Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/567

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553 " _ _2*12·w 19.·——C'U1 ( _ . _ . and {mit ·}nigm·by distillation or otherwise; in cases wnere itis imprncticsble to' Rlwwtaln such proof by the menus- prescribed by ex1¤ti¤81¤W er r¤¤¤1¤¤<>¤¤·t ·’ - , , d Pen. _811. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be- levied, `qtdlected, and one the articles enumerated in paragraph 802 of this eebedble than that Hxed by law for the description of » mst proof ;. but it ebnll be in proportion for greater strength than the strength of —¤rst `prooi', nad n11i1m.itn{ mens of brandy, spirits; 61*. by any names,. what} ever shall be Subject to the highest rate, of duty ‘provided' for fha genuine articles respedtlvely intended to "be represented;. and ln no case lm than ,35 per proof gallon: Provided, That. any brwndy or- other spirituous or distilled liquors impede`?} in. any sized cesk, bottle, Jug, or other packages, of or from any country, dependency, or province under whose laws sized casks,~bott1¤$ J¤8¤» or other packageej of .dl.stil1ed` spirits, wine, or other beverage put up or filled An the United Staten _ are denied ent1*&e into such country, dependency, or province, shall befodelted to the United Staten. `— t .— `_ · Pen 812. There shall be no constructive or other allowance mr breakage, leakage,. or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled quits, except that when lt shell appear to tbe col- Ievtor of, customs from the gangefs return, ’ve1;Hled by an andavit by the importer to be med within nve days after the delivery of the merchandise, that n cash or package has been broken or otherwise injured in- from n torelgn port and 4 as a result thereof • part of lt: contents, amounting to 10 her pentum or more of the totnl ynlue of the contents of the said mask or package in ite condition is exported, has been lost, allowance therefor may bemede in the llquldntion of tbedtities. I Pen. 818. No wines, spirits, or other liquors or nrtlcles pro·‘ vided for in this schedule containing one-half of 1 per eeutmn or more of nleohel shall be, imported or permitted entry except en e permit issued therefor. by the Oommlmioner of ,Interna1_ Revenue, and may meh wines, spirits, 01'*0CbGl' nqeem or irtivles imported er brought into tbe United States without; pew mit shall be seized and forfeited in the same manner es for ozher violations of customs lawn. · · PA; 814. The Secretary of the Treasury ln. authorized and directed to make all rnlee and regulations neceemry/for the .euforceme.n1; nfeethéqszpylsicns nl this iéhadnh. . - sc!1t¤U1Q!'¤4——00!!•o1l MLNUIAUIURES _ Pen. 901. Cotton yarn, including wnrpe, in any form, not bleached, dyed, ·ool0i‘od, combed, or plied, of numbers not exrnedlng number forty, one·¤ftb_qf 1 cent per number per pound; exceeding number forty end not emeeedlw number one hundred nndltwenty, 8 cent! PW, P¤¤¤d und, in edditien thereto, onedonrtb of 1 cent, per number per pound for erery number in excess number forty-: (exceeding number one hundred end twenty,‘¤ :·` eenta pound: Tbnthnone " of the wregoig, of numbers not exceeding dxbty, shall my duty tlmnb ner datum sd vnlorem ind, in addition thmeoo, for each number, enefonrth of 1; centum ad lvnlorem ;, nor of numbers exceeding number eighty, less than % per eentnm tad valonm. o c · ‘ Cotton yarn. `lwludlng vnrps, in any fem, bleached. dyed, eelorcd. combed, or pllmy of numbers not exceeding numm forty; enedourtb of 1 eent per number- ner wma; lng¤ number, forty end not exceeding nnmbed · one *hR1ld!'0d and twenty:`16 emu per mend and. ln nddition tbuetog wrw tenths of -1 owl: per number per pound fx erery number in exceee of number, ferty :. ex® nmnber one )m¤dr@ and twenty, 84 cents per poland: Prevldu, That nbne ef, tm foregeing, of numbers not exceeding number eighty, shell my lm duty than 10 ner centum id vnlorem, end, ln. addition. thereto, for each number, onefourtb of 1 per centuxn nd valorem; not of numbers excwdlnz number eighty, less then B0 per centnm

5'TOMB QUTIE8-‘ ~ 121 ad julorem: Provided further, That when of the foregoing »yams are printed, dyed, or colored with vat dyes, there shell be andnty of 4 per centum nd- vulorem in addition to the above duties. ‘ » _ - » Gotton. waste, inanu£nctnred.or o&erwise ndvnnced in value, t cotton card laps, sliver, and roving, 5 per eentum ed velorem. Bn. 902. Cotton aewlng thread; oue·half oi 1 cent (per hundred yank; crochet, embroidery, and knltting cottons, put up for handwork, in lengths I not exceeding eight hundred and lofty yards, one—ha1£ ot 1 cent . per hundred yards: Pio- `vtded, That none of the foregoing shell poi n lan rnte,ot duty than. 20 nor xnore than 35- per ad vnlorem. In no case shall the duty be assessed on a less number of yards than ls marked on the goods as imported: 2 " ‘ l mn. eos. Cotton me- bleached, printed, dyed comma, ‘ or `woyendgured, containing yarns the average number of which does not e;ceed number forty, forty one-hundredths of 1 cent perl average number per pound; egceeding number forty, 16 cents per pound and, ln Addition thereto; Mt!-Eve one-lmndredtha oi 1 cent per evemge nnmbm perlpound tot every number ln excess of number forty.: Provided, That none ot the foregoing, when contimlng yum the merged number ot~which does not excxed number eighty, shell pay lm dnt; than 1o’ per centumnd vnlorem and, in eddtion for Qch number, one·tourth of 1 per oentum sd valorem; nore when exceeding number elghtynless than M per centum nd valorem. _Cotton cloth, bleached, containing yarns the strange number ot Which does note, exceed number forty, Iortrhve one-htm· ··· dredths ot 1 cent per avenge number per pound; exceeding number forty, 18 cents pa pound and. ln addition thereto, thi·ée·¤tthe ot ,1 cent per average number per pound for every number ln excess of number lofty: Provided, 'lhnt none of the foregoing, Ywhen containlngyuno the avenge number of which doesnot exceed number el¢hty,‘•ha11 pay less duq than 13 » pet centum aid valorem and. ln eddition thereto; to; eech number, one—tourth ot 1 per centum ed vnlooem.; nor when exeeedlng number eighty, less than- 33 per ceotuxn ed valorem. , Cotton nom, minted. ¢ye<1.‘co1md, or woven-egmed, metaining yarns the average number ot which does not exceed number forty, oftgeove of 1 cent per average numbaf eeee tim “V`' ’ l numbcrt forty; E cents pen- pound Y In addition thereto, sixty-Bare one-hundredths of 1 cent

 per nvefage number pet; pound tos: every nunnyerz-in excuse ot

o number, forty: _Prov4dc¢, That none ot the oregolng, when contetnlng ysrne the average number ot which does not exceed “ tnumber eight:. shall my lean duty than 15 per centum red l valotem and, for each number, ove-adxteeutha ot _1 per centum o nd velorem: nor whenéexeeedkng number eighty, ieee than 40

 pe: centum ad valoretn: Provided fortlter, That w_ne¤m¢ less

E than [40 per mntum of the ie printed, dyed, or colored l with vat dyes, there shall be paid at `duty ot 4 per centmn ed fvalorem ln addition to the above dntla. Plain gauze or leno

 cotton nets or nettinss shall be classitied for duty as

” cotton cloth. _ ’ y _ . ‘ l _ PAL 904A*he term " cotton eloth," or " cloth," wherever used in this schedule, umeee otherwise specially piovided tor, ehall be

held to include all woven fabrics oi: cotton, in the biecetwhether
 ¤gured,‘!sncy, or plain, and shall not include any article, hn-
 ished or   made {rom cotton cloth. Ip the ascertainlment of the condition of the cloth or yarn upon which the

i dutlw lmpomd `upon cotton cloth are made to depend, the entire

 febrile sod all partsathereof. shell he included. The everuge

_ number o!_ the yarn in cotton cloth herein provided for shall be obtained by toklnz the length of the threudor yarn to be equal ·¢¤ the distance ooveked bylt in the cloth in the condition ue { luiported, except that all clipped threads shell he uxeuenred ne lf continuous; in coimtlnge the threads all ply yame shall he I wpnretedlinto singles and the count taken ot the total singles;