Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/409

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395 " yr f. llllfhl X16.-—-CON Yesemte Nnt1cui1l_.P¤·k» that be dunated tcarypnxk php `p<>S@· · (J1¤¥"1»_19i&» ¤¥ ¤¤9.·$_1,39 Stat. 3%.) ~ ·‘ l · I . 57. Q6 Pub;. _1¤ ccsoionbw excl@¤ve oflinited ln States;. tcmaiuiug in by ‘a sole and exclusive &.%l1¤§d by the United States- 1 lem- the mately and income vgithin me ummm · xaticnel Park, Seq¤¤i8·N¤¤Qr;¤l ud__Gmeml Great Na--_ ‘0 mm1 Park, `xjeséectively, émviug, however, `· to the ’ {state dz p (·g1iio}=nia the x·i@t, to serve civil or ¢1'i@§1 wkmin A tllelimits ut thela1u@id parks or either of t~em in or "c pméecutions for of ohuccouut 0:’!¥ht8_&¢!]t1i1'6d,` 1; '1¥l(*lll'1`Ed,_ in 'parks; and saving further to the ss»id_-State the right to ,0 persons and .¢0l’P01'3u0BS,YthE!1’ treuchle@, and ptc·petty;0n the v lands included in said @1‘k§,f8.11d the rl@t tu hl collect 0 liC£*BSé`IB€S for Sshmxia wid wrks; andwuing else to the E pwseus 1-emliug, in ndy of ;par¤ my or hecqfter `a flght; to vote ut all election held wumayme `cwnty or coun- t lies in which said parkajare situated. 1 (June 2,*1920, ,,c. 218, 0 § 1,,41 Stat. 731.) -· " l `· . ‘ 1 ‘ 1, 58. Snme;_1aws fugitiveq frenf.iéstice.——-All the A laws applicable te. places under sole and exclmlve- jurwdlction 0 of ‘t1irUnited.Stii'¤ shml myc force and edect in mid jack; ‘ I or either oituem. All fugltives frog justice taking 0 ooid DR!'k$» cfdther of them,"sh•ll» be subject ite the mma 0 mugs as retusees from tcuud. the Smte of Culitdrnln. g (Jl1l1€'2,,1@yC. %8,£1,-41`S;¤1t.’731,)_ . _ " w 59. Seine: by Sme laws.-·It any qrreose r {llall be ln the Yosemite National Sequel; N4- 0 aio¤al·Pe;·k, General Gmnt Nuti0¤nal._Pnrk, or elthef of 0 yvlnich omense is nut `&lblted ct the punishment is not at spoeiiically wevided io; py may law of the United _ Stat$, the t offemler mall be uubievt to the snme.punt~;luue¤t as the liwe .s of the Stated! is- toree utfthe time of tlxeeommisi A eign or the olfcose may provide for a like clfenae in said _Stgte; _ and no iuheequeut remnt efmy law ut the Stntéot 1 mli£ornl•'ahell admt my prumcutiun toe. said offense com- s mittedivlthin skid puks, er either of them. (June 2,19%, "1 ¢.·.‘2l8,= {4, Q1 Sut.Z'l31.) ‘ I `· . Y ; l 50. Sane; having or_&h§ng pnhibited.-——-All hu-ntingor the 1 killing, wounding, er mpturing at any time of any `wild bird < ur anime}, except deugaeuo enlmnlu, when it is- necessary, to t

.g·evcut them; from dmtroying human Lives or lntlcting pegs- c

>-·•m1'iojury, is p:·ohib1ted·witht¤ thellnalts dt said parks; ,1 elmll may dun be nbc: out ot any or the ‘watera et tlieemid l quarks, or any one et in- any other way than by hook and 1 5 line, and then only at such ses@ and Hines eudmanner 1 no may be directed by the &cretnry of tbe`Iuterlo1·;` (June 2, 311:.*0, e. M8, 5 5, 41 Stat,731.) _ · · ‘ ; -_ _ I 61. Sonic; regulations.-—In ndalltlcm to the powers e mld¢dutim_c11¤memt¢*d in section 3 at this` title, not iuc0u· 1 eistent with this l(9C¤¢'l,‘ the? Secretary of the Iuteticr shall 1 make and publish euch·gemra1'ru1%· and r%·ulations` as he 1 may deem uec&sary and proper to: tm managment gud edre 1 of the perk and 101* the prwectimx of the moped} therdu,. 1 especially for the- pgwervutieu from inj¥ury_,&· spoliettou of all ~ 1 timber, mineral depeslts ether. than thme lcgglly located prlor 1 to the date 01* passage ot the respective Acts creating and estab- < llslnhg said mths, natural curiusltiu or wonderful bbjectn a within said perks, and for the pxoteetiou of the animals in the" 1 lrark {rom mpture or destruction, and to mevem being 1 frightened osfdxjiven fron; the said parks; sud be shsll_1¤nke~ I rules and resuletiu¤s.gcvernig1g the taki¤8 Q! from tm zstkeum or lakes in the ealduazkn wlelther ot tliem; He mall ` cause all persons trmpnsiog upon the same to be_rem0ve•l' ': theretmm; {Oct.}, 1w9,·c. ,1263, fi 2, 26 Stat. 651{Jnme 2 1 1926; e. 218, { 5, 41’32.) · · _ Q

sasmrresu- . § 66 Q2. Sane; puascsdam of dead b¤& b!’bir& or •r£i¤;1s.——· Fmxon with1¤_ nid parks, or gither ci them, ci dead mdies crgarny part therectd any wild-birdar aiimal »e prtmgrfade thht pawn as persons having `mme rm grzilty etliiolsdm sectkms 60 to ®,`mc1psive, ct this ttt1e.~ ‘ Kline 2, 1920,;;. 218, § 5,`41_$tat. 7@.).‘ 4 { ” - _ E. Suse} trsmeactatiw of or éé; viiphticns »§ statute prjrules ¤r·regpii;@ fer management, care; and rreqéryatihh- of. parks; damage at m¤hhme¤t.—-·‘ my Q3@{6f·.}IE1i&Sg,0! étgm or c·a@@,jor railway vcmpiuy, whq knows or has td believe that they were ‘ akch crkilled contrary to the af g¤;:ti0r¤s»57 té 78; nclusive, cf, thi; tit1e,‘a¤d @1:0 .recctve¢·T0r tramortatrion any it add" '¤¤i¤¤l¤, thirds, or hgh sb "killd, csu@»t,~ or taken, or»0lnte may or the premium ct gm mctions, ‘ »r any rule qt rcguhtiuxi that may be _»pri>m¤1gted;by g the r Bccrétary t .01 the Interiqrywith reference to" mdmgément and care 'of thevsnldn parks, or either ot tt;em,‘m· for the progctiim qt the property thérein for the prwcrvdtion from injury ’ »r of timber, rnmernl depmtsg other · than them ggailly ldcatcd prior to the passage of the rwétive Acts cre-, itinj que} nestabltéhhx laid parks, natprsi °e¤ri~§¤¤¤es, or wonleriél objects within sid crleithsr of them, pr for the motectiéu-01 the gmtmals, égr ish in thesatd parks, or either ct thém, or who shall `within said parks ’e0&¤mit any lugqge, injury, spoligticm to or gpm: any {mee, hédge, raté, guidepost, trgé, woot}, mrdcrwoéd, timber, mmm crops, ,_* resetabtw. xéiiuts, land. swims minwnl depbsm other témn

 ERT}! located prior topthe pasugcot the  ire Acta

zreating gkd establhhim saidyparn, natural cmzimtica, or ither matter or thing g1·éwing‘cr_ beim thereon, Br situated herein, chai! be subjcctm the p®&1ty for thé Hola- 10:1 at rules uid regulations ct the Sacretéry ‘ at the iuteriér— mttmawa py muon s ofthis une. {Jane 2, ci 218, s .5, E1-Stit~'¥%.) ‘ l . _ - ·_ ·’ ·

$4.,8a;|g;· ide or   of tinker;   of -éetri-—

nmtd •r life.-—-—5Ncthi¤s in 8¤:ti¤¤S 57%* 78. iB<?1¤· dye; ot this title sim! bc c0mtr¤®.•S t‘¢D¤¤ii¤8 G! fh SRF *81* , nédifyiqg the putnmyxty graqted the _Secrcta.ry of Interior >y_q¤16 qe¢ti:m·¢ oi this titléita nd! or dispm at timberirs mttonal ;garks_,1¤` thou ¢asm° iwhgra; hr his Jadgment, the _ eutting ot such timber is required in order to control they ate-

 . of inscgzts gr diseases or otherwise ccnsérvgthe , scenery  

»t~the__r1gt¤ral or historié objkctsin such parks and to provid? for the dwtmcticmot suwr mimals Mid such plant Hfg gs may wdetrimentnl to the.(use‘bf any qi said qr tM_huthority· grantect to said Secretary by sections 51 to 5% of this title., (Jm1e2,1920,é.23.§,§5,'41Stnt.732.)» _, . I ·~ ‘ I65, ncizurg snlforfeitun of gum tug, teams, _. games, and an forth.-:-AH guns, t¤lI¤& horvcitjor means at transportation at every nature or wxrription rinsed by any gxarscra or persons within the limits of said parks,·or either 'of them,. wher: engaged t¤_·_kil1i¤g, trapping, cusm1ri'¤g,_br_capturing such °wi1d beésts, birds, or animals, shall M forfeited to the United States and may be seized by the. omcgrs in saidt pnrki, oroeither of them, anti held pending prosigecutioj of `nny person or `pegrstms érrestad under theachargetof` the prdvtsiéna ct sections 57 tin 77, inc1usivc,*0t this tit_1€,'&i1d' upon conviction such forfeiture shall be adjudituted as ta penalty in mmitiogx to the -. othqr punishment prescribed therein; Such forfeited hropcrty dull be disposed of and aécomxted for by and uudertha nuthoritfof the Secretary of the Interior. (June 2; l920,c.;218,$6,41Stnt;?33».)`— i · " t _~ ‘ Q6. Same; mmmiuicnersg appointment; jurisdiction.-———Thc United States District Chart for the Northern District of Cali- ' torah wall ippoiht a coxrgmigséipuer {gr the .Yosemit·e»Natio11a1 Park,_ai1d the'UniI.ed Stqtes District Court for the Southern District at Caltibmja shall` xxppdint ·a. c0i:i.missi•;mer for the