Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/983

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969-· T JITLE- 89.-—·—1{INERAL° Gr gag to an ag@¤te depth efnet me than two thonsaaa feet __ unless valuable depeeite ot .eil or gas shall sooner dls~_ €_,,·,·sml. The Secretary nf the Interior may.: tt he shall and mat the wrmittee has been mable with the exercise oi dill- A ‘ ;fQ1}Cé ext here ani such permit —fer'¤v»eh time, net exceeding two years, and upon snchj conditions as he shall prwcrlbe. [ Whether the lands sought at any_sueh;applicati_on and permit are surveyed or msnrveyed the applicant shall, prior to hung his application for p.s·;~m1:, locate such lands in at reasonably compact form and?. awarding. to the legal subdivisions ot the public · land surveys gr me land be snrreyed; and In an `appronimately square or » ‘re<·tangadar tract if the land be an nnsurveyed tract, the length at which shall not e =~=»· two; times its width, anaijf he shall cause tube erected upon. t l land for wnieh a e qsermit to sought a monument not less"`than four feethigh, at- 2 some ¢0H$Pi€\l0\18_`#§C8 th€1l&0H,_&Bd.§b81I pox ia notice inswrit-‘ ing.; on or near said monument. stating- that an application for

`sd»r·n1it’ will be made within thirty days. afteri date of giosting

said notice, the game of the. qppllmnt, the date of the notice, and such a~ general description of tbelaml to be covered ‘by_ s¤neh”pe1* retexgence to eonrws and distances from sues nmnument and such other natural objects andpermanent monuments as willreasenably identify the land, stating the ,amount thereof in acronym shall, daring the period of tlxlrtj days following `snch marking . and posting, be entitled to h` preférenéet right over others toe a giermit for-the land so identified. . The appliciznt shall, within ninety days after receiving. ·a permit, mark each of the corners of the tract described in the permit neon the ground `witlr substantial ,*Eonuments,· so- that the lmnzidaries can beréadily traced on ground, and shall .i1ost· _ in axconspicnous élace upon_the` lands) notice that such per—~

 mit has been   and `a description ot the lands ,coveredthereby. ‘~In   Territory 0t_-Alaska prospecting permits not"

more man iivomin. number maybe grantedzto any guauaéa ap¥_ plicant for periods not exceedillz fom: years, i actual drilling operations shall begin within two years from date of permit, _ and oilsnd gas wells shall be drilled to a depth ot not less than fave hundred `feeh unless valuable deposits of oil or gas shall { no sooner discovered, wuma three. years from date ofzthe permit and·‘to_ an aggregate_dei>th»ot not less‘·tha‘i1 two thousand feet, unless valuable deposits et oil or gas shall be sooner dis-‘ covered, within ioair yearsafrom date of In said Terrii 1,ory the applicant shall hare `a preference right‘ over others to a permit. for landjidentined by témporary'~monnments·and_ notice posted on ot; the for six months following such manking and neatly, and lgpon receiving. é permit he shall, mark thelzorners of the tract described in the permit umn the ground with substantial monuments within one year after receiving such permit. Y(Feb.‘ 25, 1920, c. 185, § 13, .41 Stat.441.). `r; . W " 222. Same; extension of time for beginning "drilling, and so forth.-4The Secretary of the Interior may, it he shall linda that any oil or gas permittee has been unable; with] the exercise ef diligence, to begin dgilljng operations or to drill wells of the depthsand within the time prmcribed by sectione221 of this title, extend the time for beginning snch `d1·Llllng·0r".éom;$let¥, ing it, to the amount swliiede in mich section Iorsuch time,. not excmding three Years, mid upon subh eondltions as°'he·· Shall prmcrlbé. (Jan. 11, 19% `c.;28, 42 Stat. 35£.)` ,, ”·· 223.  ; amount amsnrvley of land;. term of jesse.; toy- , sltiea and rent•1.——>Up0n establishing to the satisfaction .€J*th€ Secretary ot the Interior that- valuable` deposits of oil or ms have been discovered within the limits of the_~1nnd·em—. braced in anypermit, the permittee.sha.l1be entitled to a lease for one-fourth; ot the land embraced in the prospecting permit. The petmittee shall be lgranted a lease for as much as one hundred and sixty acres, ot said unmet:. there that number ot acres within the permit. The area' toigbe selected by the

LANDS AND MINING 226 nermittee, shall be isn compact form and, if surveyed, to be described by the legal subdivisions,. of the publieland surveys; lf unsnrveyed, to belsurveyed I by the Government at the? expenu ot the applicant for lease in, accordance saith rules yand regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary oi the Interior and fthe lands leased shall be conformed to and taken in accordance with the legal csnbdivisions of such surveys; sa; its Z made to cover expense oat mrveys shall be deemed (appropriated for that purpose, and any excess demits maybe remit! to the personrortpersons ,making _ such deposit or their l l representatives. Such leases shall he for a terms of twenty years. upon ta royalty of 5 per `centum in amount. or yalne of the production. and the annual pay E nt in advance of a rental '1 of $1-, per acre, the rental paid for any one year to M credited against the royalties as thefaccrue for that year, twith the ‘~-right of .renewal~ as prescribed in section 2% ei this title. The permittee shall also be entitled to a preference right tea lease for the remainder of the land in his prwpecting permit at a royalty ofnotless`; than ·12%~per centum- in amount or value of Ethe`. production, and under such othereonditions as are nxed for ,oi1 or’gas.1eases in sections 181 to 194, 2QI to 208, 21~1_to 214, 221, 223 229, -241,. 51,-and 261 to of-this title, the royalty to be determined ,by eomgetitive bidding or nxed by such. other method as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. The Secretary shallhave`. the right to reject any or all bids. ~ (Feb. 25, 1920,c. 85, $*14, 41 Stat. .442.)* ‘· · t ” Il ’ 224. Payments for, oil or eas taken prior to spplicaéoa for lease.4-Until the perxnittee shall apply for lease to the one quarter of the permit areaheretotore provided for he shall WY W the United States 20,per centurfl oft the gross value of all oil or

 jas secured by him Iroxn thewlands emnrscea within his permit

and sold·or otherwise diswsed of or held by him for sale or other disposition, (Feb. 25, 1920, c.` 85, 5 15, 41 Stat. 442.)

 225.   of permit or lease; forfeiture for violations

of.-;-Q1 perrnits and leases-of lands; containing oil made or issued. under the provisions oi. this subchspte ,’ shall he subject to the condition that no wells shall be drilled within. two hundred feet ot 'any of the outer boundariesof lands so permitted or leased, unless the adjoining lands have been patented or the title thereto otherwise vested in private oyrners, and to_ the further condition that the permittee For will, l in conducting. his·’explorations and mining operations; use slr

 reasonable preeauttions~ato,preyent waste oijoil orgas Elerelep& _

tin the.laiid, or the entrance of water through wells drilled by him ,to ythe oil sands or oil-bearing strata; to the. destruction or t y injury of the oil. deposits. Yiolations of the provisions of this section shall constitute grounds for the forfeiture of nermit _ or lease. to m through appropriate proceedings in _ y courts of competent jurlsdlctione (Feb. 25, 1920, c. 85, § 16, "

41j‘Stat.`443.)·   _   · a _ ‘ » R C e _

y 226. of unappropriafed deposits ofcoil oréas in me- } Mein; or gasgéeld; royalties and re¤tals.———.»t ll an- appropriated clepostts of oll or lgas situated wjthin the known xgeologic struéturemf alproducing to[‘ oil ori gas held and e ;m· _ entered landscontalning the same, not subject to ntial - lease} may be y leased by the Secretary, of the Inte r to., the highest responsible bidder by eompetitiye_.bidd.lng underfgeneral regulations to qualified ·`appllcants` inareas exceeding {six hundred and forty acr@ and in tracts which ishall noteiceed in length two and one-half tixnes their width, such leases to be _ conditioned upon the paymentby the lessee of such bonus as ·;nay be accepted and of such royalty was may be.Hxed.i.n- the , lessen which shall not be lex than 12% per centum ln. amount or value of the productionjand the payment in advance of a 5-* rental of not less `than*$1_ acre per annuxnthereafter during W _ the continuance of the lease, the rental paid for any one yeae ‘"_ to be credited against {the royalties as they accruelor. that year. Leases shall be .for a period or twenty years, with the -` preferential. right in the lesseeto renew the same for successive