Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/490

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§ 210 TITLE IS.-—6RIHINA.L GODE 4 e. Q, g 12, 2*2 Stat. 407; Mar. 4, 1000, c. 821, § 119, 35 Stat. 1110.) j 210. (Criminal Code, ectioxr 120.) Same; immunity from odlcial prescription.-—No odlcer or employee of the United States mentioned in section 208 of this titleshall discharge, or promote, or degrade, or in any manner change the o$cial rank or compensation of any other odlcer or employee, or promise or threaten so to do, for giving or withholding or neglecting to make any contribution of money or other valuable thing for any political purpose. (Jan. 16, 1883, c. 27, § 13, 22 `Stat.407; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 120, 35 Stat. 1110.) 211. (Criminal Code, section 121.) Same; Mmaking to omcials.——-No ofllcer, clerk, or other person in the service of the United States shall, dlrectlyor indirectly, give or hand over to any other omceiz, clerk, or person in the service of the United States, or to any Senator of MQmb€R of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commissioner, any money or other valuable thing on account of or to be appliedrto the promotion of any political object whatever. (Jian. 16, 1883, c. 27,~§ 14, 22 Stat. 407; Mar, 4, 1909, c. 321, § 121, 85 Stat. 1110. )e — ·_ 212. (Criminal Code, section 122.) Samc;’ punishment.- Whoever shall violate any provision or sections 208 to 211- ot this title shall be dned not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (Jan. 16, 1883, c. E7, 5 15, 22 Stat. 407 ; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 122, 35 Stat. 1110.) 213. Same; removal from ‘oi!ice.·-=—Any executive officer or employee of the United States not appointed by the President, with theadvice and consent of the Senate, who shall request, give to, or receive Irom, any other oflicer or employee ot the Government any money or property or other thing of value for? political purposes- shall be at once discharged from the service . of the United States. (Aug. 15, 1876, c. 287, § 6, 19 Stat. 169.) 214. (Criminal Code, section 123.) 0&cials giving advance' information of cmp, reports.-—Whoever, being an olflcer or employee of the United States or a person acting tor. or on behalf of the United States in any capacity under or by virtue ot the authority ot any department or oQce thereof, and while holding such omce, employment, or position shall, by virtue of the omce, employment, or position held by him, become po d of any'in1'ormation which might exert an induenco upon or aifect the market value of any product of the soil grown. within the United Statm, which information is by law or by the rules of the department or cme required to be withheld from publication until a nxed time, and shall willfully impart, directly or indirectly,·anch information, or any part thereof, to any person not entitled under the law or the rules of the department or omce to receive the same; or shall, before such information is made public. through regular omcial channels, directly or l indirectly speculate in any such product respecting which hc has thus become possessed of such information, by buying or selling the same in any quantity, shall be tlned notmore than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. No person shall be deemed guilty of a violatgmalxof any such rules ~ unless prior to such alleged violation he had actual knowledge thereof. (Mar. 4, 1®9, c. 321, § 123, 1110.) 215. (Criminal Code, section 124.) 0&cial knowingly lean-. _ ing false crop reporta.—Whoever, being an omcer or employee; _ ot the United States and whose duties require the compilation or report ot statistics or information relative the products of the soil, shall knowingly compile for issuance, or issue, any false statistics or information as a report ot the United Stews. shall be dned not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than dve years, or both. (Mar. 4, 1909; o. 821, l 124, 85 Stat. 1111.) . · . 216. Dlscloaing operations of manufacturers, and income tax returns.!-—-It shall m unlawful for any clerk, or other omcer or employee ot the United Btatu to divulge or to make lmown in any manner whatever not provided by law to any person the ,

mn onznwan Pnosno Una 470 operations, styte of work, or apparatus of any nxnnufactureraor producer visited by him in the discharge of his owcial duties, or the amount or source ot income, protlta, losses, expenditureev, or any particular thereof, set forth or disclosed in any income return, or to permit any income return or copy thereof or any book containing any abstract or particulars thereof to be seen or examined by any person except as provided by lnwf and iv; shall be unlawful for any person to print or publish in any manner whatever not provided by law any income return, or any part thereof or source ot income, profits, lem, or expend;- tures appearing in any income return; and any offense against the foregoing provision shall be a misd%meanor, and bepunished by at Hue not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both, at the discretion ot the court; and it the otender be an omcer or employee of the United States he shall be dismissed from omce or discharged from employment. (R. S. »§ 8167 ;¥ Aug. 27, 1894, c. 349, § 34, 28 Stat. 559?"*0ct. 3, 1913, ci _16, § II, I, 88 Stat. 17’{; Sept, 8, $1916,.ci 463, S 16, 39 Stat. 773; Feb,. 24, 1919, c. 18, § 1317, `40 Stat. 4146; Nov. %, 1921, c. 136, § 1311, 42 Stat. 311; June 2, 1924, 4.01 p. m., c. 234, 5 1018, 43 Stat. 345.) I Chapter 6.-A-OFFEN SES AGAINST PUBLIC JUSTICE. Sec. _ S 231. Perjury. 232. Subornation of perjury. 233.;Stca1lng or altering process; procuring false ball. ·234. Destroying public records, 235. Destroying records by omcer ln charge: _ _ .. 238. Forging or counterfeiting signature of judge or seal ot court. ‘237. Bribery ot judicial •Qcer. 238. Accepting bribe; judicial o&ce. 239. Same; juror or referee. 240. Same; witness. , . 241. Attempting to lnuuence wltnan, juror, or omcer. '· 242. Conaplrlng to intimidate party, witness, or juror. 243. Attempt to inlluence juror’by writing. 0 244. Allowing nrisoner to escape. 1..- 245. Obstructlus Dtocen or iassaultlng omccr. . · ‘ 240. Rooculng prisoner; concealing person from arrest. 247. Rescue of prisoner. _ - 248. Rescue at execution. 249. Rescue of dead body of executed offender. 250. Extortton by informs:. · - -251. Mbprlsion ot felony. · ~ ‘ Section 281. (Criminal Code, section ,125.) ‘ Periury.··-·Whoever, having taken an oath before a cornpétent tribunal, ofttcer, or person, ln any mae in vvhlch a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certlncate by him aubscribed, is true, shall willfully and contrary to auch oath. state or sulbscribe any material matter which he does not believe to be true, is guilty o£·per;tury, and shall be dned not more than $2,000 and imprisoned not more ggn dye years. (R. S. t oaoz; Mar.~4,10®,c. m, { 125,`$a tit. 11111.; · . 232. (Criminal Code, section 126.) of per-” §1ury.——W'hoever shall procure another to commit any perjury ls guilty of subornation ot perjury, and punlslfable as in section @1 of this title prescribed. (R. S. S 5393; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, ‘I 126, 85 Stat. 1111.) - ~ ‘ · t 233. (Criminal section 127.) Stealing or altering process; procuring false bail.-—·Whoever shall 1'eloniously stml, take away, alter, talstfy, or otherwise avoid any record, writ, procm, or other proceeding, in any court or the Unltm States, by means whereof any judment js reversed, made void, or does not take ctect; or whoever shall acknowledge, or procure — to be acknowledged, in any such congrt, any recognimnce, bail, or judghent, in the S-name of any other person, not prlvywor consenting to the mma, shall be nned. not mom than $5,000, or lmprlsomd not more than seven years, or both; but fthis provmon shall not extend to the acknowledgment or any judgment