Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/703

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689 .7·1T1.1s: za.? TITLE 25.- `('lmpter ° See.

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g_ O}·"i¤‘lCBRS or mutex; learns- . ...& .: ..-;-- __ 21 3, Aessnnnxrs wrrn Issues .. .,. ,.. 71 4. Pssmsulsce nr Usmso snrrs or osuolrrons ro 1m>n`us-`.. 91 5, Pnorecrwu or Iuiuxss .: ... -----.; ... 171 8. Glivannunrer or lunun colrunr asn sasnavarronls- . 2_11 7, Enucauou or Iunlass.  ; . 4 ... 271 ‘ _ _ ._ . "Cltisenshlp of Indians; see 'JCI1 Chapter 1.-BUREAU QF INDIAN AFFAIRS. S . - — _. - ·

 Commissioner of Indian Alfalrs.

`2. Duties of comqlssioner. _ ). 3. Compilation of statutes regulatlnz dutles of Indian agents and inspectors. ·. . . . 4. Qefeetlve recoulaot deeds and papers legalized. 5. Record of deeds by Indians requiring approval. ` 6. Seal; authenticated and certlted documents; evidence. ` 7. Fees for furnishing certllled éoplea of record. 8., Accounts for dallas end disbursements; _ Qjkegulationa by President. 10. @byee tedgn letters. .- _ .; ” `xg 11. mpleyee or employees to sin approval of "trlbal deeds. 1*12. Agent to smousre eemanutatloa of annultles.- 13. Expenditure of appropriations by Bureau of Indian °All’alrs. ~S& 1. (bniideaerof Indian AEairs.——There shall be ln the Department of the Interior a Commissioner of Indian Atalrs, who ghall he uppolnted·by the President, by and with. the advice and consent of the Senate. (R. S. 5 462; Jan. 24, 1923, gc. 42, 42 Stat. 1180.) ~ _ · g. . . 2. of 00¤N’lB|i0l¢!f•··?·—Tll0 Commissioner ot Indian ARalrs shells llmiu the direction of the Secretary of the`In-` terlor, and qreeably to such regulations as the Bresldent may prescribe, have the managment of all Indian adalrs and ot all natters afkiki out Mlndlan relations. (R. S. l 463.) 8. Ceayilatiea of statutes regnlathe duties of Indian agents ed hopeless.--·It shall be the duty of the Commlssioner of Indian main to canoe to be coraplled and printed for the use of agents and l the provisions of the statutes regulating the performance of their respective dutleo, and also to fnrnlahsald omcers from time to time information of new e¤act%ts·upo¤ the same subject. (May 17, 1882, e. 163, I 7, t 4. Defwlve record of deeds md papers legalized.->-The re-

 ot all deeds and mpers prior to .luly_2& 1m, lnethe

o&e ot of Indian Amnlrs is cwdnned, approved. and lezallxed; and said record heretofore made shell bedeemed,taken,aadh$dtobe3oodsndvalld_a¤dshaRdhave all me force and eiect and be entitled- to the same credit as lt it had been made ln pursuance of and in conformlt! to law. , o BM shall have no sdect whatever upon the validity orlavalldlty otmdeed_m·pa9en§so reeuded. and shall bono, evldaneo of w tlvo to any persons not actually knowing the (July 28, if 1 4:. Stat. 272;) 5. Read of by IL a9wovsl.—-The 0¤m· mlsdonu·_@·I¤dlan Aitalrs is hereby and directed to contlnne to make and keen a re~eord’ or every deed eieeuted by any Isdlaa, his helm nevresentamm, on which may rqdre the swroval M the P@dmt of the United States or of the Secretary of the Interior, whenever such approval shall have been siren, and the so approved mturned to

  1. sa@ olee. (July!. IWZQ 256. I 2. 27&at.·273.).

G. Seal: authenticated and cerwed The ’M.Indle.n_AEslrs·éall mms a seal to he

 f¤l?the?uld&,   •ucu¢n·n¤••s,¢m»

W President of tm United States apmove, and copies of? any docnmmta, books, or papers lng to or on the hiss of nid o¤co, anth t leated by the I¤*I9’-2*6--A-44. ‘

-lND1ANS L-]_2 -INDIANS X Chapter _ r A Bcc. 8. Rxemu or wu mmucu meme meme ,...,,.. 311 9. Anrmunur or Ixuux nuns ..__ _ ____,... ;_ .._, ...- 331 10. Dngacnrrun ensmunmwu; mms or Among; ..__ , ,.. 371 11. Imu0A•1·!0u or Anwrrsn rumns ______,,,.__ _ _____.. 381 12. Lmxsn, sn; on sunanwnn br u.wm·n¤ ee m·m.¤,cw@ uses- 301 13. Cameo Iunuu Laws . - ...,... 421 tie 8, Anmxs nm ck .;mssmr` add certided by the commiésioner thereof, or by. such 0§icex· as may, for the time being, be acting as cr for such commissioner, shall be evidence equally with the originals thereof. (July 26, 1892, c.- 256. £‘ és, 27 Stat. 273.) . 7. Fees for furnishing certi§•d copies of rccerds.·—Thc Com- · ·missioner ot Indian Aitairs shelf have the custody of said seal, and shall furnish certmed copieg of any such records, books, maps, or papers belonging to or on the mes ei said omce, to e any person applying ,there.t0r who shall cempiy with the requirements ot said qmce, the payment by meh parties at ‘the rate of 10 cents per hundred words, and $1 tm- cépics ot maps or plats, and `the additional su& of 5 cents for the commissioner'; certidentc qt vermcatien, with the seal et said emce; t and one of the employees of said otllcc shall be designated by the commissioner as the receiving clerk, who mall give bond in the sum ot $1,000, and the amounts. so received ebelt; under the direction of the commissionér, be gieid i¤t• the Treasury of the United States; but {ces shall rmt beécmnnéw for such authenticated copies as may, be required by the aware of any branch of = the Government. or by any Indice `whe shall satisfy the 'commissioner by satisfactory legil evidence that he or she is not able; by reason dt poverty, to pay such tees, mr for such < unverltlcd cepies ssthe ccmmimlcuér in his discretion may deem proper to furnish. (July 26, 1892, c. § 4, 27 Stat. 278.) » 8. Accounts fdr claims ad disb¤nc~¤c~¤ts.——»All nccaunts and ’ vouchers for claims and disb ts c0¤@cd with Indian amxirq shall be transmitted tc the ccmmissiemcr Ie: administrative examination, and by him passed to the General Accounting Oillce for settlement, .(B. S. S 464; June 10,* 1921, c. 18,` $304, 42 Stat. Zi:) W · · ‘ 9. Rcntlatimi by President.-——The Preeidcet my prescribe such regulations as he may think Bt for carrginz inte etfcct the verloue provisions of any act relating te Indian emits, and tm- tee settlement et the accounts ct Indian stairs. (R. S. l éw.) · , — a ‘ 19.- Englnycc to •ig¤_ letters.-·—The Gommisdoner ot Indian Atain, with the Jgpprovel et the Secretary et the Interior, may designate an cmplorce ot the Indian Ohm to eign kettere at that cmce requiring the sixmture et the cemmisdener or aseietnnt commiieicner, end all Qmnturu at such mp1e$ree while ucdng unda such deeigniticn have the tcrce and

 as it made by said ccmmiuicncr or shletsnt commiasioner. (Mar. 8{ 1909,1:. 2%, 85 Stat. 'IN.) · ( · e

11. `Enplcyce cr employees te sip approval of tribal &@•.·=—-The`"Seéretary~ot theintexdor is authorised to dcstguate s gu employee or employees at the Department dt the Interior to sign, Munjer the directing et the Secretary, in his name and for him, hisppproval ct trim; deeds te nllcttm, to purchasers ’ of hewn lots, to pummssern at unailetted leeds, to cor- pentium, er orginimticne for lends reserved to them under thelew for their use a¤d·bcec¤t,, and to any tribal deeds made Tend executed according to hw for any ot the Five Civuizegi Tribes et Indians in Oklnhcma. (Mar. 8,1911, c, 210, { 17, 36{ ‘Stat. 10U.) . ·_ _ ‘ - -_ & ` 12. Aint to ncgulatc cmuutntioa of •a¤¤itie•.—···The Com- · mlmner at Indian L¤aix·• is authorised ta send • special