Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/617

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603 TITLE 19.-CQA mt not subject to forfeiture under the same section, may, while uwued by him or them, or while in his —0r their possession, to double the amount claimed, be taken by the collectqr and held as security for the payment ot any Hue or ilués ·iI1C\1l’1‘€d as ' aforesaid, drmay be levied upon and sgld on execution to satjsfy any jBdgm€HffBCQV€PBd for such Hue or fines; But nqthiug hgF€i1l_¢0llt8iD€d Shall prevent any owner or clatmant from. pb-· mining a release of such marc-hzmdise on giving st bond, with surcties saésfactdry to the collector, or, in easel of judicial prov .-wuiugs, satisfactory to the court, or the judéo. thereof, for the payxncnt of any Bac U or mics so incurred. Such merchandise .1.nlr inyqo case be relcased·_uuti1 all accrued duties thereon .1.:111 have been paid or. securéd. (June 22, 1874, Y c. 391, § 13, as Stat. 188.)` A UT .— . . ' 495. Sane; forfeiture of m`ér¢l§n¤dipe.—v-It any consignor, gvuer, owner}, imp0rtei•,'c0nsig¤gec,`age11t, or . pther-— perm 0: p.·rsqus enters or introduces; dr attempts to enter or iutrodnice, _ into the commerce of the United _Stiate§ any imported merclmndisc by means of any fraudulent or ifElTse iuv0icc,‘*:Ziccluration, sxfiidavit, letter, paper, or by means of buy false statement, writtm or verbal, or by means of any mise or fraudtxleatt ptfaqtlcc ..1- appliance whatsoever, or makes‘ar.}y·false .statemé¤.ut,h1 any, dt~t·laruti0¤·t1nder the lpmvirsious of.! sections 352 to 357 of this title without reasonable cnqée to believe thé truth 0{Sucli statcment, orbids or procures the makiugtot any auth false; statement as to my matter material thereto without, reasonable cause tc beligeve the t,rut1x·<»t,Q‘ suébtq-1tatci¤¢ut,_.0¤ is guilty ot any willful act or omission by mgdps `whercot the United States iw of may be deprived of the lawful dqtleé or any portion thereof zmcming upon the merchgridisbor agy portion thereof, embraced or referred to iu_ sucgxl iuvolcje, »*declaratl0¤,” atlidavlt, letter, paper, or statement, or utfcctccl by such act or omission, such mcn·c1»u¤di¤e, or ltba-é·;11ue· th mot, to be recovered trbm such wrsou or pegsous, shx‘i’l1 be Svbjgét to fbrfclture,'. which for.- fciture shall only apply to the wholq ot the merchandise _0r the mluc tbcmci iuftho case! or` package containing théparticular article or articles of ifchandlse to which. such fraud or talsef paper oz statemgjtes. The arrival within the terpltopial { limits ot the United States",0£ any merchandise conéiguéd for g sale and remaining the propéity of the qhlppmnor téousignor, and ting acqeptéxwa ct n` false or fraudulent invoice thamot by · the couslzuw or the agent j of the conslgncf, · or the gxistenéal of any fict: ctmstitutlhi an Muttumptcd; tm¤d,· » deemed, to the purpmm ot this paragraph, tbl be an attempt to cuter Such pérchmdisa nctwithetgndlng nb, actual leutby has been made or cient!. · (Oct. 3, 1913, tg. 16, [III, H, SS Stat. ' 1&; Eept. 21, ww, c. 355, Tltle»IV. T 42&tat. W.) W _ 496. Snugglbg nr imP¢!¤a‘tims; false, forged. or hvcicu; pe1éqou`knowtngly~ and wilmilli. with, intent to defraud the revenue bt-the United Sinha, Qm¤z:@es, 1, at ciundwlnely introducm, into the United Sum ahy which should have begs invoiced, or mlm out or mw, cr gttempts to pub, through the custom. house pay false, forged, qt f1’€IldQ]]6l1E,1l1YOI£Q, every A such pew-—· · scm, his. har, or their niwrs nnd_\batt0~¤,_ Shhll be deemed guilty 2 .0t a misdaaaenmr, and on comfitétltm thsrwt bball bd Emd lin any sum mt axceédlng $5,000, or imprlmued for any term . ot time mt exceeding two ymxii, or bath, it the discratlbn of me wart (Sept. 21, 1¤22,.¤._ abc, mm mv. Q ¤¤3<n>,‘42 Stat.9$Z.)*__` _ .4 _‘ 497. Frwduicntly or l¤1¤wingly_ii¤pérti¤g qt bmlatink in ·importi¤g. mgrchmdihc; buying, selling, ¤·IMP¤*’*l¤g, or mn-. cgalins, unlawful}! imputed. mcatchamlsm P¤¤l¤hmmt.—····-Li any param: frmiduleutly or lmowtng1y_ importé or brings mtg the United _ States, or assists; in sq doing, any merglnundibép ccntkary to law, ar ieceivw, . mnccals, buys, sells, mr in any manner facilitates the tru:i$pcrtt1ticm, ‘ cohcqalmeut, or gulp {qt such méxzctiamllse after importation, knowing the mmm to have been lmpbrteé or brought- into ths· United States. coqtrary to

?’I’0HH`DUTIE'E' § 502 law, such merchandise shall be forfeited and the offender shall be fined in guy sum not exceeding $5,000 mar lens than $50, or be imprisoned for any time not exceeding two yenrsz, or both,. Whenever, on trial for ai violation ofthis section, the defendant is shown toihnve or to have had possession of such goods, such possession shall bc_ deemed evidence suiiicient to authorize conviction, unless the gletendzmt shall explain the possession to the satisfaction ct me jury. (Sept. 21, 1922, T c. 356, fL‘it1e IV, { 593(b), 42_ Stat,982.) _ '498. Seizure `nr forfeiture of vcéacls or‘vehiclcs.—Y\’heuas·er f nj vessel ·0r vehicle, or the owner or master, conductor, driver, or other person in charge. thereof, has become subject to n penalty for violntich of the customs-reicnue laws of the `United States, such vessel of vehicle Ishall be held for, the payment of such. pepaiti and may be and p1·6ceeded_ néninst num?

mnri-ly. by libel to recover the same. No vessel br .vehicle

,.used' by any person as ncommon Lanier in. the transaction ot; business as sub}; commqn ¢&1'X‘iBl‘ shall be so held -6r subject _fo, seizure br forfeiture under thn cnstoms`. lnwsfp unless it shall °q.ppezu·` that the owner nur manter of such vessel nr yhg conduéto1·,_.driver, or other person in charge of auch vehicle was

  • 3at the time of the 'allégéd illegal. QCt~§ q0nnent:ing,pm·ty or privy

theretot "' (Sept.]21, 1922,” c. 356, Title IV, § 594, 42 Stat, 982.) 499. Search-wnrrnnts; bounce within ten feet of bptmdnryr-—· lt any collector dfcustoms br other —0$cex· nr person authorized to make searches and seizures shall have cause to aéuspect the presence , in any dwelling house; étore, 'or other building or

 place ot axgymarcnnndise upon nw)11•;·h_ the duties huge not

n been paid, .01: which- has been otherwise brought into the n United States contrary to Jlnw, he mhy mnkenpplicniion, under onth, to any justice of the pencé, to any municipnl, county, Staté, - or Federa1»·judngc,_br to any Unitéd States commissioner, ann; shall thereupon be entitled tc. n warrant to enter such dwelling house in the éaytinxe only, or sunk store Nr other place nt night or by `dny, ind in search for and name such ‘inai·chnmlise..n It any such hqnsn, ntdre, o1·=0t11er,bnilding, nr plans in which such meréhnndiae snail ba innngl; _ is npon nr within tcm féct- nr the bounglnry line bctweénithe United States * nndx n foreign country, gnch portion themqt- as is within the United. Statén n1a y fort¤bwith be gnxnn énwn or removed. (Sept. 21, 1922, c.` 356,"1‘i1:1e 'IY, § 5%, 42, ~ _ » »

 Bqmziving or écpuiting     nn
   or     through mpc mlnw-

-fu1ly; `]»wishmcnL—-—»—4¤y_%rsnn who régznivcs /•)rfdei>osits in such building upon t};g6_ boundary lim betiéen the United Stata and any tomign \écuntr3,n ori qearrigs any mernhandim through the same, cr nidn Qhsrein, in viclaticn bt {aw., be pimishable by n Bun ni not ngnré Qznn $5,000* or bi imprisozn , ment for mft more `mgn tivnhymrnynx both. (Sept. 21, 1%2, _ cr. 356, Tit1n’IV; |_ 598, 43iStat. · _ r _ ` 501, FrnuéiJ¢¤tly· ,` ¢em¢nndinc im, ·¤1·· remnval tmm, b¤ndw“ wmhnmeg during. ctn. marks cr number; m£•h§nnt,—·-··If any in knnciulently c<>n· peaked ln; rennived tram, or répacktd in any bonded warennusn, or _ it any marks nr néinbers blnccd npun pickngeq deposited in such n waxnhcnm bn fmndntnngiy altered, detnced; on oplitnrntod. merchnndisé ann pnekngan »s1m11(hc subject, to

fnr$nitm·e., gud all     nt the tr¤ndu1<ant· nbnnenb ‘

xnnnt, rnpnckingg m· ~renmvn1 of nnéh merchandise; or ot niten ing, dnmcing, or obkitcmting auch marks 8Y$d‘B\1.¤§®1‘8 thm cnn, and all persons stdin: and abetting me n n shall be liable to _ thnanrnn peinnltins an amen imposed by sinY%ns 4% and 497 ot ` " this male. (Sept 21; 19%, c. 3M, Title IV,. 597, 43—»Stn£\ @3.) ` $92; .i3uhtnms— a§xing by nn•nthérized.per•gns;, false sends; removal, injnri tn, dnfacing, etc.}; wrnngful éntry nf nhqnded mdrehenso, M nnlnwfsnl nmonl nr menclmndim Jkwmfmnag i>z:ninhxneg_g .·—If» ngny nnnnthnrinnd pernon nmxns nr. nttnches or in nnynwny wlllfukljr assists nr nncnnrnnes the ¤fti_;· mg ox? aktnéhing oi n customs sent or nthe; fastening to any \r % w