Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/334

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§ 1l;§§_ rtree 1.2.»~.—.1s.e1o*la:.$# .1 See. _ , 3; iii—i.Z3_ ltoeee or gérzitzsitles to exerolzwre. _ liéésiti. iieporte to i"om;;troli<_er of ii‘orrenej5*. , . iii-il?. l.ieteee·e to evi; ee ir;e_;ier·t<;>z·o of lizteetose ee beeis for loene; ezsegleoéaioza ger r·oa·ot~eiioo; raise iireoreeexitzitioee as to holding Q! {gf Ei€`iE‘li.‘§i%?. M ,_ { A. Yiiee. i”e§§<t~ »~to§e:r2e:2ie’ir: inspection reports. .. . I] little;. .§xl§ i%e;mrttot¤¤t»`of Agrieoitore of e‘moa1nts_neeesea12·y · _ for etixoioistrotion of functions vested therein. " . = ¥

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lt..\Xl§S—r3§‘ Fie.l`#lT;R.\I. Riléiiiiiilili $"$’S?l`E3l A3 ,STO€I·TllOl.DEiiS Oi Iiiiéi. iiigiit io tile e;;,oiir;it§<;>o for etérkg discretion of Comptroller of CC

 tre iisiy . ·' V   gu

t ’l‘.&x.—tlI€§N (K lgigi. SQ°i§§i} fii 2il§$l}*3iQii;=° of to {SLK. ff DEPOSlTS i¤ .§??3'§l. iéegeoeits io Federal reserve member banks. i (‘(}XVi?.i%SiON GF CORPORATI<)N·S % liitil. ("oox*e:·eit>;a of State ogricelturo.,l or livestock Enancfng corpora- I} iiooe into credit corporations. `· · Z8 léiké, Art§elee_oi' association and organization eertiiicate. — W 1;£r&§; Qowers, duties. and liabilities of converted corporation. ,~, . P I -` ' aj 4 CQN‘SGLiD.i.TION OF CORPORATIGNS _ Sh 1291. iirzyeeoore for *eonsolielation_; capital stock. ‘ - 122132. liiesenting stockholders. ‘ . 12*33. Effect of eoasolidation. i ‘ ‘ c, ‘ . · - . . S0 i§SOi.VE§CY, BECEIVERSHIP, AND LIQUIDATION Og lilo}. iieeeiver; {appointment'; powers. A fc lite?. $harel1eitle_rs"e.;·e:1t$; powers. -‘ _ . l3£¤3. Voluntary liguidation; . ~ i l"ENAl.TY PROVISIONS Of 1311. Enumeration of various acts by officers, agents, or employees; df V poniehmuzt. , _ 1312. False etntensems; punishment. ‘ _ . to 1313. Grerveinetiozr of property offered as security; punishment. px 1314. ¢3¥ by, examiners: puraioliment. i 13133. Taking oi fees and"gifts by otbcers; punishment. . - _. an 13l§..Forgery and like olfferasee relating to obligations of credit cor- H1 ' poretione;.·punisl:ment. , · · _` _ “ of 1317. False representations as todebenture orother obligations issued by‘cred§t‘banke; {mnishment. ‘ _A __ , 1318. {lnlewful use of words _‘_‘ National Agricultural Credit Corpora- SL , tion "; punishment; V · “Cl llAR'i‘l.·\L *lNVALll3l'fli:” AMENDMENTS ANU REPIQALS i E; $321. Portlet imfalndity of chapter. . V V — * fe 1322. Amendment -or,repeal ot chapter. ·· at _ (FORMATION _ _ l " Q l g . O A » · U ‘ , O O Section 1101, Purpose; incorpcrators; articles of I§S0¢l§¥ · VL tion; signing and §li¤g.—43oi·porations for the purpose of pi·0— he vizliog credit facilities. for the agricultural and livestock `intiue . wi tries. of the llzxitecl States, to be known as National Agricultural i pc Credit Corporations, may be formed by eny number oineturol an pereone not ieee in may mee theo Eve. Such pereorxe shell enter in inte ertielee of essoeietion which shall specify the .obj,eet for xm rr-liielz the eorporetion is- formed. Slltlhg articles of eesocizition_ shell. be eigzned by the mr.ns intending to pertieipotein the ‘m orgzzmization of the corporation end be forwarded to the Comp- . . - · . . - be troller of the ("m·reney to be med and p— his omee. th {Mer. 4, 19:23, e. 252, Title Il, 5 201, 42~Stat. 1461L) of R.EQUlSI’FES_.O¥` ARTICLES AND CERTIFI€ATE 1161. Organization eerti5cate; ¤ome¤¢o.?T1%o:-eorpé signing ele sue}:·le:—.s of eesoeiation ehell mekeen (}1’§£i.lil.Z8.fiOH certiiiq er cate wlaiela eholl eperiiimlly etete the name of the eorporetion. of to be organized, the piece where its oi§i?e·is toébe locnte<l,' the oil State or States in which its operations ere to carried on, et] the amount of ite eapiml stock, and the number of slxareeinto eo ·•.v11_i¢·i1. the same shall he divided, and that the eertiiiente is on made. to ~en,oble tile subscribers to Avail themselves of the by

my B.l.S2;12€G 33} ivantagcs of this chapter. (Mm. {1923, c. 252; Title gil @1, 42 2%:,:;;;. i1l~16f3,)‘ ° 1162. Name of ccl·p0ra.tic11.——·€l?hs.2 fl&H¥€g€}lf eas}: c<.>:·;)w1*;;$§g

  1. ,<;;m:izejgl‘11xxll<2r tlfxm Qhzxgster shsgll im;lm§<»2 the yyqrils " }~"`:ai%m¤·»§@

gria:11ltu:·al Crerdit Cor;1g,.u‘&ti0u." (liiar, 4, 1923, c. 252, ’l`m1 Q, § 201, -12 Stat. 1461.) 5 R . 1163. Acknmvlealgment bf érgamizaticn éertikatelalnd wi. gg of a,gso¢iatie»n.~»H?lzk2 ”0x‘g&1£iz:iti<2t2 c@i*tyiii<2 z1£@i:zxa;ll ;;;·;;{§;» s f assmriatioh shall bg acknoiyledgezd before some jmléiee of nut of 1‘emrd_g>17 imtsxry public aim shall, tagsziizmj swim lm zknmvlcalgnncxxf.thereof duly autlmutjarntcd by the wal (sf ><z:¢·§z mrt or ng>tm·y, be- transuxittml to the C9mDi1‘6il@:r af me 0,;-;-- enpy, whdslmll ile, rcéorml, and casefully preserve the Séililij ?` l 1li§ giiice. (Mai. 4, 1923, cQ —252,` Title II,_ § 201;* 42 Stat, mz!. 5 l K -CORil’ORATE POWERS l 1171. Cérporatc p0w*¢=:rs_ in genenjal; directors am! c£ficer;.—»»- pcm making gud illing·th`é mskiclcé of aswcciéaiiau and uyglm;- mica .€Q1’l`,Uj(1’5.§€ with the C0xi1ptr<>ll&r»·0f the Currexiey, {ml; hen the Cbmptmlle: of the Currency has airpmved thé ya:-me xd issued :1. .writtez; permit to begin business, the c<>rg;mmmz1 nall be anklbécome a_b0dy.c0rp0mte; and shall lmye`pcwm·——- (1). To adopt and use Q corporate seal. ‘ ` (2) T0 "havg suc<:essfon_ for a period of ·.§f£y years >unll~¤S ‘ >Ol1€f dissolved by the act of shareholders owning twwtllirsle ` Tits stock or by Act of Congress orunless ité charter lglmll llc, ·rfcited·for yiqlation of law. (3). Tqmakc contracts. · . . l . . _(4) '1*0·su¢_-uml be sued, complain and defend in any cmrt ? law or equity, and for purp.0ses,of jurisslicgimz shall lla zemedyx citizen of the State whate it is.10ca£¢d.` _ , ` '(5) T0 elect 01*- agipoint directors and byits Board of dircvxs ‘ to appoint such 0§icers and employees as may be deeluéd ·0pcr~; to dc§ne their authqrity and dutiw; to Ex their sal- · . ics-; in itgs cli$c·i·etiu¤ lo require bonds of any ufltliegu and ia

the penalty thereof; and to at pleasure any cfsuvh ·

ticcx*s— br employees. , l . ‘ _ ’ ‘ (6) To prescribe by its board of directors by-law malt indemstent with law or_ the regulations of the Cemiptrbllex of the urrency defining the maxmér · in - which fits geaéfal buxizwyk uy be coxxductcd, its ghams of Stock be transferred, its direc- _ lrsand, 0§cc1js_lbe‘ elected cr gppointed, lts property tran}- · rred, and the `pfl`vHgges granted to it by law be exercised y rd enjoyed. - _. . C “W , {"` y(7)` To exercise by its board of directors cr duly amhorizwl ' Héers or agents `all powersi specmgsally granted by the. prm Sicris of this chapter, gud such incidental powers asphall be scessary to carry on the business, for which if is in<:m·p0mtell, ‘ lthin the limitations prescribed by this chapter, but such ‘c;o=‘— _ »r;ticm‘ shall tmnsgacg no business except—— such as is iqgldeilzlzl. ` kd`¤.<:ccSS$ri1y preliminary ta its?<;rgauixi&tinxi.u¤til éutlxorirwi wxsiting by the Conifltxollér of the Ctirremyé to ·c0irxmem·e nsinass tmdet they provisions of 1 this clxaptcwé , (8) The aEalrs of eacgh National Agricultural Credi£C0rpur:1·- 1;: shall be Kmanagéd by not less than five- directors, who slmll » ele~ct<—>d_by J ’_ stockholders ata meeting to be held at SHS `~ me hcfura ‘tlh(mC(}P[K)f3ti0l2 is‘·a;u;1mx¢ized by the Comptrullllrv the Currency to commence buslxzegsgand afterwards at meetgslto be held 0:1 such day in Jzmuary of each yezar as msu?

 provided Qin the articles Of¢¤:il1»tl¢»n. The directqrs Sv`

acted shall held, 0Hfxce mrione year, aml until their sucé§s¢>r‘¤= ehlected and have qtmlmcd. Every ¢llrecto»:·‘ and other y0@§€l‘ the cprppratiou sha.ll,'beforc crzteking Hb0Il the duties of hifi · ·· lug, take and subscribe an bath, beforefa notary public or ber omcizil having aéeul and authorized tp aclmlzsigicers mths, nditicmad fox·_·the`·faitl1°ful'per£<>m&mauca éf the dmgicsof his icg `Such oath shall be in such form as may be préscglbcd. the,C9mpt1·0ller_01 the Ggrmncy, gm? shall-be_§1ed in the