Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/954

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‘§t 777 J__ _ TIME 28.-JU1>1c1A1, have and signing of such bill of exceptions `hdd beezi made by the judge before whom such cause évas tried; but in case` said judge is sdtistieti that owing to the fact that he did not·2.sidd at the trial, 01: jfor any _0thér cause, that he *ca¤ not _ fairly pass mum said motion, ahd allow 21nd_sigu saidbill of g~x=·;·epti0:1s,’_tl1e»n he may in his discretion graut_‘8 new trial dttrthe party nmviug thérefor. (R. S. § 953; June 5, 1900, <é. 717, 5 1, 31 Stat. 270.) _ ‘ ·. Y777. Defects of fc:·m;._amc1idments.—N0 summons, writ, decimztitm, return, process, judgment, or other proceédings in cidil éauses, in any comtt ofithe United States, shtill be Labated, m·s·e:st<*·d. qi1ashéd,'0r reversed for méy defect or_ want of form; but mtzh court, shairproéeed and give judgment t1cé the hright of the éause and matter in lavsfshull appear tc it, without regm·ding_ any-such defect, or want of form, except timed: which, in Cfié(;‘S of démurrcr, the party demm·ring.spgcihliy s=ets\d0wu, together with his demuri*er;_#as*the causg therehf ; and such court shall amgnd eYg1·`y_Ysuch defect and want ’0f d form, uthér than those which the party demurring so expresses; and may at hhy time permit either of the, panties to ahigngl .8Id}' detect in the process or pleadings, upon such .c0nditi011s d_ as it shall, in its discretlqh and by its rules,. prescribe. · (R. 778. Degth of parties; substitution nf Jentccutot hr administr¤tm·.-—~\’Vhen` either ct the pgirties, whether plaintiff or gpett titmer or deténdant, in any suit in huy court of the; United States, dies before Html j}1dgH1‘€I`it,`—thé’€X€CUt0f or aduiiuistrator cflshch deceased party may, in case the éause of action suritixdehs hy? lagw; prmecuta or defend any such gmit to final jtidgment. Thetdefehdnht shail answer dcgdrdiugly, and the court shall heard and detgrmme the cause smdt render judgment jo: hr against thé_.exe¢;1tor 01-·, gd the cascmay rc- .qui;•e._ And it such éxegutcr or admiuistpator, having? been duly seriwd Qwjthda mira {acias from the tamed of the clagk ‘ of the {§G\1!’fbWh£1’Q the suit is depending twenty duys·beture·

 hahd, neglects cr refuses to become patty tg the suit, the; court

addy }’B§d¤BI judgment against the estate- ot the deceased patty ‘ iQ tithe dame —mmmat{ as itwthe éngecutor or administrator had vglmtdrtly made himself a pgxftyf The executor or administra- _ mr whdbechmad h party as aforesaid- shdll, `U[)0fl°_Xi10t{0l1‘t(§ i the court, tm fentitled to &,_GGl1ti‘Bt1&}1€€'·0f,tii6 suit until the next tetm of said court. ,_ ‘ . - '· ‘ The" Qpmvisiohs at this scctima shalt dppiy to suits ih equity ahd in nd imlty as well as to suits at law; and thejuristlitétiqm i at all @8§1‘tS'Qf_ the United States ·S}u1ll°.ext@nd tu and cvgx eXé€t1§91'*St§¤d admihistrétors qt may party, who dies befcre hast tm? decree, Lgppciuted hnder t the tlayvs- bf V any Stats hr fiéerritcry ot thd United States, and auch courta shall ” Q have jurisdiction within two years fibm the date at the death · ht.t& mtr to the suit to issue its mired facids ’t0 executor} · ._ and admia;i®’tcm appointed in may Qtate cir Tarzitory ot the 5 `{7ztitsd~·~Stht2s which may he herved ih any judicial district fir, the mni·ahal thereof. N0 cxeéutct or gdmiuistr¤to1·# slihil

     n- party mzicds such serviee . is. `mada Mime final
 d s t t and distribution at the estdte of said deceased patty

_ This sectmn 511411 gpply to suits in which any `psrty has

 dec@d:prihr ta Novedber %, 1921{hs wail nh tb suits im

"*£ whighimay party mnyhuve died thereafter mj may die hehedtter g; (R. S. S Nw: %, 1921, c.”142, 5% 1, 2,’Stat. 324; Dec, 22 "`——1921,c.18,42StuL3521) ’_ · `. ,_" ~ · ·

 · M *779. Bath of use   ¤cve;*il‘ phihtiig br defwdantn,4-·—-I:
 ’ there am` tam or   pidiufifta 01; detdhtiants, thi d suit when
     mum at action amzvivcé to the surviwfing p1;i¤ti£m··&¢nms1

his ésrviviug d£tG§ld8i3f,4’&i1(]`0li€ or mord cit thém died; the

  • _ ys+r»it“ 0: actic>1i"=shgi1_ xmti be thérehy ahdtdd; but, · stitch dest!
   umn the ·1‘€<?Ql‘(],'th€ acttéh shall péowcd at the


  • ~euit°of the surviving plaintiff against the surviving defendant.

l.(R.S.§956.) . .

789. Survival of actions, suits, or proceedings-
` j (a_)_'By orwxyqiizet 0/llcer of United States, District of 0.,.

I " lumbia, Canal.Zonc, or 1erri·tory or insular possession of °Unite¢L

 States, or'·o_f.é0un»ty, and so forth,. of such terri»tory·or in.2ul¢u·

Q p0s.~:c.<:.s£ont.—·\\’here, during the pei1denc§r 'of an aetion,suit,or other eproceediug brou?gl1t·by or against an otiicer ct the United: - States, or of the District of Columbia, or the Canal Zone, or of l· :1 Tcrritoryor an insular-possession of the United Stntes,"or·or , a county, city, or other governmental ngency of such·Terrim;;y

or insular possession, and relating to the present or future

a discharge of his otilcinl duties} Such officer dies, resigns, or »— otherwisegceuses to hold such otilce, it shall be competent for

the conrt wherein the‘action,· suiti or proceeding is pending,

- wlgether the {court one of nflrst iuetnnce or an appellate - tribunal, to permit the cause to be continued and maintained 5 by or against the successor in office *'of such oflieer; `if within

monthsfafter his death or separation from the·o&ee it be

l satisfactorily showin to the court that there. Vis nettbetnntinl s need .for~ so continuing and maintaining the cause and obtnin- Q lng an adjudication of the questions involved. V . — °

 ” (b) By or against omcenof State, county, city, and be forthe--

. · Similar proceedings may had and to-ken where an action, sitlt, - or proceeding broug Jby or pgairist an omer of n State, or or a L county, city, or othetrlggovornmental agency of a State; is pend- . ·‘ ing ina court of the United States at the time of the omccrs - death or_ éepntrntion from thetmce. · I · i _ - ’ (gg) Notice of application for substitution of partice;§——Before

a eu·bstifut’ion under this seetion is mod . theparty or omer
  1. to be effected, unleoé expressly conoenéug thereto, must be

— given weasonoble notice ot the application Qtherefor and neé n cordedau opportunity. to present anyobjection which he may

have.- (Feb. 8, 1899,*0. 121,- 30` Stat.`822; Feb.'1K 19%, c. 229,

· § 11, 43»Sto;t..941.) _ -` . - ? -" . _ _

  • 7 81. Delinquents for public money; jndgmq¤t.¤···-When suit is

V brought by tho%United_Stnte¤s against guy revenue o&<·er or l I- other person accountable for public money,,w·ho neglects or re- -_ fuses to pay into the'.Trcoeury the euzn or bnlan< » to be due to the United Stotesh upon. the `adjuetmentyof his a account itehallfbe the duty of the‘court‘t-ogrant Jndgmentqat tho,_rett1rn` term, upon -motion, unless the `defendant, in open r ;court (tho United State; nttorne$· being preeenti; nnekee wd aP subscribes nn oath thnthe is eqiiltntbl$.cntftled to credits which r had beenQ previous to the conutnencennent ot the snit, submit-

ted to- the accounting oE¢;ere ot •'the_ Timur; and rejected

·· ispeciiyingjjn the awdnyit each pnrtlcolnr claim eo rejected, l and that he cannot then safely come to trlel. I1'_tHe'c0tQxrf l véhen hitch oath is made, subscribed, and tiled, is thereupon s sntieded, u continuance until the next eulcceedlng term may s_ be granted. J Snch continuance mar also be granted when the to sult is brought upon •·bcngm grW gtWh r ee t · w r e =»= gene l , the detendé-at plesdei non est ifactmn, or makes o motion to the l court, verifying ‘ such plea or motion by his oath; ond the F court thereupon reqdirertbe production ot the-original bond contract. or other Nber certlded in the awdnvié. And no con s` tixiinonce ehallbe greeted excepttos hereln proridedd ·(R. S. { n’95 ·) {  » ,` A l. -"782.“ Suits nnder .t laws; judgment; eontinnnneer-·-I1 ,· suits arising under the postal lnws the court slthll eproceed tc `trial, and; render judgment at the retnrn term; but whenever t servlcwof propose is ·notQ mode at least twenty `dayo before tht a return dey of such term, the defendant is entitled to one conf I: tinnnnee, it; on his statement, .tlx_o court `-deems jt expedtent a and it he makes aBdhvlt that he Inga ahclalm agiinet_'the Pos1 1 OfHoe__Bepnrtxnent, which ltne· been submitted to and disallowed a by- the General _Accotmtlug_ Omoo, ·epecifylng` such cldim · in his