Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/391

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-3.77/ TITLE 15.e-GOMMELM ‘ include rcaspnable variations O1‘~t0l€].‘8I1C€Sl._VYhiCb "may be ab °.fo 1,,,,-Gd_ (Aug; 23, 1916,·_c. 396, § 4, 39-Stat. 531.) _ J J — U1 Q41.1 Penalty for selling lime in unmarked barrels cqn-· gr `m5ners.—-#-It shulljbe unlawful to pzrck, Sell, or offer for snlg m 'rnr shipment from any State 01•_~Terrltt>ry on thé" Distrlcfof -1-1 (_·,.1umbia to any ‘0thér‘ State ‘0r Territoryhr the District pt cc <·‘.»lu·mbia, any barrels or other éontaiuers bil lime which. are zh mn Iimrked as pr9vik1@d` iri sections 238 and 239, or to sell, p; ,-ymge fo1·.'cr purbbrthoto deliSrc1·_ from any State or Territory·_ dg Jr the District of Cblumbia to anyother, State or Territory ém "nr 1hv;Distric*t of Qolumbia, as sl large br small barrel or ai `ta .'r`r:~;<-:;iona`l ·p9i·`t of said smgll barrel ·0f_ lime, any less weight lm ’ :.z" lime than {sf estriblirmcd by the prbvisi01is` of seqticus 237 _ ·`b<

...242, inclusive, and any person guilty of ·d violation of the bc

l,;·m·iginns of sections 237`_t0`2§42,· inclusive, Qhall be deemed `tg guilty 'of.a misdemeanor and be, liable to a ilne `uot exceeding 3; SIU!}. (Axlg. 23, 1916, c. 396, $.5, 39 Stat. §31J) “ _· . _ A j 04 ·~ 242. Duty, cf, district attorney to enforce lhw.-—-Itpshall ba 31 uu- eluty ct ehch district attqrnby, to whom satisfactory 'evi-· ‘ m·m·e_ df any violation of "sections 237 to 242, inclusive, is `rn pwsmtérl,. tdcause ¤ppropriate·_proceedlngs.‘to be commenced bl mu} .;>msecuted in the United States·i:0urt·lmving jurisdiction .m ul gugh offense. ._ (Aug. 23, 1916, cg. 396, §‘6, 39 Stat.'5°31.) 1;; _ ; STANDARD BASKETS AND CON'l‘AlNEl1S‘_ 9. 2 25l. Standards for Climax b•skets.$-Standards {br Climax u; lms_kcts for grapgs nnd· qther fruit; and Y€g€t_8»bl€$` shall be 8; num two-quért basket, fburquart. basket, and twelve-quart (_ l·ug—ket,.respectlvcly: ‘ . -_ [ . ’ W ‘ _ (:1) Tlnemandurd twoqqart Climax basket shall bé of the d; mlmving dlmepgiéusr Length qt bottom piece,. nine and ope- tg Ihsilt inches; width pt hotwmpiece, three and one~halt inches; 5; mi<.·km·ss of bottom piécg, three·eighths_ ot nu inch`: height of Af] basket, three and scvemeighths inches, oumlde measurement; .4;] mp utbasket, length eleven inches and width uva inches, but- (_ hide mcasuxtémént, `t Basket to have a. cover tlve· by eleven _ aizwlnaes,whén¤¢0jer'is‘umd. _ ' _ ._ ’ g, , (b) The standard tour-quart Climax bmket shall be ot. 5 l uw following- dimensions: Length ot bottom piece. htwelve .g 9 1m·m·;=·,; width ot bottomgiitece, four. and `oncdmlt inches; ¤» thicknL·ss` ot bottom piece, three-eeighths of an inch.; height _0f C basket, fdur and elevcnmixtecntbs lnchd xjutside `mensure g· ment: wp of bashet, length fourteeE inches, width aix aud. b uzrc-fourth inches, cutsldg measurement. _ Basket to have cover u six {mq one-tcurth lnclms bi Iourtcen inphes, when icorerls t. \1FQd. 4 l . _‘ - = .‘ ,- __ .p fc) The standard twelve-quart Climax basket shall be of 'c Yl1€•`follQgz{ng dimensions: Length of bottom piece,. sixteen tz i¤;¢·b¢·s; width of bottom piece, ali and `one·h¤11 inches; thick? p •m-»; of bqttmui plec·e,“w#*e°9·qixfeenths of &r.1’i¤ch; lsrelght QI t; basket, sevelr and dnwslxteenth inches, outside mméurcmeut; 1 {np of bdsket, `length uimtocn inches, width nlné inches, outwhle mcqéureéent. Basket to have cover nina inghea by nine- · _ re-on inches, when cover is used. (Aug. ·31, 1:916, c. 428, l 1, 39 Sint, (373.) . ·_ _ °· » ‘ ' ° 1: . 252. Standard basket or hccntalner for small fruits and c vegetables.-·—The stazfndurd baéket or! other c0nt·ainer for small t jrultg, berries, and vegetables shall be of the following capscl— t tim, namely, dry b`ne·hal£·plut; dry 'plnt, dry quart, 01* mul- t liplles of the dry quart. ’ '. · “ . _. E W 0 ( Q) _The dry hull pint shall contain} sixteen and eight-tenths 2 mxbic inches. · · `. O , ” F (b) The dry plut shall contain thh:ty-thra• and six-tenth; t cubic inches. ,~ . _ * ·. X (c') The dry quart shall coétain qlxtymeven •.¤d».tw¤·te¤th¤ t wbic inches. (Aug. *31, 1916, c. 426, { 2, 39 Stat. 673.) · j 253. Failure to conform to standards; penalty; exception.-- e It shalt be unlawful to mzmufm-turn for shibmeut, or th all g

an AND mann W5 ·§ 261 ·r shipment, o 0 ship`from any State or Territory of the nited State or the District of Columbia to` any other State · r Territo of the United States or the District of Columbia, _. 1y Olim _ basketsor other containers for small ft·uits,fber—‘ es, or vegetables whether filled on unfilled, which do not llilfoI‘_ to the provisions of this subdivision otithis chapter;. md an person guilty of a- willful violation of any of the royisi ns of said `subdivision shall°‘be`deemed guilty of a mis-. zmeanor, and. upon conviction thereof shall· be Hned in any un znqt exceeding $25: ‘Pi0vided, That nothing herein conainedshnll apply to the manufacture, sale, or shipment of Olinx baskets, baskets, or other containers for small fruits, srries, and vegetables when intended for ekport to toreigxb, runtries ‘when such; Climax baskets,"_baskets, or other con- ‘ Liners for small fruits, berries, and vegetables accord with the mecifleatlous of the foreign purchasers or comply with the {law E the country to which shipment is made orto be made. (Aug. [[1916, c.`¢26, § 3, 39 Stat. 674,) _ » ° 254. Examination and test by Department of ··Agricultm·e;_ xles and regulations.-—The exanmlnation and test of Climax tenets, baskets, or- Qother containers for small fruits, berries, nd vegetables, for the purpose of determining whether such zsketsor other containers comply. with the provisions of this xbdlvision. of this chapter, shall be made by the Department E Agriculture, and the Secretary, of Agriculture shall estabsh and promulgate rules ‘ and regulations allowing such rea.· mable tolerances and variations as may be found necessary; Aug. 31, 1916,_c.`_426, 5 4, 39 Stat. .874,) " ‘ · Y 3 255. Duties of district attorney.--It shall he the duty of each lstrlct attorney, to whom satisfactory evidence of any violaon of this subdivision of this chapter is presented, to cause pproprinte proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in me proper court" of the United States for the enforcement `ot he penalties as in such casajprovlded in said subdivision, , Aug.: 31, 1016, c. 426, *5 5, 39 Stat. 674.) s $6. Guaranty of manufacturer of baskets or containers s dehned.-—-No;dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions t this subdivision of this chapter when he can establish a uaranty signed by the manufacturer, wholesaler} jobbery or therpartjr residing within the United States from whom such Zllmax baskets, baskets, or other containers, as defined in said nbdlrision, where purchased, to the effect that said Climax askets, baskets, or other containers are correct within the meaning ot said subdivision. —Sald guaranty, to afford _' proection, shall contain the name and. address o£·the party` or artles making the sale ot Climax baskets, baskets, or other ontainers to such. dealer, and in sueh case said- party or,par—_ les. shall be. amenable to the prwecutions, lines, rand other . »enalties which rvenld_ attach in due course to the déaler under he provisions ot this subdivision ot this chapter. (Aug. 31, .916, c. 426, U 6, 39 Stat. 674.) . I STANDARD TIME .261, Zones for standard time.-·——For the purpose oft establshlnithestaudard time ot the United `States,. the territory mcontinental United States shall he dlvlded into` nre noses n the manner ilrovided in this section, The standard time of he drst zone shall be based on the mean astronomical time of he seventy-dtth degree ot longitude seat from 'Greénwieh ·; that · vt the second zone on the nlnetieth degree; that of the third soneon the one hundred and nan degree; that of the fourth none on thehone hundred and twentieth degree; and that et; he Mth sone,_whlch, shall include only `Alaska, on the one nnndred and dftieth degree. The limits of eaehfzone shall ld dehnedbr an order of the Interstate Commerce Comznls— fion, baring regard for the (convenience- of bommerce and the rxiidni junction points and division points of common can riers engaged in commerce between the sereral States and with