Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/726

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`§~ r1ru_ ss.- weyn in the Treasury et the United Staten not otherwise

 a mntment ot an eceeunt in thdr &£

rnrtenhareee by we ot the General Land Once, and • eiwcation ot such to tx S ry d the

 by tm Secreury ot the Interior. {Feb. -8, 1887,

c.119, §`1,M8¤t.&@.) _ y i , - ‘ 335. of as to nHet¤ent•.-—+Unle¤ other-. wig, ass é in (831 to `»

 and   Sel, 3—lB_to  _ , inclusive, and @11

are ded to all heretofore or ·» y ine by authority, of Gomrm tor· the use crbenedt of any individual Indian or band oritribe oflndlnns. (Feb. · 14,1923,‘c.76,42_S1:at.12g6.)‘ __ .

 Alletaats te Indims naking eettlement.-—Whe17e any

Indian to. allotment under existing laws shall. make eettti&ent upon euweyea or uneurveyed lands of the United · _. otherwise appropriated, he or she_ shell, be entitled, upon apnlcation to the flocal land omce for the c aime rn wmen the mae 'are xoeetéa, co. have me same e euneeem him or ner and to his orher enndrenrm manner as provided, by law for nllntments to residing upon reservatbm, wd such Indians on the public dornaintae —mrein provldedsball be &de in such ae the Pfalémt may proper, not to exceed, however, torw aeren o!»_irrlgnble land or eighty germ ot amicultural — land or one hundred dxty acres of land to-. any one Indian; and when sucb iet ts; upon uneurveyed hllddthe tb such gd]  »» upon the survey of the landseo ee to engl patent &a1l be for snob R the mnnerandywith the m1mm_¤mm m se. And the renew { the oacere ot local land wonld_“haye- been entitled had such lands been: under the laws {or the · w e tion ot. the public lands tethem £rom`any.·nroneys`in the of the United- not etneqne emreprlated, upon thetatement of account in

 for snob tees by   Commissioner ot the General Land

O@ee, and a cernneation of sam _ to the Secretary or the by at the Interior. _( Feb. 8,; 1887[ c. 119, .24 Stat. 3$; Feb. c.—3&, $4,26 Stat. 795; Jnne »_ %, 1910,1;. 431, { 11, 38 —` , · . ·- T 337, b `Secretary ot the Interior lg authorised, ·_ in to make allotments _ nwithln national torwte —in·contormlty` with the igeneral l laws, to . any occupying, livin: on, or having 'inip[rove;., d=¢ ts on land included within any such ‘B#£i0Il:lIgfol.’¢$lZ. whok not to an allotment on any existing Indian reeery ;` vatim,. or for whoee tribe no reservation has provided, oiwhoee rherntion wu not eumcient to afford an allotment to each member thereof. applleations for allotments nnder the providom or thisjecnon be bubnxltted to the Qeéretary ot who shall lnndnnpplled tor are mreyaluable ton eerlcnlturel or 91-dns, purposes than for fonnd thereon; nndff tobild that the lends applied for are mom valuable for agricultural or gx-arlng urmm then the of . tire Interior aHot%ent , to be mode as herein provided, (June.25, 1910, c. 431, § 31 36 n 5. Survey md alwment ivork on Indian reservations.-- Tbe `"Secretery of the Interior shall 'transmit to Congress an? nually. on the drst Monday "ln`Deccrnber a- cwtaccount for the pwcediu decal year ei all survey`,end· allotment work on In¥ l dlan reeervitions, (Apr. 4, 1910, c. 140, { 1, 36 Stat.`·270.)_ ‘ “ . 339.. excepted me certain provision.--The provision of '%1 to lnc1unlve,·336, 341, 348 to 859, l.l1C]¥ZlSiV€, , and 381 shall not extend to the territory oemplnl, by Chero- ` ·kece, Creeks, Cboctnrrs, Ghickaeawfl. Seminoles, and Osage, ui-. nmiee and Peorlne, and Secs and Foxes, in Oklahoma; nor to any

—-INDIANS 712 * of the reauvadmei me Smem Radon etliaiv York Indians lfatha Btatve'oQQIkwIork,,nart¤&m@dt¤·rltoryin the State Nawa an the Nath “ added by lmaca§va,¤tdu‘. _(|‘$. & 1£¥, e. 119, { 8, 8 But, fx

   at   pwvisioaa or sep-
         lad $1, are dh.
 to extmd to tad are   te, tha_0oateaer· .

me Wea, reels, or 1.;;,

   la the

northeastern part ot and to their reaeryationtiln the gm and `te. uae t gg ig aald tribes had not haw from me pmvgor gsm sections, except and aa (Agar; 2, 1889,—c.422,I1,%QStat.10I3.) , *·‘ " . y 341. Power to araat riihta of vnyiét alected.-—Nothing in 1 seetions 3314:0 334, incluwre, Q, 34S‘to 350; mclusfve, and 38r { shall beao eonatruedaa to attect the r@t am pmer of Con! teresa to grant the rightot way throhzh any lawgranted to an Indhm. or a `trlbe..of=Indl'a&, Iortallroada or otherhghways, o’r_ telegraph lines,. for the public uae, or to (20héE meh lands to public ¤li0¤.am¤ki¤s J·¤·$¢ ¢°¤¤D€?*i°~¤$` (Feb- 8. 1887.12. 119,}-10.24 Stat. 391.)" - · ‘ 342. Remova Southern Utes to new reaarvatiaalkef T ing pin sections %:\_334,?ineluslve, SM, 341,-34.8°tB $0, lat·;:¥\,»»a sive, and 381 ahal ·be ao cbnstrmd aa toprereat the removal ot . the S_0\I‘}h8l'l1 Ute Indiana from their meamt ,rmm,·vation in southwestern Colorado · to a neva by and with the consent ot a majority of the adult wie of said ttm:. · (Feb. 8,.1887, cQ 119, {11.924 &at. $1.) . ’ K - . 343.1* oferrora in llé Bai&a»g—ln all eaaeavyhere ·it‘sha1l~apl>éar that-! QUE Qmiwi éf !¤¤d’h¤S ` bean wrongfully or erroneously madeby the S&tary•¤4 tm ·_ Interior to any Indian by assume! or m- ` where a mistake has, been made in the dmcriptloa ot Ima land inserted la -a¤y_D¤¢¢¤€._ lltd la and dlreeted. Wiring me um thatjhe nausea Stats my me the title to the land in-trust for any’m® I&ia¤. and forwhkh a eoadltional patent may-have been tuned, to correct auch and Ycalloel patent-;;prhl¢` have bm thusj erroneously and wrongfully 1Suw outa- - lon the ought for error the was thereof, and it "posa&sion—ot the original patentean not he ~ ·~· me aueh'mnce1lation shall be lt made upon t& or the Gweral Land` Omce; and no lrreclamation shall-be neeemry to open to 8&l(.l8¤€¤$ fh? such an allotment patent haabccu provided would othervilse be subject to entryzaind provided, That m& buds shall not beopen to settlemmt for Qaty days after such cancellation: And farlloer progided, That no eemhtionaf patmt that l18S_b@€D or-that maybe executed ln tavore! any excepting in eases °herelnhetore_ anthorlred,. and exeepthts i¤ casa yrhere theconditional gtent fa by entee_ of his heirs to take another allotmeat, shall -`be subiw to caileellatloxi without authority jot Cehgrm. _ (Jan. 26. 1895. e. 50,.28 Stat; 641{ Apr. Q IQQ4, e.,14$, Stat?-$7.) 344. Caneellatwa of allotment. of `&&·-——If\ any Ind1§¤_.of°a~ tdbe whose. surplus naar hare 'b0€!1'€Ed€d or opened to disposal has recéved an allotment minhraclng lands unsuitable for allotment such allotment inay be ean- ‘ celed and other unappropriated. unoccupied, and nnreaerved land` of equal area, withln·~ethe e reservatloh upon www such Indian belongs, allotted to .m§an‘p·on—+he~» ..- ,..,,, n aarne terxnaand _-with the same .re¤rictions,.aa the original allotment, and lands described inany such canceled allotment éhallbe disposed o£¢as` other ceded lands ogsach "reeervation.· This proyldon shall- not apply to the lands. formerly comprlaing Indian Territory. _-The *Secretary Yo! ‘ the Interior — is