Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/340

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§ 13]] N/ T1TLE·1z·’2.»——-·—BAA suchcorporation knowing the same to be falsely xnade, forget or ceunterfeited, and any- person who shall falsely alter o eausewor procure to_be falsely altered, or shall willingly aid o assist in falsely altering any such debentgare, eoupon, or othe obligation, or who shall pass; utter, or publish as true. an falsely altered or spurious debenture, coupo·n,,·or`other— oblig; tion issued or purporting to have heenissued by any such col

 perstien knowing the osame, to be falsely altered or spurion

shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding $5,000 or by in Tprisenxnent not to exceed ilveuyears, or both.- (Mar. 4, 1921 .e. 252, Title II, 5 216, 42·Stat. 1471.) _— · ‘ · . · " 1317; False representations as to·‘debenture" or other obli gations issued by credit banks; punishmen't.+-Any person ‘wl1 shall deceive, defraud,»or»in1pose upon or who shall attempt;1 deceive, defraud, or impose uponany person, ‘“partnership,_ cot poration, or association bywmaking any falsepretense or reprsentation concerning the character, issue, security, content congl‘ltions,,or terms oi any debenture, coupon, or other obligq tion issued under theterms ofthis chapter,_shal1 upon convi ., tion be fined not exceeding $500,_or imprisoned not to excee one year, or both. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. ’252,_Title” II,l§ 216, -2 Stat. 1471.) - W ‘ · · " · See Title 7, Aemeurxruan. _. » BELIIEAU W0·0D’N See Tit1_e‘36, Ilxrnroric So ` _ BILLS ' See Title, 49, TRANS1’.OltT2\'I`] Seo Title 16, Cosssilvarrlos I ,_ 4 BOILER See Title 33, Navxoarion Rarnnoans. ’ ‘ · " » _ ‘ n0NDED See Title 19,. Cusropts DU `,See Title‘6, Orrrcun sun`; See Title 38, Passions, B0 soul See Title 43, Punmc Lawn: not scum See Title 36, PAT$lQ‘H0· So - .. nnatme ._See Title 15, `Coumgncm. Ar; . I D ' g, See Title 31, Moszr aan I _See Title 40, Punmo Bum T - , nvnmt

 Chapter 17 of Title 7

BTIBEAU 0;*. ENG See Title 31, Mormr Ann i nunmu ‘ Seo Title 16, Coxsmvurro

VHS AND BANKING 1, 1318. Unlawful uae of {wards “Natienal -Agri*c`ultixral Credit »r· Corporation "; punishment.--All corporations nm; 0;·g,;,,,,,,,_,,, »r nnderthe prcvlaiens of this chapter are prohibited from asia; sr the words “National Agricultural Credit Gorporation " as pax; y of their corporate name, and any vielatioaot this ,prol1ihizm I-· shall subject the party charged therewith to a civil ‘p·;aia1t;»·, of rg for each day daring which the nrlolation continues. (liar. ns U4, 1923, c. 252, Title II, § 216, 42.Stat. 1471.)_ gl PARTIAL. INVALIDITY; AMENDMENTS. AND R,El’E.xl.s 9 . ' · . - _. · - . · g 1321. Partialinyalidity of chapter.-·It any. clause, sexxtaaw, i- paragraph, or part ‘, of thiechapter shall for any reason hg l0_ by C‘OUl°t>0f“ judsdicuonn to be ll1\’zx}i;}_ to such judgment shall not affect, impair, er invalidate, the rpr-I mainder- of this chapter, but shall confined in its operati·<m e. ta_··th_e_ clause, eentenee,. paragxjaph, or Dart thereof dirqy,;{]y ` sl, invollvedin the controyersy in which each judgtnent is rendered. a- (Mar. 4, 1923, c._252, Title V, 5 507, 42 Stat. 1482,), e-· 1-322; Amendment or. repeal -0f chapter.--The right g., gd amend, alter, orrepeal the provisionsof this chapter ia l1p;~r»},y L2 expressly ·1‘€S€1`VCd.A `(Mar. 4, 1923, c. 252, Title II`; § 2lY. -12 Stat; M'.) L nnns_ _ · 1 [EMORl1lL· ASSOCIATION CIQTIES aan Onsx:arAfr1ogzs.£ . ori Lnnmo n W ` my-.l BIKES l] :


Alva Ifiavmannn WA·rI·:ns;_'1‘itle 45, wluznnousaa ‘ rim; Title 26, INTERNAL Rxvrmux. B-ONDS . O n Pnxan Bonne. BONUS aware, arm VHI'ERAN§°_ Ruin. rrr LANDS s. _ _ rjrsl or Aaatnrca ‘ cxmxm nm Onsmvxrxoua. a Ann nulaxs _ ·n Tartan; Title 21, Foon ann Dumas. snncnr ‘_ ` Frmmca. uxnnmcs I hues, Pnoanarr, Ann `Gaomms. I. DF DAIRYING ', Acarcvxxruan. mavmcr AND Pnxrvrmu Fmanca. r DF FISHERIES IN,