Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/533

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519 TETLE 18.·l—GI¢IMI;NAL CODE A 7% Same; solo of artjclos mdxidfacturewl.-—Artic¥i&s,s0 mamafactorod shall be scid at tho current market prices as detoxmiued by the Attorocy General. orhis nuthoriam agent, and all moueytsfor roimbtirscmoots received from ouch solos sholl be deposited to the credit of `the working wpital fund created by s=octioi:"T% or thistitle. (July 10, 1918, tz; 144, S 2, 40 Smt. @6.) 797. Sam; Qyncst of imnntoa for- irork.—-»-The Attorney General `is iqthorlzéd ‘ and ompowerevd to providi: for fthe- parment tolbtho inmates cx clepoaxdkuts upon inmates ot glujd ‘pcnitontiary such peconiary earnings asothe may doom propor, such rulos ond mgumtioms as ho may prescribe. . Such eurnihgs ‘ shall bopoid out of the worltingcapitol fund. (July 10, 1910, c.1#i·i,§3Q‘40’Stt1t.®7.¥. _“` - __' 798. Samé; working capital fund.-There is created u lfuml, K to tm known as tho, working.mpitg1;_ which. shall be available for the carrying on tho ihdixstrinl. enterprise hutborized heroin or which mary be authorized hereafter by law to be oarrlod ou. in said penitentiary. The working capital shall coosiot of the, som ot $150,000, which sum »1$·tmthorizéd (to be appropriatod. The receipts from tho sale of the produom or byproducts ortho sziid industries and tho solo of oondouineql machinery or oquipmont.xI1a31°be credited `to the working-&pita1{fund and bc izvail, able for aporopriktion Eby Congress, amnénlly, for tho purposes so} forth. in soctijorns 793 to *801 of tlgio; title;. "(Jut-y 10, 1918% o.144,§5, 40 St;st.—&T; )_ T " » _ · j ,·° 799. Sane; . of working capitol fun¢}.·4='1*hc workigxg capita; shutt be disbursed under tbof diroctioh ci the ¢ .Attornoy°Gonaor;l·_·a.¤d_ shall be availdbto for tho purchase, ro- ~ pair, or; roplaoétnént of machinery or equipment, tor` they chaste of raw potorizmlotor ports, for the oxpploymont of noceé· sorykciriliau odicérs amt employoés at thofpenift-mtiary ond ih \\'a$bi11gtot1, for the repair and mgintouahco of buildings anti 1 equipment; and for all other noceséary expenses in carrying out the provisioué of sections 793 to, 801 of this title. (July 10, I918,c.144,§7,40StAt.897g) '_ TW; ‘ ». '

 Sami;   of, m·od¤cts.-i-fthe products ot said.

industries shall not be disposed of except as provided 111* Soc- K finals to 881 of this title. (Jiily 10, 1918, c., 144, § 8, 40 Smt.%7.,) _ '.` 891. Sun; reports of rcoéigits md expopditures.·—-———At tho G[•(*H{¥3g oi each roguiar session oI'Congress ’Atl0rhcy_Geri-— oral shall make a detailed report to»Congresg .0f the reooipts and expenditures made hereunder,. the quiantity of uxatorial of? t dittorout kim; bought or otherwise acquired and ‘usod,T the · number of persons employed, tho hour$'gfl¤bor`a,11d the wages paid, {bo amount; and jyitadlofgoods manufactured; andthe prices pair} therefor: olso the agricultural "produéts. grown or`·pr0y% ducod on land osimod or cottivatod by or `under the diréétion ot the Attorney Goraoral or by the éuthoritiyés of said penitentiary, ` tho amount therein, the amouizt sold, the pricoé, and, total amount received therefor. (J 1115%* 10,,1918, c. 144, § 6, 40 Stat; $97-) 1 I ‘ , Chapter 26.--- FEDERAL INIJUSTRIAU INSTITUTION. 5 FOR WOMEN. " ` 811. Selection ot alto; women to be ooosnod in. » · 812. Estimate ot oost; comm} estimates of expense of maintenauée. $13. Plans, nsrociiicotionto, etc, for bqiidiagg. ‘ X . · 814. Control, management, omcors, ood empiognoes of iust1tutipn.· · 815. Transfer of wobon to institution. " ‘ . ` 816. Board ot how constituted : duties. . X 817. Instruction md training ot tomtom T ° 818. Parole of imxmtu. · - . . $19. Tramportatioa; etc., {or inméteo upoo dtsolxarge. Sectbn 811. Soloctioa of site; nope; to be .onn6¤cd in.-- Tho_Att0rx1o7 the Secretary ot. the interior, and the Secretary of Labor, are- authorized and directed to éo1&t h `hito i either connection with some existing institution gr

um GRIMINALJRROCEDURB § 816 where, for s.n‘ industrial institution °fm· the confmement or female pemdns above the age ot eighteen years, etmvicted at an offense egalut the United Statx, includinig women cemvicted by consular eourts, sentenced to imprisonment for more than one year. · (June 7, I%4, c._ 287,) 5 1, 43 Stet. 473.) » 812. Estimate of com; umm} eitlmates of expense of maidtens¤,¢ie.¤——Upcn the selectiab of an eppmprilate site the Attorney General shall mtbmlt »t0~ Congress ari. estimate of the cost of E 4 purehaeing same, together- with eztimgtes of the expense neeeesarytb construct- the proper building thereon,. . 'Ifhe Attorney General at; the same t*ime,.ahd axihually thereafter, shall submit estimdtes tri detail for {all expenses of t;§a"int_afuing the immettial instltuH0n for women, includii1g»st:laries'of all officere and employees. `(June 7, 1924, et 287, 5 2,13 Stat. 473.) 813; Plms§_ speciicatiems, ctc., fe: Secretary nf the·‘1lreesury is_ hereby authorized, pu request of the Att0r· t_Vi’£ey-`General, tdequse plans, drawlngn, designs, qieeiiicatiosae, `and estimates fdr the remodeling Auf the building existing em thine 7, 1924, dm1._the ccnqructien of edditienel ildings, end?} meh appmtenanees ats may be necesmry. on said reseivatien, te M prepared in of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department, end the wE>rlt of remedellxxg and A cemfstructiotn ·0f· such-buildings endeppmrtenanees to be supervised by the tleld force `¢f<that omtseg The proper emepriatigms for the support andemalntenence `ot the of the Swervising ·Architect shall the reimbursed fdr the cost at pyegmrlxxg such plans, {drawings}. designs, specidcatiems, and estimazteeéior the ’ :11'6i·esald work, and ‘ the. Sugiérviéion of the reimsentteling end censtmttion of said building and apynttenmsew. ‘ (June  » 1924,, c. 28'Zy 5-3, 43—Stat. 474;) { 1 w ‘ · _ _ ' 8141 Céritro·l,"~mm§ge¤e¤t, eécerp, nw enpleyeés ir! inhitutiom-¢—The ccqtrol and management of such i.t1d¤strlh1—iustitu— ¢ti0ri_ shall be yested in the Attorney ,pt~t§e United States, who hléo have tdnppeint ’a supertumdem, aselstsmt superintendent, and all other sweets and employees `1t&essery for Y the sinfekeépihg, care, fsrctectien; inettatticm, and dlecipline of said immites. l (June 7, ·1924f c. 28'IQ § 4, 43 Stat. 474.) t' N , t · ‘ " 815. Ttinsfer of `wdment te institution.--·The Attorney Gem eral is attthor·ized,~ln his discretion, to .u;insfer te melt iesttthtiem, as nceouimodnttieris ttzereat become available, dell Epegsnmx eligible tindex, the terms of mtiongs 811 to ·· 819 efthts title for incm·*cerhtlqn` in said industrial institdtiomwhe are mw. er shall hereafter be, immiceratedin other prism;e,_;3enite¤tiaries. ._ retonfmdteries, `élf houses et trerreetiomeend wired are pmper sub-r ‘ jects ter mearceraticnia lu éaidlhstitutleni and to transfer from SI`t{?h;il`l(lHYST\'i§1l` institution for :1 suitable State er Territbrial prison, penitentiary; or réformetory. lily lnmete who is fozmd by hl}11 to be`ine0m·lglble, bt whose presence lu mid lndttetrlal inetitution is fomid detrimental to its wellbeing. Stitch transfer shell be mnqde by the United States ntaraénhal of the judicial dletrjct in which the itistltlltfon from which the ltréizsfer is to be méde ~_is·_l0eated.‘ The actual end ueeessery expense incutred in such ttansferehtzll be paid fmurthe jtidicial furids. (Jtnne 7, 1924Q cl 287, § 6, 43 Stat. 474:) W `_ _ _ (816. Beard of Advisers} haw constituted; d¤tiee.—··—Fegxr_eitizens of the United States et ypmrgxinénee and distinetiem whe shall be appointed) liylthe President foie terms of three, {dur, five,.and six·yem·e,J resy>eet.ively, {mm June T, 1924, therterm of men, cm elwgateaj lvy me President, me men- su;·ee.sso»·s elnallhe aipppinted for terms at four years, except thetsmy per-

 clmnen to till n vacancy shell be appointed 0~1ily’f(;>r the 1mex~

pired term bt the eitizexi whom he shall Succeed, and wlm slmllh ' eerye wi‘tlteut_`cqmpe;1s;_¤tlen, shall $9¤sfiftxte,.t0getl1er with the- Attemey General of the_United States,. the Superintendent ot Pdscusiet the_Dep¢rtme¤t of 3¤stice,—and‘-the Superintendent ` dt 1:50 United Stats Industrial Institution ter Women, n Board . qt Advliaegeot said indnstrlél hietitutlcn.; It elm}! be the duty