Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/515

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50I TITLE 18.-——C'RIMINAL con priscméd for lite or for any term of years. (R. S. § 5365; Au G, 1%*1, c. 227. I L @ Stat. 233; Mgr. 4, 10Q9, c. 321, { 300, 1 sm. 1141.)· .°_.

 . 492.. (Criminal Code, séction $61.)_ Sqme; other person.-

whogver, not being an ow¤e1·,.i1p0¤ the high seas, or ou. ni other within the Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction 4 the United S@hés, willfully md ccrmptly casts away or othe wise dwtrcg my vessel tif- tha United Statest tp which hejlb longs, or, `williully,. with latent; tc destroy the. same, sets Jilu to hay ksuch véswl, pr {otherwise attempts the destructic umrect, be Ylmprisaued hot more than tcén years, (R. a $5 $@,.5367i A¤¢.`6,l1891,»c. 227, S ,2, 28 Stat: 233,; Mar, 1909, c. 321, { 301, 35 Stat. 1147.) _, *- , " _· ‘ ‘ 493. (C1fimil\I1°C0d¢, section 302.) Robbery tm shore il piratical crew.·»y—Wh¢cver, being engaged in ugly pi1*gtical.crui*s or enterprise, or being of the crew of any piratical vessel, lam from ,sut:h vemel, and ml ghcre commits rlcbberjr, lg- a`·plrat hud skill b0‘impi·lscned..for life. ‘(R.' S. 5 5371,;,12111. 15, 189 c. 29, §-2, 29 Stat.  ;` Mar; 4, 1909, c, 321,,} 302, 35 Stat. 1141 494. {Criminal (Judd, section 303.)._ Armlng vcsulto crui: against ;_ · trials,-—#Wh¤evcr,_ being .a citizen ot tb United States, withimt the limits théreot, Htéput and arms, 4 at1;ampts_t0 Etlcut ahdrarm, or 'procurcé fitted outhr armed, or ltucwlugly-[aids qr is mrucemccl in’_furnlshlug,_- iitth ` out, or arming, ani privaté vesécl lofwtir `orprivateer, with iz tent that Such vessel shall be employécltc cruise or, commit hb tilities upcnthe citizend of the United States pr` their propért or whoever takes · the chmmaua of qr cuter; on board df air such vessel, for such intent,. or whq`purcl1ases”_m1y.interest 1 any suéh vessel with a ylew? to shalt lu `[hB_.'BfQH{S._·`th.€P€*0 ° shall be»§.¤e;d··1lot more than $10,000 and imprlscméd not._xpo1 than ten years. . The trial for such bmznse, it committed wit} lout- the limits of the United States, shhll be in the district 1 which the lodeuder shall be hpprahended or first brough (R, S. §5324`;Ms.1·. 4, 1909, c.l321, 6.303, 35_Stat.,1147.)»» _. 495. (Criminal Code,. BGCNGB 304,) Pixjacy under color i fafcigu ¤6M iGl1.—vWhQ€YBl',¤ ming a citizen ,ofl the Units States, my murder or mbbery, 01- ahy. act of hostilit against the _ United Statés, or agaliist= any ‘ citizen thereof, c the high·8G8S,'I1¤d€1' color` of any Ycomgtilssion trqm any torelg , prince, 9: State, 9; on pretense qt ahtherltyt tx:0m Elly perse ls, notwithstanding the pretensé of such authority; a pirat _m1d,sl1all be imprisoned icxfliilc. __(R.. S. { 5373; aTan_._15, 189 c. 29, § 2, .29 Stat. 487; Mar. 4,1909, c. 321, §· 304, 35 Stat. 11.47 , 496; (Criminal Code, sectima 305.) Piney by .alichs.:·-w-Wh wer, being `a citizen of subject of Ally forciku ·Sta,ta,_ is fom; mul taken on the sea making W&1.‘_UDO¤ the United States, :4 cruising against the vesséls and propexty-there6t,`ér·6f the cit Zeus of the same, contrary to the prqvisicms of any treaty exit 3 ing bet%·vc·eu' the United States And the. State ot which tl _ GEEK} ei- is a citizen c1·_suhject,.whenvby,such treatysuch uci · a?/Lclared to he tpitgcy, is guilty of mracy, had shall be. it

ismgeq tm- lifc..° (R. `S. i_5374i Jan, 15, 1897, c., 23, S 2§’_S

Situ. 487; Mar. 4,-1909, c. 321, { 305, 35 Stat. 1147.), , 497.'Q(Crimiual· 306.) · `Rtumiug Away with -e yielding ’ up, vessel or l¢if§¢•··Y`Y'llQBV€f, bging a captaitm other omeér oi.- marine: oi a` vessel umu thé high- seas pr c any other waters within the, admimlty and maritime jurlsdl `tiou of the `United Statgs, plrgtlwlly ct fel011*l0i;sly°ruus awt with such vessel, of with any gqads oi mcrélmndlsé thereof, v the value 913.8.50, m· who yields up qsuch ·v%1. voluntarily ¤ any pirate, shall bejnled not more tl1a¤.$10,06Q,_0x• imprlspm not more tlmuten years, or both. (R. S. ·§ 5383: Mu. 4,-190 c. 321, § 306, 35 Smt. 1143.) ‘ ’ ” . . * - 498. (Criminal C¤d¢» , Mditm M7.) Confcdcmtlng wit piratesi whining E8St¢l'•····¥`rVh€}€\’€1° httemhts or endeawagrs · ·:.·c»x·xfm$t any commander, mastelf, 0m£€1', 01* mhrlxiér to. ylalld t

E Agro 01e1mNAL 1·R00Em ww § 502 g. or to run away with any vessel, or with any goods, wnres, or $5 merchnndise,.o~r_t0 tum pirate or to go over to or confederote with pl_m,tes, or in any wise to trade with amy pirate, knowing L- hirn to be such, or furnishes such pirate with any ammunition, ny stores, or provisions off any kind, or tlto out tony vessel knowot inglyfand, with as design! to trade with, supply, or correspond ~1·· with eny pirate or robber upon, the seas; or whoever consults, e·_ combines, confederates; or correepongis svith any pirate or robre \bei‘ upon the seas, knowing him. to be guilty of nehy piracy or gn robbery ;y or whoever, being al seamen, conhnee the master ot Sg 'zmy vessel, shall be.l`lned_ not more than·$1,000 and imprisoned 4, not more then three years. KR. 8.15 5384; Mor. 4, 1909, er. 321, §`30’Z, 35 Stot; 1148.) I t ` >y 499. (Criminal Code, section 308.) Selling arms or intoxi- »e,t cants in Pecihc islands; rnedicinal use of spirits.-—-Whoever, ist being subject to the authority of the Enitetl States; shall give, 1e, lsell, or otherwise supply; any nrxms; ommtmition; explosive. onb-

  • 'Z,` stnnce, intoxiicatlng liquor, or opium to any- aboriginal no

._)—_ of any of the'“I’acitlc ielontls lying within the twentieth y el ser of north latitude and the fortieth parallel of south la J me and the one hundrednnd twentieth meridian of longltutle west or -:1ud one hundred nucl twentieth meridian of longitude `eest ol ld _ G1€é€_IlWiCh,‘ nottbeing in the jiossemlon or under the protection 1;; of any civilized power, shall be ined not more than $50, or n- imprisoned ‘u0t more than; three months; or.both.A Infnddition .s-` tp 'such. punishment, ell-articles of on similar nature to those y, t lnrespeet to which—,_an·o&`ense has been commltteél, found in the ly ‘ possession of the offenderr _ may he declared forfeited; If i1 lu shall appear to the. court that such opium; wine; or spirit: »£, here been * given bone iitle for purpose; it be re lojwfol¤for_thoYco1zrt to diemlse the enlarge. (Feb. 14, lmlz ll? c. 18, 55 1, 2, 32 Stot. _33;‘ Mar. 4, 19Q9, e. 321,—[3®{35 Stat ln 11148.). ‘ V Y ‘ ‘ `· ‘ . it. I 500._·(Criminel Code, section} 309.) Ohnmw éeemd QI . high seas.-i—¢A11 offenses against the prevlsiono not the section of loot precedlxxg, committed gon tony of eeicl islands or the ad waters, rocks, or keys adjacent thereto, shell- he tyw mitted on the high sees on bonid n rnerchent ship or rw! M1 'be1¤¤gmg, to the`Uanlted Stntes, and the of the United §¤— States shall havejuriodiétion accordingly. _‘ (Feb. 14; e. 1& 11. ‘§ 3, 82 Stat. 33; Meryé. 1909, e. 321, 5; &®,y85'Stat.`11+t8.} _ ‘€·._ · 501. (Criminal section M6.) { “Vemnl of the United 7; States "` deinedq-—-The words ‘* vessel of the \E`nitesI` Stsiéef .) wherever they occur in this chaixter,-@$1 be eo _. to men; 0- at vessel belonging lh whole for in part to the United Btntne, or ¤<1‘ `any citizen thereof, or; any corporation orented by or under Sr the laws] ot the Unltetl States, or ot any St¤te,~'I‘&ritory,; or

t,>—-D1e¢rt¤¢tne»eor¢y· (Mer, 4, 1909,ye. S mo, as met; nent;

nt- .502. Ilijnring vessels eltgwed fin foreign ¢é§t¤er*¢e.——~——Whome. ever `slrnll_set fore tonny vmsel of foreign rmisuyyor any to vessel, of:'AlllB1'iC‘Hl1 registry entitled to engage in commerce n— Névlth foreign nations, or to any voxel of the United States as E9. tlellued! ur section 501 ofthis- title, onto thecnrge of the Q yor shall. temper with jthe motive power on lanstrnmentniitia ot or navigation rot ouch reosel, or shell place bombo or explosivg or » in or upon such v_eeeel, or shell do any other zect to or open ln- such vessel while within the jnrls§ioEon of tlw United States, .e4 or,” lt ouch vessel is ot American registry, while she lo on the ly high eea,.{With intent to ,i¤jo¤l‘e or endanger safety ot the to vessel or ot her cargo, or ot persons on »b@, whether the to tnjnry or- danger iseo intended to take eplnée within the Juris-· Q diction of the United stern, or after _ the shall here 9, » deported therefrom ;. . or whoever ehall attempt or oonsplre, to . do any Buch sets with`suolrlntent, shell be need not than hh _‘$1G,00Q, or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or`» both. to ffhe term "United Stnteef o.s·ueed ln_this— section, inelntleo the xp Cannl`Zone and ell territory and waiters, continental or insular}