Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/448

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O § 552 _, r1a·L1s 1}.-$00 652. Empl~cyme¤faf1;ativ& df Pribilof Islmés in killing l seals and eating skins.-——Whéncver seals are killed arid sealskius taken on my . of the Pribilof Islands the native, 111bQb-· itants of said Islaqds shall be employed in smgh aud. ip cm·ing·the skins takén, and sltall receive for their labor fair compensation,·iixed»· from time. to time by the Secrag (tary of C0mmerce,j¤svh0—sl1all h:1vé.·tI1e authority to prescribe ·by regulation the manner in whieh s>u`éh c0mp»énsationQ shall be paid ta the said natives or expended or otherwise `used in their behalf and for their »benefit.i `(Apr, 21, 1910, c. 183, § 3, 36 Stat. 327.) _ _ - ` _ Q ° 653. Sane; depots for pm! trarrspcrtation of ,,p¤—¤ma¤¤s~ fro: niiuhnd to Islaadsg care of natives.-—The Sec? `rctary of Commerce shall have authority to establish and maintain depots for provlsicz1s'a11d supplies on` t11e_Pripi10f Islands and to `provide for the transpcrtatiém of ·- such aprorisious and supplies from the mainland df the Ug1itcd_ States to the sakf 'islan°®_ by the charter at private vessels, or by the use of pub1ic yessels of the United Statés whigrh mai be placed at his disposal by the President; and he shalljlikéwise have authorityto fur·· 'nish food, shelter, fuel, clothing, and other necessariegpf life. ` to the native mhabitauté of the Pribiloflslaxids aud to provide for their camfort, gaintenanice, education, yaud 'protéctiogr · (Apr. 21; 1910, cg 183, .},9, 36 Stat. 328..) _ ‘ . " .·

 Invwtigationt as td, seal life an the Pribilof . Ialaxgds.-—¥

Thea Commissioner Y of Fishcrieg is authorized and recjuired, to investigate, under, the direction of the Scérctary of Commerce, and when 90. reqixexed report aimually to him `rcgard? ing the conditions of scat life; upon the _1‘O0k€l'1€S ·0I_ the _Pribil0f Islaiids; and he is alsoj directed to continue the~Qin— quirics relative to. the lifehistory and migrationsht the fur seals freqacxzting the waters of Bering (Mar; 3, 1893,`·_c. ··208, 27 Stat. 585; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 7, 32 _Stat._828; Mars -1, 1$13,c..141,.§ 1, 37.Stat. 736.) ‘ , · ‘ `·· U ‘ ’§55.,.'Agc¤ts to be.d‘$si:iter¢std.~—il1‘he persons charged with the management of thé sealfiigsheries in Alaska, and the performance_ of such other ldqties aajnay be assigned to them byA the Secretary of ._Commeree, shall never be il1t€1'€St€dn directly

 or indirectly in any lease of the right tc·také-seal, norin any

proceeds dr proats therepf either as owner, agent,'partner, .01· otherwise. (-R.- S. `§§ 1973,,1975; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 7, 32 Stat. 823; Mar, 4, 1913,,0. 141, {1, 37 Stat. 736.) · 1 ._ 656. Same; administering oatlu and tnkhig t¢stiiuony.——fI‘he_ agents are empowered to administer oaths in all éaécs relating té the serrice of the United States, and tq take testimony in Alaska for the use qt the Government- in any matter concernl ·ing‘ the public revenue. (R..S. § 1976.) . f _ 657. Traveling expenses.-——-»The persons charged with the management of the seal iishcries in Alaska shallbc allowed, in addition to their salaries, their ncccésarye traveling expenses in goingrtd and returning from Alaska, for which _€X};)€DS€S vouchers shall b€"[)l’BS€l1[€d to the General Accounting Oiilce. (R. S. { 1974.; June 10, 1921, c.`18, § 304, 42 Stat. 24.) 7" ‘ 658. Additional c&cers and agents to enforce seal Hsheries _` law.——-The Secretary -0f Commerce shall have authority to appoint such addtitioual 01Ec·ers,_age¤ts,lau_d- employees aq may be necessary to/· carry out the provisions dt sections 644,646, 647, and 649 to 653 of ,this‘_titl¢ and the laws df the United 'States relating ·to the seal fisheries 'éf Alaska, to prescribe their duties audto Hx th§if»(éO1ll})€HS&ti0H. (Apr.'21, 1910, K ‘ 183,} 9, 36_Stat.“328.) “ ‘ . `“ , ` ' Ghapu=r.6.——GAME AND BIRD PRESERVES; PROTEC- . TION. ‘ ’ · Sec. · I ' 671. National Bison Range. *· 672. Wim} Cave Natioqal Gamé Pfeservav 673. _\Vy0ming Elk Reserve. . 674. Sullys Hill Nutibnal Park Game Preserve. ,

PNSERVATION 434} Sec. 675. Custer State Park Game Sanctuary: establishment. 7 676.,Sa¤ie; hunting, and so forth, in; regulation; *punlshm`ent. 677. Same; inclosare. · »·’» M .678. Same; exchange of lands with State- of·S0uth Dakota. . ‘679. Same; patents to State of South Dakota of certain lands ln park; reservation ot coal, oil, gas, and other mineral 1-1gmS_ 680. Game animal and bird refuge in South Dakota; establishment. 681L Same: erection of fence by State. 682. Game refuge·‘in Ozark_National Forest. ’ . ‘d83. Areas set 'aside for protection of game and fish; unlawfully tak. ~ 7 inggame or fish. ‘ Y . ` 684. Garnebreeding areas iawichita National Forest. Q 685. Same; hunting, trapping, killing, or capturing gauge “unlawfn1_ 686. Same; operation lol. local game laws. _ · '_ ` . 687._ Same; Grand ’Canyon Game° Preserve included in park. .Seot.i0n 671. National Bison Range.-—·There is reserved and excepted from the nnallotted lands A now embraced within tho » Flathead Indian Reservation, in the State of Mmtana, a pazwl not to ekceed twenty Lthonsand. acres » of said lands, near the confluence of the Pend <1’Oreille and Joeko Rivers, for a pernml `nent National Bison Range forthe herd of bison presented by " the American Bison Society. The Secretaryof Agriculture is authorized and directed to inclose said lands with a good and suhstantnal fence and to erect thereon me necesmy sheds and buildings- for the pro°i>ér care m.ainte¤ance` of ‘ the said bison. ·( May 23,.·1908,'c. 192, 35 Stat.'267 ; Mar. 4,1909, c. 301, `35 Stat. 1051.)__ _ ‘ _  ». _ _ _ ·· 672; ‘Wind Cave 'National Game Preserye.—There is estab; lisheda national ‘gzfme preserve, .,to be known as the Wind Cave National Game Preserve, upon the land embraced within the gboundoées of the Wind Cave National Park, 'in the, S_ta{e of South D kota, for a permanent national range for a heal of l buffalo presented to the United. States by the American Bison Society, and for such other native American game animals as may be placed therein- The Secretary of AQgricnltnrb - is authorized to acqnireby purchase o_r,—conden1nation such adjacent-lands as may be necessary for theepnrpose of assuring . ’ N an adequate, pern1ancnf_water‘ supply, and to enclose the saielj game preserve witha good and substantial fence and to erect thereon all necessary sheds and buildings for the proper care and maintenance or the said anirnals, (Aug. 10, 1912, c. 284, 37·»’s¢_at.ge3.)·. _ - » . _ ‘ . " ° 673. _Wyoming Elk”Rcserve.——-—There is established a winter- ·game .(elk) reserve as the State of ~Wyoming,_-which shall he located in that_section· ofwyoming lying. south of the Yellowstone ‘Park,_ and. shall include not lm than two thousand acres W in township 41: north, ranges 115 and 116 west,. and the Se<·rc—· 'tary of‘_Agriculture`is authorized to purchase midlands with improvements, to erect necessary buildings and inclosnres, and to incnr other expenses necessary for the maintenance of the reserve. The Secretary of Agricnlturels anthorized to include 7 in said refuge and to inclosc not-more than one thousand ac·re~·s of unoccupledjpnblic lands,} which. when selected shall. be made. to conform-to the lines of the 'pnblic surreys, and shall be adjacent to or partly inclosed by mid refage. (ang. 10, 19}*:. 7 c. 284, 37 Stat; 293; Mar. 4,1913, c. 145, 37 Statl 847.) 674. Sally: HN Natio¤al.P•rk G•me·Preservc.—¤-For the im- · provement of a game preserve in Sullysllill National Park, in the Stateof North: Dakota, $5,000, thesanxe- to be available — `untll expended. The Secretary ot Agricultnre is authorized to inclose the Sullys Hill National Park with a good and substans ‘ .1 fence, to construct thereozrall sheds,_bnild, ings, and corrals ` necessary for the proper care and maintenance of the animals and birds therein, to erect a suitable headquarters, to construc·t_ and maintain roads, trails, and other structures necesmry for the convenience of visitors; and toe incur .such other erpenses

 maybe necessary for the proper maintenance of the preserve.

and the animals andblrdn maced therein. He is also authorized to place in the park bnmalos, elk, deer; and snch other- wild or rare animals and birds as he mayin his discretion ideclde. _ . (June 80, 193, cg .131, 38 Stat. $4.), ’ ' `