Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/698

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§ 2198 rxms :4.--naenrmm, mma for his or tmpemry detention in &lnt mlzebel yfloenaltal or any ew: hospital or asylum; and n pereeynsmaybedetalnedinmypeiimetadweshemete tention in said Districf until formally committed to Sai Elizabethe `Howtnl ox any ethm hoepltel er asylum, in t mannez} prevlded by law, in mae he or she mn not be movie ` for by the md Saint Elisabeth: Hmitnl and no arrangeme can be made fer his or her temporary detention in any otk hospital el? isylnm: Provided, however, Tliat it; t termal comiizmmt of sn& iwne person -o1·`pem oi n M ·» Vd mind `t0`.S•int Eisnbet& Hospital or to a ` wher hwpdtal or asylum, the superintendent of said Saint Eli: bathe Emital, in the cane et thecommitment of a person-` said hwtal under the prevldons M sections—215'_ te 220, e elusive, or it twn or more wyslcinns in · rqnlar attendance any other hospital er asylum where any · person is winmitl under the provisions of sections 215 to %,‘ inelnstve, 01j—if_g or more surgeons ot pelieé and §1‘B'd tIh€H¢S, in the cz of any person detained at anypellee station house or` house dentention under the provisions et mctions 215 to E0,¢lnclnsishall eertlty in te _ the Cowiwieners of the Distr et Columbia that swh personls not insane or that he or s hasreceveredhisorhenreason, mee$clal in_chatge‘ot Sai Elizabetha Hespital. or the hosxtal or esylum in which sn pereen is or the majer and o superintendent of ist » Metrop;lit¤n~poliee, it aué person be` emdned ln a police e tlen hease or in nn house nidetention, shall discharge sn alleged insane person or person et unsound mind torthwi and l@ediately report such action to the Commissioners the District et Columbia. (Apr. 27, leo-1, ·c. 1618, 8 4, 33 St 817.) ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . . . . _ , » 219. Certiicste by as to sanity or imsnit

 of ‘$y@an,—-For the purposes of sections, 2

to 220. inclusive, no cexftidcete as to the Sanity or the lnsnné of any person shall M valid which has been issued (a) by physician who _ has not been rxularly licensed to ptact medicine. in the District of Columbia, unless he be a comm sioned surgeon of the United Stat& Army, Navy, or Pub Health Seafvice; or (b) by a physician whe is not a permani resident of the District of Columbia; or (c) by a physlcl who has not been actively engaged in the practice. of his pz iewien fer at least three yarn; or (d) by a physician yvho related by blood. er by marriage to the perslm whose men condition is in question. Nor shall any certlncate alleging. t insanity ot ax: person be valid which has been issued hy physician who is Enancially interested ln the hospital asylum in which the alleged insane is to be condm or who is prefwsionally er omclalli Ctimnected therewith. '(A] 27, 1904, c. 1618, 5 5, 33 Stat. 318; Aug..14, 1912, c. @8, S 37 Stat. 309.) . - . ( 229. Making false nidavlt ‘oreertl£¤cate;.pein.•1ty.-·——.tny p son who makee an awlnvit, aa required by sections 215 and 21 by which he or she secures or attwpts to secure the app hension, detention, or rwtreint ‘ of any other person ln t District of Columbia "withont probable cause ter believing em person to be insane or ot umonnd mind, or any physician w lmewingly makes any false eertldeete as to the sanity or 1 sanity ot any other person shall, npon conviction- thereof, dazed not more than $500 or imwleoned not more thnx? thx yearn, or both. (Apr. 27, 1904, c. 1618.5 5.6. 33 Stat. 318.) 221. Diecharge of patients on hud.-——I£ any person will gi bond with enwrlent security, to be appsoyed by the Suprex Cenrt ot ·`th·e Distriet of Columbia. or by any judge thereof vacation, payable to the United Statw. with condition to 1 'stmln and take care of any independent or indigent lnaa person not charged with 0. breach * of the peace, whether the hospital or nut, until the insane person is restored to° sanlt


&• ouch court or judgothereot may dellrermh person to sch thamrtyglviugeuchboud._{B.S._§4S§6.) _ ie- ,222. uot to be lu iall.-—-No insane Lut persou¤otchargedwithauybrm&otthepeaceohal1ever Lbe be coudaed in the United States jail la of,Co1um- Eed · (B. S. $4857.) ' rut . _ . _ ner Chapter 5.-THE COLUMBIA INSTITUTION` FOR THE me . DEAF. I ' eou  » ay 231. Establishment and power; sa- 232. Power to confer dezreel. tu. 233. _TertM of deed part of charter. 234. Disposal ot property. ‘ m' 235. Election or ‘oQeera; alteration of constitution. at 238. Government directors; appointment,. . xd 237. Government directors: term of oéce; coutrol of disbursements; wo accounts. · ’ p` . 2 ` ~~— 238. Admlsaton ot deaimutca from District. _ .

  • 89 239.=_Iustructlo¤' tor·feeble—¤1¤ded realms: lu District; aaaual cet:.

of mates. » · _ , _ · _ . ee, 240. Manner of paying BXPCBSQIS from Biatrlct. ict 241. Education of colored dcatmute @1% of ,242. Admlaatou ot pupik fron` State! and Territories. me 243. Llmitatton or number or rroa one State. , , lint 244. Number and courpeuaattoa ot laclwcd fu annual léh' _ `, ‘ ~ _ - E -_ 245. Judges ortho municipal court to report .®af and dumb pcrmua in

 · `..m$tdct• l ‘ - j. » _ _

ta? 248. Report ot auperlutendent. ~ A tch 247. Annual report or preoloeotand director; Em 248. itemized report of expeuaet. ' ot 249. Education of ludlgeat bllud-persona. ( . at 250. Manner ot papa; {tor logtruetré,. of lo&geat bltad from Dtotrtct. _‘ · Section 231. Estsbl c¤t and _ powuu.-—-The corporation U3 created by the Act. of February 16, 1857, mme of the l15 ·"Colum·biar Institution torn the Instruction of the _De•f aud it! Dumb andthe Bllnd,"( shall harepupetuaf aud be ' 3 capable to. take, hold,. and eajoy laude, _ teumata, itai¢€_ ments,. and personal property, to use It common seal, and to xls- ralter the Same at pleasure. · But ao real or iY ·li¢` shall be held by the corporation, except such as may be reemmt: sary to the maiuteuauce aixd‘&leut mauage%t_`of the iuotiall tutiou. (RJS. {4859; Feb. 16, 185?,’c. 46, Q 1, 11 Stat,161.) Fo: 232. Power torcornfer degrees.--5'Dhe board of directors of the ` is Columbia Institution for me Dea! are authorized aud tal powered ito grant aud coudrm auch degrees iu,tbe liberal arts he and sciences to ouch pupil; of the iuotltutton, or others, who, I a . by their proacleucy lu larmug or other dlwuctlou or they shall entitled to them, as are pauted aud ed. couterrcd in collem; and- to grant to such m·aduat& diplomas pr. or oertlucatea, sealed aud signed lu such mauaer afs said ward 1, ot directors may determiup, ‘to authenticate aud perpetuate the memory of ouch kgraduationg. (Apr. 8, 1864, °c. 52, 13 Stat. 45; or- Mar. 4, 1911, c. 285, §`_ 1, 38 Stat; t Q` — 16, .233. Terms of deed part of $arter.¤-—»Tbe terms and condi-· re- "tlous of the , deed oi traueter, of the fund; am property ot be Washiugtorfs Manual Labor School and , Male Orphan asylum tch Society of the District oi Shall be as obligatory upou ho the Columbia Iaatltutiou for tbe“%.f·as it they tormd a part lu- of its charter. (R. S. { 4860; Mar. 4, 1911, c. l 1, 36 Stat. be 1422. )' » Y . . be ‘ , . ee 234. , of property.-—·—No part or the real or personal property held or { acquired by the Columbia Iuetltutiou for ve the mat rball be devoted-to any other purpose than the educane tion ot the deaf aud dumb, nor shall auy portlou of the real. in estate be alieued, sold, or couveyed, except under the authorlt! re- ot ‘a special act · ot Congress. l . (R. S. § 4861; Har. 4, 1911, c. ue 285, I 1, 36 Stat. 1422.) _ . ·` lu Elutlou of o&cers; alteratiou of 1 constitution.-—·The fb `Colunubla Iuatltutlou. for the Deut `ohall be managed as pro-