Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/407

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.393 TITLE 16.-·-—-COA ot the Interior under the foreghlng provisions, or authorize any 1 charge against the Treasury of the United States. (Oct. 1, ` 1.:00, c. 1263, § 3,% Stat. @1.) · ‘ . . i ·~ Q .46s Yosemite National Park; lands segregated from and in- = cludcd in Sierra National Forest; rights of way ¤ve1·.—l4A11 ’· · gmgé ltracts or parcelsot ground described in section 45 ot l yhisltitle, butnot included WithlB;·th&‘Il1€£0S and bounds of the Z lzmd hereinafter described are included and made apart of the 1 seerra National Forest, namely: The tracts of land in the State J nl` California known and descrihedras follows: Beginning at the . point `where the nilddlerofp the channel of the South Fork of _ the Merced' Rirer intersects the line between sections 3. and 4, wwnehip 4 "southe range 20 east, ·Mou¤t Diablo base and me- l a mlian; thence northerly along section lines through the middle -.· uf townships 3 and 4 south, range _20 east; to the northwest * learner of section. 3, township —3_ south, range 20 east; thence · westerly along township lineto the southwest corner of section t

23, township 2 eouth,_ range 20 east; thence northerly along ¤

section lineaoto the northwest corner of section 2.1, said town- ? ship; thence westerlyf along section litres to the southwest Z mrnér oi eection 18, said townshlp;—thence·‘ southerly along · _muge liee to- the southeast corner of the xio1‘theast_quarte*r of Y swtion 24,.towrlshlp 2 south, range 19 east; thencewesterly to 7 the southwest corner of the northeast quarter ot section 24, sold- ° township: thence southerly to the southeast homer of the south-, i `west quarter of section 24, said township; thencewéaterly along pt section llnw to the southwest. corner ot section 23, sald`»town· -4 Vehip; thence northerly along section lines to the northwest = 4-··x·nor’ of the southwest quarter of sectl0u_14, said township; = z-nl·nce.easterly. to the northeast corner of the southeast Yquarier t ··1` section 14{eaid township; thence northerly along section l ‘ lineto the northwest isomer oi section- 13, said township l; thence · westerly along section line to the northeast corner of section 13,_ said township; thence northerly along Arahee line to the north- _¤ .u·cst_ corner of the southwest quarter otlsection 7, township 2 ‘ south, range 20 east; thence usterly to thejnortheust corner otihc southeast quarter ,ol' sectiiod 7, said township; thence southerly along section line to the- northwcst_corner· of section b 17, eaid township; thence easterly along section lines! to the northeast corner of motion 16, township.; thence northerly, lllilllg section lines to the northwest corner ot eectioo 3, aald township; thence westerly along townshipline to the southwest. ‘ vorner ot sectloe_33, township .1 south, TRBKB 29 east; thence _ northerly along aection lines to the northwest corner or section 21, sold township; thence westerly along section llnead-to the southwed corner}! section 18, mid township; thence northerly along rang llaeto the northwest corner ot section 6. qld town — ship; thence wmterly along Mount Diablo base line to the south- .» greet corner of omtiou 34, township 1§l\01’(h,`1‘&¤§Q 19 wat; thence northerly. along sectionfellnee through the middle of townships 1 and 2 north, range 19 east, to the point `ot intersection with the summit of the divide between Cherry Creek oh. the weataud Eleanor and (Fall Greeks on the east; thence along, the summltof sold dlvlde lh n. northeaaterly direction to the summit- ot the Slam Nevada liouhtulns; thence southeacterly , axiom the summit of the Sierra Neva& Hountnlnsho the divide I between the uereea and Baa Joaquin Rivera; thence south-· westerly aloe: said divide to the point of intersection with the south boundary or township '4 south, mage 23 east; Mount- ` Diablo and meridian _; thence weeterly aloe: township line to the point ot intersection with the middle ot the chahnel ot the South Fork oth the Mereed River.; theay westerly down the middle of mid river to the place. ot minding. . The lands above described are reserved and withdrawn from settlement,. occupancy, orsale upder the laws of the Unltw Sthtecg and set apart as reserved forest lands, subject to all the provisions of "sectioas 44, 45,·and· 61 ot this title., ‘ The Secretary of the Iuterlor may require the payment ot such price as he may deem

rsezzmzrzow ·§ 48 proper for privileges on the land herein segregated from the Yosemite Nationa1·_Perk and—made‘ a part of the Sierra‘N11tion`nl Forest nccorded under sections 79, 419, end 522 of this title, and other sections concerning rights of may ever public lands; and the moneys received from the privileges eeeorded on the lends herein segregated and included in the Sierra Netipnal Forest shall bepuid into the Treasury of the United ·St:1to·s as provided br law. The forest lands herein set eside ·'nm1` reseryed shell known ae the “Yosemite National Purk." (Feb. 7, 1905, c. 547,} 1, 33.Stat.'702.) , ¥ 47. Same; additidnal lands excluded from Yosemite National Park and added to Sierrd National Forest.-——-That portion of the Yosemitej Nz1tionnl Pe.rk lying between the bounwry line described in section 46 of this title end the line next herein described is excluded from said perl: and the said portion so described added to ‘end.1neAe· e part ·ot_ the Sierra Netionel ‘ Forest; to wit:"Beginning`_et the point on théflinev between sections 35`zmd 36, township 4 seutlyrange 21 east; where same intersects the middle of thvchannel of zthe South Iforkof the Mereed_·`Itiver·; thence north onjsection line to the southwest corner of section 25; thencelwest on section lines to the southwest cornerof section 28.; thence north on eection line to the northwest cornerof section 28;; the;1ee*w_est on seetien line te the quartergsectiou corner between sections 20 and Q; thence north through the middle of section 20 to the center `thereef; thence eest through the middle of section 20. tethe quarter section corner between sectione 20 and 21; thence north on section line to the quartergsection ·c0rner betviteexr sectiens "16 and 17 ;· thence west through middle et section 17 to the Center. thereof; thence north through the middle of sections 17, 8, and. 5 to _;the quaru-:r·section corner of north boundary, of. section 5 on township boundary, all in township d south, range 21`_,east;_. thenee north through the middle` of section 32, township 3 south, range 21 east, to-the cwter thereof; thence west through the éiddle 0§@seetion 32, township, and section 36, township»3 south, range`.20 east, to the querteréeectien corner he—‘ tween sections 35 and 36; thence north on section line to the quirter-section corner between sections 25 and 28% thenée east through the middle ot JSQQTUOD 25 to; fbe center thereof ;. thence north through the middle or sections 25 end 24-to the (renter of. section 24; `thence wut through the middle of sectione 24, 23, and 22 to the quarterpeetion corner jxftween sections 21 and 22, townehlp 8 south,. renge 20 ust, on the present western houhderr of the Yosemite National Berk. The abovedndiented portion et land- so made a part et the`Si&re Nnticmsi Fereet shell be huhjeet to, ill of the Acts of Gengeee _ with reletien thereto. The Secretary of the Interler may require the pay- m’ t of such price as he may deemiproper ter privileges on ` the lend herdh segregated from the Yoeemite Nntionel. Park and ma® A part ot the Sierra National Forest ed under sections 79, 419, end 622 of this title, relating m rights of wgy over eertnin parks, reservntimq, and other lands,. god jother sections concerning rights et way over public lends. In the grant ot. any right ot way for railway purpose; zeroes the lends placed under this measure within the Sierra. hfetionel Ferest it shall he stlpulntedthnt no logs or phnll be hurled over the séqe without the consent et the Secretary of the Interior and under regulations to be promulgated by him. (June 11. - 1906,1*70: 27, § 1, 34 Stdt. 831.) `Q l , 4 48. Same; Yosexnite Valley and Mnripeu Big Tree Grove reserved and nude part J of . Yosentite, N ahem;} ·Pnrk.—-·Tl1e . triets pg land emhra.ein¢ the Yeseéite Valley and the Mnripoea Big Tree Grove, dwtbed as the i"0le§t’* or "_Gorge" in the granite gen; of the Sierra Nevada mountains, dtnnted in the eotinty o1'·Mnripoea, lu the State of Cejlfernlnr wd the head— waters of the Merced Riyer, and known as the Ymmltervalley, with its brenehee or epurn, ine estimated length dtteen miles, ' endln average width me mile beck {rom the mm edge of the .