Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/945

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_g3]; 88.-·-JEDICIAL O self lavolvca the accounts ot the War or mvp, DepartQeute, Neertfiled by the Comptroller General ot the United StatcsQ" aud authenticated. under seal of them Geaeral Accounting- 0mce," ( stroll he admitted, aa evideacc, and tketcoort trylug. the cause elm]! beautaorised to pant judgment aodaward éxecutlooae eerdiogly. Amt all copies of bonds, contracts, or other paper; fe- . ggziog to, or connected wit?. . the settlement of my account be-_ ,,,.ec¤·tl1e·Huited Stats and · au ladiyldual, wheu oertidcd lgy the. register, or by the Comptroll .GeueraI, ae tlaecaae may ole. tolbe true cmm of theo. ls_ oo ale, and authenticated terrier the seal Gi" the ent, may be lamtexedm to such traoserlpm, aud shall have[_equal· yalldity, wd be entitled to . ` me same aegree or cleat:/which ·,woo1o wooo to me mélgum . papers it produced and authenticated lu court. Where'.ault is brought upon a` bond or .®her· mled lustrumeatyaud the defendant ul®ds “ non taetuauf or makes {ls motion toithe eoortgeerifyiag such plcaor motion by his oath, the court.my_ take the more into comderatiou, and, it itaappeérs too be neéesil éary for the attalllient of jmtfcc, may require production or the original boadycontrad, or other paper lspeclned in such , o¥&larit. `(B. .8. @8; dum 10, 1921, c. 18, {§§{302,. 310, 42 sm:. 2.%, 5;).. _- J Q. ? — -2 . - 6%. Same; ccrtid cate By or Asa%t' cc — - tary..——¥The (rm the and proceedings of the Beimrtnwt ot Treamry thezéopiea ot bmds, coutracts,_ ' ood other V. he for lu mctiou M5 of, this chapter eeall watt `·— odtlwnby the Secretaryor ogolamrraoe ‘ Sccrmry at we Treamry uoder the awt of the de;§tuieat, or w the G@roller G@ral under the seal ot toe General Accousatirai 0%, ei the case may ber- (July 31, .1%4, c. 174,_` Q H, %-Bt•t, 210; Mar; 2, 1@5,?c.'17?, 5 10,- 28 Stat. 809 ;. June » lo. 1921, c.·1&` it 302, 304, 310, 42 Stat. %.‘) _ _ . 2 _ $67: Régd for carrykg ostfpmvhoaa of section 666.-1 'It shall be the duty ot_·t& ·;8ecrctary of the /Treaaury Zto make appropriate Jules and l regulatiooa for carrying out the provi-- aim ot section 068 of this éxapter. {July 31, 1&4,‘ c. 174, 2 e 668.81:3 i¤dic?ts for. c¤§c&¤éut. of public nm- · cya.e—Upoa trial oi any iudi t agaiustany-pqrsou for emaesiiug bwlic moneys, it shall be ¢u¤cie:xt evidcuce, for the · · purpose of allowing a balance against such persoy, to producea trauacriot from proceedings the Tr&ry

 aa i1tovlded_by_aeétion—66§— is tltle, (R- S. “

m} · I t, , J"' .. V · ~ . __ l I, 669. · Copier •( in ,retur¤a oQ¢e admissible.-+A cooyot aoyreturn of a contract returned bled lo the ree mma éce of the of tholnteriorf, aajprovlded by law, wua geertidod W the clerk ot the nid- @c; to- be. full and complete, nad when autbwtimted by the seal of Y the dee· · . t, églaall he remote; ia auy _ pryosecutioo against aaya Meer for falsely aud · tly awearlug to andaylt re-, [quired by law to be nude by rwromeer la making his return ot. aoy aa required 1 by law,‘to sam returns omce. ”tB~8.§8%.) f ° p A ‘ . fil. of mica of natcsueute of; éeuiaada by Peat 0% Dep• ~·—Iu all wits for of bal-- ances due frm 1 ¤®!. duly eertlhd under; the owl ot toe Gmral Aomuutlng 0%,; ot the atatement ot any pootmaster, medal agent,- or other employed. by the Poatmeter General or General Accounting for that mrpwtaatf llc me mailed? a ktter to min delinquent poet- I matter thepost o&e there the indebtedness accrued, or atlala la¤g@l place ot abode; that QQ sumcteat tim has elapsed tor said letter to have its deatioatioa io the ordinary course of the mall; and pomeut of soel1·.ba·lauee. has not l been rewved. within dwytim —&·oig¤nted' m ar; instructions; -ma11 w aaauméleut evi&nee in the court; of the United or other courts, that aildemaod has-· been made ·

mw 41m .1u,1>1c•u1z2 § 677 * ~ épon the delinquent postmdstcr; but wha:} the gcccunt of ·a late postmaster hgs becn mice adjusted and settled; ind a dcmqud his been made for thvmkamc appearing to be dce, and afterward allowances are mmm cr credits mined, it shall, not be necessary to make a tugther demand fc: the ncvi‘ba}a1acc toimd to he (R. IS. { %;4 Jmre 1% 1921, c. 18, #2 Stat. 23.) 671. Adsistbility of ccpics qi @ $cc rmwée and date nentxft of aémunts.-Onpies ot the quarter}; ireturni of mastérg gud of any papers pertaming to the; accounté is the-

 otthe General Acccmntizgg Otticey yang}, tisausgcripts from the

mcnxycrder account books of the P0st—0Qce Demrtmeut, when cert! cd by the Geneislc Accounting 0Qce under the scsi of thntcbmcc, ghnll be admitted gsgvidémfé in the courts ci the United Sggfcgg in civi} suit; End cri‘m_inal pres@tions-;'-and fin ` any ~ctvil_suit, in case of dclinquéhcy— of py péstmnstcr cv cantractnr, an statement of tm icc0m1t,.ccrti¤cd as gfqregsid, shall bepdmittgd in evidence, had the court shall be sutwlzed thereupon to give judgmex;t_nn€l.awq,rd exccutten; snbjéct to pmvisiqés of lim as tc_pr0ceedt¤gé in suck': civil. mit; {R; S. - §.889;.`Jmic 10,1921, c._ 18, 42 Stat. %.) ‘ . : _ Q Y 672. Admissiyility nf copiet d freécrib of General Lad 0Ece.5—C0pie¤. of any zjgcords, bucks, qt pupers*i¤ the Gmgml Imml·0mce, authenticated by the mal néd by the U s missioncr thereof, cr, whéu Kid omce is vacant; by the prim cipal clerk, shall becvidencecéqnslly with the théréaf. And literal excm§li¤&11s ofani s§chc'roc0=r& be held, whcn so introdpced; in evidence, to be of the use vsliétyts it The hnmes 91* the o$cers sigqing and ‘cmm&rd@ug the same hndbecn fully imerted id such {B. 8; { wl.) _ ~ 678. Admissibility éf cépies of rumah i¤d`»¢ forth, sf Pawn mee,-éyvunm at- printed mpics or wwwa, pgpcrs, on ilrawing bclchgiixg to the of Iettcrs pqtcut, of certificates of regigtraticm of labels? cr prints, authenticated by the of the Pitcst Oméc ‘cer> . tmcd by the cnuimissionet theres: War in his name attwteé by 1 chief of [dividpn dply desimted by the wmmimma, shall _ be‘cvtdencc_in”a1l-cascs.vq*hcrcI¤ the origihals cculdihe ékiimce; and tanj pétmn mgkingi application therefor and péyiug tha teé ¤equir¢d· lp? law shall have certiued coptes thereof. (B. S. Yi 892; Mar. 4,1925, c.’535,_§_2,43 Stat. 1%..) · , . _ 674. Ccpks ¤ffc{eig¤__lett¤·• pntat as Prin: fade evidence.——C0pies `nt the spccmcatibns ll1d.d1‘l\YiHgS at intein letters —patznt.,{ ccrtmcd an imgtded in section 673 of this titlé, shgll N prima facie évidence of the tact of the granting of such Iegttexi patent, h¤d_ ot the date and ceqténta thereét. (R. ,8.} _i 675,. — Capier af specHc•ti•:m$ and dravrings of patmts dd·· gissiblc.-—Thc printed copies of speciwratiom and drawings- ot Patents; which the. Cnmipimlcner nf, Patents 'is authorised. tc T punt ter gratuitonnddistributicu, ind to deposit in the cayhmjs of the States and 'Perritodeé, and in the @1:% wm qt tlic district courts, shall, when cc—rtiiIcd.·by him and `nathenticatedi by the scalp! his of hcehtwc Ecccivcd in all~c0u1‘tS as evidence ofnllmnttcté therein contained. _ (R; S. S @4.) f_ . . 676. Extracts fmm Joamals of Dugan •dm§ble when" » _ infunetim of qecrecy the Jemrmls ot ` the S¢.~mate, or of the Home of .Repmsc1{tativgs, and of the Eicctitive Journal of the Senate when the iiijuncticm or secrecy lq·ré.¤0vad, certfw by the- Secretary —0t·the Senate 017-by the Clerk t of the House of Represents tires, shall be admitted ax evidence in the courts of the Umtcd_ States, and chaf! have the samé force and éifcct as the originals would have if produced T and authenticated ix! court. (RAS. § 895.) · ‘ ’

 __677. Cppiesi nf recoids- in c§ceé bf United. States cegusujs

nduisdbfc.-—C»0»pies of all ofécjalr documchts kind papers in the! office of any consul, vice consul; or commercihl 'agcpt of the United` States, and oral! ‘0m<·im entries in the t100ks¢0:_rcc0rds ` bl anyygk 0@ce,,ccrtiBcd_€1rxclc_r the haétnq and seal of such