Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/629

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,x ·‘ \.i"~ .*1 ·. ‘ ‘ ·» . 515 2 \ ` ‘ ‘ warts 20.-— _ cmq»ter se-éoovenxmmr `oomlecmoxs ANI? TUTIONS- CH;‘ AND MATWIAI: FQ}! [ E19UCAT§Ol•§¥;A._l»__ INSTITUTIONS. 1 { _ ·' ·· 9;, Literary eee; nrlentihc collections accemlhle to toveetlgators 1and students. ·. _ 9 _~ -' _. _ ‘· , 92. Admlsslcml _ to tmarlne blologloal 'statloo for pursuit: ot lpveotlgtp 93. Sal: eg mnchloe tools. to- trade, techoloal, nod"- public' |<!h00lS'·8I1tl uolversltia;-condit;i0¤s._’ " · ‘ · · ·` · '

 91[ Literary and ociexitlic colleétioité fagcessible to

investigators and stitdentae-Tlle foillities for emily 8_l°Chmul illustrotioxi in the Govetxlment department; _·am;1' to the fol: lowing engl any other governmeuml ¢que¤og»¤¤‘ now eiistiug or llereefter to be established in `thej eity of Woshixlgtbn- for the promotion ‘ of knowledge be accessible, tlxldcr sochf rule and restxsictioue as the oEcers to ellorge. iof eaeh tleglarttoent or collection may prescribe, sobjeét to`s}1ch`autl1orlty és is-jnow or may hereafter be permitteo by low, to Ether eclentihe i!lV&‘lZlgR— tors and to duly•_'@li11ed "l¤~cllviduaIs,- and graduates yet any iestltotioo of learning; in the severed States and , tonjieeaod the District of Qolumbla, to wit: ~ —VA‘” , Ane. Offthe Llbrory of X, Two. O! the Natlohal ·Musei1m.`-_. U A ·,; . e Three. the Om-be; YA ’ Four. or the Btireau of ,Educiitlo1iQ’· Five; or the Bnireao bot Ethuology. Six;. Gt the Armyyhedieal Muselim. · ,Seve¤. the Depo1ftme¤t‘_ot,Agrieu1ture. · __ Eightl of the Bureau of ·Fisberles._ J °N_i¤e. of the `Botéuic Gardeoeo { Ten. Of the Cmet ood Ge0detle`.Survey. · mlevee. ouoe Geological survey. Twelve. of the Navel Observatory. · _ `Thirteeu. Of tl3e_Z0ol0glco.l' Park; `(Apr. 12, 1892, N0. 8, 27 Slat. 395; Mar. 8, 1901, cj, 831, 81 Stat. 1039;) 1  » 92. Admissions to marine biological station for pmsoit of iovestiga;tions.-·-·-The——profeeso'rs, instructofe, 8.lld_Stl1§1BH§S of the several lend-grunt, agricultural, antl ‘mechanlcal colleges ot toe United Stotosmshall bef odmlttod to the ··mn1jl:le biological etatlooou the ,Gult of Mexloo on the coast ot Florida, to Dll1#S® ouch lovestlgotloo l¤i§sh coltixre omlr blo¥¤¢Y* M may be proctieoble, without cost to the°Govem¤ie¤t,_ooder ouch roles ood regulations as may be from time l2Q by the Secretm·y_ of Commerée, (vMaf..,1,-1911,`c. 1&,·|§ 1, 2, 38 Stat. ’ 964 {Mar. 4, 1913, cL— 141,] 1, .87`8t¤L 736: AML 1, 1914.12. 223. §1,%Stot.G&$;)/ ‘ r " · 93. Sale. of machine tool; to trek,. teclmlénl, and. public schools amjl universities; ooodltionse-—-The Secretary of War ls eutlaorlnqsl. lmder smell 1?€8¤i@tions` os he my presexlbe, to eell ot*l5·per eotlthelr cost to trade, techgnlcnl, Qhdv poblleechools and univemitiool ¢¤¥d.g9·¢ll¢¤*l¥°¢98¥ll5¤d ¤d¤<?§tl*l¤¤l institutions, upon ·a;ipl1mtlo¤"l¤ writing, ‘suc·l1 ,,"l machine tools oe are suitable for their noe owuewby l the United` Stntee of America gud under the control of the Wir ..mpax·tment, not needed for Government The money 1 realized from the sole may be used by the Secretary of We: to defray eb muses, except cost of tmneportotiou, incident to dlatzlbotion - of the tools, and the Mlaoee shall the turned into »Trmeooy . or me veiled swim as mlacelloneom In the wee: any such ziaterlol in offered for sole by said lnetltutloxls velthout the consent to wrltihg of the Secretary lot· Wet, title thete- _ to shall revert. to the Unlteo _8tew¤.‘ `(Nov. 1% -1919, e. 118, 41BtatQ360.) ‘ ‘ » e 1 * _

¥EDUCATIQ§`: §· 1.02--» Jlhnpter- 0;-·-4lMERI(3lLN PRINTING HOUSE FORM THE , B!»iN¤·· ‘ ’R‘— · _101L Permsnont trust fund;. nnnunl appropriation. o ,102., Same? npplicntion of nppropriation. { -_ ‘ Q (1_l‘ Method of expenditure. J ~ . (2)- Buildings. ‘_ 1 · ·. _ ·" ‘ 'Q3) Sales of books end appérntm at cost. `# . {4} Income withheldf when., not properly used. · (5) `Bo¤d—`of treeonren. ‘ ·_ · (6) Ex ofhoio trnétees._.," _ »· - 103. Pnhlicntionnitor Notions] Library for the Blind. ,104. Annual rmortt by trustees. _ M ` rl05.._ Bookslor Library of Conmetsn · =.'·€ _ y R ° _ l0l, trn=st f&; apmoprintion.--

sum oiԤ250,0oQ, set fanart on o perpemoi. mm sono; ro:

the purpose ot aldingathe `ecluqntion of the ln th Bolton ’ 7 Statesejtlirouzh the Amerlcnnl_Printiq {or Blind, _ anonjbe credited on the books of the Trmmry Dewrwent as

n, perotualtrust tuncl lor;   to w md, loomed, ‘

l nnd· relnvostedi by the'_ssSecF§§¤¤Y3o£itheL ln ` y;Stet@ .lnterest·bearlng bonds; and the smh ot $10,®0,; helix l equirilent to ,1 per centnmhou the principal ot mid trnstjiund, is

¤ppmpm¢eo, rout ot Tony sinoneys in “ "l‘remry other

=_,wioo‘q;$proprieted,‘ond suéhnnpronrintion ` Y in permanent eppropgrintion and shall the in 3

       by   {

_ In •8Mtion~ to ’pergnenent"··dppronrlntion ot $10,000, suede in this section, there is authorised to he ¤@priatml‘··xnnn•lly to the American PI‘llltiIlg'H<il1SO·_.,fol#-"KBQ Blind the of l ` $40,000, which sum shall be in sooordznee with the requirements or one ¤mp<;e¤;.,_ um. s ‘18¥s,,c. iw, at 1, 2. 20 Stat.  %, 1906, c. Stnt"460; Ant:. 4, 1919, o c. 81, 4l_.$tet. 272Q) 1 , t ,_ .· I ‘ \~_ _ ll _102. Some; gpplioition of Secmmry of · the._·1‘ro%a§nry ot the~`Unitéd· Staten is hmbsl psthorisscl to B1! over semlannnolly; to the of the - us e ~ _ Printin- House for the Blind, Iiouisvilleg Kentucky, " chartered in '1858 lby the Legislators ot f Kentnegy, npon the - reqnisltion ot. their president, oonntwslxnctf by ’tr¢ r, ` one-e· of such ·l‘•¤rm¤·¤ent annual •PP?°P*lntion upon the tok lowing oonditionsz" _ V X .. . ‘ N ` (1) Pll!*§QQ8f and `msthoo ot s:¤pos•d£toro.-!first.-Sogg,@roprimtion shall ho`expended_·by the MY

 House forlthe   meh yosrin,   `

turiilshins books for blind tangible nnmretus for° their instruQotion;‘ the total emoont ol, hoeksnnd apparatus soimnnnfnctured and furnished by, snch nnpropriotion; shall each year beiidistributsrl among all imitations for the education of the blind in the Bmhen and Territories of the United States ohci the of ColnmQn, upon the requisition ot tho sninorintendent of osghf ooertitled by

 board of ·trnstee¤t The. hssis oi mob   shall be

the totnl nnmber ot pupils in nll the ipxihlic for the eonoooon of tho blind, to. be nnthentlootscl in smh manner and ina, often is the ol the sold Aroericnn Printing .»Ho¤se for the Blind ohnll 'rqqnlro; and esohflnmtnttoo shell y recolvo,` in hooksmnd epporotus, `thngwnportion ot the"appropria— tion so is shown by rntlohetwéfen the number of pupils in that institution for {tho eénoedon of the blind and the total e number ,o{ pupils in ell; the public institutions torfv the ednoaf l tion of.`the"hlind_, which ratio shall he compntegl noon the mst 4 Monday i¤'Jonn,ni?y o£_esoh‘5;esr. _ _ · A I (20) Be£I¢liogo,;—···Seoon§. Noi port of tho appropriation shall be expended myths eroction or loosing ofbnlldings. _ I ‘ (3) Solesjof books and o»pporst·~us, ot ¢?08¢.··~·-·~·Tll·iId.'tN0 profit shall bopnt on nny hooks or tangible apparatus for the instruction of the bllnd_ inannIoctnred` orhtnrnished by tho trns¤`o<·s of — sold Amerlilnn Printing. Honse for the Bliu<§ located in Loom ville, Kentucky; and the price put~up~on oooh irrtiels so (nnmu-— f fnotnrecléor tnrnlshed`sholl_»only belts ootnol cost. t ‘