Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/793

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‘ 779 rzrm u.-url collector of {nouns! ravmaa of the dlalrlct ln whlehlls manu-. factory la lomted meh nodeea, lavaterlea, and honda, shall keep books and melee snob returns otmaterlal-and prqdmts, shall pdwmehma andam each number ot his factory, and conduct his bnslnus un&· auch surveillance of édioers and agmto as the Gommlwoner of Internal Reyenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, may by regulation require. But thelhond required or such manufacturer shall be with snretleo aatldactory to the collector of internal revenue, am ill§_ 1@l10#ll0t}8$th8§$5®; andthesnm of said bond may be lnceaaed tlme·to~tlmo and additional suretm requirw at the of the warmer or under instructions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. .( May .9, 1902, c. 784, 5 4, 32 Stat 194.) e ; ‘· s _ » 578. Adulterated hotter: ‘packmg—aad aale.—·A1l_adulterated butter shall be packed by the manufacturer thereof lnnrklns, tubs, or ctw wooden mekagu not before med for that· pur- - pose, each eoantalnlng not _ less than ten pounds, and marked, damped, and branded as the Gommiulener of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretm·y·.of the Treasury, shall prescribe; and all sales made by manutacturevl of " adulterated hotter shall be in origlnhl stamped packages} I T . Dealere- ln butter must sell only original or from originaal stamped and l when ranch original- stamped packagw are broken tm adulterated butter sold from aime shall fbe placed ln vyooden lor payer packages, which shall be marked and as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Seuetary of the Treasury, ` shall {allay 9, 19® c. 784, Q 4, & Stat. 194.) mj 574. Sane; for d law.-·-Every person who knowingly selk or. (mers for sale, or k deliycro or eders ‘ to dellrer,” any adnltcrated butteraln any other form than lu » new wooden or paper as deacrlbedln section 573. of this title or whohacka ln any any adnlterated butter in any law or who (wir brands any pack·· age or amxas fa stamp. J any package denoting a· lesa amount effax than that wired by law shall be dned for meh oienae not more than $1,wO and be imprisoned not more than two , yum. (May 9, 1902, e. 784, l 4, w Slat, 18.), ‘ 575. Sauna; > and aotlae oa paehga; penalty.-—»Every manufacturer or adalterated hotter seeurdy alllx .by wang, on meh package oontalnlm -adnltorated· buttui factored him a label on which shall be `prlnted, besides the nuuther of the mannfaetory and Matrlct and Smte in which it la smmted, thm words: “ l~lotlea.—·-That the manufacturer of the adalterated buttery hereto contalm has comvllw all the ~ of law. Every persm is cautioned aetto me elmo: mts epacltaaeamln or the amjmu thereon, nor to rmoee the eentmb od this package ¤witho·ot~ destroy- lm mid mm, @1:; provlm by law in such caa@." _ Every of adnltmtede batter who · lmao am such any paekageeontainlng adulterated bilttg! made by*him, or aalder eR& for sale fer orb; him, _ new amen whe removes aaysach label so-nmxad tram any mab he dma M0 foreach in to which md omew is mnsltted. (Hay at 1902, e. 1*84, u.szs:a¢.¤1s•.> = · V · 516.71%: an adnkerated or renovated batter: ataatm,-·-. Upon dadultmated buh:. dylan manometnred or sold or re- _ %d·for  »· or mba Qall m ·and·t·ollectedahxof 1ile®p•a•&d, tobapaldby theman1¤ac·· wm any ·nart—of a igshall he taxed `aa a pwd. butter. whq. er som or remor& for eons¤.&:•tion or me,

 he @ed   a taanf·éna·r¢mrth of 1
 per pound, to be pid by we    f,°and·

,•n1_fra partofa·p¤¤¤ldlallb•tamadaaapond. Tho

lzwnx. nmmuva ig 58] tax to be levied by thh section shall be reprmented by coupon mmm and the provisions of laws governing mgraving, isoelng, aale, acconnmbility, eincment, and ction of atampe ranting to tobacco and snuff, da. far as amllable, are hereby made to BPPIY to the stamps provlclecl by this aecwm. (May 9, 1902, c. 784,1 4, 32 Stat. 194.) _ 577. Law as to oleomargarino applicable to aalnlterated batter.-—The,provision.e ot eect:lona7547, 549·to 558, and 5& od this title shall apply to manufacturers of " adulterated bntta " to an eatent necessary to enforce the marking, branding, idén¤· ication, and regulation of the exportation and importatim of adulterated butter. (May 9,_19®, o. .784, 9 4," 32 ( Stat. 194.) . 578. Inspection of process or renovated batter; marks,-— The Seeretary of Agriculture is authorized and required to cause u rigid sanitary inspection to belmsde, at meh times as he may deem proper or necessnryh-of all fnctorim end storehouses where process or renovated bnuer E manufactured, packed, or prepared for market, and of the thereof and materials going into the mannfaetnre of the same. -` All proceés or renovated butter and the packagu· containing the same shall be marked `with the wor® “Renovated butter " or __ =“ Process bntter " and by sm other (marks, labels, or brands wand lnesuch manner as may be prescribed by the’S·€¢retary of Agriculture, and no process or- renovated butter shall be shipped _or· transported from its `plece ot manufacture into any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia, or to any `foreign country, until it has been marked as provided in this section. The Secretary of Agriculture shall make all needful regulations for éarrylng this section - into effect, gee shall cause to` be _ ascertained and reported from time to time the quantity end · quality of process or renovated butter mannfnetnred, and the , character and the condition of the material from which it is W made. And he shall also have power to ascertain whether or ` not materials used in the manufacture ot mid process or _\ renovated butter are deleterious to health or nnwholwome in the Hnlshed . product, and. in cane meh deleterious or nnwbolesome materials are found to be used in prodmt lntentleo for _ exportation or shipment into other States or in course of exportation » or ehlpment_ he shall have power to wwwte the same. . Any person, Erm; or eorporetion violating any of the provisions} ot this seetion shell be deemed guilty of a misdemennoreud on corlulxztion thereof shall be punished, bi a Une of not less than $50 nor more than or by. lmnrlsonment ..not‘1ese_ thanone mongh norfxnore than six menths,_or_ by both said punishments, in thedlseretion of the court. (May 9, 1902, c. 784,-} 5, 32 Stat. 196.) °_ _ _‘ · ·579. Law as to inspection of live cattle and mat applicable

   or renovated butter.-—-—·All parts of sections 71 to 94.

1%.:0.105 ot Title 21 and eection`181 ot Title 19 which are applicnble to the enbjeéts and; pnrpoees deecrlbed in section "578 of this title shall apply to _ proce& or renofnted butter. (May 9, 1902, c. 784, Q 5,% Stat. 1.96.) ‘_ ‘ · _ `586. Q r. ’ regulation ofrenovatod butter factories.-·-The ·mnltary` brovmons for slaughtering, xneabcenntng, or elxnllor establishments, as set forth in seetions 71tto 93 of Title 21, are » extenxl to cover renovated butter factorlm as ;le§ned in motions 571 to 578 ot this title, under such regulations as the Secretary ot Agriculture may prescribe. (Aug. 10, 1Q12,»c. 284, .37 Stnt. 273.) · _ ’ , . ~ ° ` » 581. Whol¤le `déalers; books and returns.-——Wholesale

 ine  rmovated, or `adnltereted butter shall keep o

meh boon and render snob retarue ln relation thereto as the Qommlmioner ot Internal Revenue; with the approval ot the

 of the Treasurygmhy, by regulation, require; and
 hooks shall be open at all tlxnes to the inspection ot any

l¤°tmal·revenue omeer or agent.~- And any person who will- _ violates in! of the movlsion: of this aeétion shall for