Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/640

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§ 46 TITLE 21;-FOO; ·· ’ reznalnder held for further examination, as provided in eaid ·$evtion 47. *(Mar. 2, 1897, 0. 358, 5 5, 29 Stat. 605.) 46; Examiners; examination aeeordhg to asages of tr;de.—·—· The examination provided for by this chapter shall be- madeby a duly qualiiied examiner ata port where etamlard samples are 6 estawiaaed, and where the merchancliee is entered at ports where there is nofqualihed examiner, the examination shall be made at that one of said.ports_ which is nearest the "portl of ~ entry. and that for this purpose samplespf the merchandise, obtained in the manner prescribed by section `44 of this title, ` ehall he ferwarded to the proper port by the collector or chief eihcer at the port of entry; In ill cases of examination or_ reexanxina tion of teas, or merchandise descrihed as tea, byér examiners or the United States of Tea Appeals under the proyteiens of this chapter, the purity, quality, and titness, for consumption of the same shalt be tested according to the nsagce and cuatnmscf the’te• trdde,-including the testingof an y infusion of the same in boiling water, and, if necessary, chemical analysis. {Mar. 2,.1&7, c. 358, §Q7, 29 Stat;—G06; `May 31,_ 1920, c.‘21?, 41 Stat. 712, 713.) · ,· · · · · 47. States Board of Teal Appeals; nermit for_delivery; exportation yarn/estrnctionaof infexiar grades.--In case the collector, fimporter, ar cenaiguee shall protest against the hading of the examiner, the matter fu diépnte shall be referred for tkacision to the United States Board of Tea‘Appe.·1ls,_to consist of thme employees of the Departnxeut of Agriculture, to 'be designated hy the Secretary of Agriculture. If each hoard shall, after due examination, and the tea in question to be' edual ra pnrity,`qt1a1ity;and Etuex fori consumption to the proper standards, {permit éhali be issued._by- the collector for its release and delivery to the importer; but if upon such iinal, reexamination by such board` the tea shall be `found to be inferior in purity, quafly, and iitnesstfor consumption to the said standards; the importer or consiguee shall give a bond, with secnirity satisfactory to‘the.col1ector, to export said tea, or merchandise described as tea, out of thelimits of the United States within a period of six xnnnths after each final reexamination; and · it therame shall not have been exported within the time specio hed, the collector, at the expiration of that time, shallwcause the sarae to he destroyed, `i(Mar. 2, 1897, c, 358, 5 6, 29 Stat! 606; May 31, 1920, c. 217, 41iStat. 712, 713.) ‘ % ‘ · 48. Reexa&ination; Sndiirgs by examiner; assistance of exmtsvlnt meestof reexaminationt of teas, or merchandise t deacrihed as teas, by the United States; Board of Tea Appeals in pureuanee ot, the provielons hereof, sampies of the tea, or rnerchandise described as tea, in dispute; for trunsrnission to each board for its decision; shall be Wt up and sealed by the — l cxanniner at the presence of the importer or conaigneeglf he so deaths, and transmitted to_ such board, ‘_ together with a copy `of ¢ the ending of the examiner, petting {ortho the cause of condemnation and the elalmor ground ot the protest of the importer relating to the same, auch xeamples, and the papers thereafit-I1, to be distinguished by such mark that the eamie may be Qidentihed. The decision of such boardfshall be in writing,. signed by them, and transmitted, together with the record and samples, within three days after the rendition thereof? to the collecter,:whoahal1‘ forthwith fumlsh theexaxniner andthe lm_- _ porter or conaignee with. ai coisyiof salde xiecision or Ending. The United States Board not "1‘w· Appeals shall be authorized to obtain theiiadvicc, when necmary, of persona akll.léd= in the examination of teas, who shall each rewve for in any particular casea compensation not exceeding $5. _ (Mgr. 2, 1897, c. U 8, 29 Stat. 606; May 31, 1920,*c. 217, 41 Stat. — 712.) ’ - c _` ‘ j · r 49; Reinparting rejected tens; fJrfe—it¤re.-—-No imported tas which have been rejected by a customs Mantua or by the United States Beard of Tea APP€¤|B» and exported made! CM f* l `

0 AND mwas 626 provisions of this chapter, shall be relmported into Kthe United States- nnder- thepenalty {of foifeitnre for n violation of this probibition. f. (Mar, 2, 1897, ct 358, { 9, 29_Stat. 606; May 31, 1920, c. 217,41 Stat. 712.) , » j -- .50. Rez¤Ia.ti6ns.~—The Secretary of Agriculture shall have the power to enforce gthe provisions of this éhaptex by appropriate regulations. (Marj 2, 1897, e. 358, { 10, E Stat; 607;

May.31,'1920,hc.,217,¤41 Stat. 712.) L ’ ‘ A ‘

Chapter 3.-··FHQLED MILK`. 61. Filled milk; definitions. _ _ i _ 62. Sgune; manufacture, shipment; or delivery for shipment ln inter- ` state or foreign commerce prohibited.; 63. Same; penalty for- vinlntionh of law ;· acts, o isskms, and so forth, __ of agentb. I . o . _ Section GI. Filled nilk; de§¤iti<>ns.—Whenew·er med in tions and 63 of this»tit1e—-— _ , (a) The term ‘f person " includes an individual, partnership, corporation, or association; R _ . L (lj) The term ‘° interstate or foreign c0mmme" means commerce (1) between, any State, Territory, or posnesmon, or the District of Columbia, nucl any place [outside thereof ; (2} between points, within the same State, Territory, or lon. or within the‘District. of Columbia, bnttlnrough any plgce outside thereof ; or (3)` within any '1‘erx·itory· 01; p0 ion, or within the District of Columbin; and . — _ ‘ (c) The term " filled milk " menus any {milk, cream, or nkimmed milk, whether of not condensed, evaporated, concentrated, powdered, déietl, or dencéated, to wlniclmhu bow addon. ‘or.which has been blended or —c0m‘ponn;l& with, any tat or oil other than milk {nt, so that the resulting productln lniimitntion or semblance of milk, cream, or milk, wkther or not condensed, evaporated, concentrated, ;iewdere¢ added, nr deslccated. -_Tbis Qetlnition shall notlfinclneie my dwwuve proprietary food compound not renclily mistaken fin tsste for milk dxiereanx or for evaporated, or powéeiéd milk, or cream wbenre such compound {I`) is and de&@l» for fee<l`ing— infants uml. young énblldren nn;} customarily nscd on the order of la physician; (2) is packed Yinlindividngl, can.-; containing not more than sixteen and ~on¤e¥bnl1rAnnces‘aml bearing n`-la.bé1`in°·b0ld type`tbaftl1n:centent is to be used only for sdid purpose; (3) is- shipped in interstate or com- 'merce encluslveli to phy&i¤l¤S, 'WIIQKPSQIQ; 3116 1‘¢¤ii¥— di’¤§§i¤i$s Y orpban'.nsyl»ums, childewelfare nmol;-tions, bosnltnls, and- similar ;inSt¥tntions= end generally disposed of by them.: .(L-liar; 4, 1923, c. 262, ‘§ 1, 42 Stat. 1486.)- - V, A · W "` . · 1 62. &me; `mnmnfactntc, shinment, or deliveri for shipment in interstate or foreim cmmerce pmhi§tedQ—#·-It is declared .tbat_iilled milk, ns herein denned, is an nclnlterstegl article ot food, injurious to the public health, and its sale constitutes a “ fraud npon the public. 'It_ mall be unlawful fnrnnny · person to. manufacture within any JT8l'1‘iI§l'Y or or within the District-'nf Columbia., or to ship of deliver for shipment ln interstate or foreign `_cnxnmerce,_nny Blled milk. (Mn:. 4, 1923, ‘c. 262, § 2, -42 Stat. 1487,) I; ( _ _° F " _ 63. Snmegpenslty for vinlgtiaulof kw; •.¢ts,.o¤l»i¤u,*s¤d so fnrth, nf .ag¤\ts.··-·A¤y person Aviolntlnz any nmviéinn of nections _61 and 62 ot this Btw shall upon-c<mYi¢¢i¤n` thereof be subject to • Hue nt not more than —$1,000 or lmpkisonment of not more than one.yea.r, orboth. When con@i¤g nm en·· tortzing the provislws =-oi snid sections.- the •ét,`° omlvsdon, or_ fnllnre oi~‘•.ny" for *o:_en:xployw bjr any in<ll€`idunl,`- mftnership, corperntion, or asanclation, 'withln the scope ot

 cer cameo, sHgll,ln° every cue be deemed the act,

cmlmion, me ‘fnilnme,··o!emch tndlvidnnl, 'mrtnerehlp, corporation, or usoelatton, u well as of snoli person. 4, 1923, c. mt I Q. 42 sm; _1m,>- _. "