Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/468

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§ 32 TITLE 17.·—· (d) To any b0ok"publishc~d abroad `with the autborimntic of the author or copyright proprietor when importcd uude the circumstances stated in one of the tour subdivisions tcllov ixig, that is to say: I ` First. When imported, not more than one copy at occ tim for individual use and riot for sale; but such privilege of in pnritaticn shall not extend to a foreign reprint of a book by 21 - American auther copyrighted lin the United Sjatcs; , , Second. When imported by. the auth0rity_0r_ for. the use < the United States; ‘ ` · ._ , . Third. Whcr; imported, for usc and not fQ1"S§18, not mon than one copy of any such book in any one invoice, in goo iaith, by or for any society or institution incorporated xtc éducaticnal, literary, philosophical, scientific, or religious pu

 poses, or for the encouragement of__the iiucf arts, `or for an

cpllcgc, academy,} school, or seminary of learning, pr for an Statc, school, college, imivcrsity, or frac `public library in tl United States; _ · ‘ — ·. · _ ` Fmxrth. Whcn`§u'ch books form parts otrlibrarics or colic tions purchased cn bloc for the use of societies, institutions, ¢ libraries designated in tha` foregoing `paragraph, or form. para cf the librarics or personal baggage bclhging to persons ( families arriving fréixr foreign countries and are not intendc

for calc:. Provided, That copies imported as’ab0vc may nc

F lawfully be used Di any way to violate the rights of the prprictor lcfailxc American copyright or annul 0;; limifthe cop; right protection secured by this title, and such unlawful us shall bc dccmcd an infringement of copyright. (Mar. 4, 190 , c. 320, § 31,, 35 Stat. 1082.) a ‘ a · 32. Fcrfciturc and destruction of articlcg prohibited impou tation.-·——-Any and all articles yprohibitcd importation by th titiefwhlch are brought into the U.uitcd°StatcB from any tot _cign country (except in the niails) shall bé seized and fo; fcitcd by like proceedings as those provided by`- law for ,tt scizmzc. and ccndcmnatiou*_0t property importéd into tb % United Statczfi;1 wicl·afi0n ot the custbms revenue laws. Suc l articles- when tcrfcitcd shall bc destroyed in such xpaum aa the Secretary of the Tréaaury or the court, as the case ma Xe, shall direct :` Provided, lwaqcvcr, That all cc!>icaj0t.a11thq‘

 iacd cditicnscf copyright books imported in the mails or othez

ww in violation of the provisions of this title may bc cxportc § and xjcmmcd tc the ccurftry_ of export wh·é¤cvcr`.it mis' chown i the satisfaction 1;; `the Secretary or tim lu' at writtc application. auch importation Qdoca _ mit! iuvolvc willh negligence cr_ fraud. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 820, » |‘ 82} 35 Sta _ 33. Rczulaticmito gircvcat importation ia mail;. of Qhrtidn pr&i§i£cd.··-—'1f’hc Sacrctaryct the 'qrcaaury and the Pcatmaat; ‘ (lcucrai amlcmpcwcrcd add tc makc apd · enforce suc joint rulci and regulations auuaxn, prevent the ‘3¤§¤P¤r’tatio1i im the United Statca in the malls otartlclcs prohibited importam by this titlc, and mab require notice `to bc g1%rc¤`to the Trcaam Department or Ppat Omca Department, an the cnéc may bc, la copyright prcfirtctcrs or injurcd parties, cf- actual cr` cm tcmplatcd impcrtiticn of articlca prohibited impcrtatica by thi tmc, and which intringc the rights of such copyright pr0priZ tors cr injured particsi (Mar. 4, 1909pc. 3%,. 5 83, 35 Sta 1083.) , ." I _ ”, . — 34. Jurisdicticg of actiorxs gmdcr laws.-··-All actions, suit. cr proceedings arising undcr the copyright laws: at the Ualtc •"'* Statcc shall bc c1=igi¤aiiy" ccgaiaablc br the. district ccurts c the Uaitéd States, the district court ct any Tcrritéry, the Sa prcuxc Qcurt ct tl1c'·Dlst{·ict ct Columbia, the district court of alacka, Hawaii, and Porto Rico, and the cemrts of urs instance bf the Philippine Iclzmds. ‘(Mar. 4, 1909; c. 320,. §· 3~ .35 Stat. 1@4: Aug. 24, 1912, c. 390. S Bs 37 Stat. 5%.) . ` . 35. Diatrict in arhich actican may bc brcught.—-—Civil action; malta. cr procccdicgs arising uqdcr this tmc may bc- inatifutc

~·~·COPYRIGHT8 454 m in the district of which the defendant or his agent ie em en. er hobitaht, or in which he may be !O`i.l}ld.• (Max-. 4, 1909, c. 3:2:0, v- § 35, 35 Stat. 1084.) . ‘ _ 36. Injtmctions; service and enforccment.»e¢&hy such court e, or judge thereof shall have power, upon bill in equity Bled by n- any party aggrieved, to grant injxmctions to prevent am tn restrain the violation ot any right secured by thistitle, accoming to the course and principles of courts of equity, on sinh sf terms as said court or judge may deem reasonable Ahy injunction that maydbe granted restraining and cujoiuiug the drying re of anything forbidden by this title may be served on the parties »d against whom such injunction may be graxiteml anywhere hi the >r United States, and ishall be operative throughout the Uhitoel 1·- States and be enforceable by proceedings in contempt or otherny wice by any other court or. judge ssing jurisdiction ot the iy defendants. `(Mar. 4, 1909, c. 3%, § 36, 35 Stat. 1084.) ne 37. Transmission of, ccrtmcd - copies of for enforcelment of injunction By other co¤rt.-—-The clerk of the court, or c- judge granting the injunction, shell, when required so to du >r by the court hcarihg- the application to enforce said ihjuhction, ts· transmit without delay to said court h certihed copy of all the >r papers in said cause that are on me in his 05%:. (Mar. 4, ed 1909, c. 320, § 37, 35`Stat. 1®4.) . ‘ · at 38. Review of orders; judgments, or dccrceq.——The orders, pl judgments; or decrecq of any court mmtlcmed "in section 34 y- of this title arising under the copyright * laws of- the Upiteed se States may be reviewed `on appeal or writ of `crror ih the men- 9,, ner and to theextent new provided_hy· lawfor tho! review of. cases determined in said courts, respectively, (Mm. 4, 1909, r- c.· 320, {38, 35 Stat; IOQ4.) · - l _ c is 39. Limitation of criminal proceedings.--No criminal pro r- · ceeding shall b€,D38iD£8i!1§·d under the provisions of this title r- unless the same is commenced within three yurh gitter the ne cause ot action erase. (Max. 4, 1909, c. 320, § 39, 35 Stat. 10S-!.} ne 40. Costs; sttomey’s {eu.-—I1i all actlohe, suits, or proceedeh, ings imdeti this title, except whexr brought by or against the ar United State or any officer thereof, full costs shall he allowed, ty hud the court maygward to tm prevailing party a. rmmnahle r—_ attorney': tee as part of the coatg. Q (Har. 4, 1909, c. 320, 5 40, ‘ re; 35‘Stét.‘1084.)V . _ , -_ · - »d_ 41; Cooyridt distinct from property in ebiect wryrixkteéz

0 effect of sale of ebied, and of of copyright.-——Thc

»n coggright in distinct from the property il}, the materiel object

l copyrighted, and the ale or conveyance, by gltt or otherwise,

t, ot the xhhterial object. shall not of itself ewstltotc a mutex `ef the féopyrlght, hor shall the L§i 6Rt ot the copyright as constitute ¤_ monster ot the title to tm; material ohimt; bot sr nothing th this title shall _ b• deemed to forbid, prevent, or h the transfer ot sm copy ot e copyrighted wosk the io lo¤ ot whicbghssc hea lswtullyobtaiued. (Mar. 4., 19%, >¤*·—e,@0, [41, 85‘8t¤t, IM4,) -‘ = ‘ __ _· ··

  • y _ 42. hcq¤m•.·——(3opyright secured under this

>y title or copyright lem `ot the United Stated may be ¤— `ésalghed, granted, or mo Y by an instrument ·ih‘ writing is slwed by the proprietor ci! the copyright., or may bc bequeathed e- 'by yrill. (Mh:. 4, ieee, e. 3%, { 42, 35 Stgt. 1084..) ` t., 43. Same; executed ,m foreign country; nclmwledgment `. had eerti§eate.~—Every_ smignmeht —ot copyright executed in a e, foreign country shell be eckhowlcdged by the aseignor before “a d` ‘cohs¤lar omcer or secretary of legetioh ot the United States »f euthorlzedby law to administer oaths or performuoteriel acts. 1- The , certlhcate ot such acknowledgment uhdcr the hand and _ as omclel eee! of hueh coneulmf omcer ;or» `oecretury ot legation st shall be prima Qfccie ,BY‘id£ElC*8 ot the efécotioh of the instru- ‘ &.—- ment. (Mar. 4, 1909, te.820, I 43,35‘Stat. 1984.)· e ‘ _ h “ 44, Soma; xeeordr-—-Every hselghmentzt of copyright sha-ll he s, recorded in the copyright omce }wi@in three calender months d ‘atter·ita ·exec¤tioh in the United States or witlrln six calendar,