Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1046

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1006 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sues. II. Cu. 39. 1927. ,,,§°,’,,,,’°,‘,,,,,,‘*°"'°,,_,’°" ing out ;0fY astiand future purchases and destruction, in cooperaf ` tiomwithithe States, of anima1s_~ad'ectedlliy·.or—.e¤xpoaed »to or of materials contaminated. by or expoeatlwtoymy such diaeaéegswherever found and irrespective of ownership, under like or su tantially similar circumstances, when auch owner has complied with all law- gvam. of fuliquarantine regulations: Provided, That the payment for animals

, . hereafterl purchased mayfbamadezon appraisement based on the

meat dairy,»·cg·¥breed' value, but in case ofap raisement based on ‘ ~ i biesmhng valné no aplpgraisement ofany shall exceed three times its meat or dairy value and excegecin cass of an extraordinary _ emergency, to be determined by the retax? of Agriculture, the ` payment by the United*States Government or any animals shall

_w“‘°' not exceed one·half of any such apgraisements: Provided further,

‘ A , . { of $*10000 of the un Eended balance of the appro- vo, ¤ P m priatioirof $8£i000, contained in `t e Second- Deiiciegigly Appro- ` ’ ` ` priation Act, Q fyear 1924,·aplproved December 5, 1 , for the eradication of the cot-and-mon disease and other contagious or ,,,,""§‘§,’,,_‘?"f”,,{_’°"°*""‘ isrcaieuswim of a1iimals,’—is hereby made available during the

 liscal*’yearj°1928` to ensure the Secretary of Agriculture to control

and eradicatethe European fowl pest and similar diseases in poultry. T“’”1°"°°’°°‘ 1nnnacn:·nA·ms ron xoron vnmcnns m§$$.Y‘§{;,,_“’ b' Whenever, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, the Secre- . A tary of Agriculture shall find that the imfipenses of travel, including , V travel at omcialstations, can be reduc thereby, he may, in lieu

_ of actual loperatintg expenses, under such regulations as he may pre-

L ` _a`. ._ authorize ‘e payment of not to exceed 3 cents For mile for ,, ‘ motor cycle or 7 *ceuts· per mile for an automobile, used or necessary 2 · travel on ollicial business; www *¤•¤¤- oonnméirox or anno-cram mans °¤m<>“¤¤ ·*P°¤*°•· To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to collect moneys due the _ United} Statm on account of loans made to farmersunder the seed- ,,,V,‘§{·,‘§·;,“‘,li‘,{Y’,3`fr‘§lj loan, provisions of the Act of March 3, 1921, the Seed Grain ¤°· an Act o March 20, 1922 and the Seed and Feed Loan Act of D April 2`(S, -1924, ‘$10,fX)0, of which amount not to exceed $7,190 may ,,f§’f"’°°‘ ”‘ °‘° °' be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. » srncxn. rrmus !‘•¤•¤*m¤=•••vM*~i 9 1 ronner norms AND runs b,§&*¤ md '·**“* ‘¤ · For out the provisions of section 23 of the Federal High- way·Actapproved November 9, 1921, includiughnot to exceed $47 ,000 W}- g- P¤é£*°· 660- ier degiortmental personal services in the 'strict of Columbia, v°‘ "‘ ’ $6,500, , whichxsum is composed of $4,825,000, art of the sum of $7,500,000 authorized to be appropriated for the Escal year 1927 by fthe—»Act approved February 12, 1925, and $1,675,000, part of the A¤¢¢.p. sw. amount aut orized to be approlpriated for the fiscal year 1928 b the mm. Act approved June 22, 1926: rovided, That the Secretary of Agri- Sémaxnmnt •¤ cu1tureishall,‘up0n» thesapiroval of this Act, apportion and prorate ° _among‘the·several States, _ laska, and Porto Rico, as provided in sec- tion 23 of said Federal Highway Act, the sunrof $7,500,000 author- ized to be app;;•§riated»for=the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, by d,_$§,§§"}“ "‘°’{,§},{ the Act appro _A June 22, 1926: Promkled further, That the Secre- ¤w¢¤•¤ ¤*>$:•i¤~ tar-yof ·Agriculture—may incur obligations, approve progects, or cuter into contracts underhis apportionment and prorating 0 this authori- ·zation,‘and¥his action in so doing shall be deemeda contractual obli-