Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/260

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g 28 T1211~ I1.-~—»B H£*C€$S3I’i§’, hb shall order such marshal to keep such bankrupt; in i{ustaa;1y mst exceeding ten days; but rmt imprisdn him, until be sbulllbc exmuined~dud réléascd or give bail C{)I1d§fi()RQd for his appearazité for brami:1uti0x1,’fr0zz1 time to tirxm, rmt dxqbcd-—` mg in all itat} ddystas rvqtairbd by the court, and fbrqhisai ubbdibmse td dll - lawful m·d.ers made in ·refere=.m<:c thereto. (July 1. 1595, c. byu, § 9,Q 30 Stat; 549.) ,4 - " .28.: SEQHBE}~€`.Xt!'8diti0H.v*\X’h€ll€Y€*l` il wzxxruut for the. ampre- -her;§ir;=u uf, ag bmikrupt Sl1&H`l}&`V€ been issuéd, mid. he Shall have bubu found witbi11_ith(=a jurisdiction df &°C(ll1l"C ‘0tbar than the {mu issuing the warrant, he may 'bemzxtraditcd in the same vumsxuezrriju which p<·rs_0us under indictment were extmdited on July IQ 1898,, from one ‘iistric;t within wlxich a distriébcourt has jurisdictioutc another.? (July 1, 1898, c. 541,- § 10, 30 Sim. 549.) l ‘ - j· - P ‘ 29. Same; suits by and against.-g5(a) A suit“{{¥l1icl1 is ffiiibdédb upon a claim from vahich a' di°§,bha·rge would be a release, uild which is puudiug_ dgaiust a__pcr$0u at the- time of thp iiliug , of d petitiim `aguinst: him,_él1aH—. be stayed until-after bn ddju-· -(HtZi1fi0!l Of the dismissal ‘0f the petition; if such 'persop is. ` adjudgéd `a bankrupt, such action may be 'furthér stayed until twelvé‘m01(1ths bl-fxar the ddté of such adjudicaititm, or, if `withinl that time such rierstm app1i<;s6`for a(`discharge,bthen_.u1iti1 the question of such discharge is determined. _- (b) The court may order the trustee to €11t€IY'hiS ‘ap;$ear— azxce and defend buy pending Suit against the, barikmxpt. · ` — _(c) A trustee may, with thé dpproival df the c0m·t,_'be. per- ‘ mitted tb prosecute as trustee any -suit commenced by the bankrupt prior to the adjudication, with like force? arid effect as though it had been commenced by him, . ‘ , (-~d)· Suits shall uét be brought by .0r_:1@inst A trustee _0f a· bankrupt estate éubsequenti, to two yéars after the estate has been closed. (July 1, 1898, c, 541, 11, 30- Stat, 549.) . — 39. Corupbsitiqns;.whc¤[cou§rmed.—$-(Q) A bankrupt may oder, either bs2fore`_0r,dfter adjudication, terms of composition tdbls, creditors after, but riot before, hqbas bead examined in GI}€I34`€Ql11‘t'01‘K`8{ :1 meeting of hidpreditors, and has °filed` in court thai schedule of his property and the list of.his creditors "mquima to be bled by- bdukrupts; lu compositions before ad; findication the bankrupt shall dlé the -r¢quiréd schedules, and thereupon the court shall call a meeting of Creditors for the ¤Hcwam.;·ed<>f· claims, examiuatimi of the bankrupt, and preser— vatkm or conduct df estates, at which meeting the judge or referee ‘slm11_ predidle; and action- upou the petition ‘ for adjudicatibdsball be delayed until it shall be detérmincd whether _ such cbmpbsltidn shall be coudrmcd. ‘ , ( _ _ ·. {~b) An application! for the; ccmdrmutioxr dt an compositidn may bb $e·d in the court ct bankruptcy after; but not beft»re, lt has been bcceptéd lu writing by awmajorlty in number of dll creditdrs whose claims ~l1ave=bee¤_alléwed, which 'mzmbcr must. represent a majority in mucuut of such clazlms, and the .0011- $id¥;‘I*&{lQI1·{0; be paid by the bankrupt tb his crddltqrs, and $ thdmcuby nbcédsbary tu .my all debts which bbw priority dud the cost ci the prdcéedings, have been .d<f:p0ssited in `Qucb placd au blmllabe designated by gud subject to the order of the judge. (c) A ddte and place, with reference td th_B*C01lV€D1€BC€,0f the parties in ixzwrbst, shiilfl be dazed ·~for the‘hba.rlng uponf each applicatibn for the-,cbudrmati¤n of at composition, dbd duel; cbjéctiuus as may bc‘m :1da··tp its ccndrmb,ticu.` . · _ ‘ (d) The judge shall cbndrm -a· ébmpcsitlcm it satisbcd that (1) it is fdr the best interests of the creditors; (2) the bunkrupt bds not been guilty of any bf the acts or failed to .;$erfurmany of the duties which- vimuld bc a bar to his discharge; and (3) the offer and its; ixccbptauce are Lugcbd faith dbd hdve but been made. or procured except as béreln prcridedd, or by any means, promires, c1·_dct.s hcrciu forbidden. (gz) l’pcm thetcbntirxzaatlirwn of rl, composition, the C0!1$l(l0l‘d- (tim slmll be dlstribute>d*as the. judgezlsbzxll direct, and the cdse

ANl€RZ;’PT€‘Y. 24G dlexnieeed. _ Wheneeer e compoeftion ie not eondm;qle, th., estate shell be administered in benkmptey es herein pxrevidee, d (July 1, 189%, e, .*541, §*;l2, 30 Stat. 549; Jene 2:5, 1310, Q_ 4hj % 5, so smc. 839.) W ’ ‘ e ’ l ’ 33.; Seine-; when set aeide.———~—The judge xney, upon the ep;i>llce_- tion of parties in in‘tt-rest filed at nnytlxne within six Illtellllls after a composltion‘·~bee_been condrmed, eet the eeme aside engl reinstate tlxecase ii it shell be mede to eppeer upon e; trial that trend was practiced in the procuring of eneh €€}m§{)Sl{lt¤li,¤ and that the knowledge thereof bee eeme to the petitiome.; . since the condrmatien `nfsuch composition. Z(.luly 1, 15922., 4;, 541, § 13, 30. $tat. 550.) _ . { . c Q 32.·Di$cha1fges; when g-rented.--(e) Any pereon~m_ey,de?l»e»;* the expiration of one month and within the next twelve mentle. fsubsequent to being adjudged e bankrupt, me en eppli<·eti4»e di —e· discharge in the court of bankruptcy in which the ;n·§:~,, ceedings erejpending; if it shall be mule to appear to the jullge that the bankrupt wesmunavoidebly ,prevente·d from idling ie _wltl1in_su<rl1 time,-itmey be Bled within butnot efter the engeirel tion of the next six months. . . D . &(b) The judge shall hee: the application for e discharge zmdsueh proofs end-`gjleas ast may be made, in emvoeition theeete

by the ttustee or other parties in. interest, at sum time ee veil!

give the trustee or parties ng interest S.- reomnable qwpertnnitg ` to be fully henrdgnnd investigate the nte1·{te·.ef the eppllcatien `and disehetge the applicant unless-he has (1} eonzmitted en " ‘ offense .punislmbleh by imprisonment as herein provided; or (2} with intent to conceal his Enaneial condition, deeqoyed, eon» eealed, or failed to keep books of eeeoung,-er records from which such‘ condition ‘mi@t ascertained ; ‘ or (3) ebtelned moneylor propertyon credit upon a materially false statexnent. in writingytnade by him to anxypermn or `hie repreeentetive for the purpose ofobtaining e1jeditifl·em·gne1i‘.pers.en; er! (4) et any time.subsequent to the Bret dey of the four montlm inane- » dintely preceding the; Bling of the petition trgneferrecl, tre- _.m0ve€`i» €estroyed,.or·"coneealed,·or nermitted to * be erengevetl, destroyed, .0IZ concealed, any ‘of_. his property, with intent tohinder, delay, oi- defraud his ceditors; er (5) in veluntary pro- ” teedings been granted a · discharge in " banktnptcy, within six: ' years; or (6) in the eoursefof the px·eceedln@, in bonkmptey refused; to obey `any lawful ortlec of, er` to ‘¤nswu· any materiel question approved by" the court. · _A trestee interpese l objections to a`bankrnpt’s discharge until he shell be authorized ' so todo et a meeting of cfreditefe called fee that · (c) The condrmetien of at bempeeltien `wall dleeberge the bankrupt tmm hiedebt, otheégthenlmoee agreed to be nate by tbe terms Act the composition and those notgedected byf a discharge. ~ (July 1, 1898, c. 541, 5 14, 30 Stat: Feb. 5; 1963, cl 487, § 4, 32 Stat. $97 { June 25, 1910,i c. 412, S 6, 33 Stnt. @9.) 33. Same; when reveked'.————-The judge may. even the applied- . tion of npertiee in intermt who- —`he_ve“`ne t* been guilty et nndne Inches, died et any time within one year after n discharge shell have been granted, revoke it upon e trlnl `itit ebelt bemegle. . · to nppeer that ltzwas obtained thr~ongh.tbe trend of tbe_l>enkrnpt, end that the knowledge of the trend has eoxne to the peti- __;U:0Il`€1‘S since the granting oi dleelxm:ge,’end that the ectuel fncte did not warrant the diechergn. (July 1, 18%, c. 541, § 15. 30 Stat. 550.,;) _ . . — E . ,._ _ 34. C0-debtors of benkrnpte.——Th.e zllebility of e person wlleka le e ce-debtor with, on guarantor er in any manner e enyety for, · e bankrupt shall not be altered by` the dieellepge of such bankrupt. (July 1, 1893. c. 541, F 16, Stot. 550.) ’ . · x .35. Debts not a.Eeeted by e ‘discherge.·——··—.& dleelnerge in benk· V ruptcy `shnll release e bankrupt from ell ot his provnble debts. except spell ns. (drst) ere dueees ew tex levied by the Unitetl States, the State, county, district., or municipality in which he resides: (second) ere"lieblll_tles for obtaining propegty by false pretensee for false 1*epreeentatione,,_ol* fo; willful and malicious