Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/959

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§ 875

the office of the clerk of such 6i1‘<e11it.c=»t.t1rt oft ayypcjzls at least twenty days hcfcw the cuegc is cilllccl for &t·gm11c11t tlxcmiu, at ivmtt twczity-five pl·i;1te·d tl`HllSi‘l‘i[>t:< of the,_rt·c0r<l nf the lower ,·,?s:;*t‘,`z11:tl of Slxch part or abstract inf the proofs as the rules ..5 such <·ir<·ult court of apbcals nmyk 1`i*l]lliI;€, and in such fogm tw mc Supzcmc Clblllqswilf the Ui‘aifcd.S¥.ates shall by rule pre- ~mhc, mac nf which printed transcripts-: Shall bc,<·crtiflcd untm the lumd or the clark. oi the i(}W(’l°l(‘0HI‘t aml·u11<l&·r the wal mcxjcwf. and shall furnish three copies of such printed `;;·;g:ssz·ripii tc the adverse party at `lcast twenty days béfqre §l§¤*i§.iiI`}IH¥3}¥‘!it. Either the cizvurt/Bglow br tilQ`€il‘CililCjC0lll't cf ttpgwals may m·dc1·“ any (Yriginhl doghnwnt or clther vyidvncc t0_ lll scat up in adtlititm to the printed copies of the rccdrd or in. lid: of primed copies. of a part there-got; and iw writteni qr . ;j‘;§*\\’I'i{{(‘ii transcript of··tha moore} shall tre-~`Y·`é7j<ul1*ctl.‘ [Feb`. 1;;, 1911,.c. ii', c§_1, 36 Stat. 901.) "_ ¤. _ ~_ i _ » ’ 868. §fi¥ltGd"'f€0§Td as part of transcript on appeal to Supgcme Court.?->—-In ahy cause or proceeding wllcreirf the ·fina·l gmlgmciat cc decree is sought, to be névicwcd pn Appeal to orhy writ ofc1·,1·0;· or 0} ’ccrtl0rari·· from th_é;Suprcmc` Coigrt cf mc i'l~l1{9£i_SY§1t€S,·lll W‘iliCh`./U18 rccmjd has been printcdlixind am-ll mica the! hcarl;1g.i1iYth’c court bclogv £1lld~}‘l’i1i(‘i;1 substanilI§ii§`w·L*{)11fU1ZiH§ to the ;irintéd_ record in Simi Supreme Court,. it sht·rc~·lmvc been at the time of Hlhigi the xjccordh inythe cmlrt. %¤·lmx‘ ,Y3\'Q¥¥t}’-fil'? cnpi-csi ci said printed record, in addition to ttmsc prcx·i<l<·gl in_tl1c prcccdinxg Section, lodged with theclerk ‘ Hf the court bcltmf, cnc copy thereof shall bc inscd by thé_clcrk c of the mart bc1m—&· in the preparation and as a fpart bf the cwmcscript of tké7‘re<·m·d”0`f the court below} and nc fcc shall itc allemlctl the clétk of ”’tI1c1_,<·011rt below fu the prepm·ation+’0f· me trazlsqritgt for such`pgrt·~the»rc0f as is included ih s-aidj p;·intc;:1__rcccril_ so lodged xyitll him. And the clerk of the court

 lwluw in transmittialg the t;·a11scrifit of record to the Supreme

i {‘·»m·t of the Um¤itcd·Statcs for rcvlcw shall at the·same time mmsmlt tl1c·°x·cm:zi;alng /I1ll(°€I"{Lii'iBd `tccpics of the printed tgt? tml sc lodged with hign, which zslmll bc uzgcd in the preparamm and as a phrtxcf the pri11tc~d» record in the Supreme Court {si; the United States, and the clcrk's fcc for preparing. the rcceard for the printer: ·i·udcxiug'V the. sgxpc, supcrvising the printing and bixidixag and dlstrillutixtg the copies shall! be at >:ug·l1 mt;c.pcx·»fi>li0 therl»of,*cxcluslvcof the printed record E0 famlishcxl by tlxcclcrk of the court below, as the Supreme <.T·cu¤‘>t of the Uuitéd States may {rom` time to time by rulé, p1*t·mribc; and no written cr t,;1pcvs·ritt*e11 trémscriptmf HO much A cf the record as shall l1avc`bccu“prluted als; hércin tpruvidcdi clmllkbc rcqéixcd (Feb. 3,1911, c. 47, § 2, ,36 Stat. 901,) X4 Qt 867. Ci$8ti#I\@’i1€Il a_ `writ ct crrm·_ is issued by a. 'circuit comm ci éppcgal tc' A district»c0urtg the citation; shall be aiizrrcd by the juglgc of such district court. or by the circuit judgc cf ésuch circuit fmt of appcalzs, or py a justice of the`Suprc1fsé (mart, ami tt" advgrgc party shall have at least twenty days' nctlm. (BLS. 5 9%; Mar. 3: 1911, c.f231, $5 _117,` 289, 36 Stat.,

  • 1131,.11m.} . 1 ·· " »_ 1 * .· · .

868. Citation on wtit of error td district court by _ Supreme C0urt.——·—`Wlzc:a u wrltsct crrcri is igguctl by tl1c"Su;lrcxnc .Ccurt ta u circaalt court bf appcal§ or an district court, the citation shtzllfbc signed by $3 judge of such circ x1it§c0ux•t éfa-ppéals pr Jdlistiict court, cr by, ltg justicé of the Supreme Court, and the advcmc party shall have `ct least thirty days'- uctiwf; had whcne it is issued by Fthe #Si1prcmc Court tc A State; court, me citation shall bc signed by the Chief Justice, at judge, or chancellor of ·`s1it·h jccxut, rcudc1ii¤g_the judgmcpt 0:; batlsiug. the dccréagcchzpléincd cf, cr by a justice of the Stnpreixié Court cffthe United States, gild ,_the,aclvcrsc‘party shall havent least thirty days?. notice. `— (R. Si § 999; Mar. 3,m_»1911., cf. 231, .5,5 117;

 36 Stat. 1131, 1167.)) _ . I     J ‘

869. Bgmd in V error and on ai$pc al.—~»Evcr;· justice.} or judge slgftliug a citation on any xs*i·lfo£,crx·0r, shall, ·cxce1f»t till cas@ _ ., 88270’—·—-26-—-—-—·—6li .» ‘ », i

CODE AND Jl°L)ICIAI»?Y § 8;,5 brought up by the l’ni!;ell States: or by dire<·ti0&n of amy (`lé‘[¢:>f1l’{— ment of the Gpverrunent, tznkg gms! {md sufficient security that the Pmiutm in €i'1‘01"_,s`¤¤‘ the a·m><·1lax1t 2*6h£l?l1»¢}}foS€§t'l1Y€ his writ 0x' z1ppe·a_l to effect, —~au<l, if he fail to make his plea £€¢>Q¢}, shall zmswer all danmges 21 ml,. <,·q»st>=, where the viritm is an .5upereedéas and stays ercemtilm, pr all ce>;ts’»mlIy whereit is 'n0t°a supcrsedeas as aforesaid. (R. S §, 3000.) W y 870. Same; not required nf United SGétes.g——\\'l:<2:aex;er of writ 0f_err0r, appeal, or other process in flaw, admirzxlty, or equity, issues froui or iéfbreught up to the Supreme Court, or a <·ireu·¥t' ~ court of appeals, either by the iizited States er lpyydireezirm . of any departmerzt of the°”G0x·ern_n;ent, no bend, élxligetiee, er `S·€(flll‘lt§""Sh&][ be required from the United States, er from mfy party acting under the direction aforesaill, either_te· greeemtyey said, eqir, or tc. answer in damages or crests. In ease of mz 'adverse glecision, such costs as by` law are taxable egainet the Yvllltl-3(1` St2lt€S,.01‘ against the party acting by direction ee aforesaid, gliall be paid out out the contingent fund of the·de· ·p;nrtment quuder wfiese directions the proceedings were ix1stituteil. (R. S.‘§ _1001; Mar. 3, 1911, c. @1, §§ 118, 289, 36 Stat. 1131,1167.) W ’- — V · ‘ » 87.1. Writs ._0f error to State courts, manner Bf issue.———W:·it;s — qt_ ermr fronx the Supxgeme Court to a State court in eases; · authorized by law, shell be issued in same manger, and under the same reguls1tie11s,`and shallvhare the same eH*ect are if tile ·*juclg1ne11t 01; decree éexigplained of hédjween rendered er passed in ·a‘c0urt of- the United States. (R. S. 5 IOQS.) ’ e 872. Writs of error returnable te: Supreme Cem·t,_ery/te cir- `cuit courts of `appe?als.——-Write, of error returnable to the Se- Dl‘.€·l]1€ mutt or e circuit court of appeals; mey be issxxed aswell by the glerks of tlxevdistrlet comsfsguxxder the seal`thereef,` as _ by the ‘clerk, of `tbe Sixpreme Court _.0r- of}: eireuili mart of

  • appeals§. ‘When sp issued they shall be as nearly, ae each ease

may admit agreeable. to the form of e writ.,.Qf”errei· issued by the clerk of the §upreme C<;mrt~0i* the clerk ofzé eix·euit__e<,mr£ of appeals. (R. S.,§ 1§>0~i; Jan. 22, 1912, ‘c. _12,”37 $t&t; 54.) 873. Amendment of writ of ermr.—————~'I‘he Supreme Court: mesh at any time, in rite Qieeretigx and upon such terms as it may deem' jtfst, allow ari emendihent ofa— writ eferrert when lthere is a mistake in the teete of the writ, or g seal to the yerif is wanting, or wlxexrthe wgrit le made returnelxle mia de,r_»et.lser than the_day»0.f theeemmerxcement of the term_r1ext_ e¤su,m§ fthe issue of °the,writ,_ or when »t_he' statement of the title ee the? eéticn 61* parties tlieréteein tlierwritis defective, it the `defert `ezm be remedied by» · referemiee to theeeeemrpanying reeeré, kemii ` in all other particulars of fcgrm: Provided, The tlefeeg: hes het prejudiced, ami the amenqment; wlll net iujere, the clefendeni in errbr. (R. S.§100Q) r » . J f ‘ $74.; S¤perSede&é.·%—»I¤ ary case where A writ of errer may he .e supersedeae, the defex1dant'mayyubtaixx such exxperslerieae {ly serving the writ of error, by lodging a cepy~tl1greef fer the eel- ` Jverse party in the ¢;;lerk`§= eHice where the record remains, iritlsirz . ,_slxty` days, Sll§1d&YS,.€X€iH5lYQ, after, the~rex1dermg_ of the juglg? §_Jme¤t,c0mplrniped oi', and giving the eeeurityé reqxilred by ésxw Y gp theelésuixig of the,c:itetion. Bm: ifghedeeegres te eialy prec·e >;e

 on the juclgmenk, he may, having served his writ; of error as
 afm·, givetllen s écm·ity‘ required bylaw, within sixty days

aftger the rendition cit éueh judgmeet, er afterxvaryj with the perxnlseilm of a` justice at judge at the eppellete X ceézrt, And _ in émch eases where e writ of erijer may be a sxnpersedegs. exe·· eutioueelxall mt issue gmtii- the expimtien of ten days, (R, $1007; Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80. Gil, 18 Stafl 318.) t , , V · 875. Review in case; tried withmxt jury.-~€—When an isgue et, fact in euyirlsrll cease in a dlstriet»eci1rt is tried arid determined by the murtl {wheat, the intervention et A jury, according te eectlgn 773,ef this title, the rulings of the coxxre in the progress di the trial et the cause, it exeegxted to et; thetlrrxe, and duly preeexlted by a sbill et excemicme, may be reviewed upon ay writ