Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/833

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H9 lp. · TITLE 26.‘—-—·-INT1lIR fh;*}'(‘fl`0I§}) the GXDPDSBS. losses and other deductions properly `s·

q»p4»rtioned e·r`all0cated=theret0 and a ratable part of other ’1l

¤·x;¤·nses., losses or other deductions which can not definitely be hllecated to scmejtem or class of gross income. The remainder. b if aux}, shell be? included in full as net income from eources ti within the United States. In the case of gross income derived sl fmzh s·em·ees partly within and partly without the United h smtes. the net income may firet be computed by deducting the expenses, lessee er other deductions apportioned or allocated 0 zllerete mad ‘e ramble pert ot anyexpenses, losses or other de- a ‘ duéth>ns vmich cen not definitely be allocated to some items or tl vines-·bf gross income; and the. portion, of such net income at- _ arimntézhle to sources yvlthlxrthe United States may bei deter- il miuwl by processes or formulas of general apportionment pre- la §<·ril»ed by the said commissioner with the approval of the Sec- .11 mmry of the Treasury. Gains, prbilts end income from (1)· Il'2lllS]l()f{&iti0I1 or other services rendered partly withln aixd tl partly without the United States, or (2),fr0m the sale of perg.»ma1_preperty produced (iu whole or ln part) by tl®taxp:,1yer e within and sold without the United States; or produced (ih wlmle or ih part) by, the taxpayer Without and sold within ( the United States, shall be treated- as derived partly from e sources, within and partly from sources without the United i1 Santee Gales, proiltehnd ineoxhe derived {rom` the._purohese .¤ of personal property within and its sale without the United y tl States er {remjhe purchase df personal property without and _. its sele within the United States, shall be treated as derived d entirely frem sources within the country jizz. which sold. V s (fp As used in this sectl0u_ thewords "§ale" dr " sold " v imjude °°£X(‘h&llg€"· or "exchziuged"; and the word " pro- ty ¤lm·ed"' includes “created," "tebriceted,". "manufactured,"—. fq ‘*extrected," "§r0eeesed," "cured,". or " aged." ‘ l » . :0 lg) (1)~» Egceptus provided in paragraph (2) a nonresident L elim-iedividtxal or an citizen ehtltled to the benefits of eectimi 103Q p shell receive, the beneht et the deductlops and credits allowed 0 ie thie chapter only by Bling Q1’_C&\18il1g’.l}0 be filed whh the 0 eeliecter ·a. true end- accurate return of his tbtal income re- ` eeired· from all sources lgm the United States, in the manner c

es=eribed.i¤ 'this title} including therein all the information tl

which the cemmlmlener may deem necessary for C‘1]C\lI8* t~ Gee of such deductions and credits. _ ” `. a {2) The beneht et the credits allowed ih subdivisions (d) i em] ‘{e) of section @7,, and of the reduced rate of tax pro- d vided for in mxbdlvfeieh lb) et aeetlcm. 951, may, hi the dlscre- iz Hee et the‘Cemmiss1emr of Internal Revenue and under .I‘8g\.l· v ieziime prescribed by him with the approyal et the Secretary :1 ef the Treeeery, he received by a n0m·eeldeet alien. individual. d emitledl therete, by `hlihg e. elem therefor with the rrithheldihi t eeeht. ’”fJ\me 2,1924, 4.01 §.`&.,, c. 234; { 217, ,43 Stat. 273.) 959. Partnerships; credits; eet- income.-—-¢(e) jndivlduels car- g Wing 011 business ih partnership shall be liable ter lnceme tex t eely in their individual capacity.- f There shell be included in .c eemamtlirg lthe net lmseme et each. partner his, dletributiye ·u ehere, whether distributed er net, of the net lhceme of the d partnership for the taxable year, cr, , his het IRGGIBG for A eeeh taxable year it eemputed upon the heals et e. §eried~ differ- 5 ee from that gh the heeie of which the BE;. i¤.e<>me°·§!· a perteershlp is mated; thee his distributive ehere of the net n income ct the partnership fer any period of the t herteerehlp within the taxable year upeh the heels of ` which the partnerw net ls. ecmputed. · - — `s (bl Tljefpertuer ·shall,.1er the purpose ct t§Q,B%1*m.§l·t&X,·_ s m ellewed _ as ermlta, id addition to the credits allowed te l him under %7 et this title, his prepertienete s re pt I eeeh amounts speplhed in erzbdivlslem (n) alzd (hh) er section s 957 he are reeeived by · A , ‘ 8 .·(¤> The het lemme ei thepertuershlp shell be cemented ini the eeme meamer xml GH the eeme basis as préyided ih sectieu _.c 953 exeept the; the dedeetioh provided lu paragraph (10) et `t

NAL REVEIVUE § 960 ubdivision (a) of section 955 shall not be allowedf ~l(Junc 2, 924, 4.01 p. m., c. 234, § 218, 43 Stat. 275.) t N _; 960. Estateé or property held in trust; net incomes; stétk onus or profit sharing plan; revesting or distribution of i·usts.—(a) The tax imposedby Parts I and II of this chapter hall `apply to the income of estates or of any kind of property elgl in trust, including- (1) Alucome accumulated in trust tor, the benefit of unborn r uriascertainedlpersons or persons with contingent interests, nd income accumulated or held for future distribution under he. terms of the will Of trust; ‘ . (2)_ Income which is to `bc‘ distributed currently by the

duciary to the beneéciaries, and income collected by a guardau of an infant which is. to be held or distributed as the court

may direct; _ ‘ _ l "_ . t (S`) Income received by estates pt deceased persons during be period of administration or settlement of the mate; and , (4) Income which, in the discretion of the Hduciary, may be ithet distributed to the beneficiaries 0:: accumulated; l (b) Eicept as otherwise providédtin subdivislahé (g) and l1),·‘ the tak shall, be computed ixpon the net income of thé state or trust, and shall be paid by the Biluciary. . The mst ncome of the estate or trust shall be computed in the mms nanner and du the same basigoas provided in sectian ci his title, except that--` — _ » ` (1) »There shall be allowed as a deduction (in lied of the ieduction authorized by paragraph (10) gc! subdivision (a) qi action 955) agiy part of the gfcsa income, wittmmt limimti0§;\\ which pursuant to the terms of the will or deed crmting mq v—— i rust, is during the taxable year paid_ of permanently Set pr"tl1e·'purp0s¢s and in the manner spcci§éd in pammaph (16*)\ »f subdivision (,:1) of section 955, or is to be uéed exclusively ssee or lrellgliotis, charitable, scieutmc, literary, or eéucaticml purmses; (rr for the prevention of cruelty to children at a¤i&Es »r for the establishment; acquisition, maintenance or »f a public cemetery not ppe¤¤:¤¤·`1¤»`p;¤¤c;, L _ ` (2) There shall be allowed- as sn, additional in tomputihg the net income bf the wtntg 0; trust the ammf pi hg inéoniepbf the estate mstmst for its taxablqyegzg which is; 0 be distributed currently by the Edueiiifi to tm bém§éia;ies; md the "zmxouxlt git the incoyzizee collected by a guardian éf an xifant which its tb be held or {distributed as the cmu; may litect, but! the amount so allowed és"a deductlozi shall be ~ hcludcd. ih computing the net income ot the whether distributed to them, or not. Any amount as wdeducticm under thié paragraply wall not bé allowed as- gg téductiem under paragrapl1°(3) `in the same 01; any w ambleyear; _ g_ _ ~ W \` (3).111 thetgcase of income received by estates of `dgceasgd . >ers<ms_ during the, ind of administration ~ `or settle § mt at he estate, and in `ggqm of iuccxxw which, in the discretion »f the fiduciary, mhy bé\elthe¤ distributed tL0_ the bmxgéciary »r accumulated, there shall be allowed `ns an ad<Btiemal_ eta luctioix in computing the uét imcm at the estate or trustthe amount of the income of the estate 9: trust for its taqwe _ rear which properly paid or credlted dmiing su& xm! ta my lwtm, heir, ox- bgneiiciary, but the amount so sllvweé as z. deduction shall be inqlnhded; ig computing the xiét `lncéma at b84l€§&C€@,(1Y18ilf, or beneHciary._ _ l _ ‘ ~ " (c) For tim purpose of the normal tax the estate as tmxt shall be a.l law¢d the mma gzreelit ag is gllowed tc; n single pas! non under subdivision (c) at sactmxx 957, and, it xm pmt: niche! tacoma of the estate og. trust is lxwludegd in computihg the net mama of gmnlegatee, héixj or beneéciary, théxi ln addition the mma credits as are éllowcd by subdivisions (a) ahd (b)· at ¤ectia¤957. — ‘ ""» __ I . ‘ 1, (dl `It any mnt pt the mam or an estate mp trust is m· zludcd lp cdmputlng the mat lnccme of any lqgutee, hair,. 9: ie¤e£ciaryQ suéh legatee, heir, or benemmry, shall, for the pm·~·