Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/627

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613 _ · , . _\l TRILE. .20.41 city of Washington? Qml tlieother Ioiuyshafll iBh§bi¥l.I§£8'0f eeme State, bot no two of of the s/mime Slate. "_ (B. _S._§ 55éQ, Mar.-12;, ·1894,»c. 36, 41.) l , V ._ . ·_ .· '_ "

  • 43. Sai;1e;`ap;soi¤tment; terms of o$cé; ·vac¤¤cics.+——The l

Board of Regents shell be appoiirtcd as follows :..The Members \ of gihe Se}z_abe by the_ Preeiident thefeof; the Members ot lhe House by the Spmker `tlaeroef‘;f· and the six omer pefsoms by. joint resolution ‘ of the Senatejaud House of Representatives. The Membefs of. the "HoueeJ So appointed `cshgll eerve for the terge of- {wo years; mid on eve_i·y· oltemotc fourth Wednesday nf Deeember e like number shall be" appointed in. the wéb mamxgexi t¢>>se:·ve oiitil the fourth Wednesday iu. Deéember, in l me seéond `yeor sueceeclingl their app0i¤tme11t.· Se1;;1tors_ — eo appointed shall serve doripg the term; for which they shall hold, withoizt reelection, their; ‘{oE<ée . as Senators. Vacancies, _occz1ei0;1ea:<, Each member of the board slmlljbe paid his necessary traveling and other actual expenses, in zlttemllngl meetings of me board, Which xlmll be audited by the executive C()mml.iE$€€,_ uml remrclede by the eecrelary of the board; but his service ae ` Regeent gmail be gratuitous. (R. S. 5 ‘ _ F 2 - 45, Special méetiegs of members;-=~——The mehzbere of the in-· ecimnion may hold stated and special meetings, fmt the S\1]}€l.*~ vision ot the affairs ot the institution and the advice and instructiou of the Buzud of Regents. to be culled in the m.a.m1er* ‘ providccl for in by-laws of the inetitlstipny at which the px·e.sidei1t.; and in his absence the vice inresident, shall presicle (R.S..§ sees.) ‘ __ y l , _. 46, Dutieseof E@¢!‘B$§f)'.*·•T}i€`SE(lFé{$fY of the Board of Rogents shell take charge of the building and property of the inetitutiora; and ehall, umler their diréciion, make 11 fnixzend geeumte record of ell their px:o&iog¤¢, to be preserved in the _ lmetimtiom and shell also discharge the clotiee of llbiearlep and of keeper of the mixeeum;. and muy. [·§vitl1.·t:he coheeut of the Board of Regents, employ as.ela~?taiata., (R. S. § 5583.) 47. Actieg ee¢retuiy.—·eThe ohazmellor ptlthe gmltheoulau In·· etitntlofmey, by enjeetrument in writlixgmed ·i:rt.tze cmco of the eec·ret&ry thereof, designate and appoint t suitable pe:-· sou to set ee eecrete.1·§~o£ the Virxetitiztion when there shall be . rl x·ec·e11ey in said omee, eixct wlxaaever the —se<:retery‘.&ha1l·be unable from ilmem, absence, or other csuw to pestofm the duties of his »ofBc<>;. end in Si1(!h°¢§S£.(#\8·§€fSOB·5Q appointed may perform all the defies imposed oai the eesi:1"etm·y· by law imtil the vacraiioy ehollhe §Il<.rd·m: 'euch inability Ahh}! eense. The eaid ehenmllor may change such deeigm\¤o¤ and appeixm ment: from time to time as me interests ot the metltutilou may in ble judgment require. (May 13, 1884,*c.. 44, % Sin!. 21.) _ . N Q . l .

ENDUGAQTIONFL \ " · `” Y § 54 48· Sukxy and removal- of { sccrétary"` and assis1a¤ts.—-T%ae“‘ Sxrefdry aud, his awistantsi Shall, respectively, mceive for Meir: Scrvi<:a~s such sum aus may be allowed by the Board of Regents; and shall ‘be_rem0v211;$l’€e_by that Board of Begcmswhenever, in their judment, the intérasts of the .institutitm reqtiire Such removal. r (R. S; §° 55S4;·Jlll1€ 30, 1906, c. 3914, §`6,_34Stat.763.) g _ » ( · ·_ _49.- Statément af expenditures:-—Thé sacrétary shall Submit to C0¤.gi·ess·anuualI$* at the bggkmiug pt each rcgu_lar sewicu — thergéf stntemex;t, of the expenditures of tltg pre- g

   5* , nderappréprizxcloas for “Iutetxmtioual Ex-

éhanges,"' "‘ North ZAmerica·n~ Efhtxologyf and the “National Musettmi? Y ‘(0¢t;__2, 1888, ‘cQ 10%, { 1, % Stat; 529,) y ' _·50.·R¢c¢ptibnK andt__arrmgemwt of gud abjects 9f_· art.-—-vwhehévter suitable arrangeuientgdcan. bei made frmxn tim}: ta time mr thai? reception}-al1·· nnteem got art and of fcteignjand curicms. reseatrch, gpd_al1_ objacts of natural history, plants, and. géaloggcal and mizmralégiéal specimens. beltmgmg to the United States, whigh may btriri the city of Washmgtcm, in wh0$cs0ever`_cust0dy they ··:§ay be, shall be gekivered to si1ch.‘pe1·.s;qns as may be axithorized by thé Board of Regents to receive them, and shall be so grranged and zciassified in the building €1‘€CtBd`fol€ the institixtion-ns. best tc facilitate the ex- ~ aminatim; and study of them`; and whenever. néw speéiméns in natural history, ‘-geology, o1·_ mihexglogy are qbmliued for the museumt ot the institution,} by vxchanges _ at duplicate specimens; which the Regents `mgy in their discpétiod make; or by donation, Qwhich they may receive, or `étheziwise, the ReQgs~nts‘ _aha1r m¤ée such new specimens to be appropriately, classed and axmnged. TIM; tt minérals, books, manuscripts, and other property cf‘LTames Smithson, which havebcen received by the ‘G0¢emme11t Yof the United States, shalt benpreservetl iscpamte and appr; from other property of the mstitiition. (R. S. t ‘§ 5586;)· 4 6 ·`‘·.. t 51. Library.-—·——Thé Regezité shall, make, from the interesthnf the tfuncj, rléll} appnnpritntiop, not exceeding an.a.ve1·~a,·:e at ,$25;000 anmially, for the gradual formation of -2.* library composed at valuable w<1rks`{xerta1uting to ill dépttrtments at huxxtmx knowledge. (R. S. §| 55ST.)` · W . ~ j 52. Evidence if- title tasitg and tb¤i1di¤gs.—-—-——The site and

  • 1m1d.s nsemted fc; buildings £¤r_,1;he‘<Smithsomian In$citutioxt shall be deemed appr0priat:¢d to the instituticm, and the

record pt the description of such site. and lands, or a copy` vthem0f,° cerfitied by the chancellor and secretary ct the Beam of Qlegcnts, sha.l1;be‘mceived as{avidertce`i11 all gzourts of the extent ami boundaries of the hmgis appropriated to the instituticin. (R. S. § 5588.), " i [ » 53. Protectiun of Kpréperty,-—-All lmwst for the pmtectiem of public; jkcpentty in the city af Waékiugttmt shall apply to, mad be in forks for, the pmtzaétiont of t.11é—1at1i1s;*§uiIdings, and cthex pmpcrtyn ot the Smithsonian Institution, All amimeys recovered by <>r·acct·¤i¤g* to, the mstitutitm shall he paid ima the :Tmasury 01. the Utiited States, to the credit of the %Smith— scnian bequest, and `sepaftitely accmmtad for. (R. S. § 5589;) 54. Apprhprihtimx of·il!t¢1”€St•······S`t) much at the pmperty uf James Smithstm ashas been received in moneytaudt mic! into the Treasury 01 the United Stmest, being the stm: of $5~11,3?9.t¥$, shall be lent to the United Statm ”Trem¤ry, at:6 pct cénttim pea: annum inteximt; and 6 per tzentmn inmmm cm thé trust-

·f¤¤d~ and msiduary lmaéy *mca1ved‘ into the Unitétl States

'i°r¢w¤ry, my¤b1g in halt-yearly imyments, on the mst of E Iaxméry and July in each yéai, is appmbriméed for ttm per-

 tmatmemntzd and support of tkg Smithsonian Itx¤<tituytmn; and all expenditures and a.ppmpriations»tc be made, from

¢1im¢1t0 time, to thé; purposes ·c>f theyinstituticm thai! be t·x—- clnsively {mm the acéuing intérest, and not from the prim·ipttl ct the fund., All the mum-sys mxdtstqcks which have mwtx, 01:-