Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/890

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§ 122 — \ TITLE\28.—-JUDICIAL 0 trial. Civil actioné pending at the time of the creation of any ‘ auch district or division, or the transfer of any such county or ~territary,`V and arising within the district or Qiyisioxi so created or the-county or tcrritory so transferred, shall be tried in the district or division as. it existed at the time of the institution » of theractiou, or in the Qdistrict or division s0"created, or fo ‘ which mcncctmq or-territory is or shall bciso transfcrre§1,”asxuay be agreed uponby the parties, orlas the court shall? direct. The transfer of such prosecutions and actions shall be made, in` ` the manner ·provid=ed in section _119' of `thia title. ,(Aug.·`·· 5, 1836, c. 923, §. 7, 24 Stat.: ,309; ·Mar._ 2, 1901.. c. 801, *§` 7, 31 Stat. 881; Har. 3, 1911,. c. 231, §_ 59,,33 Stat, 1103.) _ _' -. ‘ A 8 _l22.. (Iadicial.Code, section 60.) I Creation ofmcw district ‘ artransfer of territory: lie11.——§l?he creation, of a new districf or division, or the transfer of any conintynor territory from onedistrict: or division to another district or division, shall _ not `affect or direst any lien theretofore acquired in the circuit or district court by_-virtue of a decree,. judgment, execution, attachment; seizure, or otherwise,··11pon property situated or, being within the district or division so created,·o‘r thecounty or texiritoyy *80 transferred. To- ·9llft)1°C€ 8l1y Such lien, the- ¢:Ierk· of the court liu which_t11e ,S&illB,iS acquired, upon the; request and at the cost of the party desiring the_same,_, shall `make a true an ccrtitied copy of the record thereofy which, when so 'made n%1;l ccrtltied, and filed in the. proper court of ‘ the district oggjivision in whichhsuch property is? situated or' shall- be, after such transfer, shall constitute the record of ‘ such lien in·such court, and s'hH1}’be_evi¢lence in all courts and places, equally with the ori&`£l thereof; and, thereafter. like proceedings shall be had thereon. and with the same effect, as __ thonghthe cause. or proceeding had been originally instituted 1 iu_`such court. The provisions- of thig, section shall applynot only in all cases whore-:1 district or division is created, or a i c01mty,or any territory‘is-'transferred, bot also in all cases where a tlistrlctpr diwfisio11_l1as`bee*n created, or a county or .1 anyyterritory has been transferred byany 1aw_-enactecl béfpre ' March 3,-1911. (Mar. 3, 1911, 0,231, §__60, 36 Stat, 11803.) .- .i 123. (Judicial Code, section_61.) - Commissioners; oaths to_ appraise:·sL——Any district judge may appoint coxnmissiouers, be- Q fore whoni appraisers of vessels ·0r_ goods and merchandise scizcd for hrcachcs of any lawtof the United States, may be 1 sworn: and such oaths, so taken, ·8haH· be as cffcctnal as `if taken hcforc the judge in open court. (B. S`., § 570; _Mar. 3, 1911, c, 231, 5 61, 36 Stat. 1104.) . · _ ‘ _ ‘· ~ 124. (Judicial Codcysection 65.) Management of property by receivers.--—¥\’henevcr in any cause pending in any court· of thelinnitcd States there shall be a receiver or manager in pos- ‘] session of any property, auch receiver or nnannagery 8hall`u§an— age and operate such propér·tyT according to the requirements -1 of the valid laws of the State infwhich such property .s1m11g__be situated, in- the same xnanner that the —owner'· or posscséor _ thereof woi1l.d“be·bonnd tofdo it in possession, thereof. Any t receiver or manager who shall willfully violate any provision g of this section shall be aned not more than $3,000, or im- 1 priaoned notinore than one year, or both. (Mar. 3, 1887, c. 8:8, s·2, 24 star. 5::4; Aug. 18, 1888, e.-860, G 8, 28 Stat. 436;, ps Mar. 3, 19i1,`c. 231, 5 65,136 Stat. 1104.)· » N · . jg t , V125. (Judicial Code,} 8 `ioa ,66.) Saita against- receiver.- A Every receiver or mansgg of any property appointed by·aay` e court of the United Staten may be sued in respect of any act" 1 or tranaaction of his ‘ in carrying on the business connedted w with such property. witlioait theyprevloua leave of the court in ,,t which- such recclvcr or managesg; was appointed; but auch. abit i shall be subject to the general *mnitY jurisdiction ot the court a ”in·_wl1ich~8uch manager or' receiver was appointed no far as a the aamc may be necessary to the .enda'.ot justice; (Mar. 8, l c 1887,_._c. 373, §_3, 24_Stat. 554; A1ig.‘13, 1888. c. 866,},3, 25 l ( Stat.-430; Mar. 3, 19ll, of 31, 5 66, 36 Stat. 1104.) f · 3 t


    • 126. (Judicial Code, section 67, amended.)- » Omen of

courts.—No person shall be appointed to orwemployed in {uw ofnce or duty in any court who is related byraflintty or rpm,- sanguinity within the degree of iirsteousin to the judge of such court. No such person holding a position or employment in up circuit court on December 21, 1911, shall be deb’ai·red funn similar `appointment or employment "in’¢ne_t1istr1c: court gm;- ceeding to such circuiucourt jurisdiction. (Mar. 3, 1887, c. 37;:. § 7, 24 Stat. 555 j. Aug. 13,`1SSS,”c. 864}, §·7,_25 Stirt. 437; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, §‘ 67, 36 Stat. 1105; "Dec. 21, 1011, c.·4, 37 Stn:. -16.) o -. ‘· ‘ ,. . . ‘ i . 127. (Judicfal Code, section 68.) Masters or receirers.—e>;.; clerk of a district court of the United States or his deputy shall .be appointed a` receiverbr master in any case. except where the judge of said courtshall determine that special ressons ·exist”therefor,` to be__assigned in the orderof appointment. (Mar. 3, 1879,`c_. 183, 20 Stat. _415 ; _Mar. 3, 1911, c.` 231, ·§?'68,’_,36· Stat. 1105.) " ` 2 · ‘ d Chapter 5.-DISTRICT COURTS: DISTRICTS ~AND.PRO· _ 2 _VISl0NS APITLICABLE T0 PARTICULAR STATES. Sec.`, _ ·. ,— 141. Judicial districts. __ T 165. Same; change, ot venue er 142,‘_Alabama; ‘ _ __ ‘con·tinuance. · P 143. Arizona. ·_ g .166. Maryland. _ ` 144. Arkansas. _ · 167.. hiassaehusetts, 1 145. California;. 4 t 168. Michimn. 146.-` Colorado; - adjournment. `of. 169t Minnesota; ` ‘ termsg- deputy ‘._marShals~ 170. Mississippi; . and clerks. ‘ -17-1. Mlsnourl. `_ 147. Gennecticut. " ‘ 172_._M,ontana. `· 148; Delauvare. · 1-73._ _Mbraska. T · · 149. Florida. I174. Nevada: 3 ;_ 150. Georgia. _. . ,. 175. Nei l_lan1pslnli·c; 151j Idaho. `Q · ‘ 176. New Jersey. - · 152. Illinois. _‘ · _ 177. New México: 153. indiana.; divisions. . 178. New York. · 1 _ l5·1.tSa1ne; -terrns of court. 170._Nortn» Carolina. ` 155. Same; .om_ces of clerk of ISQ. North Dakota. · * _ " court; deputyclerks. Ohio. . · · 156; Iowa. ‘ ‘ . · 182. Oklahoma. _ l57.‘ Kansas. . _ 183. Oregon:. j `" .,‘ I58. Kentucky; .. 184. Pennsylvania. `, id`!). Louisiana. · ·. , 185. Rhode lsland. _ 160. Mainergdlvlsions; sessions .1-86. South Carolina. L61. Ottice of clerk and -u1arshal; 187. Soutlrllakota. deputy clerk; marshal’s _1S8. Tennessee. . ··•_ field deputy. “ ‘- 189. Texas. ·‘ lo2. Divisions considered separate _‘190.i Utah. 1 districts for purposes of 191. Vermont,. -·· jurisdiction" and venue; 132. -,\firg1nia{_ A · United States commission- 193. Washington. _ _. ers. ‘— - I - 194.~West Virginia. 63. Transfer of civil and crlml- .195. Wisconsin. " _ "vnal causes; . ,198. Wyotning. — - l64,. Ex parteproceedlngs in - ‘ — either division. . `, _ Section 141. (Judicial Code, sectionl 69.) S Judicial dis-S rictsw-——The United States are‘divide<l_ into judicial districts ls follows: .(R._ S. {530; _Mar. ll, 1911, C. 231, ·§ 69, 36 Stat! nos.) . ‘;. f ~ ·142. (ludiclala Code, section 76, amended.) AlahamaJ·-~The . State of Alabama is dirided intojthree judicial distrlem, to >e known as the northern, middle, and. southern districts- of tlabama; The northern district shall include the territory _ embraced on the 1st day of July, 1910. in~the‘counties of Cull- · nan, Jackson, Lawrence. Limestone. Madison, and Morgan. which shall constitute the°_ northeastern division of said disv rtct :_ also the territory embraced on the date lastfmentioned n the counties ofi.\Colbert..Frankl`in, and! Lauderdale, which _ thall constitute the" northwestern dlvision of said district': nlso the territory embraced on the date lasf rnentto ed in the rountlq ot—`Cherokee, Dekalb, Etowah, Marshall, d Saint Hair, whiehnihall constitute the middle division of said dis- . rict; also the terrltoryembraced on the date last entioned