Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/586

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§ 133 — TITLE 19.-—¥jUU} be. nearly lndelible and permanent as . the nature of theurticle will permit. ~··Any such `erticlg held in customs custeéye ¤1m11’m¢. be déUV€TPd_UH¤1'·,8¥}_E&TkE¢, stumped, breudd; me labeled, and until everyY such article ot the tmpertztloe ._‘- which shell Have. been released from euetems ecuetody ndtnpe stumped, branded, m·· mend, _$h&Il be meykea; eempeq, brnnded, or lhbeled, fin ecggerslance with rules engl regulaytibns as gw of the -*1·¤·ehsyry_m¤y

the nrtic is exported under customs, supervisiqmi there shell

be levied; cellected,en<¥ paidt up0n·every”such~ ‘article.;w?hich_at the time of ihpertetion ls; mlairkedg eteen;ped,_·`brnndéd, or labeled, ina addition to tlge regular duty ixnposed by law `on such article, ·e" duty · nfqili per centum of the npprnieed vjalue thereef, or if such nrticle is free of duty .th·ere shallzbe levied, collected, and paid nppn such article n duty of 10 jper centum of the appraised value thereof- _ · — -- " Eyery package containing any impbrted. article,. er nrticlee, shall be marked; stamped,_bren¢le<l,_‘0r xepexee, in legible lslngllslx words, so as to indicate clearly the country of `orlgin. {Any such mckage' held in customs custody shall not be delivered nnless so marked,_¢stn·mped,·branded, or lnbeleek and wltil €V€1‘y ‘ package of the imp0rtation—_which Tehell- here ·been»¤ releaéed fr01n.cust0ms custody n0t_ éor marked, étampecl; branded, ‘\0r·‘ labeled, shall ‘be marked, stémped;-· branded, or___lnbeled in accordance with Such rules and regulnticns as tl1'e.Secretary of the [Treasury may prescribe; ·‘ ‘ z ’ · . » J The Secretary —0t_ the ·Tl’€&S\l1°y shrill prescribejthe necessary `rules and regulati0'ns to curry'qut the foreg0in_g_ provisions: (Sept. 21,1922, c.· 356; Titlenlll, I§ 304(a)‘, 42 Stzit.` 936.} l33.`Vi0lntiui¤ of ~`law requiring” marking; -n•mpi¤g, _ etc.; pe¤alty.———If zmy*pers0n ,shall fraudulegntly violate any of the provisions of this chapter relating tethe- marking, stamping. branding, .0r labeling of any imported articles or packages nor R shell fraudulently defuce, destroy, rénove, alter, or ubllternte nn? such rnarks, stamps; brands. or labels with intent to cencenl the infomation given by or contained in such marks, stamps, brands, 0:-* labels, he shell. upon 'cenvlctinn be finedln any sum not exceeding $5,000; or be imprisoned ferlany tline not exceeding one year, or both} (Sept. ‘21, 1922, cQ 356, Title · III, S 304(b), 42.Stet._‘;_936.)· t . ’ ° l _ _ _ Mlwxexmlr. Pnmauurxoxés _ . _ 134. Name of proprietor n·§xeH-t0‘1\ge¢licfnesQ~—All megllclnal » preparations, whether chemical nr otherwise, usually imported, with the name of the rnenuiacturer, shall have the true name ot the manufacturer and the place where they ere prepared, permanently and legibly nfdxed in each pareelby stnmp,`l¤bel, or otherwise; and all medicinal preparationé imported twithnut such names so nmxed shall be adjudged to be forfeited. S. | 2934.) ` ··· ‘ e " Iuvowmmous Pneumrmn . 135. Obscenc dc.; seimrcl andy £•a·!eiturel·—%·All per- .. eons are prohibited from importing into the United States from nny foreign country any obscene beekppumlxlet, paper, writing, `Envertiemnt, circular, print, picture, drawing, or other repre; ntatlun, Hgure, er image en or ot paper cr. other materiel, or any cnet, instrument, or_¢.»t11er.nrtic 1e ot an immoral nature, or any clrug or medicine, or‘eu`y. article whatever for the prevention of ,c0°ncept·ion `.01'~fo1’ causing unlawful ebqrtion, cr any lottery ticket, or any printed pgipertlmt: may be used usgs lottery ticket, er any advertisement 01 any lottery, N0 such articles} whetherlmpbrted separately ncccutalned ln peehges with ether géeds entitled to entry, shell be admitted te entry; end U all such articles shall be proceeded against, seized, and terfeited by due course ot law, All such prohibited articles and the package in eghich they nre contained phull ni detelned by r

STOJIE DUTIES 572 the wccrecf ctstums, and taken ngmge {hg ggmei .88 `b¤i*éi¤¤it¢r 1>f¢¤¢ri®d. it '&@¤S t¤ mtime.

 bt the ‘cQ1Bect0i·`.th&t:L the _9b ¢.li'Ei$¢B   in the

xpackxge were therein .withom;,-the incwledgg or mu- . _»$¢¤t£ 1¤=P¢>1‘i€~i‘. ‘0¥?N¥». QQHJZ/01* ¢¤P¤i8¤€¢· I TM drugs -hq¢•inm£qr• mexifiqihed, when iq huh ami-mf p¤1t,up, 1*9:- any at Iwrpqsw. heréx1h·ef¢>re· _ am ·e@{eq from tBe°qpéntic»¤ ot " (Sept.; 21, 1%% c. 85%, Ting HI; 9 305(a),»42‘ Stat. ‘. · ~ 4 `· `· A A · .

  • 136.* ‘W_ag·rsn§s" tw éeirth fp: mimic ct: men-

·ti&mcd: in sécticn 135 of._ this titlc.—Any district ;Iudgé.,¤fthe ‘ United; States, Within the prima complaint · in writing of any .v&01ati0xi;9;»secti¢n _135€0‘! titlé E médc, iqnnded upbn pyobyble éadsg and supported by with or SEYIHK-I

 @01:* at the compls, inaut,— may isémg ccufcrmably to the Constr

tutim, 3 w$ui·i·amt' directed to the United St.st2§ marslml or "deputy `mnralml "in, the pmper ¢1‘._t0 A ddl! Qcéredited customs eiiiiccxg dfxjectirsgr him t¤ léarch fm', seize, iid ¤k€' Dosses,~¤ion¤ epi _ any article or thing iuentimd iii such sectimi, f aim to make clue and immédiate rctgm thereof, tug thread that ” the same inay 'be cutiderg1!ied"and:;d$ttbyed by; prowedfngg wi1ich_shall°' be crmeluciied in the aime mins as bther pm- · ceédings in the cape of municipal seizure, and with yhe same right qt appcai or jvijif of (Sept, IBE; c. $6, Title ` III. 5 305(¢),(42—St&t. $$7.) . ··. .·‘ fh - . 137, Neat mttle and kidcé mohibited.·;—”1`%ie ixziporthtinn of nent cattle and the hi:ie>e=‘0fnei1$. cattle tram asyy fwgigrx émim try into tye Unitéd States is prohibited under ofiuspectian `as the Secretary ot.A_gricu1tqm may'-determine. _( Sept. V 21, 1922,1:. 356, Title III; I 306(a), 42 Stat. 987;) · `138. Same; exécirtiosis.-—If"t1¤e Sqecretary ofysgrtculture shall

 determine that Sil·ChJi1iDf)0l°I8ti0Il wil!-mf téqd ha the pmauetiou or spreaul cit cuhmginus or mfectmus di s anim; the .

cattle of the United_‘States, he sha!} omcially notify tary ogrthé Treasury and give public notice that the operation nf_sé<·tion.137· of this title shall be as to anyforeigxx cciuixtry 0: cmmtries; or any puts of sinch country 0: countries. (Sept. 21, 1922. e. 356, Title 111,-3 ®6(h)Q 42 Stabwl.) I _ . 139. Same; pnmishnent.-—··Any mmm convicted cit n wi11mf" violation` of-ani of the provisions of section 137 at tw title shall bg fined not exceeding $500, or imprimed Inat uceedxzg . one ·ycar, or both; in the·`;}iscréti<m `of the court. (Sept. 21, 1922, c, 356, Title III, I 306(c), 42‘Stat. 937.); _ 146, 6% rguiufactmd Taber P!•Bibited.—-AH goods, wares; atticlw, and menchiadisé manufactured wholly- or in pdrti in any `fqreiin country by convict labarshall- mt- `ba entitled tcrentry at Ans of thé watts the Uqitw statw, and the ·imp<>rt¤ti<5n thereof is prohibited, md the`S0cretary _ of the Treasury 'is aim-\¤§‘im·d And directed td' P?€B¢i‘ibe Such mgulntihns as` may be tm: the enforcement o$@ this provision. (Sept- 21; 1@.`·<=e 366,- Titk II}, Q 307, 42 S»tn§.· 987,) ' .141. Memkqhdim trdwmuks byiqitkas; prohibited, yrhen.-—·—It Saba.!} bé u¤»1 a.wtu1 tp import into jthe United Stateanny merchanélse of taretm mgufnctuxta it such

 tm }abeL·’sign. Mat, package, wrapper, or

receptacle, n tru<1¤—:m§x·¥:— owmeé by a éltiim ot, or by hg cormntmn or nmvhcicm granted oi .orga¤1sbd within; tha United. Stntw, and remstereé in tm Pat¢mt.0Hi;:e by a person domiciled in `the United .St&tes,_under the pmviaiom of aéctions _,__ 81-to 109,_inc1ushre{ of Tit21»&·15,·i! a NPY M thdeertiwts ct regmratiem qt such uudemark is Blu} with the Seérntnryl of the Tréimry, hi the manner providegi in, _@tion 106, ot Title 15, and ‘u¤1gm.m·itte—n— consent ot) the owner at such trade-mark is produced at the time `ct méaking entry. (Sept. H, 1922, c. 35& Title HT; l 5%(¤)`. 42 Stat. 975.) - ·` ._ 5 142. Sams; seizure and forfeiture of merchnixdisc.-——Any such merchandise Lmpqrtcd into the United States iqviclatimx