Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/575

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· { xo . 561 ,, TITLE 19.-CUST wholly ot, in chic! value of. cork ba1*k_or ·arti.tlcial cork and not rx specially ptovidcd t0r,‘30 ipcr ccutu1nVad valorcm, , ‘ __ »p Pan. 1413. Dice, doxainoos, dtaughts; chcssmcn, and billiard, ca pool, and bagatella: halls, and poker chips, of ivory, hone, or tx other `matcriai, 5o—p餑m¢m adwalorcm. ·h Y ( — z um `Pax. 1414..‘D01ls, and parts of dolls, doll heads; toy Ih8.l'b1BS,-I .1.1 of. tvnatcvcr materials; composed, air rmcs, toy. balloons, toy fe books without rcading matter other than lcttcm, numerals, 01 or descriptive words, ·houud" or unbound; and: parts thereof; IM garlamlc, ‘fcsl:o0ning_aud'0hrist1nas trcc , decorations. made pa wholly or in chic! value ot tinscl wine, a lame or lahu, ignition; pl or mctal threads, and all other toys, and parts of ’ toys; not In composed of-china, porcclain, iiariau; bisque, carthen or stone li ware andnot specially provided for, 70 per ccntuxn ad valorcm. te I’A1¤.i 1415; Emcry,·; corundum andiartidcial abrasive grains tl and cmcty, corundum- aud.a1:l:iHci¤1 abrasives, ground; pul¥ ll: vcrizcd, rchncdg or manufactured, 1 cent per pound ;, cmcry, bi wheels, cmcryl Mos, and l1¥&l1l1f8(!$\1l`B8· of which cincry, corun- ti dum or aktidciil abraaivc is the‘c0m1.$onci1t material"` of chicf tc valucf not specially provided fop'; and; all _,papc_rs,- cloths, and U combinations ot .papcr_a¤d cloth, wholly or partlycoutcd with tl artificial ox? natural abrasives, or with a- combination of 'uat·‘ ptl uml-and artilicinl abrasives ;‘ all tha.fo1•cg0ix1gQ 20·pcr ccutum 3, ad valorcm. , ‘ .. ‘· . · - ’ ~ IW .PAa.. 1416. Fircczackcrs of all kinds, 8 ccuw _ D6? D0¤¤d:_ U zbombs. rockctag Roman caudlm, and Brcworkc of all dcacrip· R4 tions, not specially provided for, 12 cents per- pound; the tl weight oulqn inc foregoing. to lucludc ull coverings. wrappings. l€ Land packing ‘matc1*lal. ° , · " _ I ‘ ‘ n; Pas, .1417. Matchcc; ftictlau or lucifcr, ot all dcscilptlouc, oti por $1*08g of ,9ac_hundrc<l_and forty—·t0ur‘ boxca, containing ( not {tt more than one hundred matches ‘pcr box, 8 cents par gross; al when imported aotherwisc than lxfboxcs containing not»mox`*c 3. than! cnc hundred matches c¤ch,_three·fourths at 1- cent per fl one thousand. matches; wax matchcqi wind matclxcc, and all matchw in hooks or folders having a stalncd, dyccl. or colorado Di stick or stcm, tapers consléting of agwlck coated with an in- f< flammable substance, night lights, tuscan and timc-blaming lv chcmlcal signals; hy* wbatcvcr name · knoyv·n,· €j40 _,pcr ‘ccnt:um_` lv ml valorcmz Provtdcd, '1‘hafiu'aqc0rda¤cc withachaptcr 10 ot w Title G8, whltc phosphorus matches manuta`ct;G°rcd wholly or bl in part in ani foreign country shall not bc entitled to cuter 0= at any oi the ports of the United States, and the importation _ $ therect La hereby prohibited: Proazldcd further, That nothing in 6* this . chapter · co _ incq nuhalli bc hcld t0_ repeal or modify clmptct 10 `of Tlg ‘ »_ t · — Di _ Rn. 1418. Pc~ccussion_ caps, cartrldgcc, and ocartridac ahclls ox cmpty, 30 pct. cchtum ati valorcm; blasting caps, ciontaiulng pa A not more than cnc’grn1n charge vt cxploslvc. $2.25 per thou- aim sand; containing more thaxn one gram chargc of cxplosivc, te; 75 ccnts por thousand additional for cach additional cnc-halt al umm charg or cxploaivoz mining, blasting, or. cutaty fum o1 ot allklnda, $1 por thousand tact. - — in Pla. 1419. Fcathera and downs; on the skin or otherwise, Si crudc or no‘t wml, coloned, or otherwlsc advanced or manu- H4 facturcd many manner, not specially provided for., 20 par T ccntum all valorcm; dressod, colorcd, or otherwim advanccd _€'$· . or zxnaxéiutactuxcgl lu any fnlanncr. including quilts of down and 01 other manutactures ot down: artlaclal orlox·namantal tcathem <¤ suitable for me aa mlll.i¤ci·y~ ornamenta, alrtlhclalg or orna-' Pi mental trplta,~ vegetables. grains, leaves, dowcra, and stems or S parts thereot, of whatever matcrlal cm?•1pcscd,·not apcclully nic- la vldcd tor, 60 apc: ccntum lad valorcm; natural lcavca. mum shrubs, hcrbs, trccs, and parts Ghcrcot, chemically? treated, hl co1omd,,d,yc<l or galntcd, not specially provided for, `Q0 `pcp ce ccutum ad valorcm: hoas, boutonuictca. wreaths. and all articlca hit not cpccla_1ly- provdcxl for. composed nrholly or in chic! value oi oi any ot the feathers, tlowcrs, lcavoa, or other hcrclu pq a6::m°-é~2¢}·—~·—3¤ ' `

cue DUTIES § 121 rentiohed, 60 per centum ad vzxlorcm: Provided, That the imorfatiou of birds of paradise, aigrettes, egret plumes or eoalled dsprey plumes, and the ‘ieaithers,·qt1il1s, heads, vrlngs, ails, skins, 01·'_parts»0t' skins, of wild bird0,.eitI1er, raw nor ianpfaetured, and not for seientmc or eduéetiopal purposes, n hereby prohibited; but this provision, shall not emily to the . eathers _ Of plumes `of ostriches or to the feathers or plumes * Edomestic {owls of any kind :~ Provided further, That birds ci aradise,_ai1d the feathers, quills, heads, wings, tails, skids, or arts thereof, ahd all eigrettes, egret plumes, er. so-called esprey lumcs, and . the teethers, quills, heads., wings, tells, skins, or arts qt ekins, of wild birds; either; raw or mstnufactured, of ke kind to those the importation otwhlch is prohibited by the mzgoiug prowiiéione of this paragraph, which may, be found in me United., States, except as t0` such plumaee er parte of birds 1 actual use for personal adomment, arid except euehplumage, lrds or parts thereof imported therein for scientiéc or educa- Anal purposes, shall be presumed for the et seizure >· have beeuv imported iunlawfelly after October 3, 1913, and me eollector of eustbms shall selie the same unlem the poseeseor mereof. _ shall establish, to the aatiefactién of the eellector that me samewere imp0rte<l`_in~t0’tl1e United States prior to October , , 1913, or as to such plumage er parts of birds that they were lpclied ‘ or derived in the United Statés hem birds lawtuily zereiu; end 1h,case_0t seizure by the cellector, he shall proceed 0 in lease otforteitere 10: violation efthe custems laws. and me same shall be forfeited, unless the claimant shall, in any sgal proceedlng tq enforce such forfeiture, other than e crimi- 0.1 prosecution; overcome the preeumptien oh illegal imp0rta— on anti establish that thebirds or articleéeeised, ot like kind n thaw mentioned the importaticm of twhkrh is, prohibited. ea Dove, were imported into the United States prior to October

 1913, or were plucked in the United States {rem birds law-

11ly therein. » _ · _ , _ Whenever `hlrda, or phimege. the importetleu et which le rohiblted by the Toregeing provlsieue of this perngmph, are wfeited to the Government, the Secretary et the _Treesm·y is emby ahthorized tefplace the same with the"dep0rtment$ er urexma 01 the Fedeml 0: State Geverixments erpeocietlee or nuseums for exhibition or sclentlm: er educational purgneees, ut hot for sale or personal? use; and in the event of sqehfhirde r , plumaée not being required 01- desired, by either Federal or tate Government or for_educati01ia1 purposes, they shell be estreyed, h _ . ~ _ ‘ · - ` Nethlhge in this chapter shall be construed to treme: the rcvleleue of sectlené 793 to 711 of Title 18 orxny ether law E» the United States, intended fdr the protection or reeervetiéu ¤t birds within the United States. Thntéi! on lveetigatien by the cellecter `hefere eeleure, .0r before trial fer xrteiture, er lt at su}:h_triul it such seizure has`bee¤·mmle, lt mil bemede tqeeppear to the collector, or the prosecuting Qcer ct the Government, as the case ézay he, that xm illegal upurtation et eueh, feathers has been maqe, but thatethe pesaes.l0u,_a,cqu1eltion or purchaseot éueh teathersls or has been ‘ . made ln` vloletibn of the provisions uf. eectices, 703 to 711 ot me 16;or any other law of the United States, ot terce on eptember 21, 1922, intengled for the pretectien dr preservetien I hlrds,wltl1in.tlne United States, it shall be the dqty et the zllgetur, or such · prosecuting omcer, as the ease may be, tel eport the facts to the`pr0per`0&cials of the United States, `er tate QQ; Territory charged with the duty at enforcing such lws. —· · · . » Pur 1420. Furs. Hremd cm the skin, excepting silver 0:- leck tux ture, net advanced lferther then dyeing, per mmm nd valorem; plates aud ot deg a¤d`g0at· skins, ll per eentum ed velorem: mmiutecturw et turn,. exeeptleg Liver or bleckytcx, further ndvnncw thm: dressing andldyeing, repared fer use es material, joined sr eewed together, includ- ‘