Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/681

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6,;; · \ { `rirzb #.-4 { The of Ayiculturé way, in his from mw w time, make pnmonta on amt or rema- Sgructifm as the W9}? B!‘@S®¤. 5¤t pat zu; previous mymenis. if any, shalt not be more than we 1 mi¤·;·d States pro rata part ot the nlm ot tm Labor and ' materials which have been actually mt dato may construction Hf réoonstruction is coafmjmity to aah! plam and we- sw-hour: of Azrimxmm and the sum mmvray departaagét at each State may; jointly determine at what time and . ia what mouata mymcats as wort progroasw shall be made qaardxrf Chi? dliplét · - l ·. `_ · xarh paymenm mail be ·madc by the Secretary of the T¤>asaryg on draws by the Secretary ot Agriculture. W alma o§cia1 or o¤cia1s`or depository as may be dwignatad by me State highway department and authorised ammo the aaawz of the- State to receiie public funds of the State. _ (Nov. 1; 1:321,~c.~119, § 13, 42 Stat; 215.) - _· a. · _ . 15. Failure of State to maintain Federal-aid road; duty of Secretary of Aliicaltare.-»Shou1d any State tail to mainmin any highway within its boundaries after constmction or me»nstrurti0~1i under the érovisioua , of this chapter. the Sec-— mary of Agricultare shallitheu servo uotioe upon the State étigiuyay départmout of that, fact, audit within ninety days ‘ after receipt of such notice wiki highway has not been placed ix; proper cupditiop of maintenance, the Secretary. of Agriculmm- bball proceed immediately to have such highway placed in a proper condition of maintenance and charge the cost a tiaarmt against the Fédorat funds allotted to such State, and sha}! refuse to approve any other project in such State, except as Aiwroiaaftar proyided, ', » _ . - I°;>¤m the reimbursement by (h€'Stg!It§ of the amount expended by tho. I~},—d~ora1 Goyernmeut for such maintenance, said amount sim} be mid into the Federal highway fund for. reapportiou-. mmt among all the States for the copstruction of roads under mis chapter, ami. the Secretary of Agriculture shall then ap> prove further projects submitted by the State as in this chap-. tor provided. _ _ * h i ‘ { _` Whenever it shall homme ·uocassax·y for the Secretary of Agriculture under the provisions of this chapter to place any highway in a' p_g·opor_c011ditiou of"!11&iB{§!H8B€8» the Secretary of Agrivuitura shall contract with soma: responsible party or. partiaas for doing such work: Provided, howover, That in case he is not abie to secure a satisfactory contract he may purchase, wease, hire, or obtain all necessary supplies, equip· _ meat, and labor, and may operate audi maintain auch (motor and other equipment and facilities aa ia his judgment are aaowaryl for the proper and émcioat performauoo ot his. functions. (Jwy 11, 1918, ‘c. 241, { 7, 39 Stat; 358; Nov. 9, 1921; 1 c. 118, § 14, 42 $tat.a215.) _' » 16. Maps •{ Fodarabé tak.-g·At least pace a year the Secretary oi Agriculture shall publiah maps supgriemeatary to those of m@d highways and toraat ’ roads alrudy ia axlstoaca and ahoviing his yrogram and the progress made ia aeiectim, aa = » and rooomtmctioa. (Nov.` 9, 1921, c. 119, { 15, 42 8t•.t.’216.) · _ 17; Canned by U¤.ited· to conveyance of woperty scqaird the purpose o£_this chapter the consent of the Uaitado States is given to any railroad or canal coméany to convoy to the highway demrtmeat ot any State any part of its ri-ghtot Iway or icthar property ia that State acquired by game um tm rfaazaa Scam. (Nov. 9; 1921., e. 119, 5 1a, 42 Stat, 218;.) A " »- y ‘ _ 18. Appraprlaioa of public lands fof highway purposes; reversion.-——-It tha S ry ot Agrtcu torah determines Xthat any part of the public lands or raaaryatious ct the United. States} in reasonably, uacmmry for the right of way ot _ any highway or forest road or as a source ot matoriaia for the construction or maiatonauca ot any such highway or forest mad

¥§W&¥&· af; at .. .a.t.,., adiamt sm lands or reservations, the Secretary or Agri-

 ahall me with the Secretary ot the department snpep

vmm the adminidration of each land or reservation a map [showing the portion ot such lands or reservatloxrsc which it is

 to awropriate. ·

It within a period ot {oar months after meh hltng the said Secretary shall not have certided to the Secretary of Agriculture that the propmed a iatton ot such land or material is contrary to the while interest or lnconatstmt with the purpoaw for which such land or materials have been reserved, or shall have agreed to the appropriation and trander under conditions yvhlch he deems necemary for the adequate protection and utilization of the ruerre; then each land and materials may be appropriated and transferred to the State highway departmnt tor, such and subject to the conditions sospocmoa. -_ - ·· -.4 It at any time the need for any such lands or materials for such purposes. shall no longer exist, notice of the fact shall be given by the State highway?. department to the Secretary ot Agriculture, and such lands or materials shall ixmediately revert to the control of the Secretary of the department from which they had been appropriated. (Nov. 9, 1$2f1,ac. 119, § 17, 42 Stat.‘2l6.) ` ` _ — _ 19. Prucriwion of rules and regulations hy Secretary of Agriculture.-—-The Secretary of Agriculture shall.- prwcrlhe and promulgate all needful rules and regulations for the carrying. out of the provisions of this chapter, including such recommendations to the Congress and the State highway departments as he may deem necessary for prmrvim · and protecting the highways and insuring the satetylof tramc thereon. (Nor. 9, 1921,* c. 119, § 18, ,42 Stat. 216.) 3 M 20. Reports to Congress by Secretary of Agriculture.-50:1 or before the hist Monday in of each )’€¤' the Secretary of Agriculture =shall ~n1ake a report to Congress, jwhich sh`alFinclude a detailed statement of the work done, the status of each project undertaken, the allocation of approprlations, an itemized statement of the -expenditures— and receipts daring the preceding nscal year under this chapter, an itemized statement of the traveling and other expensesfineluding a- list of employees, their duties, salaries, and traveling expenses, if any, `auq his recommendations; lf any, for new legislation ·. amending __or supplementing- this chapter. The Secretary ot Agriculture shall also make special reports as Co may request. (Nov. 9, 1921, c. 119, _§ 19, 42 Stat. 216.) . . 21. Deduction for and who — ; ment of repalnder among States.-··»So mach., not to excwd 2% p per centum, of all moneys appropriated for expenditure under the rproylsiona of this chapter, as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary for administering the praorsions of this chapter and for carrying —on~ necessary hlghw resarch and invwtigatiolnal studies independently or in moperation with the State highway do ·» M and otherfwarch agencies, and iter publishing the results therodt, shall he deducted for such purposm, _ available until eipenclw. _ . _, · Within sixty days the elem of each nseal year the Secretary of Agriculture shall determine what part, lt any, , ot the sums, therototore deducted for such parpoaw will not be and apportion such part, lt any, for the nscal year i then current in the same manner and on the same basis as {are other amommts authorized by this chapter apportioned Q among all the Statw, and shall ceyify such apportionment to Ithe Secretary of the Treasury and to the State highway departmeuta. a _ _ The Secretary ot Agriculture, after lnaking the deduction authorized by this section, shall apportion the remainder ot the appropriation rnade for expenditure under the provision of the chapter for the Qacal year among, the several States in the following manner: A0ne·third lu thoratio which the area ot