Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/420

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c * ntf §‘ 192 · ‘ a·12·1»n za.?-co,

 quarter   line to·its intersection with a creek in section

' 7, said township, this creek being an outlet oi Grand Lake, _ end Howing into the North Fork of the Grand River; thence southerly along the snid creek_to.its junction jvith the North Fork of the Grand ·Rlve_r; thence, southerly tnlong the west

 of the North Fork..ot the Grand River to its intersection

with-. the (township line between townships 2_ and 3 _ north; thence east ‘along the township line to`: ire sonthenst-_corne1: of section 34, township 3 northyrnnge 73`[ivést of the eixtlr ‘ principal xneridinn, Colorado, the place of beginning, is re-. served and withdrawn {rom settlement, occupancy,. or under the laws of the United StntesQ and 1s_ded;cntcd.nnd-net -apez·t no n public park- forthe benefit and enjoyment- oi the people of the United Stntes, under the name of the Rocky Mountnin National Park, The [United States Reclamation Service§ may enter upon end utilize -tor noyrnge or other purposes any aren within said park which may be necessary for the development and maintenance oi `a Government- reclnmation project. (Jnni'26, 1915, c. 19, { 1, 38 $tat. 798;) '_ _ 1%. Sna1e;(bon¤dariea enlarged.—The eastern boundary line n of the Rocky _.Monntain National Park between the section corner common to sections 2‘nnd__3, township 8 north, and sccg tions. 84 and 35, township 4 north, range 73 west, and the township corner common to townehlps 6 Mid B north, ranges _72 and 73 vest, is herebyfchanged so. as to read ·‘n follows: ` ." at a point onthe preéent eastern -b0undery'line ot the Rocky Mountnln»N¤tiona1 Park, Colorado, which is the northwest corner ot section 2 nnd the northeast corner ot sec, tion 8, xownshlp 3 north; rnnke. 73 west of the erxm princlgial meridian; Colorado, running thence east along the township line to its intersection with the main hydropnphlc divide e•stot Cow Creek, betiveen section 31, township 4 `north,·and scction 8, township 8 north, range 72 weet;` thence northw@ter1y— following Along said hydrogmphic dtvlde, pawn; over Twtn Sisters, the Omg, panning w@t ot Lily Lake, and continuing Along aid hyd:ogra®lc divide, now between Aopen Brook and Fish Creek and * passing over Lily; Mountain" and Glanttrack _ Mountain to •. point which ta tbesontheadt oornenroi section 34 and the sontbwestcorner of section 85, townehlp."5 noxth, range 73 west; thence north —.•1ong the section, lines, between sections 84 and 85, @6 and 27, ·22‘ s,ndi%,· 14 and “`15, to the ,_querter corner common to Sections 14 and 15,,nll in township 5 north, range. 73 west; thence {cnet along qunrtereection line, through Sections 14 .and 18, townnhib 5 north; l,'8§lB6573 west end along the contlnnetionpt sold qnartevsection line through * section 18- to the quarter corner common to sections 18 and 17, » township 5 north; renge 72 west; thence north nloni °eec¥ tion line between sections 18 and 17, .7,and ,8,5 and, 6. ell in townehlp 5 northkrénge 72 west, to that point which is. the " ‘¤·¤nnm¢,, corner ot qéction 6 and the northweeti corner {ot .scction 5 in nnid township and range; thence ‘we§t along the township llne to thetownsh-lp corner common toxownshins 5. ond 6 northyrnnges 72 o¤¤o‘3·::‘wes;, which in on»the premnt eastern boundéry line of the Rocky Mountain National Park, Golornd¤o." A . , _ ‘_ _ ·, · "And thelands lying between the eastern boundary existing on February 14, 1917, and thecentem boundary che _ _ by this section between said section cogner eemmonto-¤ect£¥ 2 and. 3, township 3 north; endnectione 34 and 35, township north, range 78 pvmt, and mid township corner common to c townships ,5 and 6 north, mega 72 and 73,we¤t, nrc rencrvad - and withdtnwnmfrom settlement, or dt under the laws ot. the UnitedjBtatm, and l1‘l~ml¢G` (part at and lnclnded in the Rocky Mountain National Park, theprovisions ot section _191 of thi; title are mode npnlieablc to' and extended oven the lends, hereby added to the Dui., _(I!‘eb.f 14, Y 1917, `c. 61, 39_Stat.,91d.)' ‘ ’ I ° -

zvsmz VA T1 ON 406 193. `Samc; dgizns and rights under land laws not aHected; rights of way for irrigation. ind other p¤rpw.——Nothii;g mmtained in this section audosectious ·191,’ 194, and 195‘ot this'- title ghhli affect nrgy valid ;e:tist1ng.clgim, lochtion, or marry 1 under the 1and_1aws_ of the United States, extsting on January r 26, -1915, whether for homestead, mineral; Hghtof way, or any

other purpose whatsoever, or shall uifectthé rights of any such

Iclaimarit, 10og1t01·,.r0r.__entrymgn_t0‘ the full use and enjoyment z of his land. Whenever consistent with the primary purposes Hof the park, esectious -79, 419, and 522 ot this title bball bc {applicable to thé minds included yvithin the park. The Socrai tarjr 01"theYIutcrior may; in his discretion and upon such cono 'ditions as he may-deem wise,’gi·ant’easeme¤ts or rights or way ¥·for steam, electric, or giuiilar transportation upon or across,

the park. I (Jan. 26,1915, q. 19, S 2,.38 Stat. 800.) _ · . * I

{ 194; Same} lauids held in private, mmnicibal, of State owner- ) shipjuot afei:ted.—N0Tl£1ud§1ocated within thé`tpgrk·’boundaries @ held in private, municipal, or- State ownership on Jnuuapy f 1915,"shal1 `be afcctéd iby of subject xtc the provisions of ¥ tions 191, 193, and 195 of this title. (Jah. 26, .1915, c. 19, 5 5 3, 38 Stat. 800.) . " _ o 195, Same; control of; reguhtiops; léases; sale ind removal V"0f timber.—I¥,0cky,M0u¤tain Ngtional Path- shall bc` under the , o executive control of the Secretary of the Intérior.- In addir t.iou_t0 the powers and dutiesouumerated in section 3`ot this title and not inconsistent with this sectionxhé shail make and _ publish such reasouablorules 'and 1'B§Ul8¤0ll8,,B0[ inconsistent · with the laws of the united Stat¤s,_a$ he may deem necessary

or; proper fog the care, protection, management, had ‘impmovpT

§ ment of the, same, the said regulations being aimed .

  • at the freest use of ,tho said park for recreation v¤1‘P<>Sos

by the public gud for thépranervation of the‘natunl· c0n¤tions. = and scenic beauties thereof. .Tho_ paid Secfetnivmny. in his

  • discretion, oexééqta lmaes to parcels ot? ground not exceeding
  • twenty acreiiu extent in any one place itc my pgrson or com-

? pany for iiot to exéeed twenty yeah whenever such ground is, Wmoéossury for the erection ot ostablishmehb for the accom- Qmodation of visitors, may grant such othofneéemry privtlogcs Vand concessions as he deems. `wise_to».· the mrcomuiodation ot Vvtsitors, and may likewise arrange !01·`tb·o rexhovdl of such _ i mature ori doodor .d0\vu timber as he may deem--nm;%y and { ;`°

  • advisable top the protection and_improvem.cht· of the park; The-

» regulations §0”V€'l‘l1ii’1§ the bark. shall include provisions for the . o use-ot_ qutomobilcs thoréiu. The Secretary ot ;tho· Iutérior is authorized to accept 'patcuted lands or rights ur way over Qtpatpntod {lands in the Roch? Mountain National Park, that `maiy be donated tot park purposes. (Jun. 26, 1915, c. 19, ·§ 4, 38 Stat. 330; June 12, 1911, c.‘27,_I 1, 40 Stat. 152; Mar. 1, 1919, ‘c. 88, 40 Stat. 1270.), _ . , ` LA[SSEN_ VOLCANIC NATIONAL PARK . 201. Luau: Vyhmic Ngti¤¤g.I_Pgrk; ••tn&hmmth ; honor}- · aries; entries lad lun: gighb of way; rechiation » prcjeétii indemdy lands.-—·A11 xhoaq oértnlnf tmcts, pieces, or pgnrcels ot land lyim and hadn; match tho, Btstopt California h and within the hound•riu_`p•.rticmLnr1i duczihedho follows, to wit: Bcgnmni at the northest comet of hectimj3; township 31, Ggast, Mount Diablo $lN’idfl.!1,··_Gl“.foEIti8; theme wouthirly to this soatheast cofuu of slid dection; thence oast· ‘ cri} to the aorthnsu corner ot thaqncithwmt 'qoartor os section Y11, nic} township : th¢hc• to th• agthmst canon- of .,th¢ southwest quarter ot 14,»SA1\d tomahlp; thence

 to the.nm·th@.comer.ot the northwedgusrter of

EQCQOVIL 24,; township; thenm muthory to, ®9"IO§!uI€*£8(

 ct the nouthw q¤¤rtor ot mma %, uid itowushiv:

theme westerly fo me southweqt ot socuqn 26, said - township; thence southerly to the southeast comm cot neztiou