Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/484

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§ 131 n1·Ls 18,-—·GRJ1(I;NAB com pmcum, sell, or tfanéter w number any such curdhcate, inshu ment, (!Q®i881Q!I,`G0®m¢`¤t, or paper, to which dr upon wlalel sam. ml lags béen an a¤md nr lm d, smh b· ined not more thth %,609 or imprisoned not more man hw years, or both. · (Jung 16, 1917, Kc. N, Title X, { 1, 40 But. (fw 1·é£e·reuce:·3urimi¢ti0¤ of cienscn under this section and nc ticus~181 and 132 nt this title, nee section 574 ot this title. _ _ 131. F®ly mwng or fnrging- seg! of cxecitive depart ment.——·—Whnever shall falmy `make, forge, ccuntertélt, mutilate ,<¤· &it€1‘, bI° cause or procnré to be-made, forged, countzrfeited mndlnted, or altered, or shall willingly assist in talsclymak ing, forglng, counterfeiting, mntiIating,.01• altering, they sea or any enecutive department, br any burmu, comxnissicn, 0 omce of Etna United Staines, or whoever shall knowingly use amx, l $1- lmpress any such fraudulently xnadc, forged, conntcx telted, qntilatady GT-&1t€1‘€d'S€&i to or upon any certidcute instmmit, commission, document, or paiier, of any descrlptiox cr whoa rn. with wfcngfnl or frauglulcut intent shall have po: n aémiqnn- any"` such falsely madg, forged, counterfgited, `muti > lated, mj? altered —·¤eal,_ knowing same to hzwe been so faléelg ‘ made, forged, cemnterfelted,-—mgti1ated,. or altefgd, shall be him not mon; than $,000 01- imprisoned not more than ten years, o both. (xxme 15,1917, iz. 30,.'l?itle X,} 2, 40 Stat. 228.). — 132; making or forging naval, nnxilihry, or o$¢ii pass.-·Whoévc: shall falsely make,. forge, comxtcxfeit, alter, -0 tamper- with my naval, military, nr 6Méia1_paSs or permh

 by or under the authority ot the United States, wor ww

vvrongfm or fraudulent intmt shgll usé or have in his

  • sion any such pass or permit, or shrill persbnafe oy falsely re;

rwént Himself to be orxnot to ben perscnito whom such pus or permit hgs been duly issued, mi shall willfully nllow up _NhB1' person tc have or use any such pass or permit, issued td his use lone, dull be lined not more than $2,000 OI impriéono

 nqt m than Eve years, or both. __(June 15, 1917, c. ..8(

Title {8, 40 Stat. 2%.) - ~ - __ · Q X 133. nited Shim- de§¤ed;··—-·’Ihe term “Unite<1 Stal:cs,"· a ynnsed in. sections- 130 t0__ 132 of this title, includes the Cana Iona, {22111 and wgters, continental or insular, sul ject tq, j m·isdik:¤qn `ct tliellnlted States. (June 15, 1917, 1 80, Tltle,XIII,_§ 1, 40 Stnf._%1.) . I ‘ _ 184. §(Crimka1 C&,- section 73.) gfinrging, etc., milltnr

 vurml:s.··>·~Wh0cvcr shall falsely make, altg1

forgo, for counterfeit- any military bountyglanq warrant, c ‘ l bwnnw-land warrant certzincate, issued or purport

ing té ve been wand ·by tl1a Commissioner of Pensibns unda
any ct_Gcngress, of any certincntzé or dnplimta certmcat

ci l tion nt any miliun -bo¤nty·lnnd .·wax·rnnt, or .mil{tm·1 b0!1B¢ ~··!l@i—,QQ§l‘l¤t‘ m1·¤§@te npm angst the lands ct th Unit; States, or any certmcate .61: dupllcntn certiicate ot `th aj ct any at the lands of the United Stntm, or any rc mm n n dnplimtn mmm tm: the ‘purchaS¤ money of any c jhe n& at the United Sum, iséuéd or to hav bm ed by me régmer and receivexhat my land owen c the U lead Stntmor byelther pt them; ci- whcemr mall nttex pub or psu »i•.s‘tme, any such !0rged,`nr counts: fel s znillwry hountydnnd warrant, fbonntyland wa! rant xtmente, ce:·ti¤<mé' nr dnpllcate certmente ct locitios m or duplicate certmente ct 'pnrchugreceipt {ents, ln for the pnrchase monny ot my of the law Gfih Unitgd knowing tbz nuns to be take, !a11ed,¤r écnntm

 be   than t¤Fm:·•. _(B. E

l f ; 4, ESM, c. 821, $*73, w Btat,`1101.)

   actin; 74.) Fcuk; can·¢§cstes ¤
 d•?lp.—-·-Whoeve:- shall ralsely, make, mma, or ccunmrtmv

or use or procure tc, be tdlssdi m•Ae,· forged, or mum tdtjd, nr shall knowingly nid or mmf ln false]; tor;

I AHB GRIHINAL PEOQEBURI 470 l- ing, or counterfeidlil iw! ca·®mte of cllmn& with intent ¤tonsethemme,orwiththelntmt&etthepmemaybee need by somejother person, shall be need not more than $10,00o, e ox-.1~mprlmseo.not more than mrs, or both. (June 20, ) 1900, c. 8502, Q 10, 84 Stat.002; Har. A, 1000, e.—B21, Q 74, '35 Stat. 1102.) Q, A 0 . " a 186. Forghg certincate of discharge frm ¤&t¢i·y or naval " service or using such forged certi&eate,~—;Whoever shall forge, '· connterfclt, or falgly alter any cmtidmte of mc&e from

-' the military or naval service of the United States, or shall in

e, any manner aid or amst in forging, counterfeiting, or falsely l, altering any such certincate, or shall _ w, unlawfully have

Q_ in his possesnonyexhiblt, or caam to he md or erhtblted,

Ll .any` such forged, counterfelted, or falsely alterédQcerttheate, r knowing the same to be forged; comtufeim, or falsely altered, e, shall be tlued not- more than $1,000jor imprl not more rg than one year, or both, bf the discretion of the court. (Mar. 4, a, 1017,, c. 180, Z89 Stat. 1182.) V - ~ ‘ c` _ . n, »_ 137.· (Crimmal Qode, section ‘75.)` hgraving w@terfeit s· plates for citizenship Qrtihcates; rinting; &dinctive xnl- per.--Whoever. shall engrave, or —ca& or procspe to be` eoy graved, for assist in engraving, any plats in the Iikenm of any d plate designed for the printing of a certlmte of dtiswship; ·r or whoever shall sell any- such plate, or shall into the United States from any foreign phce any such mate, except) ll under the- direction, of the of Labor oreother prmr •r __ omcer-; or. whoever shall have `ln` his control, dy, or pos` t, sess ·· ny metallic plate engraved situ the simllitude of h any plate _ m which any auch certldcate has, hem printed, 1+- with lnt `toqnse or torsuter such pkte to be used in ze forging. • counterfemng any such certldmte pr pmt is . ° ; or whoey shall print, ph ph, or in any many ··—n o 4 caiser to be/{ gilded, photo$*¤DhM. m¤5¤, 01* ¤¥¢¢¤t¤¤» »r_ any print or lmprmion in. the likcnws of any @h certlncate, d nor any partithereof; or whgver shall sell any such certincate, l, or shall bring the same into- the United Smtw from any for eign place, - ercept by direction of some proper of the »s United States; or whoever shall have as his a ll tlnctlve paper adopted by the proper ° omcer >- of the United/S es for the of auch certrihcatef with

. intent nnlawfnlly to use the same, shall be me not more

,~ than $10,000 or lmprl v·not more tm- years, or both. y (June $,1908, c. 3592, { 17, 84 Stat. 002; Mar. 4, 19®,c. r,. H1,-} 75, M Stat. 1102; Mar. 4, 1018,c. 141, I 3, 87 Stat. 737.) lr {S8. (CrimhalCode,section7&) lfalse hppat» mring natarallrathme-yvvhoever, when applying to he admitted ‘ ·r,_ acitizen, or yh¤_ a@ring as a vitnm for any E¤¢h_}l81’S®» — e shall knowingly personate any other hl , or y shall falsely appear in -&e nam of a deeeased—_pm,·son, or in e ana dor‘§di.tions namo;orwh shall fabelymake, e“ forge, or conntufeit . am oath, notice, aBdavlt, ccrtlncate, or-z >-» der, `reiiord, signature, or other mstrmnent, rape, or proceed- »f lng or aathorlaed by any lag: relatlm m orjprovidlng e for the naturalization of aliens; or wall utter, sell, »f dispose ot, Sor shall use as mae or guanine, for onlawfnl r, purpose, any false, forged, antedated, or counterfeit oath, no-

- tlce, certlncate, order, recoed, slgnatnm, lns&ent, mper,

r— or~m·&dlng above spedned; or whoever shall mll or l, `of to any person thantho person for whom it was orl¤n· » I- ally @@81U certincnte of dwenshlp or ccrtlncate showing e any person to bea ’ ed ~a dtiaen, shall“be_ nned not more r- than $1,%, or imprlmed not more than ave years, or both. I., (B,. 8. l $@4: Mar. 4, 1000, c. m, { 70,,85 Stat, 1102.) . , ·‘ 1&.·‘( , e Cade, 77.) Uéng fake eert§cate of rf -eiti&blPl blanks; denying dtimshlpe-—-Whoever t, ahalrme or attempt to um, or shall aid, or participate F- ln Eh ¤se§ of any eertidcato of cltimshlp, knowing the same

·_. to be ¥¤¤‘I&» connterfdt, or antedatcd, or knowing the same