Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/977

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963 TITLE 30.-—MI·NERAL 1,1 »e x\Tl0N UNDER PLACER-MINlNG LAWS OF LANDS I “OONTAINING PHOSPHATE ROCK [ ml. Phosphate rock Iam}; validity? of bona Qde locations prim- (0 Jmhary ll, 1915; `pdteuts obtaihgbiel-——Wl1ere public mwah eenialniug deposits of phosphate rock had beeqwlocated ie ;;el»<l d_ _ faith `under the plzicer-mi11ing;laws of lh? United

m·s prior to January. 11,-1915, and uponrwhich assessment

’H{··:·k has been annually. perfprxiied, such locations shall be g’;;fi•l and may a»—- be perfected under t1* provisions et the plaeermui:;;;` laws, end patents whether issued ptlor t0,—.0;· after; ,:154 flute thereo shall give titlefto and `possession et such (;..;..h¢·. This mil iéhallnot apply-0 anyleeecielis made '&·%é}~§wjIl t 1:0 t withdrawal of sqch lands from location, nor el;-·il it a y 6 lands iIlCll}(i€d_.iI1‘8ll adverse or conflicting. {mae lucatio unless such adverse or coniiictlpg location ·_is` emzllloned. (Jm1. 1l , 1915, é. 9, 38 Stat.¢792.) I D v I 1 1*;-JMIITS T0 RROSPECTIX FOR_ CHQORIDES, SULPHATEQZ a‘.3llBONATES, BORATES,··$ILICATES, OR NITRATES or Poiussxuu ·` = . 1 _ 1 14lQ Permits to pmpeec for ehl0g·ides, sulphates, carbon- ales, bontes; silicates, or nitrates of pctagium; territory ex·· `ceptcd; area limitéd.——gThe Secretary. of the Interior is author

ized and directed, under sich rules and regulations ae he may .

prescribe, to jssue to any applicant `wbo" is 11 citizen bixhe mired States, an axociation ot such citizens, or a corporation mlgenized under the laws 0{auy State ct Territory thereof, a Mll¥'0S[)€(It§¥3§ permit whip!} shall give the lexeluéive 'right, fer. e period uotl exceeding twb years, ¢0_ prospect for chlorides, suiplmtes, bcrntes, silicates, or nitrates of pctnsslum en.p¤hlic~ lands of the United States, except lands in dug} adjacent to Scarles Lake which wéuld be desctibed it mrveyed as tewuships 24, N, 8, a¤d· 21* south of ranges 42, 43, ehd 44 east, Mount Diablo meridian,. California: J’r0·vided,` Thit me ere; hte he lucludegl ig each pefmlt- shall not exceed we · tlmusaudhve hundredhndeslxty acres of ]81!d ;i·D reascmably compact tcm;. (Oct. 2, 1917, c. Q, { 1, 40 Stat. 297;) - 142 Same; ‘€• perniiteu; l of petash Qepcsits; reservation.--Upon showing to the mtisfnctlen of the eeeel tary `et’the~ Slstexjier thatjhluhble deposits ol! one er mere et the eubstiiheee emxmemteil in section 141 04 thistitle have been gieiscevered by the permittee within the nrei covered pcr— _· halt, the pemlittee shall be entitled to n patent for ·notf;t¤ exceed mle-fourth at the land embraced in the `prospecting permit, to be wkeu in c0mm¢:t_£0rm enc}-qwcribed by legal eubdivisioixs of the publlcdand smrveyi,·0r`i£ the lahd be not surveyed, `theu ipe tmcta shhll not §w0.m1les`in length, —by sixrtéy exemted at the com di-the permittec, hx accordance with rules and regulgticps eypgeseribed by the- Secretary at the Interior. All other lends described uml embrgced. in each a . prospecting hermit Item nucl atm lexerciqe ct the right Qté pgteut accorded ee the cllaeeyerer, and not covered by ;}Eé8é8,' my be léised by {M Secretary of tbelnterlcr, through advertisement, ` competitive bulging, eg ’0{hGfe.m.¢th0d8· as he may by general regulations admit, em; in jsgxch areas as he shall Hx; hot e exceeding two theaimnd Ave hundred and sixty aere.s,·aIl lease; whe ecmditloum hmm the paywt by the lessee et such toyalty _ es may be in the lehse and which shall be Exec! by the Seqgetnry of &e Iatpericf in advaneq at £>Eerl¤g the same, end which shall not be lm than 2 per ce¤t¤m"gm the. gross value` et the eutput at tm point et shipment, which royalty, on de·· . maud ez the Secretary et the Inter! nxlslgall be p1id `in the l xixféduct ot 8\l€h—_1@§€, and paymeé in advémze of -11 rental, which shall be mt less than w cents per `acrefexv the first rem: thereafter; not less thai 56 per acre ter the ascend, third} fcuyth; dud Sith yea51·§,_·reQpec§ively;. ami ankles: than $1 per ‘ acm io: each and ever! year thermtter during tm eonti¤in@_ et tho legee, except that mh? lex any im: mall.};

LANDS AND MINING § 146 credited against the royalties aa they accrue for that year. Leases shall be for indeterminate periods, upon condition that at theend of each twenty-year period succeeding the date ot _ any lease such readjuatmenfot termsand conditions may be made as the Secretary of the Interior may determine, unless otherwiseprovided bylaw at the time of the expiration oi such periods, and ja patentee under this section may also be a lemee. _The potash deposits ln the public lands in and adjacent to Searles Lake in what would be it surveyed tosvnahlps 24, 25, 26, and 2-7 ° south of ranges 42, 43, and 44 coat, Mount Diablo meridian, California, nm? be operated by_ the llnited States or may be ”leased_by the eSoci·etnry of the Interior under the terms and provisions of sections? 141 to 152 of this title. The Score- A tary ot the Interior ma; issue leasea under the provisions of such sections for deposits of potaah in public lands in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, also containing ilepositeof coal, on . condition./that the cool bé reserved to the United States. (Oct. 2, 1917, c, 62, $2; 40 Stat. 298.). ,_ , - " ~ ‘ 143. Same; leases to permittees forycamp sites.--In addition to areas of such mineral lanq to be included in prmpectlng per· e mits or leases, the Secretary of the Interior,,tn`his gliacretion, may issue to a permlttee .or·lmsw‘under sections 141 to 152 oi this title the exclusive right to use, during the life ot the _permit or" 1easé,; a tract- of unocchPi6@ mnmineral public land not exceeding forty acres in area for mmp Qtes, works, and other purposes connected with and ,¤e¢mry to the proper tdevelopment and we ot the deposits covered by the permit or lease, (Oct. 2, 1911, c. Q § 3, 40 Stat. _ - - · `· 144. Same; cancellation of Secretary of the Interior shall reserve the huthority anelmafl insert in any pre- _ltml.nary__perml_f issued under section 141 of this title priate `zprovlmona for ._lts cancellation by him upon {allure by the permlttee or licensee to erereiaé clue diligence in the prone cntion ot the prospecting work in accordance the terms gona conditions atatedxin the permit. (Oct. 2,1917,- c. @, S 4,; ` ·i08tat.%9Q)_ ..t Q ·. . · 145. sane; restrictions on leasehold vintereatea-———No person shall take or hold any interest or `interests as a member of an . association or associatlomx or as, a stockholder ot a_ corporauon or corporations hvldihz a` 'leam umer the provisions 'hereoi ~ which, together with fthe area` embraced in any direct of a lease under aectionp 141"` to *152 of this tltlegor which, together with any other interest or intemeta no a of. an association or a®oiationa or as a atoekholder of a corporation or- corporations nholdlng a lease manor the prorisions hereof, [ or otherwwe, exceeds in the ,a:gr®te in any area, nity miles square an amount equivalent to tm nmximuna namber of Pacrese allowed s to any one lessee under said, aeetiono. No jmeraon, aéocfationg or corporation holding a lease thereunder shall holdmore than a tenth lntereet, éllrmt or lmirect, in any other agency, corporate or othervviae, e@ged in the , sale or resale og the- products obtained- from each lease-; any violation ot thehprovimons of this ahall he ground, for the forfeiture ot the lease or interest ao held ;-_ and, the llntereoté hel}! in ylolation ot this provision shall be forfeited to the United States by appropriate proceeding inatltuted by the tAttorney— General for that purpose in the patted Stakes district court for the district in which the property or sonne part thereof is located, ercept that any such ownership or lntereat hereby forbidden which may he acquired by element, _ will, judgment, or decree may be held for two reara ami not longer after lla acqmsxuoar v (Got. 2,*1917, c. 62, 5 5, 40 Stat. _

 - r I . , _. - · J

145. S•me; reaervetiona in leases: protection of the United? Statea.——-Any permit, lease, occupation, or ue, permitted under A aect.lom;=141‘to 152 of title shall reserve to the sw·e¢ary’_ of tlgelnterior the right to permit for joint or several uae auch! ea ¤t» or rights — ot wai upon, th.rongh,`— or in the lands