Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/46

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63 TITLE 5.-——EXEC'U2ZéVE DEPA;RTMBN1 éhall be appointed to or hold any other omce to whlchcom- 01 pésssaticp, is rattached unless specially aughcrlzed thereto by tc 1aw;Q_but this shall nobapply to retired oQc·er§ of the Army cu pr Navy whenéver they Mmay be elected tg public _0Q£:a or when! g1 ever the Presideht shall lappoingthem to 0@:e~·~*by‘ iahd with: Q the advice and 'corisemj ot the Sléxiate; Retired enlisted men of -m the Army, Navy, Mériine Corps, _0r Coast _Guard .retirecl. t»`— for. dw any -é§use, and retired 6Eccrs Qt the Army,*j'Navy, .Y][&1'iIlB m Carps, or Coast Guard -who”hav¢‘ been retired for injuries rc- S] céivedr.»»l;1.1bn%:tle or fo1···i1;ji1rl%&·0.r incapacity incurred 11;, line 01 of duty shall uct, 6E,this_ section, lg? con- dgw

 to hold or to havé   an o§‘i¢e. during suchpetirég  

ment. (July_31—,11894, c._1’14f $,2, 28_Sta—t;. 205; iMay 3,1, 1924, rug, c. ”214l,r`43 Stat; 245.) r _ J _ ifjal

 B3. _&m¢;Vretir¢¢} qmersfof Arxiny or Navyrpmploycd on rp;

river •,éd_·h@1‘b¤¤' improvements.-54Sectidu 62 bt this. title. shgill ft not bérsgo construed as to preirgntlthe employment ofl,&1iyQretiréd”A Wm lcmcer of the Army or¥Navy l 0_;w0rk‘ under the, direction of q the Chief of Eugineérs of rhs itéd Army in comiecg 8. mm »w1m me ;m pwveme¤¢ Qtirsw l2l` {ua ummm or nheiuuiteu r iy States} értehe payment bi-r~the‘pr6pérh0 r of the Treasury oi r any-` inmcurlts ,up§¤w as ·'c0mpe¤:5ati0;{·for’__iuch émploya lt] » ment. (June 3,_‘1896,Y£. 314; $Y7,gl29iSt&t. Y _  ; r (1; 64. Same; rétiregr c&crs‘ of Army; etc.; ih Bureau of the = ii r Budgét.-+—Secti6:r 62 cfgihis 1il:le‘$ha_11Ti_¤0t be éonstrqgdjas ji { lbajzim applimtimn to retired officers__otrthe Army, Navy, Msirluef pi l Qcrgjs, ar. C¤ast ‘Ggard Qwh0` may be nppoixxtcgd. td ·thel’_..0$ces·r g created, by secticxr 16 of Title 31, within Atlgc méanlng ·of—.pre—h H l¢li1di!1gfpay@e¤t·· t0° `s¤ch 0Ecc-ars of the difference in pay p_ré— 5 scribed tor; such cmces Amd th¢ir`_rcti1iedfpay. ](Fpb; 17, 1922,V ‘C» 55, 42*  » ‘ l _ ‘ l _ gj " §5."”Same:. émplcyeeslpf Library df Cimgréss.—Employees l of g. the Library. of Congress whqfpertorm special functions for the u bpétfiirmauce of which fuudkhavc bécxileugrusted rt0 the Lib1‘§¤‘Y-‘ ti ‘o£ Congress “Trust Fund Board, or the iliibrsirlan ot C0¤gréS$» t¤ dr in —c0m1ectl0¤__ with cooperative u¤¤e¤m1:1¤g¤,‘ in~whicl1.thel ti Library of Congress lrfeggaégged; bball uct-} be tubject to the pro- 0 lvisiims of section B21?} this `title. r (Mar} 8, 1925, cJ.4%,_;£ 6, 11 43>Stat411Q8r). r _ U ‘ l .111 r » 66;__Re¤évf¤g alaryrfrom sourcé other than United Stités.-T- e. { No Goversmeutjqwal or émployee skill wccivé nn! i¤ r connection with his bervicml as such 111:; owcial rorlf amplqyeel 0 from uuy“’ ¤tl§é¥T lfhfé`"i"Gi6%iriii&g¤t at the Unitédt `b Stdtes, except ns m¤y be’l¢011trib;ibedic>ut»c£·r};h9 tréasury cfggny ,u _.Stuie, county, or mur1icipality;—nnd· ¤o perwn,—‘as.iociau¢¤, or r u corporation sligll any?-izbritribution ,1:0, cr in my wai ‘ A . supplement the mlm! qi, any Government omcial or employee g Y6? fh? $€1'Yi¢88 Dé1’f¤¤¤£d bi him? 101* the Gorémméut of l the `il United States. Ax1y¤ person violatmglany lot Lhé terms at phis l jg section shall; be- deemedigullty of ra, misqemeaixmr, and xilpon v conviction thereof slmll be puuishcdéby d mm or not less than Q $1,600 or imprisoximént for not lun than six mmithp, or by both { isuch tiné ind imprisqnmcut as the " court may determine. . (M&i‘.j3,`1917,_¢. 1%, Q 1{89l_St&t; ~1i66.)r - l` _ - J" '·¤ ~ 67. Same; emxilsyecs of Department of Agriculture and rFor-e ti r est Service.-———O$ci¤ls Jud employees at rthé Departméntr of so ,Agricql`tum engaged In nctivitieg at the Departmént ol; Agrlv 0 culture déscribed £¤;¤ectio1$l5®4cft,l$lsrt.itle;lra¤d_pa1d‘l»ln wlujle iii or in part; eu; of fuudk eoutributcd as provided in-•a1d secilan a 563, arid the persons, corporations; or nqgcslnticus makin: é

tributi0us as provided in said sectilbh 583 shall not be iubjact  

to the provisions of section 66 of guise Lille; xicr 'Bhall p,¤y;?gmcia.l.» QE or employee lengged in the c¤opera4;lsc_.Lgctivitis of the_Fomf m rtservi4·ce,_ or {hb-§é!80I1$r, cqrpérntierm, or nssmatiqns `¢¤r1lrib· t _ uting to Wsuch uctlvitfék be sub,·_gl"said·s,ee:t10¤ 66. (July! 24; c rww, c; 26,41 Stat. 27G.) ¤ N » , gr lr " r l 68. Same; iiimigratimap ¤§ci•l¢;·———·Nothlug ln nectfhm BBN 6: m was title enum prevciit  » reimbursements fw icrviees 1

‘S, OFFICERS, AND _EMPL‘0YEBs p gg, a I imrnlgratien q@eials. incident to tge inspection of aliens in >reis¤ contizuoué ter1flt¤1‘y.» and such reimbursements shall 1,,,

 in ¢.ly_appropr1 ation, “Expenses of regulating immiratlnn.”, _(uar.·4, 1Q21, c. 161, { 1,141 Stat. 1424.) l e  

69. ¤etvices.+·5No allowance cer compensation shall , laden to any oQcer or clerk, by u reaeori of the discharge gf ntles which belong to any other-o¤cc1: or clerk ain the same p any other department; had no allowanceior eompeeneatien mall-be t·a1na;le_·tort·any extra ,serviees whatever, which any Hlcer or clerkqmay to perform, unless expreeely nthorlzed—byallaw.l‘, (RIB.,} 1764.) u ’ a — ’ _ .70. Extras allowinces.++No omcer lnany mance of the name ervlce, or any other y person whose. mlary, my, _ er emolnxnente o re by mweccr regulations, ,shal1;receiye'any‘ zldditimwi ay, extra allowance, or ecoxnpensation, in any torn: whatever, yr the disbursement ot public, money, or for any ether service r p duty yvhateyer lnnleélhe, [same la by law, ‘ ana aes appropriamnatherbfer explicitly that it is for suehei dditional pay,iertra;"allowance,..or compensation. (R. Sl.;} l

  • 71, Extra Fnmpensation n1·_pemnldte•.—-No évll omcer or no

ne Government ·shal1 >1·¢elve compensation ” or pertiuisltes, lrectlyl or;-indlrectly,_from Treamryor mol>¢rty —of the rnited States beyond his salary c or- compmtiony allowed by' lov., [This section shall at not lbeconstroed to weveutathé emlaymenuaa paymentany me or Janice-or annlet ttorneys as allovéedw by law., {ortho lperformancefot services ' ot covered by their salaries or l (lane 26, 1874, c.‘ 328, `3,~18_Stat.e109.e).~ < "` 1 , · < ‘lll hl ,

 72., Addltienglcca1n&tion to   enployedp sneer genral. or luntp-sum appropri•tion.—+It shall not be lawful mba?

oi any person, employed in ne et the United States nder any general, or": inmp·sn:n appropxglation, any `inram addi-, lonal to ae regular compensation recdyod for on attached o any employment held, prior to an tlwignae lon as acting for or instead goccnmnt of omce ‘ r"· employment.} section be prolibiting " regular and, " permanent appolnmmta by prometion rom lower 7toH higher of emnloymnts (Abt. 1.1914.

 $1.12, 38·Stat.?@0.) 1 l   .   l   a * 1     e ,

vs. Actual l traveling $¢¤p¢1\!¤_,.§¤}! 1 nbowal-cmwnt ¤• ltherwiw provided by 1 law, only ,¤ct¤¤1° ¤¤@¤¢¤ SMU »e a allowed: to any _ peraonj holding- lmpleypente or appointment lane: the‘U¤1ted states, ·e except pélstiiét attorneys, na cleanse: me cenet; ottlxe United and pmnw f lll allowances fo1·`ni*tl and tzransportntlm in of mount eetnauy paid,_except as, above excepb@. are declared {legal; and no credltshall be illewod term.? of ¤i¤b¤mll¢, mceébt the United States ter; payment or allowances lb Viola no ot thlaj_·sectle¤Ql 1(MRPQB. 18’?6»‘·¢s U 1i»18 S“*· 52; June 1876,_c._159,19 Stat, ,66; June 10, 1§%,, og 212· 12,*42 stat; @1.) g 4 1 '**’ i

, 74,   fiery snbnlsteneeg ltraveling an duty.--··UnleS8 `
the;·%vlae eipressly provlde<l—by“l¤W., no ¤!¤¢¢¥ l <>l’ *§?P*?Y°? °f

hollnited shall be allowecl__or me in ‘¢1s¢¤S¤ lf expenses ”actlna,lly"Iilcnrred mr wblle` ¤*¢vell¤8 ·n panty outside" ot ne District et__~_Golnmbin and sway efwme lla designated post as duty, no; any aum,fer_ with ¢¤P6¤$°*’ lctnally, incurred ln ¢X¢08¤ <>$ W F3? dill ¤9"jm*u “" l'u°“?` - mee or reimbursement for subsistence be mldlto any 0m¢§l" 0* p employeejn any branch of the public sMvi¢e;¤¢ lillé U”**°d_ lhtes in tbe of Columbia nnleeenbqent .f1‘0¤1 his `<l€$ig‘~ lated post nt dnty entsltle at the District or Qolnxnbia, and hen only for the period netball! ~l¤ eeal lh? €“$* ¢h&1‘¢¤h¤X cmlnl d¤¢i¤¢ . (AW- W 191* —°· 52· 38‘St§t° 3181) ‘ 75. Banu; engaged in ieid work er, traveling on •§cl•1 l•¤,e¤— amé-+mcept as otherwlm expressly ‘ nwvitlefl BY, li§“’·h e*}"°l . IOBGI'- ei nnncndve departments and ‘ot.her GOY§PDm€¤t ¢’Sl¤b‘ e