Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/51

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37 TITLE 5.-·-EXEGUQI-Y;E_ BEPARTHENQ 155, Pomona? other thin thwvproyldod for,-J1‘ho;o u Shan not bg. employed in the Department of State»0;··;ln` bccng it m,{.t;0n wm; gum department in the District ot Columbia any ti lwygogunl services 0th€1Tv’th8l’l those which shall be akppmprintgd g Ma -(.1uni-z 22, 1906, oc. 3514, 5 1; 34 Stnt.·402;;Mar.- @,-1923, b* o,.2<i5, 42-.St3tt· 1488.) g . `l»l * _· fi 156. Mf§S§5€¤t_0ft,fof¢i8¤ {Knits.-The _S¢cretary.qt jStaue· { s[;al1pé!'fo1’¤i such dimes time be enjoined nn on intrusted to him by nthe'President rélntive to gorge? 1* ,;;om1onccs, commissions, or_iustruct:1<ms io 01'A with public min- §${{"l'S or cousuls from the Unitéd States, or to negotiations ·cZ Awisn public xininisters fwxn foréign. statéé or oprinceq, or to 11 mmn0rii1lS'0f other apglications ix·0m‘ foreign public mintsterg Q M- outer to;·eig;_x·s; or to such otherlmntters foreign B

fiuir$ uS thé President of the United "Stateéi shall asqignto O

me (]£é[)i{l;(!11(ti}K,‘·8Iid" hé shall c0nduct.t11epusiuc3s‘of the dopant- --8 mont in such manner an theII’r¢.sidenttnVshalladirect. (R. Sy- n 157{ Fokéigni, trade Wrélstions.—eE;5ttmatés for nppropriattonsj - m· ¢lof~.·uwg the expeuécs }incu;rrgd in connection-‘ IJ — with foreign tiPag1e-ré1ations_ which éome Within the ·jurisdic· orion, bf the Department of State, legislationtaucl ¢ <rU1Ql`W—iS€’,·éHd iD the negotiation and yiréparutibn of treaties, ;

 armngenaents; and agreements fo; th€.8dV8riiQé§D€!}tV40I. coxnmere  

cial and othéxf intcrqsts of the United States, and fof thét_mnin=` Af tonzuurc of 21 dixyisicxf of jar eastern =gi!airs·`_in' the ’Depa;tniénf I orjsmte, including the payment Off necessary"`éni§10yécs, at the sour of- government or .£;S€Wh€I#€, to be expended_ unde1j·_the ‘_¤ ¢1irection°0f the sgomryt of spate, shall include iugdetail sale? "S rips for nit persoustto be employe;} andpaid in the Department of State at nwashiugtent District »Q.i‘C0l1imbiaZ’ (Aug. 5, .‘ 4·._7.36;St11t.119.)—`i t .`‘‘ _. 4, ~ I _ l 58. Custody ofseils ind property.-——-flfhe Secretary of Staten ` shall have the`custody‘ and charge of the of the'_Dep§rt- —¥ xumr of»St¤te,` and ot·all_tho books, records, papers, »£urni_ture, l tiutures, and other property whichi_;_pn June 22;,1874, remained * in and appertaingd to the Idepartmentyor thereafter acquired ~ for it. (R.tS.’§203.).@ · _A t E * 159. _Pr0mulgation of 'Iaws.-—eWhcnuever u bill, order, resolu- I

 tion or voteoi the Senatefand House of tRep1iesontat§vcs,“ having Y

logon t·npprox·gd by the President, or notghuving been returned by 4* him with his_4 objections, becomes _é law or takés Qfféct, it shall tw ,1‘o;·i1nwith bg rece.iv_ed by thé Se<:rétary=of SC&tB‘f1'OID#th€ Presi-

 dom : and whenever a bill, order, resolufiouuor vote is returned {

1;;- ihv President with his objections, and;,:on'baing rec:£;•nnid——_ S ·-min, in ug·rcé be passed, Andis approved by two-·thix·ds tot I i ah Houses ot·Congress, and thereby beccémes n law_0r takes * . ~;°x’4»;·t, it shall be received bi the Secretary of·State ffom·thé· * 1•¤·4·si<le·:1t of the Senate, or Speaker 0t·t1x'e`Housen of ·Bepre· V {S

¤`i'!}¥·2 ltiV{¥S in whichsoévep House ;it shall last hqvé been 80 `*

W Hl•[ii’U\#€d; a¤_1_d he shall carefully QPBSCITYQ the originals; t (R. S. ”| e zzm; 1>oc.2s,1874;e,9, § 2,-18 Stat. t on _ * _ ,160. Amendments to Constitntion.——Wbe¤ever‘— official notice * is x·oc·civcd ut ithe·Deph1:tment of State that any amendment * l|!i••[#§(JPSQdA to the Constitution of the United States has:. been *

•·!•·pt·;&d, according to the provisions of the {Constitution, t)_w` n

S<·e·r¢·tux·y‘0! State shall forthwith cause the amendment- t0»be_ * vuhlislxcd, with his certidqnte, épecifying the Stgtes by which 1 who same may have been adopted, and that the same has béccme 1 u vunliu; to all intents and giixrposzesqxs n partntof ‘the·.·ConstituKtion ._ ¢ o of tho United States. (R. S.;} 2%.) . M? » · ¤ 161. State statutes to be §1’0¢\l1'¢d•¥··——··Th€_ Secretary or State shall procure from time to time Quchrcf thostatutks ot the c

  • <·v<.>r:.1l Statés as may notnbé in his office. (B. S.-! 296;). n » W <

162. Information an Work nf Department of, Commercetw 1 A porsc#n,’ to be designated. by the Secretary at Stgtcg shall be‘ »1 appointed to formulate, under his direction, for the instruc· _I tion ot consular o$cers, the riqquastl of the Secretary b£`C0m· 1

¤s, orznonns, AND .mi1¤?L0Ynns»=_ 167 nerce; and to prepare the dispatches of consular office-rs, oritransmiseion to the Secretary oi Commerce, such informeltmk ·D91'mi11| to the work of the Depdrtmexxt Si “Commerce; nd such person bhallnhave fthe rank and salary of pa chief ef, ¤resu,‘•.¤d_bet1‘umished with such clerical assistants as may ‘ romtime to time be; authorized by law. (Feb. 14, -1903,.c. 559, ‘11,’32 em.ss0.). * S · S , S S _

168.·Beport•.¤f relating to oommeree;-——The Secetary or State shall annually laybetore Congress

First; A. statement, in a .c0mpe¤dions {erm, of all enelr bungee ldnd in the eommercialpsystems of other atione, whethexkby duties on import;--and exports, or th8r_ regu1ntiohe,,as»sheI1"have_been coxnxnnuieeited to the de» urtxnent, including all commercial information. contained in the eo ‘ Qlcial publications of other governments, which he shall deem umcieutly important. E Y.- S _ ·, ‘ it ‘—tc — _. gin Seeoud. A;. gyuopsis otsoee of the ihforéntion which may lave been communicated- to t him by dlplomefie and consular . meets during the precedingi year és "ho mei deem valuable for _ mblic information; the fname; of any consul; or ommerctal agents who in;1y_have been premise imtransmitting · W DmH1¢!QiHl..i¤IOYm&¤0H.t~_Q I , ji ‘ S ·· “V d Third;,A,ful1 Iistjot ali consular o$cers. _ . ~ _ ‘/ Fourth, A report -0: any rates lm- tufts; ortreese to be reqeived by diplomatic or eonetnler omcers, which have been rrescribed nytne mesment curing `wrri S . S · Fifth. ._ Aj statement fof sticht {as have been collededl Lccotihted for, fund reported by the Yqrious diplematié and leon- ‘ suldr 0m(Z€I'S·d\il'iI)g. the precedingyeaii. S . _ M S Sixth. A statement ot the lists of paseengeré arriving in the Jnited States f from lioreign {returned to him quayerg rearly by the ~c01lectors_ of eustomé; · , V _ S · Seventh.rA` statement-oft the names ·-of any consular omeers, iotcitizens of the United Y Stdtes, to whom salaries have been mid during they yearn preceding, 'together with- the"- circumstances unuer which they wereabpointed. (R.? S. § 208.)~ p S 164. Statement of expenditnru froQ contingent f¤¤@;·¥-—The tnnua.1 [ statement [ of, expenditures·,jt0¤1 the teontingent ·_ fund required td be made by the Seeretaryipot State, m¤8t inelndefnll

11e éontiugent expenses oi `foreién intercourse and, of all the

nieéione ebrond, except such expenditures né are settled upon Lobe certificate of the 1>¤ee1¢1eiit._ (R. S, § 2ll9;) 4 e . . 165. Copies of Acti ind treaties furnished _ to ~printer.-~·The 3eeretary'of Stete shell fumish`to;the_B11blie frinter n correct ’

—opy.of e,very·Act and joint resolution, as soon as {possible after

ts approval by thB?»P1'BSi(l€ilt, or after ithas become e law in accordance with the Constitution without such approval; also 1f every treaty between the United States 'nndi any foreign government `as scones possible agterlit has beendnly ratified md has been proclaimed by the President; and nlsoof every. metal', convention made- between the POS[1I188[€Y·~G€D€F8l, by—° and with they advice and eoneent or the President, mijhe part mfethe United. States end foreign `countries, as soon as possible. after o » copies ofsueln —" 4 c onventions imve been tinnsmitteitto him — >y the Postmaster General. (R. S. 5.210.) _ _ 1 j . 166. Fees for copies of recotrds.4-For. making out and eutheu.

i¢z1tiVng__copie$ oflreeords in the ADep&r‘tmen€”5'f State, a fee, of

LO cents for eaéh sheet containing one htindred words shall be paid by the "person..1jéque.%s·tix1ge ouch"copies,` except iwvlnere they ire requested by eu officer of the UH·it€d_S(·£lI€S_ in ea ·mntte_r relating to his odioe. _ (R. sg .§‘ 213;);,, _ , e _ _ l16,7.‘· 'lferritorinI papers;. collection, etc., for States by chief nf diviqion of Dllblicatione; clerical nseietents.4-'1‘he ’§It'kiL*F of ilvision ot. publiealtioné of the—‘pepurtmex1t_of~e State (he:·einafter referred to ns, the editor), unaezetne direction of theSw:· retsry of State, and upon the request ,`o£_the governor of any State. or of nny org8.nization·dnly authorlned by him, ie` authorised and ,d1reeted. to have collected, edited, copied, and euit··t