Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/514

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.§ 481 TITLE 18.-—-CRIMINAL com A Sec. 492. Same; other person. _ ¥ » 493. Robbery on shore by pimtlcal crew} 494. Armin; vessel `to cruise against citizens: trials. 495. Piracy, under color of foreign commission. 496. Piney by aliens. · — ‘ 4.97. Rennlnglnway with or yielding upyessel or cargo. _ 498. Confederetlng with pirates; conhnlng master- ‘

  • 499. Selling arms or lntaxlmnts in Pncmc islands; medlclns.1 use or

lrlts.) » . · 500. O§’;1ses"`deemed on high sean. t 601. "Vessel of the United States" dellued. l _! 502. Injurlng yessels engaged ln foreign commerce. I K- Section 481. (Criminal Code, section -290.) Piracy; punish-» ment.—Wh0ever, on the higll seas, commits the crime of piracy — as dedned by the law of nations, and is afterwards brought into or found in the United States, shall be imprisoned for life; e (R. S. § 5368; Jan. 15, 1897, c. 29, `§ 2, 29 Stat. 487; ·Ma1·._ 4,8 1909, c 21, { 290, 35 sm.o1145,> · " · ; _ ‘ , I · 482. %*iminal Code, section 291.) Meltreatment of crew. · by o$eers of vessel; Bog*ging.·—-%Vhoever, being me master ot . `omeer of u vessel of the United States, on the hlgh Seas, or _ on any other waters within the adlnlnalty nnd maritime jdris-' diction ot the United States, beets, wounds, ol' with0ut_`jnst.iil·[ able muse, imprlsons any ot fthe exrew, of such vessel, or with-, holds from them' suitable efood and nourlshment, on imlicts _ upon them any cruel and qnustfal punlshmenhshall be ilnednot . more than $1,000, orimprisoned not mote than tive-`years. or . both. This section shell not be construed-A to repeal or modify section 712 of Title 516. (R. S. 5 5347 ; Mar. 3, 1897, c. 889, $-18, l 29 Stat. 691; Mar. 4,1909, c. 321, §— 291, 35 Stet. 1145.) . 8 _ · 483. (Criminal Code, section 292.) Inéiting revolt or nmtiny— on shipboard.—\Vhoever,` being of the crew ot a vessel ot the United States,. on the high seas, or on any other waters within the edmiralty endxnarltlme jurlsdletion of the United. _ States, endenvjors to make. a revolt or mutiny on board wsnch vessel, or combines, cenzgpires, or confederutes with any otherperson on .b0ax·d to make such. revolt _ or . mutiny, or solicits,. · lneites, or stirs up any other of the crew to tdieobey or resletr “ the lawful orders of the mnsteror other oillcen of such vessel} or to refuse or neglect their proper duty onyboogd thereof, or‘·to` betray their proper trust, or assembles with others in n. tumultuous and mutinous manner, or makes a riot on boerd thereof, on unlawfully cozmnes the masten or other commanding omcer thel·eof,- shall be tlned not more than $1,000, or lm; prisoned not 'mcretthan Hlveyears, dr bvth. __(R.’ "S. I 5359} 2 Mar. 4, 1909, e. 821,·§ 292,35 Stat. 21146.) ** · . _ ’ ‘ 484; (Criminal Code, section ;293.)_ Revolt . or mutiny on A shipboard.-»\Vh0ex·er,' being of the crevq ot e. vessel oi the United States, on the high seas, oron any other watens within p the edmimlty and maritime Jurisdiction ot the United Statw, unlawfully and withtorce, or by fraud, or intimidation, usnrpe the command ot such vesml from the master or other lawful oilioer in commend thereof, or deprivw him ot authority and command on board, or resists mj prevents in the n~ee‘¤.¤a lawful exenclse thereof, or transfers such authority md command to another not lawfully entitled thereto, le guilty of a. revolt and mutiny, and shall be fined not more than $2,000 and imprisoned not more than ten years.; (B. 8.1.5360; Mar. 4, 1%*.), c. 321, { 293, 35* Stat. 1146.) ,· _ A . 485. (Criminal Code, mtionp 294.) Sepnann leylngvlolent hands on coxnmander.-—vWhoever, being s éeamen, lays violent hands upon his commander, thereby to hinder and- prevent l his nghtlng in defense ot his vessel ox the goods lntmsted to him, is a pirate, and shall_be imprisoned for life. (BQ S. I 63® : lien, 15, 1897, e. 29, § 2, 29 Stat. 487; Mar. L HW, c. 32X. I W4. 85 Stat. 1146.} · — · L l - · n . ~ 486. (Criminal · Code, se¢ti0xl.285.)» Abandonuleut of mariner in foreign port.——~Whoevex·, being master or commander ot a vessel of the United States, while abroad, mellclousl,7 and

tND CRIMINAL PROOED URE ·' 500 `without justihable cause forces any omcer or mamma- og such Weasel on shore, in order to leave him behind. In any foreign port for place, or 0 refuses to bring home again all meh omccrg and mariners of suchvessel whore be mrrled out with him, as are lh at condition to return and willing to return, when he is really to proceed on his homewardo voyage, shall my heed not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than stx months, or both; ·(R,]B, Q 5363; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, I, W5, 85, Stat. 1146,) r 487. (Crimmnl Code, sectioa 296.) Cmpirscyto can away veseel.—Whoaye1·, jon the high seas, or within the United States, willfully, and, cormptly mnspireay eombém and coatederates with any other person, such other perish beiw either . witl1ln.or without the Uuitéd States, to out- away or otherwise destroy any veesel, with intent to injare perwn that 'mayl h&Y8 '\lD(l€1`W1‘l‘lZli§Il·01‘ may .tl1ereafte1•_ any policy of insurance thereon or on good; on board thaeoi, or with intent, to injure any persoin thatlhas lwt or advanced, or may lend or adva11ce,‘auy~ money on auch ymel on hotmmry or 1·éspox1déntia;_gr whoever, withi¤_ the United or its out, oriaidh 111 btiildingior Ktting out; any vw! with ihtebt that the same be cast away or datroyed, with the intmt herelnbetoro mentioned, shall be med not more. than $10,000 and - imprisoned not m<>1‘Q _ thm; text years.]-, (R. S. 1- 5384j Har. 4, 1ooe,o¤. 321, 5»goo,,e5 `Stat. um.) L t t . » » 488. (Criminal Code, section 297.) Bl@rh§_ v&l ih distress; obstructing escape- of yrrecked perm; hddhg {sho ,light.—¥—Whoever pnduocm steals, or destroy; any money, goods, merchandise, or other e¤ects,’ from or bolo to any vessel in distress, or wrecked, lost, stranded, M mst away, upon the sea, or upon any reef, shoal, of the or in auyother yplacei withia the admiralty and maritime jurlwictioh ot the United States, shall be `not more than}5,000 and imprisoned not more, than ten ymrs; and Wh®YG! willfully 'obetructs the escape of any person endodyorinito. nyc life from ouch vessel, or thereof; or whoeyer holds out or shows any false light, or extinguished any true light, with _ intent to b¢1¤g,¤¤y {easel 8$mD8 ¤P6¤ these; into danger, or distress, ‘ or shipwreck, vshnll be not lem, than ten yearsrand maybe imprimned for life; ··(B. S. { 5358: Hu, 4, 1909,~c;321, { 297,_35`Smt.,1146.), to , — _ ‘ ‘ “ _, 489. (Crlatiual Code, aectim 298;)- Attackihg veshel vith intmt »· to ” pImtder.—~\’Vhoever, upon the high or on lahy other waters within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction y lol the pbited States, by“surprl&‘or by force, malicious): attacks, or sets»-upon shy; vessel belonging- to another, with an intent tmlawfully to plunder oe same, or to despoil any owner thereof ot nay moneys, goods, or merchahdise laden on board thereof, qhall bexhined not more than $5,000 and imprisoned not more ten years. (R. S. { 5361; Mar. 4, 19®, c. 821,] 298,- 35 Stat.; 1147.`)"_ * ‘ . _ _ c · ‘ , 490. (Criminal Code. section 299.) &·eakl¤¢ and eatcrihg veesel,———-·Whoever, upon the high seas or on any other waters within the admirxilty and maritime `juriwictiogx of the United States, and out ot the Jilrisclietion of any particular State, breaks or-"epters any yaeqlywith intent to commit any felony, or maliclously cuts, 'spollp, or. ‘ deqtroys my cordage, ‘ cable, buoys, booy- roller head fast, or other inst, _H1ed to the anchor or moorings, belonging to any vessel, shall be hired hot more than ,81,000 and lmprlsohedmot more than hve years. (R. S. §·g362: Mar; 4, 1%, ce 821, { @9, 35 Stat. 1141.) ._ ` ‘ 491. (Criminal Code, M0.) Destroyini vmelt at out other.-·—·Wl1oever, upon the MQ seas or oa any other waters within the admiralty had maritime jurisdiction ‘oft11e' United States, willfully and ‘oor£·uptly mats away or otherwise destroys any vusel, of which he is owner, in whole or ih`, part, with intent to prejudice any perem that my uxiclerwritd any policy of inaurance thereon, or any merchant that may have goods thereon, or any other ovmor ot such vwsel, shall be im-