Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/390

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lt \ \ l t, V , l §_ 231 - _ TITLE..15.——-C'OM1l, ·S¢x!hL» Work, j0ul’e.—;·—{1"l1e `tmlfof work shall be the joule, which is equal to tan million units dt workin tha centlmetebaramseétmd system, and which-is practically équlvalent ta the enagy _ expanded in 0ué ,Se—c0nd by. anllntqrnational ampem ln an international cnznx _ __ n · I __ · » ‘ Seventh. Poecer, scatt}-4·The, unit of power shall be the watt. which is equal to ten million I1BitSf,0f*})0W€1',111 the, centimeter-a gfam-aaband, sjrstém, and which is ·practically` equivalent .to the work dana at the rata of qua joule per second. ‘ . Eiyhth. Induction hqnryi-—The unit of iildHCtiQD` shall bé the henry, which is· thee mductlnn in a cirbuit- when thé electioxnotivé ·fqrcéinducéd in this circuit is can international vblt while the inducing entrant varies at the ·ralté’,0f éne ampere per second. (Jnlyt 12, 1894, c._ 131, §_1:, 28 ,Stnt.`1Q1.) " _ . Q I · _ •

  • .. s·1·AN1>a1-m BAIQRELS __ __ , _ ··

231. Standard barrel for, apples;·stecl`ZbarrcIs.-Q-The standard zbarncl for apples shall bé of tlzlafollowing dimensfona when measured without distentionl `ot» its·part$:,’ Length V6! stavé, _» twentyaight and nnwhall inches-; diameter of héad`; `Eevantgen °_Yand one-eighth ·incl1c$;~ distance ,bétwcan heads,. twenty-six (inches t; circumference of bulga, sixty-fQur inchea outside mé8S··‘ uramant, representing as neatly as possible gavén thousand and »‘ §fty-six cubic inches :‘ Providéd, That ataalibaktels containing tha intarloxg diménsiéns p·1·0vided_fo1·‘l11 this section. shall bé construed an a compliance therewi,th..‘ (Aug. 3, 1912,1:. 273, ,5 1, at ·sta1:. >` _ _ _ _ . ‘ ` 232. `Bag·x·gla,·belcw*<atandard;_.marlcing;y·—Al1barrels packed with apples shall be deemed to be below standard it tné barrel _b=ears_any statement, design, or device indiéating that the barml is a`_ standard b¥u·ral of apples, as defined in the preceding aaction and tha capacity of tha. barrel lat laasQtl:ian` tha cm malty prnaéxlbed by the prececlingl sactioa, unless the banal ahall, be plainly marked on and and side with words or Hgnma showing the fractional¤’~relation which tha actual capacity of the barrel beam ta tha capacity prescribed by tha pftrngdlng aactlan; Tlaa marklng mqnlmd by thla paragraph shall be in black lattara of size. nat lass `than aavantyitwo paint oncalnch gatlainn (Ang. $,1912, c. 273, § 4, 37 Stat. 251.) , a » 233, Penalty far `via1atians.·————·~A.ny param; tmp, or qiarpnra-·` , tlan, mgasnatalntlan who shall kn¤wingly· pack or trnuaa tb ba

—packad_ applaa in barrala ar who shall knowingly aelr or affay

jar, anla auch barrels ln violation at th&`l)¥()ViE1flilS of aactlnn A 231 nr 232 at this chapter cn.- at sections 20, 21, or 22 at Tltla 21, linen aan Damn, ahall he liable to a penalty at $1 and cunts tm; aacltl such barrel aa anld or 0¤trad»f¤r·_aala, to ba ramvarad , at tha amt at tha Unltxl Staten ln any const at tha United Stataa having jtxrladictlcna {Ang. 3, 1912, c. 273, Q 6, 37 `Stat.

 234. Standard barrel for fmipta ar othar dry cammodlty.-—-·

?I'lla ataadard barrel for 1ru_ita, vagatablaa, and other diy camnamlltlaa athar than cranbérriaa ahall ba at tha following cllmaaaicina when maaamad without alalccntlan nf itat nada: Langth aft atawa, twentyalglat and 5¤na—hal£ innhaa; dlalmétar at llaada, anvantaan and nnaelghth flnéhaa; distance between haada, twenty-ali: I inahaa; clrctmnfaranca at bulge, aixty·~fonxlnanaa, nutsida mnnauramant; and tha Mtlxlcknaaa ot atavaa not ggaatas than tout-tantna at an inch: Pmvida4,·Tl1at any banal of a dlniarant tara: havlngla capacity at aatvalt thousand and

nftpalg cable lntihaa ahall he a standard banal. the standard

barrel fm: cranlla1‘rlaa· shall be at tha fnllowing dlmanslam when imaaanrecl witlzaut dlatantian of its pax"t.¤': at atavaa, twant$*—~al~gl1t and cnahali lnanm; dinmatcr at hand, alzgtaan ana ana—t0ux¤tll inches; dlstnnn hmnsntwéniy- Hwa ana oaa·1'anrth· lnghaa; alrcntntarmcat at bulge, Atty-eight and anagaalt lnchaa, aaaulda maaanxamaat ;, and tha at atavas mt graatar than ,fo¤1"—¢@thl at an inch. [liar.; 4, 1915, ci 158, { 1, 38, Stat. 1186.) a ° “

ERUR AND TRADE _ . 376 235. Sale or shipment of bqrrelef Ieeecapncity than standard; punishment.-—·It shell be unlawjfilf to sell, effer, er expose

1'm· sale ln tnny State, Territory, or the District ‘0t"Golumb1e,

- cn·_t0)s1;ip from any Stnte; Territory, er the "Dietrict· or (jg)- lumbln to guy other `State, Territory, or the District et cgllnmbia or to a torelgrbccnntry, e barrel containing Sfrults ey r vegetables or any other dry cpmmedity bt less cnimcity- then the etaxidnrd bhrrels demedeiu the`_preceding'*secti0¤, er. simdivislous thereof knervnhas the third, halt, and §hree¥enarters. ‘ barrel, and eny person guilty et n willful violation of nay ef the provisions of sections 234 to 236,, inclusive, sehall Belleenmed guilty ot a misdemeanér and be liable toe Szie net to exceede $500, pr imprisouugtent not to exceed six months, in the court of the Unitegi States having jurisdiction: Prcwided, koteerer, That no barrel shall be deemed below stnndard, within the meanmgi of eeétlcne 234 to 238; ‘in&lu@veQ`— when he any » foreign country and censtmizted according to the epeéi§cntinne or directions of the foreign p¤rchaser_iI.n0t_ constructed ih een- > dict vi}it1g_theVlnwe·,0f·the terejgn country tc, which the eezee 1e`mre¤aea_m be smppea. ·(e1‘&¤h<—§, ww, c. xm, 2; as’smt.· 236; Ynriaticne fmm standard pcriitted;" ~ l ’ e';tlaw . _ not applicable to certain.! ba.rrelsQ#—H¢eaeneble vnrlatigséneshell be_ permitted aud`·telerence shell be wtablished by rules and regulations made by tlxeillreetcr ef.t1ie.B¤r@¤ of Standards and approved by the Secretary et zilerensxéree. I’re&tiens fer Metfenses nnder this section or either et the `twe preceding eee tions may - be begun upon complaint of label sealern et weights and 'meneurest dr other emcem of the Severn} Stntes and Terri- . teriee nppeinted- to enferee the law;. of the sam Stntx er Ter-‘ " ” rigorlee, respectively, relating ° te weights end mensnresf Previéed, however; That nothing in this éeetignn er the two preeeib . lng sectlene shall napply to barrels need ln pecking er shipping Q eemmcdltles .seld exclusively by weight or numerical count. Y (Mer. 4, 1915; c. 158}, ‘§· 3, 38 Stat. 1187.) n t — _ { A t237£ Standard berrele fer’li&e.~»—·Tlaere ist established a large _ and ntsninl1` barrel et lime, the lnrge barrelqto consist ci! two hundred end eighty {Seamen and theemnll barrel te cenniet et one htmdredtand eighty p0nndnQ net weight. (Ang. 23, 1916, e. ' 396, { 1, 39 Stat.  » . · _Q ' 238.ePena.lty fer idling in barreks net marked.-—-It shell- ,be nnlnw1’ul;ter‘·nny pereen to sell er effer ter mle lime impertml in barrels from 9. ferelm eenntry, er tc sell or effelr ter enle lime in bnrrele fer-shl`pment from any State er Terri- ~ tery er the Dietriet of Celizmhin, te ang other State er Terre tery er the `Dintrict et Columbia, nuleee thereehntl be etenelleel er etherwlee clearly nnxrked on one er beth bends et the smell barrel the Hguree “ 180 lbs, nett" and et the large barrel the E Hgurm **280 lm. net ’* betere thelmperltntlen or shipment, and men either bnrret in additlen the name of the mnnnteetnrer er . the lime and ryhere mennfncttxred, end, itlrnperted, the nenle et the country from which it is imported. (Aug.j%, 1916, e. 3%, Q 2, 39 Stat. 530.) W * `239. Sale in containers of ieee capacity than barrel.-·-—Whc»n lime le wld? in interstate `er fereigncemmeree in containers of ieee capacity then the etnnderd smell barrel, itehell beyeeld in frectiennl pnrts ef~enid·stnm1nrQ smell barrel, end the‘ne¤ weight of lime centntnetl in eueh eentainer (shell by stencil er otherwise! be clearly marked thereon, tegether with the nnnle et the mnnu1'ncturer§ thereett and the nexne et the brand, if any, under which it ie mid; end, Lf imported, the nnme et the eennpy whirl: it iselimpcrted. _ (Ang. w, 1916, e. 396, { 3, ‘ W, 240. am reg¤l1tienq»+~Rulee nné regulntiene ter thq l enter e e e ent of mettens @7 te inclusive, net tneeneletent with the pwvisinm et said Shall be mnde by the Director of the Bureau et Stendnrds and approved by the B@m·: of Oemmeme, md sneln rules anal mguletlene elmll

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