·1ibl‘aria¤, shall be paid by the douor or hl_s rep- s reseatativei to.the,'I‘reasurer.,· of the United States, whose ree bt eelpts shall he their acquittauce, l'l‘he Treasurer. of tl1_6·Ur1it0d'i S

 shallenter them in a special Qccount. to the credit `of· · 1

the Library of. Gongressaud subject; to disbursement by the tlibmriarrfor the purposes lu. each case speclaed: `_(Mar.‘3,· ( 1925, c. -123, §i4. 43 Stat. 1108.) < ‘ f ~ l _` _. ‘$ V 161. Same; gifts, etcr, exempt frem·Fede1Eal t.agges.—+·Gslfts, or bequests toot for the hem-Ht of theaLihrary·.of___Congress,.lu· Z}, cluding those. to the board, and the lucome therefrom, Shall. be zl

W CONGRESS J2 exempt from all Federal taxes. (Mar. 3, 1925, lc. 423, 5 5 $2 Stat. 1108.) s · 3 ’ b 162. Same; employees; cm%ati¤a.~Empio;·ees ot the L1- mry of Gougrma who perform specmi fmwticms for the performance of which funds have been: entrusted ta the board or ths ·IIbl'81'II¤, or in conucctica with cooperative uédertakinzs, in whieh the Library of C<>¤zr®s is eumed, shakl um be $$1;- ject to pection 70 of CEitl··>‘5 ;_ not shalt any additional c~¤>mpc¤s§· tion ao paid to such émpicyc-ees bé ccnstruei as a double salary under the provisions 0t s¤ction'€3 of Title 5. (Mar. 3, 1925 c. 423, § 43 Stat. 1108.) ° . ’ 163, Sgpog Fcpqrt te Congress.-¢—The board shall gubmi; to the Congregs an annual report cfjhe mcueys 0: seeurit i4;·g received and held by it and of itsoperanticxxs. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 423, § 7, 43 Stat. 1108.) Chapter 6.-—CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS. Svc. ‘ 191. Oaths to witnesses. _ 192. Refusal of witness to testify. 193. Privilege of witnesses. _ 194. Witzwsses failing to testigy, 195. Fees of witneshcs in District of Columbia. Section 191. Oaths to witnesses.-The President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Repre$cntatives,_cr a chair. man oi 21 Commiftee of the Whblmv or of any committee of either Housept Congress, is empowered ter gdminister mths to witnesses in any case xméder their examination. Any Member of either House of Ccngrm may administer oaths to witnesses iq any matte; depending iii either Hquw ct Congress ot whichehe is a Member, or anicommittee thereof , (R. S. § 101-; June 26.1884,c.»123,23Stat.69.). 1 _ 192. Refusal oi witness t¤—t¤§tify.-—Every person who having been summoned as ;'a witness by the authority of éit.her H¤use ot Congress,. to give téfimony or tc produce mperd LIBOR &¤y· msftter under inquiry before either Héuse, or any cémmitgee · Dt either House of C0i1:ress,_ wHIfu1ly makw d¤Iau1t,_m·` who, ‘ having abpeared; refuses to answer may quevitibh pertiaenpto the question `undgr inq;ii;·y,· shall deemed guikx of la mlsdemeanor, pxmlshable by a hue of nqt tkaiz $1,000 nor less than;$100,‘u¤d imprisénmeurini h mmmm;11 for ;m·t<1e·ss thfm one mosnfhjnor morepmn tweive mcmths; (B. S.. § @*2.) `

 193. _PriiiI¢~ge of wit§é$se;·-F-—N0 witnem is yiviiuged to re- _

[use to tastifyvtbhny tact; o»: ta_ pmduce. any paper, - which he shall be emmxuea by either “House 0L __C0ngressi or by any cummitteéct either House; upon--the gx·0m1dY§hat_ his testimony to $B(2h_‘£&¢{_ of »his”`pr§oductio1; pt- such riapenfxnay tend to dimraée or otherwise mm ·i¤£am<ms. I (R. ·

 194. Witnesses failing to téstify.·—·-;WhenBver :3 witnl*Sg $~ Sum-N

n0riéd`as mezxfiduedjn section 192 qtizhis title; milsito testify. md the ftnétsr are reported {Q either Hquse, the P1‘t‘§ident of

he Senate _6r_the· Speaker of the House, as tgh¢ case muy; bin

sba1l_cc•rtify the tact under the seal at tj1é. Sén&te Gr H¤\ <> A Z0 the district Attorney . (ar the Distgictfpf C0[\lIQ1[§i&.;WhQ$@ ‘ luty “it»sh al1 be tojjzigg the. matter: before t_hc_ $r¤¤ii*J\¥_f¥ `f°¤‘ ,héir` a(·;ti0x1. (R. S1 §_104.)_ U 5 · » W 195. Fees of irituessu in District af Co1umbia.~—\¥'ii¤€~$·*€S ·esXdi11g. in the District of _C61umbia atm not in·the service 0; he §0\’6I¥!1¤€I,lt_ Misaid, Distpiét- or pf- the Ugxitged StQ£¢S» ·Wh° I Lhhllbé summoned tq give,téqt1%ony_»bé{ore apy c0mmiiZC€€;0f‘ he; Hcusé of R;epré.@ent&tives, sh ll n9t be`·nll0wad exéeédmg i2 fo1f ;i0ach ·daY’s t1ttendapce»be1‘§0;·e.said__g·0mu1ittee. (Ma; LN 876, c, 88, 19,St§t. 41.) _ ·· T # Eliapter 7 .-——CON'1‘B$TED EI;1é»`OT[QNS•e GL, Noflcé ct ig1:entI¤f§p nqontant. 02; .’1`ime·(0t answer. “ _ ` D3. Timefcr taking testinzong, 04. Notice ctdepcaitionsi "