Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/995

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H?]. TITLE 31.-···—-MORE trial in any court of the United States, amlall ;>ther—acc0m1ts 2 . Wlzztizzg to the business of the Departtuent of Justice or of the {warts of the United States other than consular comfts, shall

  • 1;;; svtst with tbblr vouchers im the Attorney ‘Gem2ral gud

{*X2ii31iI}{‘ds!1I1dQE his suivervisicn. (July; 31, 1894, c.·174, 5 13,“

gQ”St&t. 210; Jima 10, 1921, ci 18, §' 304, 42 Stzlt. 24.) _

l· S3. Transmission. of abcmmts of expenditures iii Ttérritorics m Secretary of Interi0r.———The accbuuts and vouchers relating tb (ill? expenditure of the appmpriations for government in gl.?) '1?eez·riw:·iés shall bc` transmitted -.t0 the Secretary of the , lzm=z·it;x* fgr administrativé exmxaiazzttiou and by him passedtel who Gvnéral,A<‘·cmu1ting·OiTibe.__ (Mar; 4, 1915, ·c; 141, § 1,_

~. S
Jtmv 10. 1921, .c.· 18, § 304, 42_Stz1t. 24.) - A

W ,85. Accounts$~presentad without adixiipistrative examina- > t§t¤tt.—<»—I:1 the caée of clgim.; prescntetl to the General Accounting milw wb,ie:h have {wt kbd sm administrative examination,

 {_`ui;ils{I'¤i>Ht*1'·G{’i'»}(*I`8] shall causé them, t6_ be ckaminetl by _.

mt. tit his sxzburtlimntvs independently of éacla other. `(July

1. (ISM, 0.,17-1, § 14, 28 Stat. 210; Juné, 10, ·.1·921,`c. IS, §2304,

-:2 sm:. 24.) M 2 - _ 1 ri, ‘ ‘_ , S?. Papers transmitted with 3g3:dqnts~qf,¢uSti>;1H`0HiEers.—_ It shallbc the dutybf the c<5llégit,£>r§j,-,@(;>cuSt0;ns &lld`-0_th€I‘. _..:12§·:·¤ of `custguus to tgansmit. W“i@/their" 3.CQ0l1I1fS, to-the . (iHi(*(*}°S elzarged with the°séttlcm¢n_t _0f their 21(3(}0U!l{'$,. all

~=m_~b_;»:1purs, 1¤§·e:»rds, <»r‘"cbples thereof relating to their t1°21ll$2iC:

tiggplas as 0ilicét§,0f.cust0=ms asthe Sccretarybf the Treasury 2 aww <lir·cct;.__·"('July J3], 1891, cj. 174, § 20; 28 Stz1t. -2,l0.) ` 88. Reexamination of cliséllpwgd claims;-g¥Nbthing_ in thib t·m;»tt·:· shall bg éonstrued to authorize the reexanniimtion and {s:€1}’m#f1l£ of any CI8ilI1e0!';{l(°'C0lillt' which had been disall_owed_ at- settled prior tb July'31, *1894. ,·(July 31; 1894, c] 174, §_23, · 28, Sm:. 211.) »¤ if- - _ N n _ _ x _ 4. QB. Property returns by`o.$ccrs.——Instead of `fQ`l"V\'Hl‘dll1g to ttm Gsmeml Acc0tmtiug~,O$0é retuirls of page property in- ,~ trusted to the piissessicn 'of oiilcers br agen , the Quarter-.-

m.stt—·:· General, the Surgeon General, the Chief of Engineers,

tbte Chief of Ordnanée, {hq Chief Signal Omccr, the Paymaster I (;t»m·ral at the- Navy, the Cbmmissicmtzof Indian Affairs, 01: · mlwr l_ike·chigf smears ih may department, by, through, or under .1 xvbeml stewes, supplies. and other publii? property hre received mr disiribtztimn, ar whosepduty it is to mceive of examine

·t·tm·m; at such yzgjttrpcrtyfshzillwrertify to tlixé General Account- :

ing Q»§it~e, {br debiting on the proper ,ét:cmint,' any charge 1 zagaimt any 0$cer or agent iQItI‘l1StQde`Wi[h public property, I arising from any lqss,~ac<;:r11ix1g by his mult, to thé Gnvernngent 1 ais to tltypraperty $0 im;rusted to him. :(Mar. 29, 1894, c. 49, 1 § 1, 28 Stat. 47; Aug. 24, 1912, c. 391, § 3, 37 Stat. 591; June 10; 1 ‘ 1921, c. 18, § 304, 42 Stat. 2-1.) 1 ’ e 99. Same; »¢:erti§cate” gz to lost pmpcrty.—··——S:1id cértimute 1 shall set forth the condition of such 0H1e:en·’¤ ur agtmfs property z rctumxs. that it lxiclxulcs a1l.¢:lmx·ges.u1u¢lc up to its date and not ‘ 2 , previtmsly éertmctl, that he has had an reasonable opportunity tv be beard and has not been relieved of respomsibility; the I c!l`e<:t'cf such certiécate, xvlwu re4·ei·ve·tl, shall be the same as if e tho fatts therein set forth had been ascertained by the tlemzral t A<2t·bu1ztiz1g· ()§ce in aqccuutixzg. (Mar. 1894, cr. 49, 5 2, 28 c Stat. 47; June 19, 1921, ie. 18, 5 30-1, 42 Stat. 24.) 5 ‘ i 91. Same; mums: of makis1g.·¥»—TL1e xmzxmer of making prop- i crty returns to or in amy udmiuistralltive bureau or dépmrtment, x or of ssc·ert.aiui¤g liability for prcwsty, mxdmj existlixg laws i and regtalaticés, bball nm: be a§t~ctod by stactiqus,89 to 92 at t this title, except as prm·id<®d in section S9 af this title; but in tl all qasex mrilsing as tc such pmpcrty so ixxtruéstml the c3°l¢:m· or 0 agbut shall have an apportxmlty to relgfgw himself from lla- tm bility. (Mar. E, 1$94, c. A9, § 3, 28 Stat., 47.) . { ~ la 92. Same; reglulatih»ns.·~+Tl1e ]lE‘l'ld:4.`0f the, several ¤li$ii:1rt'· c ments are hereby cmpbwt-:red to make and enforce xiegulatimxs 0

”‘Y AND .F1NA2§TCE /p_. § QQ to éarry out the provisions of sections w to 92 of this title. (Mar. 29, 1894, c. 49, § 4, 28 Stat. 47.) . . 93. General Accouutingl 0§ce superintendink recovery of debtor--—The General Accountixig Odlee shall superinteod the recovery of all debts finally certified by it to be due to the United States. (July 31, 1894, c. 174, § 4, 28 Stat. 206{Juae 10, 1921, o. 18, §.304, 42 Stat. 24.) 94. Settlement ofuadvamzebouuties.-yeazgy moneys paid Iliy a poymaster in the Army to an enlisted mea as an advance bounty shall be allowed in the settlement of the accounts of the payniaster, notwithstanding the discharge of such enlisted man beforewserviug the time requiredby law to entitle him to Polamentof such moneys. (R. § 280.) · _ » . oss. Settlexuent of. accounts bf Army odieers.-The General Acoounting Ofllce shall audit and settle the accounts of time officers of the Ar_xi1y,_ to the extent of the pay due them for their H services as such, notwithstanding the inability of any such line ofliéer to account for property intrested to his possession, orto lIlZlkCt]llS ·mo1itl1ly reports or returns, if such ofllee shall be mtisiled by_ theaffidavit of the officer, or otherwise that the inability wos 'caused by\ the .oiHcer‘s having been a prisoner in the hands of·the_e11emy, ·or·by any accident or casualty of war. (·R. S. § 278; June 10, 1921, c. 18, § 394, 42 Stat. 24.) ° 96. Settlement of overpayments.———'I'he proper aoeooixtiag oilil cars are authoriipdg in the settlement of the aceormts of tlie paymasters of e Army, to allow such credits for overpay-` meats mode i_ good' faith .. on publielaecouat, , slace the 14th day of Aprjl, 1861, and before the 16th day of Mareh,_.1868, as shall ap] _ ‘r to tlyero, by such vouchers and testimony as~ they., shall require, to be just. (R. S. § 291.),% n 97. Claims for arrears of pay and bounty already paid.-- Nothing in section 72 of this title shall belcoastraed to prevent the General Accounting Omoo from dlsallowiag claims for arrears of payarid bounty in easmrrhere lt appears {rata the records and Hlea of his oflioe that payment ia full has already been made to the soldier. himself, or to his `widovr or legal heirs. ,_ The action oiisuch odiee shall be deemed aaai and coacluslve and be `"éubject to rerisiort only by Congress or the proper courts: (July 16, 1892, c. 196, Stat. 194; June 10, 1921,,c. 18, § 394, 42 Stat. 24.) Q -98. Same.——·—·The General Accouotiié/<l*tllce in certifying bal- I ences due for arrears of pay of tvro and three year volunteers, for bounty to volunteers and their widows and legal heirs, for bounty under the Aet of July %, 1869 (14 Stat. 322), and for amounts for commutation of rations to prisoners of war ia rebel States, and to soldiers on furlough, follow the decisions or the Unitm States Supreme Court or of the Court of Claims af the United Stateagxfter the tlme for appeal has expired, it sm appeal be taken, without regard to former settlements or xdjudicatlous by their predecessors. (Mar. 4, 1997, c. 2918, § 1, 3-t Stat, 1356; June 19, 1921, e. 18, § 304, 42 Stat. 24.) 99. A&davits and declarations in beauty eases or claims for back pay; eertmeatioax of odicial character and signature of zmcer tikiR§.—·—AI1Y and all aifldavlts and deotaratious other · 2han those provided for lu sectiog 42 of Title 38 hereafter made ar used in` bounty eases, or in claims against the Government For back; pays may be taken by aay`o@eer authorized to adminster oaths for general Opurposes in the State, eit5·,V,,or'co11rxty vhere said o§eer_resides. Ifrsuolx otlloer has a seal are uses t upon auch paper, no eertiedoate of., a county clerk, orqproxlnoootary, or clerk of o court shall be ixeeessary, But when leelaratlorxs, a&da.vlts, and other papers are rexjitled by justices rt the peace and other oflieersdrxly authorized by law to ad- ¤, sister oaths for general peraous,‘but not required by law to nge seals, the o9leial_éls1araoter, signature. and term of 'serriee »t_sucl1, justice or other omoer shall he certihed by the clerk »f the countyor court of record or other proper o_Hiq;jer, under