Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/588

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_§ 149 _ ¤·1a·1,a·1s.··-ctw · nd {mgm-le: the vessel. The by-products incident the

 ci manufacture, i¤clm`iix;g_ wjaste derivéd s from 9lanning rice in bonded _'wh§·ehe¤$• the Act at   24,

1874;·;chapte:* 65, Eightée¤th.Stat;1tes; 24, nie bcmiéd ’warehcuses may he withdrew; l fer dcmestié éemstxmptim cm l _‘ the phymexxt of duty to the duty wh&.ich.weuld“ba named and `ccllecteli. bi law ji! {such waste er by-pmdricts wire _ imported tram 1 teteigxi éoiaiitry. All waste material may é be »_ aeea;myea» i1mm·.Gcver¤ment superyision. A1lt1ab0I‘_ped0¤med Q end; service; rendered under these provisions isha}? be xinder ‘ _ the supervkisibnlof a duly deégueted. qmceriof the customs and at the expensecf the menulfacturek. ‘_ ‘ I `I A * l Acmuhts df me:·c1iartdisc"deli veied te; w¤;ehouses.—-·»-·A carey ful account sha1ljbe»kept_by· gthé collector of Wall merchandiée delivered e by him tc any banded men\.1faci:uriug warehouse, and §a swam monthly return,] verlHed.` by the customs omcers in ‘ charge, shell be made; by the mauufactuxei·s containing e de-

 tailed statement of all `ixpported merchandise   by lxlmem

the me¤ufa&t1§ expcirted articles. -. _ _ · Lists of erticles intended tb be·‘é1an¤factux·eH itc be Eled.———— Before ecmmeneigg lmeineese the p1{0pi*le1;cx·.0f qxxy manufac- 1 turing warehcrqse shall me {with the Semgetary of the Treasury ee et all the mstlclés i;1te:1ded‘t0`be- manufactured ln such wereheuee, and estate they iermum. cfg me xmfacture xmd_ the names am! quantities of the Ingéredieuts tb be uéed therein. Withdrawal nf manufactured articles faritranspertntieii and delivery i11t¤`;bc¤ded V§;'8l‘¢hQi§§8 for immediete ‘ expert ;· wjith·· émwgl lbf cigérs for heme‘e§§¤¤mpti¤1l.—~A.i·tiq1esjelnanutac tured ¤mderlthese{§.p¤evi§e¤s mei bc·.wu;m1pew¤ under euéh regulations as thelSecre§:ery of the Tx·eeeury»&muy prescfibe for tmnsportatim.1 l ahd delivery inte my bonded iifatehcuee at an exterior fer the sole pumoee ot immediate expert themfremi Cigem mauuféctumd ixxwhole of tobaeco imported from 'axéxy eee cem1t1jy,~made*&l¤d mmmfactureq ineuch boxxdedmammfeaturing warehmzsm, may be Withdrawn fe: heme ¢éIlS}1Il1`(}·· izism umm the payment of t11e dm:ies on meh tebacee in its ema- `ditieu ai imparted new such regelatlees eee the Secbetaxw ei the fl‘re;1eu;·y may prescribe, end the payment of the internalrevemie tak seeming 031 esxxeh cigers iIltt§&i1" condition es withdrawal, and the boxeg or peekegee cerltaialigebuchi cigars mail] be etemped te imllente their che;.·s.c te1$; erigm et tebeccol from which”m&de,`nnd·p1aee et mzinutacturee l y Q, 4

 Fnreheusing spplientien of preiiemj law.—~·~%1‘he.pzje—

‘ vleiepe ei eecti¤;1,1&163 et ilwe 26 ehellttee tar as may be preetimble, apply me mi b0l3efl€·d manufacturing warehnuee estab lished under this ehepter and to the meréhemilee eenéeyed P theremq (@31; 21, 19%, e;. `Titlee HI.;} 8l1,’42 Stat. %&) 149. lBém3ed emelfing srixehmism; xemval er em of crude metals te; withdmwél lei held! Jer dcmmtle apex: epémeet bf duties: tampling md sxxpcrvisim;

 ehargee against  l· ·      —··~The werks éi manuefsemzers engaged

ie emeltieg nr semeg, dr beth, of mes tudeimetele, my apex; the gl eetis£aet0*x·y»bcmlst, be e t mxted es eme1tiegl#e·erehtt eee., Gres `er crude metals Be rémeeied fmm the wee er other vehicle ln which lmmztedl er n

  • {¥f3§d£%{} were euee; mtg a heeded gme1ting`wer&e”¤ee wieheut

the payment { duties gxthereen, and there tsmeltecl er remzed, e? tml;. tegem Qwitht ores te; crude metals et heme ex iexseigq prrxluettlent he beetle shell be charged! with at sem equal ie

 eezeuet ~~:e—     :~egele—x- étttiw e?w hich~   Wlxéiee = ¤       payable

ee sushi ores end crude metals it entered ter cemumptien at the time of their impertetlexx; and the several charges ageinst smh beetle » shell lhe,cem·eled emu the Vexpertetlee ter delivery te a leended maeufagetering weteeenm eetnbllehed under " prececllrxg secticm oft this title of n quantity of the meme kmé et metézl equelg to the qimntllty et metal producihle fren: the emeltixag er refining, er both. inf the datiable meta? cent-ained

· v , smus nwizns Q 574 » tu erm or é*nde,metQ.!S4 Edna melee et the ·, emelter wgstege as {mm time te ;¤me hi tm

Secretary of the The ee pmdncible, or

L eny poftlen thereof, withdrawn e0n@mpl tion or trinderred te-; and withl drawn `therefrenm and me seams: me bends ·- canceled upon the payment, of 'dndé ehurgenble against e eqnivalentnmormtjei eren ‘0r crude here which eeisl Q metal would be produclble in mel; cennitlen lss v_ imported. · An me arrival at the ores emlernde metals sttsnch mtablisha .mellt8 they slial1,be,na;ni>led nm amyed aceeréing tojcemn xnércial methods under the eupervisien et Goverment lemcers. .l All labor-performed and services, pnrsnant fe this R ,, section elmell be under the supervision et an o@cer et the { `cuetems, to be epp~·;>intc<l‘ by the Q Secretary of the Tre ury , c nm! nt the expense ot the menrxfrggmrer. 1 The several £:h%g·es

 against, the bends of any nm·eltingccwnr~encnne cwmblielzecl Ger

,— the §}?01YiS10X1S ei this section may be enneeled upon the expertetien or transfer, te a bonded manufacturing wsrehenne from , any. other bonded emellzlng henne exébliehed under this 1 section ot, n quantity ei the same kind et metal, in excess ot _ , that covered bye emnlwnds, equal to the amount of metal L produclble frenz` the smeltinger refining, er beth, et we dntl-· Q able metal czontalned in impert& eres end crude metals, e due ellevvence being m`&de et the emelter 'vmstnge as neveri tained treme time tel time by the Secretary et the T ry, (Sept. 21, 1922, c. ,356, Title IH, C5 312, 42 Stat. 946.) e ` · 150. Same; ren1atiens,fer enf&·@ent premibcd.-=—~All ` reguletlbns for mrzeyleg ent prevmene et 149 at

 this title ehall be n@rlbed by the   et   Treasury.,
 (Sept. 21, 19Rc. 856, Titlelll, I 312 42 Stat. S20.) 1* ,

‘ 151. for neun me af im»· ' mxted garbanne; lvithdnwalamllmer ,@leneee and ‘ eendltlenn as may be prescribed by the Secretary et the 'Trees- ` nr?. werehensm may be es~tnbl lshed in which lmperrmd

 Mexican penn, eemmenly   my be stered, cleaned,
 renackecl er etherwlee changed in ~mdlticn, but not meme

‘ fnetnrecl, and withdrawn fer expertntien wltnent the may- `? medti of duty thereon. The gvhele er ienyk put et lm- [11 pbrted gerlmnxn, and the wme material end byvrcdnctg incl-

 in eleenlng er etherrrlee tram; nid imparted gnrbanré,

‘ r ren; he withdrawn ter demestle nm the mymnl: en the quantity no withdrawn et the llnty hr leur on ‘ meh gnrbenen in their cendltlen The enmpenea-·

 tten of enetemn nmeers md l   ter ell leerricee in

‘ supervision nf meh wereeemm shall he mid {rem meneyn ~ advanced by the wnrehenee preprieter to me celleetor et cne- » tems and be carried in n special eeeennt and ter »‘ eneh penwee, and all exmm $nenrred·&a.ll be pam by the r wnrehenne preprletnr. (June % 1916, c. 139, w Stat. %.)

 ‘ Dnlwneene
  • 152. Drawbncks; made (rem impeded lneterialsx
 Erarering extract;   medimnl er teilet prensr¤t®; im-·
 parted   fer curing   ments   in Unite:} States; mm
 fer eenstrnetlen,     of veamln.-——-Upon me

expemtlen of nrtlclm mnnnteetured er ln me United, Staten with the use of merchandise, the full ernment nt ‘ j the dntlee paid upon nnerdanncliee en need shall be retllmlcd 1 ee drawback, law 1 per eentnnx et men dntleneexcept that such "·éntl&* shnIllnet be ee ref nnde§“npnn me lexnertetlen et near er lb§'··§1'9€1l1¢1£B prednceél c m when: nnlene nn nmeunt ef vrnent gresvn in the States eqnnl te net then 30 per eentum et the eznennt ct such imported wvlnent hee been mixed with stick lmperten wheat, Where me er more pred-l nets from the menipllletlen et lmmrtedl merchandise, the drerrbeek be dletrinnted to the eeverel precincts in

 neeerdsm yltla   relative rnlgm at the time ni eepsrntlen.