Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/366

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§ 9 rmt: ‘1s.-conn _ the same is zhude by or between two or more ;persc¤§`c1·~ c<>1‘D¢ rations either of whom, as agent or prindpal, is engaged I1 impcrtiag any article frém any foreign ccqntry into the Unite States, and ,Wh€I1 such combination, conspiracy, trust, asrei ~ ment, or contract is intended to operate in restraint of lgwfu tragie, cr free competition in lawful trade or pomnierhe, or t increase the market price in any part of the United States 0 any article or articles imported dr intended to be imported int the United States, or of any manufacture into which such lu ported article enters or is intended to enter. Every person wh shall be engaged in the importation of gp0ds_ or any commodit from any Icreigu country in violation of this`·seétion, or wh shall coinbine or conspire with another to violate the same, 1 guilty of ·a misdemeanor, and on `convicticm thereof in an vqurt of the UnitedStates such person shall be mxcd in 2. sm xibtlcss than $100 and.110t·+;>xcec;tling`$5,000, and shall be fm thor punished by imprisonment, in thediscrctiou of the cout for a term not lessthan three months norb exceeding twelv months. (Aug. 27, 189}, c. 349, § 73, 28 Stat. 570; Feb. 12, 1911 c. 40, 37 Stat;067.) ‘ · , _ · - . _ 9. Jurisdiction of `courtsr duty of district attorneys; pr: cedure.—·Th¢' s.cveri1l district courts of, the. United States `m invéstedrtitln jurisdiction to prevent and restrain violatioz of the preceding section; and it shall be the duty of the sever: district httorncys of the United.,·Statcs,`.in their respective di jzricts, wider thediréctiou. of the Att0mcy_Ge;1era1, to lnstitw proceedings in equity to prevéut arid restrain such violation

  1. Such proceedings may be by way of petitions settiug“forth_ 'tl

casa and prz1’yi::`g_‘that such 'violatirms shall betxrjoinxed < - ctherwisé p1·0hibited.` When the p;1rties_.c0mpli1lned of shg have been duly iwtmcd of such petition the court shqll prcceé as soon as may be, tc the hearing and determimiti0u of tl casa; and pleading' such petition and ·béfc§re Ilual decree, tl cgmrt mayiat uy time make such temporary restraining crde or prohibition as shqll be deemed justin the premises. _ (Au 27, -1894, c. 349, i 74, 28 Stat. 570; . Mér. 3, 1011, c. 23 S 291, 30 Stat. 1167.) , ·_ · ‘ 10. Bringing in additional '..§ifti§8.f~WhGD€\*€P -it shall aj {mr ta '(thé ccmrt before which any proqeédlng undtzr the pr egdiug section. may be pending, that thegnds of justice requiu tmltcther parties should be brought before the court, tlm cou may gum them to be summoned, {whether they reside in tl ditstrtct in which the court is held or not ;.an<l mbpkman tb the and may be served in any digtrichby the marshal therec (Aug. 27, 1804, c. 349, { 75, Stat. 570.) · . _ . _ 11. Farfemrré of property ir: trulait.-»·g·A11y property owm under any ctmtrnct or by any combinatioia, or pursuant to it c<_mspfi·ucy, uml being the subject thereot, mentioned in sectic S qt this chapter, impérted‘· mm and being within the Unitn · Statw or being in the course of transportation {rom one Sta

to smotlmr, or to cr from a ·Territ0ry‘·`0r the District of C

lumbia, bball be Vtortgited to the United sum,. incl may I .v.e§¤éd‘nn ;1 comlemzwd by like proceeding: ss- those provided I law {gr the forfeiture, _ seizure, and ccmdempatlan of _ xt impar ted_ lata the United. Statu contrary tvlaw. ( ug. 2 1304, gz. 349, { 70, % Stat. ,570; Feb. 12,.1913, c. 4.0, 87 _. tt, - 12. Wurés &l¢lm.···-¥‘A¤tltr¤st lam" as usedylu awtionsf ··m §7,‘iu—cluslve, at thisrchnptar, iméludeq mtions 1 tq 27, l clgsive, qt this chapter. ‘_ · ‘ _ ` ·“ Ccmmerctw its umd in sqétions 12 to 27, inclusivé, at th " chapter, `riaaaus trade or .c0mmem¤· aimsms the several Stat and with ioreigu ngtlans, or between the District of Oolumb · or may ·Terrlt¢>r1 of the United Statm and my $¥ItQ,'T§1‘l'iC0! or fcrclgalnatiéu, or batsmen ·;.. , @s gr othé i places midcr the jtlriscllcticu of the Unitad Statu, pi; www any mich` .p0meml¤:1 or place and ani State or Turitory of tl Uultlzd States or the District of Gclumbls pr any town n tiau, or within the D1stri¢t_¢£.G0lumbl• or sny...'I‘érrlt0ry_~

IBBUI AND TRADE 3553 >- any insular possession or other plaée under thejurisdicttian nf n the _United States: Provided, That nothing in thé atcgreszm d sections bontatned mall apply to the Philippine Islands. g- The word ‘fypers<>¤?’ br " persons " wherever used in sms.,,;t nl I 12 to 27, inclusive, 0t.£his§chg.pter’ shall be deemed to im;1m2¤» ‘ yo corpomtibns and assoegidtiozgi exising under- dr authorized iw »f the laws of either gg States, the laws 'ct any ¤t.:%Q»» ,0 Territories, the lizws of any State, or the laws of any foreitu 1-· ccputtry. (Oct. 15,1914, ,c,”323, S 1, 38'Stat, 730.) » ,0 · · 13. Dibcpimination in ptim between p¤·dthsers.¥—··éIt sham ati, y unlawful for any person engaged in commerce, in the com`,.

o ot such cQmmerce,;,.ei!thér- directly Gr indirectly to discrixxziymi.

ls in pricé betweeid differént purchasefs .0f commodities, whim yy commodities are sold for éuse, copdumpticn, or resale within mi gthe United States o1·'a;1y_'1‘errit0ry,th_erc0f·k>r the ·Distriea- Us r- Columbia oxwainy insular poséessiou-- cr other place ungipr mp t, jurisdictjonpf the United States; yhere the ¢:Kect. of such, rdigre crimination may be .t0 substantially ]€S§€D`_€0l13f)étiti0D or tem] B, to crgaté a monopoly izi any litzejoiléhmmercéz Pr0~vided,.'.l‘¥mt `

 nothing herein é0Iit8jD0d'Sh&l1`])IEY€l§t discrimiudtizm in priw

5- _ betweeim purchasers ot commodities on account of diiermcet in_ re the grade, quality, or quantity of the émnmodity sczldyor that as makes qnly due allowance for diKexcnc§ ih thé·c0st of scllmgw gi 01* transportationyor disérimitmtton in price in. the samé or S- different; communities madéin good faith_t<> meet cgxmpetimnz tg _And·providcd' further, That H0th11],g_`héI'€!iD contained shall · LS, - prevént persons engaged in selling goods, wages, cr·mgerélzandis}e` ye in commerce i'1·0ursc1eetiug_their own customers in bona tide I yy transac_tic¤s and m»t‘ in restraint _0f· trade; _(0ct,`Q15, 12314,i J1 c. 323, § *2,, 38-St:1t..'{30.) _ ‘· { " j — d·- , "" 5, _ 14. Sale, etc., mr agreement not tb ¤¤¤· nods of comie pctitm·.·—-i—It“shaIl‘ be unlawful jo; iny person engsgecfin mmle ·merce,·'in tlngcoursehiof sucb."¢0mmer¢e,’ to lcaseicr make 21 g M- sale or contract for_ sale at goods, wares. mwchamlise, mem? g_ chinegsy, supplies or other commodities, wl1ct11ér` pqteutcd__u;·` 1, uripatented, for gse, consumptiqn or resale within tds: United 1 Sts£tcs,.0r uny‘·Teirritbry_theré0t cr the .Dist1iict of Céluuthia or p, huy insular possession 01‘,Oth&!f place- under the` iurtsdictigm pt 6,, the United States, or fix a price therefor, 0: discount re from, or rebate. upon;. éuch price, on the condition,. sgnteement rt or understanding that the lessee or purchaser thereof gnat! nqt . ae use or deg! in the goods, véjhres, mérchaxgdisah machinery, sup; at plies or other coinmodtties ot i competitor ku:. cempetitors inf ,g_ the lessor _0r néller, where the o¤ect cg Nsuch lense, gglé, or cou- ‘ tmct"ftu· sale or pitch coxtditién, at ·¤¤dm·stmdi¤¤g aq may be to piibstantinlly lessen competition or- mad `to_cmste a ,y monopoly in my line ot commeicv. (Oct, 15. $914, c. 323, 5 3, q m 38 SCSI. 731.)._` _ E .‘ ·_ .` _ Ny ‘15,·;Suitn by pcrmm lnjnred"; ampzmt ¢f_re¢9véry.——··A;1y p9¤‘- ge ibn who shnI1_be·inj&1jm in his bnstnms pr pmperty by reasoh 0. of anything {forbidden in the antitrust laws may sue ther¢£m·_ be in any `dibtrict- cmtrty of the United t8tatcs`iq`·t1m distriizt in gy` which the ddc¤&nt.1j¤sides or td found or hu gn •g~ent,,w§t1¤— gy out respect to the mount in cé1gtmvex·sy,- and smut rec¤vm·· Wi- thn·egto1d’ the damages by him. snstained, and the mst ct suit, ,

  • _)_ including —n reasc»¤ab1e‘étt<;ruéy’s fee. ; (Oct. 15, 1914, c. 323.*

3,2 I_ Q,`88 Stat. 781.); 1 — , -. ¤. 16. Eloct. of @rI¤i¤•1` Nqaqcntiop: cvtdegce; Hmlhticnsw-·· A dual judgment or {korea mudered in any criminal prosecutionth or ig my mit er txt gqutty bmqght by*or. cm behalf ds of the United Stntgs unda; tha `nntltrust laws tp the edcct ia that •, dctenduit has — vtglated p.1d—·‘t¤wi be prim; mgm 7, evidence hratnit such defaxtdatzt in my suit ‘d:‘ proceédtm; Er bwuzht by any kpthar mxjw gsatnstsubh defendant; under {said. an laws gn ts All matters uéhicg satd.j¤d@t or dec·¤‘c¤

 would be in astappél u   the parties th§:etc>:` Pvwidcd.

in- _` d'1‘his_ section shaitziot apply to consent 3*¤dKmc¤ts or decrees. oxg tneereq betore any testimony-has taken. · · 1