Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/907

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 iztezéssw tn! _$¤dgmmts` of Ektriét mart: exeruisiiag cazxcurrent  ’
 `M  juggyésgxiiig with Lgcuxttcf Ctsims my adjudicating emma against

{Famed Statvs. _~ A Q _ · ··~ ‘ .—¤;;;_ t§;§{;;;:g ix: prwwdiags fm- mjqxictimxg :m:d·mcei~ge;·g,, 5 _

 gtiqwaatw Gf a;$;>@nlS dm! writ: izaf array. ‘ " ,

i;;»»_ :\;t>;ws.}s and writs of erm? from Alaska. F W _

 ·’;·;;_;¤;- im·_ux&ki¤gtsa@p1i€&ti¤n fmt appeal br writ of erm:.
  • §”Z?;§_ ggpétéw ciép<:1a<1€¤t°.upcu amount ip cmm·¤ve:sy; provi or gtghr

émsmmt, _ ww _ A, · i Qwiima 211, (Juéitidl Code, §ccti<m 116; `ggnendcd;) Cir- ~ f;_;§{§,-J]?IQ€I‘% shali be aime judicial circuits caf the United States,

ed as fciiéyvsz _ r »_ V __

First. Thawmfst circuit shall include tltq districtshf Rhodg ‘ wmati.»§iaissac·11u$<—tts, NewHm¤pshirc, }iIli11€,·&I1d Porto Qico. gtwgnd. The s€·c<md ~=circi1it· shall include _ the districts of . ¥¤a·§;maat, Canueéticut, Qmi New Ycrkt ~ X { _. Sfiaird. Ti1@,thi_rtl circuit Mshall include the disttitzté ot Penggymmjia, New qJer¤ey,'§nd#De1awaret · T V _ Q U 3 .t Fsturih. Thx? fuiujth circuit shall includeitlge districts of Mary- mm}. Vi:·gmia,·, West Virginia, North' C8I'0liH§,l and Sduth (`.:~2t*i2Iii13. _ . v _ . i ’ · _ _ _ _ 1·"if¥th. Thelfifth circuit shall. include the .diStrict.§ ·,01' Georgia, i»‘;·;;·ida, Alabama, Mimistsippi, Louisiana, and Texas. l - t - Sixth. Thg sixth cir<:uit·.shull’iucléde the districts of- Ohio, ' ziwiaigan, Kentucky, sad T€llH€S8%.· f ·’ _ Spwuth. Tim seventh circaiit;. shall include the districts 0$_ imtimm, Iiiixmimaéd Wiscpnsiu. `“' ’- t ’ - _ _ ’ 1$:i§ii{h.`Th€ Feigbth circuit- $1mll include the diétricts of. . jiwraska, Aiizmesctn, Iéwh, MLss0uri,Y =K8HS&S,` Arkansas, Colo-. tmdu, Wycéing, Nqrth Dakctai South Dakota; Utah, Oklahoma, 21::31 Xcwthiexicgi, t A _ _ / " 1 52 . ‘ Nizath. The ninth »cii·cuit. shall inplude the districts of Cali-, ’ 2`€;z·:;ia.· fircgmz, Nevada, Washington. Idhho, _Mm1tm1a, I‘°{$1WBiiR_ l éaasi Arizama. (B. S, § 694; June 20, 1910,·é..310,'§§ A13, 31,’ @26 S-mt. 565; 576; M&r.`3,/ 1911, c. 231, § 116; 36 Stat. 1131; Jan. __i2*iQ’ 1,315, c. 22; ‘g§·~1, 38 Stat, 803} - _. __ - 212. (Judicial Code, septimy 117.), Cirt:;1it;c0m·tS_0f ap- ‘ E p»;·als;——-Tizem shall be {no each cir<*1iit‘ zi circuit court df appezxlsn whit-}: shall consist {SQ thfw judges, of whom two shul1_c0n— ‘ ~ s£,im’té_ u quorum, which shall be g bourt qt 1'€(‘0I'dQ with `aip¢_

¤gi§me_ ijm·i’sdtic¥i0n, ·aé hcréilmfteré limited and established.

13im·.E3, 1891, tf?. 517, S A2, Stat. 826; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, §11'?’,36Smt.’11911_)_ · Z · » » ‘ ‘- _ __¤ 213. (Jadicisl Cade, sectis:1 118,’ amended.) . Cirtuit=iqdgés.————¥ 'fiz<·r:> $34:111 be in the se}:011dga·nd séventh t·ircuits,’\respectiv`ely,· mm- e:i:·¤;—ui~t jmlgese; gud in the eighth bircuit, six' jnidgés ;”t and in gach of the qther circuits,.thrm circuit judgeé; to. be apzésgimewj hy. the Presidcrat, by and with the advice and cdiment {Lt ¥i1{?)`Sf}R&;£· All cirteutt judgegishall ieceive at sa1m·y· of $>¢,$T'»0Q a year each, éayable mmithly. Each circuit judge $hal1 e sysitla withié his .(ii"1’€l1i{, mad when appointed shallt tic a msiticm · at the criféuit for which he .1; appciutgd. The circuit · jmigeé ixreacht cirgsuit shall ge ju;1ges“ tit the circuit court of _, ‘·z ;ppt~al‘s id thet circuit, m1d_ it shall be the duty of each qircuit » jadga iq each cirguit to sit gs 0118—»Of the jizdges of the circuit murtttxi aiopeals in that circuit from time to time according tot Q law. rNcti1i;} this Section shall beiccxastruotl tb prevent any cirsguit Z jpdge tackling distribtYc0urt mr ctherwisg, as prqvitléd by cthér sgcticxis Qi the Judicial Code., (Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, . § 118, 3§‘Stat, 1}31;¢Jgn. 13,·1912,°c; 9, 37 Stat. 52; Feb. 25, 3/919, c. 5*2, 48 $@5 1158; $cp,t§ 14, _1922,‘ cQ 306, 5 -6, 42 Stat. @0,; Mgxn'3, 19%, c. 437,43 Stat, 1118.) , · · W 5 _ 21gi; circuit, vj¤d£¢¤·-s-·I‘he judges who servml, prior UQ its repeaii `llhdéf the Act entitled f‘·As1 Act; to crtte —a Qome meme Court ami tc amend §;he·A¢t—&1;tit;1e;1 ‘Au Act td regulate k:cmmems," approyég Fehi·ua,ry» _4, 1887, as héretoéom. amended, and mr othé; pm·pms,?" t»npp1·0s·ed June 18, 1910, Shall hold pmce durmit Semi imhaéiox,. and from time tw time shalt

ODE AN’Dtl;7UDIOIARY 152].8 be designated aadYaseigned,hy the Chief Justice of the United States jorfeervice cle- the dietrictl eoart of any district, or the circuiteourt oi appeals for aajaéeireait; ahd in the .crent of andion the death,,_reSigaatioh,! orrremeval from otilce efazzy. of Esuch ljudgesirhis ohice la abolished amine successor` to him ’ shall be appointed. (June Zl§, 1910, c.'3€i9, § 1, Stat; 539; l•da1·._ 3,-1911,3:. 231, § $201, 36 ¤Stat. 1147 ; Oet. 22, 1913, oe. 32, 38 Stat. 219.,), -. _ M I - f h 21.51 (Judicial Code, section 119.) Allotment of justices to circuits.·+—·The Chief Justice and associate justices of the Sapreme Court shall be allotted ameng the circuits by an order of the court, and a new allotment shall be hiacle whenererit lwccuucs `hehcessary or convenient by reason of, the alteratien of any circuit, or of the new appointment of a· Chief Justice or associate justicej or otherwiee. If a new allotment be-e comes {necessary at any other time than during a term, it shall be_m»ade" by the Chief Justice, and shall he binding aatil the aext term and until a new allotment 'hythe court. When-· ever, by reason of death or resignation, B0 justice is allotted to/a circuit, the Chief·’J-usticerhay, until a justice its regalarly allotted thereto, terhporarily assign a justice of aaothef cir-. cuit to such `circuit. (R. S.-;§§ 606,- 618; Har. 3, 1911, c. 231, ‘§ `1_19, 36 Stat. 1131.) _ · a » , , - _ 216, (Judicial Code, section 120.) Judges the may sit ia circuit court of appeals,-¥~The Chief Justice and the aiwiciate juetlcés of the Suhrerrle Court assigned to each eireait, and the several district judges within each circuit, shall he competeat to sitas judges of the circuit court of appeals within their respectiwre circuits. *11; case the Chief Justice or ah aaeeciate . justice of the Supreme Court shall atteadat any seasioaf of the circuit courtfot appeals, he Shall preside. Ia _ the absence of such Chief Justice, gor associate justice, the circuit judges iu, 9 attendance upon the court `lehall preside in the order of the seniority of their irespeetire commissions. In case the full court at anytime shall not bemade up by the attendance ot the Chief J ostice or the associate justice, and the circuit judges, one or more district j_u<l§es· within the circuit shall alt lu the court ’ accoédihg · to such order or prorisloir among gthe district judges as either by general orparficelar assigmxxeats shall ~be designated by the court. ·No°jutlge &£ore whoa: a cause or` question mar have been tried or heard in a district court, or existing circuit court, ehall sit on the trial. or hear· 'i1lg· of such cause or question;. in the circuit court Ref apépeala. _, (Mar. 3, 189l, é. `51’l',‘_$ 3,`,26_Stat. 827 ; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, 5 120, 36 Stat. 1132;) _- " " _· K t ` 217. (Judicial Code, section 121}) . Designatiés `of justices allottm {QZ circuits.-The worda ‘° circuit juatixce i' and, " jeetiee. cia eircuit " shall he understood /to dgignatei the jhstiee of the Supreme Court twho is eylotted to. any `circait; bat the word ‘$ judge," whexr applied generally to any circuit, shall he _ understood to include auch justice. ?°( R. S. if 605 ;i Mar. 3, 1911, c._Z·l1, § 121, .36 Stat. 1132.), · J ‘ » ‘ , 218. Conference of circuit iadgw; reports to circuit judges by`_ district jadges; expenses of judges atteadiag.——-—-—lt shall he thegluty of thei— Chief Jtiatice of the United States, or ip case of his disability, of oaehof the other justices of the _Supreree Court, in...or¢.ler of their aeaiority, annually, to aaramoafto .a- coaterence oa the laat Monday la September, at Washington, Districtrot Columhlajor at sueh other time and place in the United States as the Chief-Justice, er, in case ot his disability, any ot said justices in order or their seniority, maj designate, the aeaior circuit judge] of each {judicial circuit. It ahy senior clrcultujudge is uaableio attend, the Chief Jaatice, or in case of his diaabilityfthe ‘justice`of the Supreme Gourt calling said conference, may summon any other circuit or diatrlet judge in the judicial circuit whose senior circuit judge, ia unable to at= tehd, that each. circuit may he tadequatelr represented at said conference. {It shall he the dutiv qfevery·judge thuasummohed '